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Latest revision as of 19:24, 5 February 2024

GodFellas! The Road to Olympus
Date of Scene: 02 November 2023
Location: 3B - Alexander's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ares, Alexander Aaron, Daisy Johnson

Ares has posed:
It was bad enough that someone was out to kill him. Not that Ares, known on Earth as John Aaron, was afraid. He was far too amused at the situation. Until it took a turn for the worse. For rather than dealing with threats of the mortal--superpowered or no--sort, something supernatural was involved. Something that made him need to go the last place he ever wanted.

The call was made, for texting was for generations with smaller thumbs, and John arranged to meet with his son at the apartment he'd been living in for some time. At some point, Alexander even started paying rent himself instead of relying on John to handle it. It was quite the step to being an adult for the boy.

Only, in that call he learned that Alexander wasn't living there, though he still had the rights to the property. And thus, meeting still would be happening there. For two reasons now instead of one.

Having his own key, John simply let himself into the apartment. No knock. No yelling to warn of his presence. Just the key in the lock, rotate half a turn, open door and step inside while tucking key back in pocket.

Once the door was closed behind him, only then would he bellow. "Boy?!" As he started to peruse the very empty living room.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'm in the office," Alexander's voice is heard calling out in response. The words leadnig Ares away from the foyer and into the living area then likely down the hall. The place did look like it was in... a stasis of sorts, no longer lived in and it was tended to once a month, dusted and vacuumed by a service. Yet even when Alex was living there he didn't decorate much, but now one could actually feel the absence of someone who called this place a home. It was primarily in the living area where the room was untouched and the television had a tarp draped over it covering it from the rays of the sun.
    There was the sound of voices then that Ares likely would hear, a man and a woman. And when he reaches that door to the office he'll espy the curious way Alexander Aaron makes ready for a mission.
    For spread out on the couch and on the oak desk in the office was a myriad of weapons. Which, being the God of War, he likely can instantly know how many and their make and model. No shortage of modern weapons for there are several rifles in a variety of states of disassembly. Four sidearms of various calibers. Two swords. A machete. A climbing pick. And no less than four knives. All of it surrounding a large backpack that seems already mostly packed with a bedroll along the side of it.
    When the large man darkens the doorway, Alexander looks up in the middle of using a brush on the chambers of a revolver, cleaning it and lifting his head in greeting. "Heya."
    A gesture is made toward Daisy, "We're not dating." Then he goes back to cleaning the pistol.
    "Just trying to finagle what should be taken and what should be left behind."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Sitting nearby is Daisy, the woman dressed in her shield uniform for a change after all the times she has met up with John in her more casual, civilian clothing. Dark and blue tight suit, black boots, hair up on a ponytail. She is finishing going through a gun, loading a clip on before setting it next to the others.

"There is this saying that ..., less is more." the amount of weapons that Alexander is picking for that trip is quite massive, "I would advise cutting at least half, sometimes it's not the size that..." pause as someone walks into the apartment, the vibrations through it calling her attention to it. Once it's revealed to be Ares she nods his way. "Sir." a nod of her head given his way.

"Yes, what he said." She rolls her eyes at Alex.

Ares has posed:
"Yet. I still hold out hope."

And to better explain that, John continued. "He needs a woman who will be able to deal with the strangeness that seems impossible to avoid in our lives as mortals." Current situation being a prime example. "You do not seem flabbergasted by anything that is put in your path and you are a formidable fighter." How does he know? Best not to ask. Maybe Alexander told him. Maybe it had something to do with being a God of War and just ...Knowing Things.

The man called John Aaron was dressed as he normally did. Work boots on his feet, jeans, a tight t-shirt that probably was at least a size too small. Maybe two. Over that was thrown a flannel shirt which was worn open. Though he had the grace to put a hoodie over it today since it was chilly outside. Probably not something warm enough for that temperature but at least he wouldn't stand out for having no coat at all.

"Armor. Spear. Bow. Knife." He ticked the points off on his fingers. "Should be sufficient for dealing with the family. Be sure to have some Hind's Blood. Berserker fervor can work in our favor at times."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As for Alexander, he is in the height of civilian clothing fashion. Or perhaps more what is known as the uniform of the west. That being a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. Today the shirt is black in color and his sneakers are white. He does have an open unbuttoned overshirt that's grey in color and hangs loose giving him that air of informality even as he's peering down the chamber of the revolver. Similar to his father, but much... slimmer.
    "I'm not gonna take it all, was going to ask him what he thought we should bring." A look is given in turn to his father. "Since yah it's good to have tools and bring things with. But there's something to be said if the family is going to eyeball us. If we show up with a lot of gear it gives the image of expecting trouble. If we show up with just... the clothes on our back, it gives that vibe of we figure we can handle anything."
    Alex looks at Ares, seeing if the older deity carries the same sentiment. He then turns back toward Daisy. "Last time I was in Olympus though, I did wish I had a good knife and a compass."
    But when Ares mentions 'armor', Alexander's face twists a little. "Which kind of armor, the hoplite gear or... the white plate from the war?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I grew up with the Internet." Daisy finds herself explaining to John, not hiding some amusement from her tone, "Nothing phases me anymore." not entirely true, but being with SHIELD had made her be in contact with a lot of weird stuff. And Gods was just another layer of it!

"Though I suppose it is good to have your approval." Always good to have the God of War's approval. All about those connections! She looks between them as they go over on their suggestions on which weapons to carry. "I would say listen to your father. Not that a Glock or two will hurt. Though can't you just summon your sword from thin air, Alex?" a brow quirking at him.

