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Latest revision as of 11:28, 27 April 2020

Dinner and Drinks
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Warren and Lorna discuss Stark's politics over dinner.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Lorna Dane

Warren Worthington has posed:
It is a pleasant mid-April evening in the city, and what better place to come spend an evening dining than at the Strait Lace Steakhouse at the Hellfire Club? Having placed a call in to Lorna earlier in the day to come and meet him at the restaurant, he's already arrived and been shown to a table, with only a glass of water in front of him for the time being. He is dressed in a fine evening suit, black, with a white dress shirt and a black tie.

While he awaits Lorna's arrival, he casually scrolls through his phone while occassionally hammering out a quick text message or e-mail now and again. One server approaches him and offers a wine menu, which he gratefully accepts before placing down on the table to return to the stuff on his phone.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath as she made her way to the club's steakhouse. She had changed from her costume and what she wore in Genosha, cleaned up, and headed over. She needed the time to relax, and with a good friend? Well, that was even better. She wore a simple black dress and a jewelry set of simple metal accessories, all likely to be used if something untoward should happen. Her shoes clicked as she walked and the green haired woman was shown to the table Warren sat at. She smiled as she slid into her seat, "Hey Warren, sorry for the wait." She grimaced faintly.

"I've been dealing with one situation or the next." She flapped a hand as she spoke, and picked up the menu. "I have no idea what to get. What do you think? The flank steak or the filet mignon?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren glances up as Lorna approaches, smiling as he takes in her a moment. "Lorna, how are you?" He rises to his feet and only retakes his seat when she is seated. "And it's fine, I waited to order wine until you got here." He taps the menu with one hand as he slips his phone into a coat pocket with the other. "What do you think about a 1990 Latour? I've heard it has pretty great reviews online. It's a red bordeaux with fruity and woody undertones, sounds divine." He smiles and leans in just slightly.

"Did you happen to chat with Stark at that expo? I was hoping to get a chance to do so, but I was preoccupied with other matters." He also picks up the menu and nods, "Both are good, but I think I might go for the filet myself."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna flashed Warren a smile as he spoke of ordering wine, "I've only ever ordered white wines here, so I'll go with it if you think it'll be good." She glanced back at the menu, reading over the described wine and shrugged once. "Red wine is good for steak anyways." She mused and as he asked about the Stark Expo, she winced and leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah I did, I went with Pietro. And.." She made an exaggerated grimace. "Let's put it this way, Tony Stark made Lex Luthor look like the nicest man to run for the office of President of the United States." She shook her head and turned her green eyed gaze back to her menu. "Pietro and I left pretty quickly after that, we went out for good drinks too."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I promise not to disappoint you, Lorna. As much as I can not disappoint anyone that is." Warren winks and makes a note of the wine choice while looking over the steak and nodding. "I'm disappointed to hear that about Stark if I'm being honest. Scott seems to have a strong opinion of the man, and I trust Scott's feelings on people. Maybe it was just a bad night to ask the question? Even so, being a presidential candidate means you should be willing to answer hard questions no matter when they're asked."

He's about to say more but then one of the waiters arrive. He puts in the order for the wine and then the waiter leaves to go and get it. Turning back to Lorna he smiles, "How is Pietro holding up these days?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna set the menu down as Warren continued to speak, particularly as he spoke of Stark. She scowled, and she set her manicured fingernails tapping against the protective case that covered the menu. "I didn't even get to ask him about his stance on mutants or Genosha, I didn't even get to say one word to him. I was just on my way over, and you know, getting through the crowd around him.. and he turns, looks at me and says: 'Who are you and why is your hair green?'" She made a face, rolling her eyes upward.

"As if he'd never heard of hair dye for starters. And secondly... if that's his reaction toward seeing a mutant with an obvious mutation then that's seriously foul." She shook her head, exhaling a breath through her nose. "As if my face hasn't been plastered all over with the press about Genosha. As if--" She seemed to be getting even more annoyed as she spoke. "As if Genosha and what happened there was nothing more than an afterthought to him! How can this man run for President and enforce policy for mutants living here in the United States when he can't even be bothered to know who the ONE mutant leader in the world is?! It's disgusting!" She had worked herself into a rant, and her hands were clenching and unclenching.

