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Latest revision as of 19:23, 5 February 2024

Hallmark and Danny
Date of Scene: 22 November 2023
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Kitty Pryde, Danny Rand

Colleen Wing has posed:
They had begun. The Hallmark Christmas specials had already invaded the airwaves and that meant that it was time for some good food, good company and a special with a plot that was like the one she had watched the night before. But they were still good. This evening was a bit different tho, rather than sit on her couch alone with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a box of tissues, Colleen had invited her dear friend Kitty over. It was kind of their holiday thing. Order out some Chinese takeout, put on the comfy clothes and get lost in a sappy Christmas drama before Thanksgiving had even happened.

Colleen was most certainly comofortable. Very few people actually ever saw her this way. I mean many saw her in athletic type clothes while she was in the dojo, but this was a whole new level. It was really only Kitty who got to see this look. She sat cross legged and barefoot on the couch in a pair of small white shorts, a black tank top that had the words "I'm Huge in Japan" written on it.

On the table in front of the couch was a spread of white cartons of various foods two plates and chopsticks for eating. "This one is supposed to be really good. Like this girl has amnesia and falls in love with her high school crush who she doesn't remember." She smiles over to Kitty and nods. "I know right...so good."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde had changed clothes when she arrived, so when she knocked on the door to Colleen's apartment withing the dojo, Colleen answered to find Kitty wearing very old fashioned pajamas. With feet on the bottoms. Yes, that old.

Kitty turned about as if modeling them on a runway. Because they just look goofy and even the toned young Jewish woman can't completely undo that impression. Which is just what she was going for!

Hugs were given and Kitty presented Colleen with some dessert she'd brought from a specialty pie place. "Oh wow, that does sound good," Kitty says, moving over to take a seat on the couch, drawing her legs up to sit cross-legged. "I wonder how many of these they make a year," she comments of the Hallmark movies.

Danny Rand has posed:
It's been a long road.

Every now and again, Danny has to leave New York to attend to business in K'un-Lun. The Iron Fist is the Immortal defender of that strange and mystical land. Of dragons and heavenly hosts. But, what happens when it's time for the watch to end? When does it end? Well, there comes a time when the mystical gateway to K'un-Lun opens.

Only one.

And the Iron Fist must stand guard over it. The time has come now for the portal to vanish, allowing Danny to return home. It's a long road to any kind of airport but he finally managed to catch the right flight (he happened to nap past the first one from sheer exhaustion) and a hop skip later, he was home.

As Kitty and Colleen find themselves enjoying a pleasant Hallmark movie, the door sounds as though a key has been placed into it and it's being unlocked. Now, only FEW people are able to get into this place on their own. Fewer still have the audacity to use it at this time of night WITHOUT calling ahead.

The door opens and behind it is a caucasian man with shaggy dirty-blonde hair, a simple beard on his face, and dressed like a homeless man with a thick jacket, dark pants, some leather boots with a hole or two in them, and a gray shirt that looks like it's seen better days.

"Good to see this place hasn't changed mu-" His eyes widen. "Oh man, I love Hallmark movies. Gotta give me a call about these things, Colleen." He turns his eyes towards Kitty.

"Hi there." He says with a friendly smile.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The volume was turned up jsut enough so that she did not exactly hear the opening of the dojo door. I mean, she was not really listening for it. Very few had akey to the Dojo. One of which was already sitting beside her on the couch. It was true, Kitty had a ket to the dojo and an open invitation to stay there whenever she wanted while in the city; even if Colleen was not there.

However, there was a bit fo a suprise at the voice as it stepped into her living area. She quickly sprung into a crouched position on the couch, one of suprise and defense, her eyes blinking a few times at Danny, taking in his apprearance am oment before standing on the couch and walking across it to jump down to the floor, rather than stepping on the floor directly first.

Her arms extend for an embrace as she steps closer to him. "Danny. It has been a long time. LIke a long time." SHe looked over her shoulder to Kitty with a smile. "Kitty, do you remember Danny at all? Not sure you two hae properly met."

She steps to the side and does a proper introduction. "Danny..this is my best friend Kitty. Kitty, this is Danny. We kind go back a bit. He is like my best boy friend. But not like my boyfriend." She gives a smile to Danny and then bites her lower lip. "Yeah, um. You kind of caught us during Hallmark Hangout." She gestures to her outfit. "It's a real thing."

