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A Change in the Detente
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: With Tim Drake and Jason Todd both metamorphed into gorillas, the Bat-Fam takes on the problem as a team to find a way to treat the two vigilantes and cure their affliction.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon

Bruce Wayne has posed:
The emergency signal on the Batwave pinged repeatedly at Batman. The various Robins knew not to use the signal casually; it was a 'all hands on deck' alert, when one of them was in real trouble and needed help.

Or was critically injured.

He watches multiple signals co-located converging on the Bat Cave. The Robins by and large got along well, but also kept to themselves and their own routines-- their own patrols and preferences.

For all of them to show up at once was... unnerving.

So Batman stands by the entrance in his grey bodysuit, no cowl, no mask. Arms crossed over his chest and waiting with a zen-like patience for whatever surprise the younger heroes were bringing to the doorstep.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick arrives in the Nightbird, still in full costume, though this time he has a passenger. That individual is a gorilla in a getup familiar to some of them, to a degree, as it has now been stretched around a gorilla. Is this why the Bat Family can't have nice things? Probably. Once the car is parked, Dick gets out and nods to Batman, "Found an old acquaintance, was buying or storing weapons it seems." Dick's face is already bruised and his suit is torn from the bites and getting cut on the car, with a few scratches evident.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake, aka Robin #3, Red Robin, etc... was one of the first to arrive, as surreptitiously as he could manage, being a gorilla at the moment. Due to that unfortunate reality, he was not in costume, or even clothes.

Which was kind of freeing, if Tim was honest with himself.

He isnt the most graceful normally, but less so in his new form. He eyes Dick as he arrives with... another gorilla?

"Please tell me that's Damian," Tim says, only partially stumbling over words as he speaks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Though not part of the contingent that had been out while the reason for that emergency all-hands signal was sent, that doesn't keep Sparrow from coming in as quick as she can as well. Riding one of the many bikes often used in general, she arrives in costume with a little sideways skid of the bike as she draws it up to a halt not far off from the Nightbird. Even with the helmet she wears on it was clear she was eyeing the gorilla in the vehicle with either a mixture of curiosity or suspicion.

A suspicion that is raised further when Gorilla-Tim arrives.

Reaching up she grasps the sides of her helmet pulling it off to reveal her wearing a domino mask and a frown of consternation. "Wait, is that..." She glances over at Tim as well only to give a shake of her head. That couldn't be Damian. Too big. But she's not about to say that out loud, nor is she about to guess without being told *who* it was precisely. Instead she stomps down setting the kickstand and hitting the kill switch on the bike.

"What happened this time?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X had entered last, where he had dropped off the weapons in an undisclosed location.

  Goliath had been flying through the long entrance to the cave.

  When he gets to the rest, Goliath drops him off, and sets the boy down. Immediately removing his helmet. "Draw some blood, I want to run a full analysis." This had been Damian's first return to the Cave since he had been captured. "Fuck you too, Drake." He comments idly, just because he hated the guy.

  Damian paused, looking to the Robin suit in the case, and the creak of his gloves against the balled up fists echoes through the cave. He was still pissed off at that.

Jason Todd has posed:
As the Nightbird comes to a stop Jason begins to stir, the sedative pumped into his system beginning to wear off. He blinks, the dim light of the cave very different from the obnoxious brightness of Metropolis. Slowly it dawns on him where he is and he sits up, trying to struggle, though a pair of cuffs, the heavy kind they use on super-strong criminals.

When he sits up, even in gorilla form it's plain who it is, Red Hood, Jason Todd, if the remains of his costume don't give it away the streak of white fur at his brow does. His eyes dart from one face to the next, "What?" he barks, his voice sounding like has a mouthful of gravel as he yanks the cuffs taut in a show of defiance.

Jason was back, after his summer rampage and escape from the hospital, seemingly a victim of the strange mists that have overtaken the world.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman cuts a sideways look at his youngest son when Damian curses. Nothing's expressed on his face-- which, then again, is sometimes as biting a commentary as a harsh word can be. The frustrated glance at the glass-encased Robin suit is also ignored-- mostly because that suit's owner sits up and growls around a mouthful of teeth that evolution deprived humans of, 500,000 years ago.

A flexion of his jaw is all that Batman allows himself. "You've been contaminated," he tells Jason. His voice remains low and gravelly, deliberately on an even keel. "I'm glad Dick brought you in. Your DNA is being rewritten by an RNA enzyme of unknown origin. Been all over the news," he points out.