"Won't heavy armor send the kind of message you were trying to avoid?" She asks of the duo.

Ares has posed:
John looks a tad confused when Alex mentions the potential reactions to their state of armed or lesser armed appearance. "I will be in full armor with all the weapons I am able to carry. As I am when I visit there normally. Though I do tend to stay with the less modern weapons during those times. Perhaps a M134 minigun would not be too much," he pondered as he envisioned what he would be wearing. Then he shifted back to the point. "If I were to appear otherwise, they truly would suspect our intentions were less than honorable."

Though he did pause at the question from Alexander on the armor. The one from the war was a fine bit of metalwork yet it also held some dark memories for the pair. "Either is fine. Though if you feel it would be best you not wear armor, we can always create it should they decide to start trouble."

Though, after what happened last time they had messed with Ares and Phobos, perhaps they would think twice? No, that was too much to hope with their family. They had been petty for thousands of years. It wasn't going to stop now.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I can, yes." Alexander answers Daisy's question about Grasscutter. But she can see his features twist a little as he sets that revolver down and then starts to check the shotgun and begins to break it apart, just a steady progression of disassembly while he speaks, the metal clicking and the weapon breaking down smoothly.
    "But Grasscutter, amongst gods, carries a sort of stigma. Drawing it in mixed company is sort of like, flashing a nuclear weapon in a room full of muggers. It's a serious declaration of intent." Though he doesn't explain it further beyond that.
    "Armor though," Alex smiles slightly and shakes his head, "Is more... a looks thing. Though Dad'll disagree with me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Opening her hands to the side Daisy seems to decide it's better to let the two Godlings decide on how they will be facing their trip up to Olympus. They do have the experience on it after all! Instead she focuses on something else.

"And what exactly will you be doing up there?" she asks, "Looking for who may be behind the attacks?"

Ares has posed:
The thunderous scowl on the face of John showed that indeed, he did not agree on his son's assessment of armor. "Do you not wear vests that deter bullets even to this day in your duties with SHIELD? It is the same. Armor is a necessity for a warrior in their daily lives." It was an old argument. Having spent far more years without modern weapons, armor was a thing required to keep from getting stabbed, sliced, or skewered in the past. The idea that just because there were modern weapons now that it was more obsolete was insane. Of course, some caliber guns and types of rounds would certainly go through most armor but that didn't excuse not wearing it.

Unless one were bullet proof. Godhood had its perks when it came down to it.

"Grasscutter is indeed a formidable weapon and it is one that we will not draw upon unless things go very wrong during our visit," he said in a more somber tone. Though he didn't glance at his son nor linger on the past.

"With the last attack, we are seeking answers. If perhaps the family knows who might have tainted such a creature from being one of peace to the pitiful beast we met." The kill monster. A pitiful beast. Such was Ares to not really take the threat of the creature as heavily as he probably should. "We will go, seek an audience, ask our questions. Then leave as soon as possible for I have no desire to be there longer than necessary."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Going there will be like an active sonar ping, showing our hand and that we know something is going on. Whomever is watching us or has the big mad on will likely be observing." Alexander again glances towards Ares, deferring to his father as the large man speaks.
    Once he's done speaking Alexander nods then turns and goes back to the gear on the couch. He lifts up the backpack with one hand, and then starts to set various weapons next to it, likely what he's imagining the final 'load out' will be.
    "Armor can be good, sure." He finally voices, "Just with the family it's not something that will... make a huge difference. Unless it has a suitable... background to it." Considering the power that is thrown around on Olympus.
    Then he turns to Daisy and says, "Alright, so once we leave... time will be weird. We won't be able to get word back too easily. You ok with keeping people in the loop?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The name Grasscutter isn't exactly unknown to Daisy so she nods as they explain more on the sword and it's origins. And how much a threat it is to other Gods. She speaks nothing on it though, instead focusing on the rest of the trip, "You could figure out an excuse to go to Olympus that isn't directly related to interrogating others." she suggests. Fingertips tap over her chin as she considers in silence a few.

"Do you have no other business to do up there? Or an occasion that would work as an excuse to go?" she looking between them. "Either a special date or something else..."

Then as Alexander asks that last question she nods, "Yes, good with that. Going only the two of you?" she refrains from mentioning it being a good Father and Son trip. Strengthening bonds and all that!

Ares has posed:
"I am ill suited for subterfuge," John admits. That's more his sister's area. That other Goddess of War. She used wisdom and was more likely to go such tactics while Ares was the more nuclear option. Perhaps that was why they only called him in when things were dire. Then kicked him to the side when they were once again safe in their realm.

"Though if Alexander feels he is up to such? I could hold my tongue. My lack of speech while glowering at my family would not be out of place." A hint of a smirk on his face as he adds. "It would not be the first time they were subject to my disdain in such a manner."

Then he glanced to Alexander to see if he felt such would be the better tactic. Because for John? He'd just walk in and start punching people until they told him what he wanted to know. Probably not the best route to take.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Why, you wanna go?" Alexander asks with a slight half-smile, just a hint of it playing along the corner of his lips. But he nods a little, "Though yah might be best just us." Though at the thought of an ulterior motive for going to Olympus he shakes his head slightly and looks over at Ares, listening to the man's initial words.
    When Ares shoots that glance back at him the youth's response is to give a small boneless shrug. "I mean..." He starts.
    His head tilts to the side as he glances back at Daisy. Then he looks back, "The last time I was there was the gathering of the Scions. Before that was when I came of age." He rubs the back of his neck and crinkles his nose. "Could say we're there to speak with the Fates. That's... rarely questioned. At least it seemed like that last time."