"Him and his stupid power and fancy tech! He's so wrapped up in himself that he can't be bothered to care about those he deems 'less' because of our genetic differences? Is that it? How dare he! How would he react to literally any other mutant with an obvious mutation? Huh?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren leans back slightly as he listens to Lorna speak, his expression going from curious to sour rather quickly. "Did he really ask you about your hair? What the fu---" He trails off, as if remembering that they are a fine dining establishment. He coughs, clearing his throat. "Ahem, I mean, what in tarnation is he thinking? And I use this word because a question like that makes me think that he's a boomer asking boomer questions." He makes a disgusted sound in the back of his throat and shakes his head.

"Lorna." His voice grows softer as he watches her get worked up about this, which was fair because he wants to get worked up about this too. "I think that he's making things clear. For us, for mutants. If we want a better world for mutants, than it is going to be through Lex Luthor. Maybe I'll still try to reach out to the arrogant prick, but there are many mutants who can vote and if they and their families start backing Luthor, then maybe Stark will align himself with the Pro Humana bigots. I doubt the Avengers will be happy to associate themselves with such a person, yes?"

It's then that the waiter comes back with the wine, pouring them each a glass, Lorna first. Once both glasses have been poured he inquires about their order. "Were you going with the filet as well, Lorna?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna flashed Warren a look as he watched his language and corrected himself, she tried to hold onto her anger.. but her amusement at Warren saying 'tarnation' bubbled over and she broke into a snicker. She shook her head sighing softly as he continued to speak. She took the time to catch her breath, and her hands curled together as she struggled keep her cool. "I told him so, you know. I told him. Ah, well, I see where you stand with Genosha and with mutants, thank you." She shook her head.

"And he tried to correct himself.." She rolled her eyes, looking disgusted.

The wine came out and she nodded as Warren spoke of the filet. "Yeah, that sounds good." Her voice soft as she reached for the wine and sipped at it. It was decidedly strong.

"Who knows, but he's lost the mutant vote as far as I'm concerned.. if I have any say in it."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Filets for both of us." Warren tells the waiter who does the waiterly 'very good sir' thing and walks off. He picks up his glass of wine and smiles over at Lorna. "Tried to correct himself and failed miserably I take it. Did any of his people actually try and reach out to you afterwards? Even a phone call or something?" He takes a sip of his wine before putting the glass back down.

"Alright, well, Stark's a conceited asshole. The conceited part I can kind of understand, but I don't see the need to be a douche about this at all. He should have recognized you immediately as being the Queen of Genosha, -especially- if he was someone running for President. Jesus, you'd think foreign policy would be something he'd want to be familiar with."

He licks his bottom lip and nods to himself. "Were there any reporters there? Leaking a story to get the press on him might not endear him to the mutant cause, but maybe he might take this damn race seriously."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sipped at her wine, continuously, it was something to do with her hands and it was better than clenching or twisting her hands together in muted rage. "No, his people haven't reached out to me. Nothing. He said he'd been to Genosha," She rolled her eyes. "If he has I haven't seen him. And he said he wanted to ask me what my people needed..." She shook her head. "We left right after that." She grimaced and exhaled a careful breath as she set the wine glass down. As Warren spoke of all the reasons why Stark should have recognized her, she shrugged her hands rising and falling as she moved.

"You would think. People in the international community have known who I was since I first arrived on Genosha and my father acknowledged me. There were //Magneto Protocols// that the UN had if he ever went off the handle. You damn well know there are files and folders on me out there." She huffed a breath, grimacing.