He looks to Carrie and nods once at her, civilly, and looks to Tim. "How stable are your symptoms? Any furthur changes in the last forty-eight hours, or are you stabilizing?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"So happy to see you too, little D," Tim says dryly, scratching under an arm idly. "Damn. I was hoping it wasn't Jason... but I was hopeful, despite, you know, that gorilla wearing, while it IS 'Murder Chic', not as much so as Damian; also, me not having the good fortune for it to BE Damian, and, finally: it's a gorilla, not a lemur." Tim doesn't //hate// Damian, but he will bust the kid's chops early and often. Mostly because Damian is like a tiny angry badger and Tim has a plethora of poking sticks. Brotherly love, or something.

Speaking of brotherly love, here's the crazy black sheep older brother, returning like the prodigal ape he is. Lovely. "Are we positive those cuffs are going to hold?" Tim crosses his (large, hairy, gorilla) arms across his now-broad chest. "I mean, I really don't want to have a instant replay of last time. Also, nice to see you, Jason. Kill and/or maim anyone lately?"

To Bruce, Tim's smart-aleck tone becomes quite civil. "No, sir. It's been the same since after the changes were completed. It's getting a little easier to maneuver as I get used to it."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick frowns and shakes his head to Tim, "It's not Damian," and then turns to Carrie "Yup, it's him." He lets his hand rest on a stun stick as Jason exits the vehicle and says, "Relax, we aren't here to hurt you." The eldest Robin alumnus rubs his temple with a free hand, "But yeah, things are getting hairy fast," pun kind of intended, "But what can I do to help?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh for crying out..." Sparrow, aka Carrie, lets out a small sigh. She secures the helmet on the gas tank of her bike without even looking and then dismounts to walk over toward Dick and the cuffed Jason. As she goes, she dips her head toward Batman a single time in reciprocation of that sort of greeting sent her way. Then without much worry or hesitation she places a hand on one of those gorilla arms.

"Relax, Jaybird. Some people when they first change aren't entirely in control of themselves. That's probably why they cuffed you." Of course there were *other* reasons but she was going to play mediator with him as she often always had. And in a lower slightly amused voice she adds, "Yes Tim is a gorilla too. Could be worse. Some people ended up dinosaurs. No thumbs," she explains with a nod. "There's a few people working on a cure but it requires a sample of DNA from before the change currently." Which was not ideal.

"Sorry, Red, this is who we think it is. Unless there's some other skunk-haired hothead out there," she adds teasingly.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is fashionably late, like usual, she has a whole lot of stuff going on in her life outside the Cave and also doesnn't have a flying mode of transport really.

That isn't to say she isn't hot on people's heels when the alarms sound, but she does have to spin away from a computer, tell ORACLE to keep analyzing this new data and gathering more, and scoot to get into costume.

Then a dash to the clocktowers basement garage and a very fast batcycle ride to the cave through the streets of Gotham.

She mutters to herself as she parks the bike and ditches her helmet smoothly pulling the cowl snug in the same motion. "I need to get Zee to give me like a teleporting bracelet or something... I wonder if she can do that..." mostly just ... yeah. Though be damned if she doesn't stop cold at the whole ... Gorillas. "What the What?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian starts to jump on it, grabbing a blood kit, and returning to the others. He makes a show to knock his shoulder into Tim for his comments, before setting the tray on the back of the Nightbird..."DNA from before the transformation..." He then turned to Batman. He had read the file on Jason Todd, and saw the pictures of evidence. "Do you still have it?" He asks, looking his father directly in the eyes. The Bat would surely know what he was talking about.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason pulls himself from the Nightbird to stand at his full height, which, he's pleased to see is just a little taller than Tim. Though that's about the only good thing about this situation, from the cuffs, to having all of them looking at him while he was like, well, like /this/. He growls lowly, an unbidden response to his building frustration.

"Can it be fixed?" he manages to grind out for Bruce as his adoptive father lays out the facts of what had happened to him and apparently Tim as well.

Speaking of Tim, his taunts gets Jason's eyes to flash dangerously the restraints pulling taut again. "Take these off and I will." Meaning kill or maim.

So maybe it wasn't just the change that left Jason out of control. He does look at Carrie though, snorting out his flat nostrils. "If it fixes then take my blood, but then I am gone. I'll come back for the cure." That's his plan anyhow. He glances around the room to see how that's taken by the rest. He can think in full sentences but since talking was still cutting up his mouth something fierce he uses shorthand for now.