She gestures to a chair beside the couch as she pops back onto it with a little leap. "You must be starving. There is plent of food. I tend to order for the week."

She then realizes there is only two playtes and two sets of chopsticks, popping back up again and quick padding her way to the kitchen to return with another pair of chopsticks and an additional plate. "So Danny where were you all this time?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde hears the key in the door but doesn't think too much of it at first, though having no idea who else it might be. Not until she realizes Colleen is tensing, and then Kitty sits up straight from where she was slouching into the couch. And uncrosses her legs in case she has to move quickly.

Though Colleen's obvious happiness to see Danny lets Kitty relax. She does rise from the couch to move over. It taking all of a step or two to make it from couch to where she can wait close by as Colleen makes the introduction.

"Hi, Danny," Kitty says, Colleen providing the name as Kitty doesn't seem to remember him, or if she does, introductions weren't made the night Kitty first met the Defenders. "Nice to meet you," she says with a friendly smile.

And then looks down at her dork pajamas with the feet in them. "I'm obviously Colleen's fashion model friend, who left a photoshoot and didn't bother to change out of the designer clothing from it," Kitty says, giving a little wiggle of a foot to indicate what she means. Hey, if you're caught dressed like a dork, you own it.

Kitty offers Danny her hand to shake, and then will move back towards the couch as if the extra few feet of separation will give Colleen any privacy she might want with Danny. Though Kitty does say in a stage whisper as she passes, "You didn't tell me there'd be boys!"

Danny Rand has posed:
Ah, Colleen in defense position.

Some things really don't change. Though Danny lifts his hands up as if ready to defend himself in a way that screams 'please don't shoot'. Instead of any violence, Colleen is bounding towards him with a hop off of the couch and arms extended. Talk about a warm welcome! Danny smiles at Colleen and immediately wraps his arms around her to pick her up in a gigantic hug. "Hey Colleen." He says in a soft tone, overflowing with affection. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long. The-" He looks at Kitty, then back at Colleen. "...path was open for a lot longer than I had thought. There were some sub-plots happening at the same time that made it's defense...difficult. Can I take you with me next time? It was really hard." Because they're a team!

And teammates stick together.

He turns his head over Colleen's shoulder as he releases her from the embrace, a smile at the guest who wasn't a guest at all. "Hi Kitty. It's nice to meet you." He gives her a little wave. Though he looks at Colleen when she calls him not her boyfriend and he considers something, but doesn't say or do anything. YET.

Be afraid.

"Hallmark Hangout? You guys made it an official day now?" Danny snaps his fingers. "Man, how many did I miss?" He asks Colleen a little inquisitively. "Yeah, I'm famished." Danny says in relief, though nods. "Oh yeah, I was in K'un-Lun. LOONG story."

He looks at Kitty properly though. He offers her a hand for a handshake. "Fashion model? Fancy." Danny says in clear friendliness and no small amount of happiness at meeting a friend of Colleen's. "Any friend of Colleen's is a friend of mine." and he gives her hand a nice, firm shake. Though he chuckles a little bit at Kitty and Colleen. "Ohhh this isn't girls night is it? Man, should I uh?" He gestures at the door.

"But either way, desperately need food first. Did you order from Wong's?" He asks Colleen.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen raisea a brow and Danny's inqury about where she ordered and plainly states. "Um, do I ever order from anywhere else than Big Wongs? I am their best customer. My picture is on their wall. Tho I am not sure if that is because I am their best customer or because Lee thinks I am cute. Either way, I get a discount and extra fortune cookies everytime, so yeah. I'll be Lee's fantasy for that. Duh."

She looks over to Kitty and plays along with her claim to be a fashion model. "Yeah. Kitty is a pretty well-known model in the um...model world." She looks to Kitty and winces as she tries to sell the story, looking back to Danny then. "This is part of the Night before Christmas collection. The whole pajama thing. She just got done a photo shoot when I texted her. Girl gotta pay the bills."