"And yes, there were reporters there! It was the Stark Expo! They were everywhere. The whole thing was televised. I mean, I was in the VIP section, but it was packed, Warren."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"When he says that, I wonder if it means that he flew over Genosha at some point after the disaster and he looked at it for all of two minutes before continuing on with his day, or that someone who works for him took some pictures there and voila, now he knows alllll about it." Warren makes a face and takes another sip. "Yes, well, Genosha might not be the United States or any European country, but it is still a sovereign nation and as such anyone who is trying to run for high political office in this country should know who the leaders of that nation are. If Stark was running to be a congressman? I wouldn't give a damn. But he's running for -President-. He should know better and he should act better."

He nods slowly, "Do you think any of them got the exchange on tape or overheard it? I feel like this needs to be exposed, but I also don't think you should be the one to expose it directly, if you know what I mean. It might come back negatively on you and Genosha and I wouldn't want that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once and exhaled a breath. "I dunno, no one has told me. So maybe it was a fly over, maybe it was something else. Who knows?" She shook her head as she reached out for the wine and took another gulp. She set it down pointedly, reaching up to rub her temples. But she nodded as Warren spoke of Genosha being a sovereign nation and the alike.

"I agree. I'm paying attention to the US election, not because I can vote in it.. but because the outcome will impact my nation." She grumbled and she bit back yet another sigh.

"And I dunno, maybe, I wouldn't know who to talk to about that or get that from. However, I am willing to be that Lex Luthor would be //very// interested in hearing it. Yeah?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren takes a sip of his wine and then places the glass down and watches Lorna for a moment before he speaks. "I can vote, and others at Xavier's can vote and they have friends and families and they will talk. If Stark doesn't watch himself, or start taking this campaign more seriously, it's going to lead him down a path where Lex Luthor will win in a landslide. Luthor seems far more serious." He nods and grins a little. "I bet you're a hundred percent right that he'd want to know about it. Maybe you can have one of your people go ahead and reach out to Lex and slip them that information. I'm sure he's smart enough to know the source, but apperances and all that you know?"

It's about that time that the waiter comes back and places their meals before them and departs after serving them. Taking knife and fork in hand, Warren starts to cut at some of the meat. "I really should sit down with the Professor soon to discuss this and other stuff with him, just to get his opinions on things and see where I might best help out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sipped at her wine again, folding her hands as she calmed down, the plotting helped. "I'm going to talk to Emma and Shaw perhaps, it's not as if I've seen Stark here either. So there's a lot of funding to be had or not with those that come here regularly.. Not that I'm expecting them to vote any other way. Not after seeing how Lex showed up to the fundraiser here and how close he is with them." She murmured.

And then their food was arriving and she smiled at the waiter, thanking them and as another wine glass was set in front of her. "Why don't you have a talk with Luthor? A business lunch or something? That would be another point if distance. I dunno, just a thought. We can see. I wanted to like Stark, really I did.. but ugh.." She rolled her eyes and carved into her steak with a gusto.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren puts a piece of steak into his mouth and chews, eyes watching Lorna while she speaks of Emma and Shaw. Nodding while he swallows, once his mouth is empty he chimes in. "Emma and Shaw would be two good people to talk to, so definitely reach out to them."

"Some people just can't help but continue to be their obnoxious selves. Stark has a lot of talents, but it seems to me that being a political figure is not one of them and I hope that he's not trying to rely on his name and such to try and waltz into the White House next year." And here he lets out a long sigh. "But the process is such that he only has to win certain states and then he's in. With his resources it really does take someone like Lex to actually run against him and compete on talent."

He slips another piece of steak into his mouth and chews it for a few moments before swallowing and finishing that up with a sip of the wine. "I'll think about reaching out to Lex, but I do think I should speak with the Professor or Hank first just to make sure that anything I do won't have any negative impact on Xavier's."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna tried the steak as the conversation shifted and there was a lull. She nodded as Warren spoke of being being obnoxious and the alike. "He certainly thinks he can waltz into the White House. All because of what? Because he has money?" She rolled her eyes and sneered. "What happens if he becomes President? He insults some other world leader? One with more trigger fingers? What if he walked up to Doom that way? Who are you and why are you wearing the ugly freaking metal mask?" She snapped her fingers.