One thought he does vocalize, someone who might be able to help if he's not y'know, currently a bat-hybrid, "Langstrom?" if anyone knew crazy stuff like this it was Man-Bat.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Welcome to the party," Batman tells Babs in a dry voice. Lips thin minutely at Damian's request; Batman's eyes slide to his restrained simian/son, and how deftly Carrie cools his temper to prevent it from turning into a confrontation. Adroitly done.

He glances once at the floor to assemble his thoughts.

"Langstrom's in Arkham and not allowed access to anything more complicated than an Ez-Bake-Oven," Batman tells him. His head shakes minutely. "But not impossible to rule him out. Hybrid demorphology is his specialty."

"The relevant files are on the mainframe coded under global incidents," Batman explains to the others. "It started a few weeks ago. Gas or vapor spotted near outbreak points. I suspected it was retroviral-- RNA de-encoding. My research has been inconclusive. It's an epigentic event happening at a global scale. No signs of viral pandemic or outbreak. Whatever is creating this change is only present during one of these gas attacks. Or it's something we don't have the technology to analyze. But the end result is--" he nods at Tim and Jason. "A conversion into a gorilla-like primate, or something resembling a deinonychous raptor."

He gives Damien a level look. 'It' is right where it's been for four years. "Everyone's DNA and full genomic sequence is on file," Batman tells him. "But not Jason's more recent changes." He looks at Jason directly. "Whatever effect Talia's treatments had, it changed your DNA. Using our old files would undo that. The effects of such a transformation are not ones I can predict."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Babs as she arrives, and then snorts in amusement at Carrie's commentary, "Yeah, it's him." He relaxes his posture and goes to stand near Batman. "Seems to match what I've heard in the police world. Stuff is just bananas as this point." He nods, "Sensible, good to have a base to work off of, for DNA, at least." He listens quietly and clicks the lock button on the Nighbird now that everybody is out, "The important thing is that we have an answer in the short term as how to fix this." He gestures at Jason, who gets a, "Calm down. No sense fighting here, there is no reason to be hostile, here. We're trying to help."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks a bit more cheery, for values of gorilla cheery. "So I'll be able to function again. Excellent." Jason's threat doesn't even faze him, and Damian's... hip/shoulder check goes largely ignored. How adorable. It's like a tiny puppy trying to be vicious. But otherwise he simply stays quiet and observes.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "You didn't function in the first place." He quips off to Tim, before listening to his father. Damian looks to Batman as he explains, but then reveals the truth about their DNA profiles. And then, Talia comes up.

  "Dammit." He says, before turning to the blood kit. He even kicks the tire of the Nightbird for good measure. It was just a bystander that was there, nothing against the car itself. "Does she ever...not fuck things up on purpose? Me, him, YOU?!" He says, gesturing to himself, Jason, and Batman respectively. He couldn't even use Jason's old Robin suit or the crowbar to help.

  One dead end to another, Damian's mind could work fast, but every door he was about to go through got slammed in his face, his al Ghul eyes stare at the wheel he kicked, concentrating on the situation, thinking of anything he could do to fix the situation.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs wasn't expecting to see any of the Robins or others in the cave impacted by the recent outbreaks. "I've been reading up on the files, and a lot of peoples research onto the topic. Tons of people are chasing it down.. all the usual suspects of alphabet soup agencies and not all of them are cooporating."

Of course Oracle would be running, that is probably the research and gathering that Babs set the AI Overwatch on before rushing over.

Clearly not taking any chances Babs reaches down into a bike saddlebag and pulls out one of the batmasks, fixing it on. She has been keeping them in her kit in case she has to deal with one of the outbreak attacks. "Have we managed to collect any of the methods of dispersing it yet?" she sounds like she is doing a lot of effort to keep a very even clinical tone with the situation.

Because seriously it is surprising and hard to see it hitting Jason and Tim.

I mean yes it is funny. But now isn't the time to laugh at them.

It is the time to save some of the camera footage for later when it isn't so raw though.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Possibly," Carrie adds hesitantly. "The group that he's been dealing with so far have had the dinosaur shift and not the gorilla. I was intending to pass along a sample of Tim's current DNA and the research into locations where the outbreaks have occured in case it held any further clues as to who caused it," she admits. "Dr. McCoy who has worked with the Avengers in the past," she explains as to her potential contact. "Though he doesn't know of my other identity."

"Regardless I'll get what information I can to him, provided you're both all right with it," she adds looking from Jason to Tim and back. There's a sweep of her gaze over Bruce too and she takes another deep breath.

Then to Damian she asks, "Are you alright with taking the samples, Red?" They were in the cave. She wasn't giving away real names yet... Besides, she didn't know if Jason knew.