She quixkly changes the subject and looks to the Chinese food. "Please help yourself. Eat all you want." She leans over from the couch in an akward position to open some of the cartons. "Girl's night? Oh no. I mean that would make it seem like this was something special. We do this all the time. She comes over. We eat some good food, watch a Hallmark movie, eat some ice cream, and then we crash. Yeah exciting huh?"

She leans back and slides over further on the couch, nudging up closer to Kitty to leave a spot for Danny to sit and eat should he choose upon the couch. "I would have gone with you if you had asked. You just kind of disappeared and I assumed you had things to tend to." She shrugs. "I'll go next time. SOmebody has to make sure your ass isn't kicked."

She leans forwad again to scoop some lo mein onto her plate with the chopsticks, leaning back to the couch with her knee touching Kitty's. "I even baked brownies for dessert. And they may possibly be edible."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the pair talk from the brief moments of anonymity bestowed by them talking to each other. Handsome looking young guy. Fit. Wait, make that very fit. Kitty will have to ask about the space between boy and friend. Later, when it's gossip time.

She laughs as they play along with her crack about being a fashion model. "Oh yes, I have a spread coming Harper's. Dork Couture, it's called," she replies to them.

"There's pie too. It's a pumpkin, cream cheese swirl," she says. And this one has cream cheese all the way to the bottom of the pie. Not just a cheap decorative layer on top. Yes, looking at you, HEB grocery store.

Kitty scootches over to make sure there's enough room. "Though if you scarf all the crab rangoon we'll have to get another order." From the looks of it there was more than one order of it, and Kitty leans forward to grab another of the fried delights to nibble on.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny smiles at Colleen. "That's what I'm talking about. You know, nobody there finds me so attractive that I get discounts. I think it's my hair." He runs his hand through that dirty blonde mess and shrugs. "I dunno." You also don't have any fine features, Danny, aside from an athletic form, nice blue eyes, and-


"Don't let Lee hear you say that though. He's gonna get a big head." He winks at Colleen and he looks at Kitty, COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that they're playing a prank on him. "Hey, nice. Must be cool, being a model and all that." Then...between Kitty's claim of this being part of the Dork Couture, and Colleen suggesting it's Night before Christmas Collection pajamas, Danny just slooooowly looks at the pair. Settling his eyes on Colleen. Then Kitty. Then back to Colleen. Then on Kitty.

Then back to Colleen.

"You guys are poking fun, arn't you?"

He ewas only naive for the first five minutes this time! NEW RECORD! SOmebody quic, ,get the confetti. Though Danny chuckles. "Good one." But hearing htat he's totally NOT interrupting girl's night? Great news. "Oh good. Because I miss that couch and some good food sounds awesome to pair with some Hallmark. Which one is this one?" He asks. "Because yes, Colleen, you ahve described the perfect night." He teases her, and he looks at Kitty.

"Oh my God, there's pie." Danny looks like he could cry. Give him time and he just might! He looks at the pumpkin pie and practically drools. "I need it." He reaches for a plate and as he's scooping a heckton of food onto his plate, he gets to the pie. "Hello, pie. I'm gonna eat you." He mutters, though he looks at Kitty. "I need you to understand something - I LOVE crab rangoon. If you don't eat it, I will."

But chi takes a LOT of energy to maintain. So Danny eats probably his body weight.

It's a problem.

Though as soon as he has his food, he parks himself onto the couch, looking at Colleen. "Sorry...it was kinda urgent. I'll make it a point to tell you first though so you don't think I abandoned you or something...we cool?" He asks, a little nervous energy in his voice. "You made edible brownies? This I *have* to see."

Back to Kitty. "So how long have you known Colleen?" He smiles at her, trying to understand this new friend in their crazy lives!

Colleen Wing has posed:
They could only keep the ruse up for so long. I mean it was sort of supposed to be a joke from the get go until Collen decided to roll with it. She chopsticks some of the lo meain into her mouth and waves the empty chopsticks in front of her while she starts to speak before completely swallowing the biteful. "Can't get anything past you Danny." She gives him a wink and a half smile. "This does not leave this dojo. Understand? We both um, have a repuotstion you see. So It would be good if our outfits of choice this evening are bets kept a secret? Got it? Cuz I would not want ot have to shave your head while you were sleeping sometime." She has a definite tone of jest in her voice and tone.