"Boom, just like that, Latveria declares war. Done. Like seriously." She shook her head and sighed. "I am fighting with my own council members and the Acolytes that followed my father. They want blood, they want threats. They think that because I haven't struck, because people don't fear me." She shook her head, her features turning grim.

"And it's things like this that make me seriously reconsider being a good person."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Chuckling, Warren shakes his head, "Plenty of people have money, but you don't see them running for President. There's more to this than just that. Probably some sort of ego trip, or a pride thing, I don't know. Vanity can be such a curse to some men... and I say this as someone who is kind of vain. But only kind of. I like to think I can still dunk on myself enough and take jokes that people find me charming and relatable."

Cutting another bit of steak off he nods at the rest of what she says, "You're right. His idiocy -could- doom the U.S. into a war with anyone much less Latveria. Ugh, the more we talk about this, the more I want to just slap him upside the head with one of my wings... but I shouldn't say that."

News of the Acolytes is worrisome and he frowns. "Damn, if they hear about Stark... could that be a problem do you think?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips, but her expression blossomed into a smile as Warren spoke of himself. "You're a good person Warren, and you're not so full of yourself to fill a stadium of people and snub someone for their appearance. I mean seriously." She rolled her eyes and smiled at him again. "You and I are in positions of power. Our mutations are both obvious, but flattering to most people. Moreover, we're in a position in society where it matters what people say to us. The mutant on the street? They have no recourse to this. Most mutants aren't super powerful, many have unflattering mutations..." She reached for her drink again, sipping at it.

"Maybe you should smack him upside the head. It might get through to him." She groaned, and grimaced, "I shouldn't talk like that... makes me want to smack him." As he spoke of the Acolytes she shot him a look.

"Exodus. My father's knight. From the Middle Ages. He's insanely powerful and spent time lecturing me on how I need to act more like a Queen. How people don't fear me or respect me. That I've beggared myself in playing politics to other countries." She glanced back to Warren again, "Yeah, right now, he hasn't sworn an oath to me. So if he wants to go off and do something... there's literally nothing holding him back."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren blushes faintly, "Thank you for that, Lorna." He lifts his glass of wine and raises it to her for a moment before taking a sip. "You're right, some mutants are not in positions like we are, and they need help, guidance and support. Genosha offers them a home, as does Xavier's, but I bet many don't know about the options they have and deal with bullying and other hardships. So for people in Stark's position to act the way they do is just very disrespectful. Not just to you, but to thousands or tens of thousands of regular people."

He chews on another bit of steak while his eyes sparkle in amusement at the idea of wing-smacking Stark, but as talk goes to the Acolytes, he swallows and lets out a breath.

"Where does people fearing you get you, I wonder? Dictators are feared, and they are loathed around the world. Genosha is in a perilous position, you don't have the luxury of becoming a dictator or to be loathed, or feared." Shaking his head, he snorts, "Oh yes, diplomacy when your country is rebuilding is such a terrible idea. How many tons of rock landed on his head, I wonder? Ugh, if he does act out, disown him. He cannot be linked to Genosha if he's going to go off and cause problems, not after all the work that you've done."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna raised her glass in Warren's direction. "Regardless of how this pans out, for all mutants we should seek a better outcome. A better chance for all. We're a people that are discriminated against, hated, and feared. Genosha is a start. Regardless of what happens here in the States." She exhaled a breath, and continued to work at her meal. It was rather lovely.

"Fear led to what happened in Genosha, so I still disagree with it all.. I just.." She shook her head, "It makes things harder at the end of the day. Anger is easy, my urge to lash out? Easy. It's harder to fight back against that and to be the better person. We are constantly having to be that.." She grimaced and sipped at her wine again.

"But you're right, if Exodus does anything.. Genosha has to wash our hands. And yeah, the man did crawl out of a tomb from the Middle Ages.. So. When nobles could kill a serf and knights shat in their armor."