Her eyes follow Danny as he begins to scoop food and pie onto his plate. He clerly was hungry, but she was happy he was not shy about eating. It was way more than her and Kitty could put down and every bite that Danny took was one less ounce of guilt Colleen would feel in the morning. "I'll leave the two of you to the crab rangoon. You're welcome." She sricks her tongue out and reaches for more of the noodles and look back to Danny. "Oh you have plenty of fine features. If you want I can give you Lee's number. I have it. He gave it to me. He writes it on my reciept everytime. Hey a discount is a discount."

She eats the noodles and sets the chopsticks down on theplate, looking back to Kitty awaiting her reply to Danny's question. She shifts a bit to lean her shoulder against her friends. "Yeah tell him about the moment your life got so much better." Another smirk.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Danny a look of mock suspicion as the sanctity of the crab rangoon is threatened. The points to both of her eyes with her fingers, then towards him. Keeping an eye on you, bub, as someone she knows would say.

But then she grins and waves him towards the appetizer. "Yes, definitely need to keep our attire in the Vault, hrm. I was not told there would be boys and I wore these just to give Colleen a laugh," Kitty says of her definitely not sexy pajama bottoms.

She continues to work on her fried crab puff as she replies, "Well I was shopping in Chinatown for a birthday present for my friend Shan. And Colleen was helpful and explained to me about the meaning of colors, and helped me pick out a red lantern for her. And on that day, Collen's life got far worse, but mine far better," Kitty says, sliding her arm about the Asian girl. "How about you Danny, how do you two know each other?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"You can get so much past me."

Danny admits. He knows himself. He knows that he can trust people and be a little naive. Though, in his defense, not a lot of people lie to him. He's a nice guy. Though Colleen's willingness to give him crab rangoon makes him smile wide. "You know me so well." He turns to Kitty and lifts his chiopsticks. "Chopstick high five!" He offers a little tap of the chopsticks. Don't leave him hanging! "That's why we're cool." He smirks, though he looks at Colleen.





"Please." Danny chuckles. "Nice guy though." Danny's DEFINITELY straight, but he at least found it funny. He turns to look at Kitty. "Okay, okay...I'll keep your guys's secrets. Just know that I'm truly terrible at keeping them long term." He remarks to the pair of them, though he smiles at Kitty. "Sorry...but if ith elps, you don't ahve to dress up for little ol' me." Danny shrugs.

"I mean, I'm rocking the casual look today." THAT's casual? Yikes.

"Oh goodness, that's a long story." He looks at Colleen. "She tried to recruit me for a brutal martial arts thing. Think Cobra-Kai. We fought a little bit. Now we're besties." TLDR. "And while I was getting used to life in the US, she helped me adapt and acclimate."

Colleen Wing has posed:
She could get used to this. Provide the Chines food Invite the guests (or have one drop in out of nowhere) and let them praise you. Truth be told, Colleen really never sought glory or praise. It was not in her nature. Not in her beliefs. As her friend's arm goes around her, Colleen settles a bit more into her good friend's side. "Yeah Kitty looked a little lost in Chinatown. She kind of stood out wandering aimlessly from bendor to vendor. You know how it can be...never take the first offer. Shop around and barter. She got a lesson and a lantern that day." She nudges her friend. "After that we just sort of clicked. You know me Danny. Not a lot of friends, well ones I consider close anyways." She looks over to Kitty and nods with a smile. "I decided to keep this stray."

She pulls her barefeet up on the couch in front of her, looking over to Danny. "Tried to recruit? Well. Yes. I did try. It was my intent to secure your...shall we say services. There was some fighting and in the end, Danny decided I was someone he could not stand to not be friends with." She sticks her tongue out teasingly and then adds. "I am just too nice I guess. Not always easy to adapt to life here in the city. It's not an easy city to acclaimate too."

She raises a hand to tuck a strand of hair back behind her ear. "So are you back for a while Danny? Do you have a place to stay still?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins and hugs Colleen with the arm around her. "Yep, this is like a little home away from home for me," Kitty says of the dojo and the little apartment where they are currently sitting snug on the small couch while the Hallmark movie plays.

"Aw, that's so sweet," Kitty says of the guy in the movie leaving notes for the woman with amnesia. "I like this actor. I mean it doesn't hurt he has killer abs. They don't always go so buff on the actors," she says with a wave of a crab puff towards the screen.

"Brutal martial arts thing?" Kitty asks with a look to Colleen. Though not in a tone that seems to be seeking an answer. "Well, I know how great she is with the students here," she says instead, motioning towards the door to the dojo.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny looks at Colleen and he smirks. "Fair enough." He looks at Kitty. "Did you not really go around CHinatown before you two met or just got lost exploring the maze of stores?" He questions curiously, though hearing taht Colleen clicked with people is truly not surprising. "Heh, I mean, doesn't really shock me all that much. You're very likeable." Danny tells Colleen with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Though he nods softly as Colleen tries to give her perspective on things.

"She's pretty great." He tells Kitty. "And honestly, without Colleen, I wouldn't have gotten very far in the concrete jungle." He smirks. "And this place? It might as well be home for me." He tells Kitty. "But more than happy to have more roommates." He smiles. He looks towards Colleen now as she asks. "For the longest foreseeable future possible, yeah. I was actually wondering if I could maybe crash here? I uh...don't really have an apartment."

This dude is a CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation and he doesn't have a house, mansion, or an apartment. Wild.

He turns to look at Kitty as he slurps some noodles, though he looks at the TV. "I feel like they just take the time to make all of these actors either super buff or obnoxiously pretty, to the point where it's like...no way it's real." He chuckles. He turns to look at Kitty.

"Oh, she's an amazing teacher. She's even taught me a few things. Just...you know, at the time. Brutal."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Is she a bit embarassed from the praise? Perhaps a bit. She was not used to such kind words. I mean it was true. She was helpful and kind to everyone. Hell, most of the students in her classes were there for free; somehting to help kepe them off the streets and teach them a skill and some discipline. "If you two keep talking this way about me, I might just throw up the pie I am about to eat." Was that her way of defelcting the compliments?"

Her eyes turn to the tv as well . "Aww he is leaving little notes for her. It's amazing how many scenes they have managed to fit in with his shirt off despite it being winter. I mean I am not complaining. Ho ho, holy abs." She leans into the hug from Kitty, content to stay there, afterall the pajamas were warm, and added bonus to Dork Couture. "She leans over aoment and grabs one of the brownies she made and takes a bite, shrugging slightly. "Wow. I did pretty good with these this time. Try it?" She breaks off a piece and reaches back, offering the small piece to Kitty.

Her eyes fall to Danny once more, she is not going to address the /brutal combat/ thing. Not here. Not with a Hallmark Christmas movie playing. Her head tilts to the side. "Stay here? I mean..." She pauses a moment and looks around. "I mean it's kind of small and...sure. I mean if you need a place to stay. I mean I could set something up in the dojo...or the couch is pretty comofrtable." She bites her lower lip. "Privacy may be an issue...but..." How could she say no? Friends don't turn friends away, but the living area was not exactly set up for permanently two. "Kitty kinda has dibs on the right side of the bed when she stays tho."

She pauses and then states. "I mean not that the bed was an option..."

Danny Rand has posed:
'"...woah, that's intense. Do you want some anti-nausea medicine?" Danny is....REALLY bad at trying to talk smack back. Though he understands the sarcasm, he just struggles with the response. He tries to be witty, but the monks often taught him to be serious and he had to try to be silly all on his own. Though he smiles at the TV. Little notes is so cute! Danny just kidna smiles for a moment, happy to just be on his lonesome while hte girls have their snuggle party.

Snuggles do sound nice though.

"Did you really?" Danny reaches to grab one of the brownies and he takes a bite. "Ooh, tasty." He pauses for a minute. "Are Tess the kinds of brownies that make you feel funny?" He asks Colleen directly. Though he hears that Colleen will permit him to stay and he smiles. "Great!" Though the comment about Kitty taking part of the bed makes Danny tilt his head. "Is it an option when she's not here?" Danny asks.


"...I can take the couch or the floor?" He asks, and he shrugs. "Oh, that's ok." regarding privacy. "You pretty much know everything about me."