Jason Todd has posed:
"No!" Jason bursts out when the it's suggested that the cure might turn him back to how he was before the Pit. There's a flash of genuine terror there in his eyes, quickly hidden as he turns away, silver furred shoulders slumping a little before he makes himself turn back again. "Other way to fix? If Langstrom didn't do this, maybe he can help fix? Real fix?"

The general back and forth of the Family is taken in with a gorilla brow raising. Clearly somethings never changed, and there's a look to Babs when she talks about the world-wide effects and efforts to find the culprits. He had missed the slow creep of this problem until it was literally too late, it was time to play a bit of catchup now.

Carrie is regarded and he shrugs. "If McCoy can help and not set me back to before, then tell him whatever he needs."

As for the blood samples, he simply holds out his arm towards Red X.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"McCoy. Hank McCoy," Batman speculates. "I've never met him. We've exchanged letters a few times via a pseudonym. Smart man," Batman says. A lean compliment from most; high praise from Batman. "There's a list of biologists on the mainframe who specialize in genetics," Batman suggests to Carrie and Babs both. "Along with any intelligence we've gathered. If they're not already liasing with one another. Or committed in custody, like Doctors Langstrom and Conner."

He looks levelly at Jason. "Other than them, I'll... see what we can do. If Langstrom's mental state is steady enough, he might be of some help. He has some lucid days. Conner's being held at either Belle Reve or The Raft, most recently. Getting him out legally might take too long, but if he's competent enough to address the situation, it might be worth pursuing."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian turns to face the others, looking to Carrie, nodding. "Yes, I can." Then he looked up at Jayrilla, his eyes were specific, only found with one family he would know quite intimately. Pale green, and look exactly like Ra's and Talia's. He takes the arm in his left hand, and with his right, he explores for a vein. Pulling up the needle and cannula, he inserts it into the vein, taking out the needle and leaving the cannula. Attaching some vac-tubes to the end. He continues with the vials, taking three before he pulls the cannula, followed up with a gauze patch to staunch the bleeding. "Hold that." He says, to no one in particular.

  Talia hadn't told Damian of her...little experiment into the Lazarus, which was Jason Todd, but it was no doubt he was the son of Talia. "That is unless Father thinks I cannot do a simple errand." He had already been wearing the suit he worked so hard on, and it had been working stellar, until a raptor chomped his gauntlet computer.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I pulled those." she will walk closer all masked up but stays out of arms reach, sort of the six foot social distancing as she circles Tim and then circles Jason.

"I mean the speed of the changes and the extent are pretty remarkable. I really have to wonder about the origins of it all and who is behind it. I mean to be able to do this ... they could have easily done bioterror weapons that were lethal a lot easier. This monkey business is personal to them."

Yeah she couldn't help it.

"Also why dinosaur and then Gorilla.. odd sequence."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick has been quiet, letting the information sink in as he continues thinking on it, "So what's next?" He asks as he looks to Red X, 'We need to get you openly affiliated, because what happened today needs to be avoided in the future. But that can wait for the moment, but yes, dinosaurs and gorillas are an odd combination." He rubs his temples, trying to piece things together for hte moment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
When Damian asks someone to hold it, she reaches out to do so without question. This was a simple enough procedure that she could assist. In fact she was usually rather proficient in such things but letting Damian take lead on it was a way to show his own skill as well as let him feel more in control of the situation. There was a method to her actions even now.

"Thank you. Even if a cure doesn't exist immediately, having a way to cure it as-is will lead to one that doesn't require the methods currently being used. Everything needs a starting point of reference. They may be able to work out how to reverse engineer the change once they see how it works to begin with a few times," she points out matter-of-fact. It's partially offered to try and help calm down Jason as well.

"I'll see what information I can get to bring back on the topic as well. Though really, it's enough of a difference it makes me wonder if it's the same person doing both cases." It wasn't that far a jump in logic to suspect more than one. "Do we know anyone that might have cause to pursue one or the other?"

Jason Todd has posed:
A nod is given to Batman, those men plus McCoy seemed to be all the scientists he could think of that might be able to help.

Carrie's words about the potential for the cure being worked out for him does seem to ease the tension in his shoulders as he surrenders an arm for the blood draw. There's no flinching when it happens, just a steady gaze at Damian, there's no mistaking those eyes. He lifts his gaze from Damian to Bruce and then back again. "Talia?" he asks, his gorilla features pulled into the first semblance of a smile since his change. Amused.

"Good questions," he says about the culprit. "If just dinosaurs, maybe Conners, but why apes? Who likes apes?" Definitely not Jason after today.

As for what's next? He holds up his cuffs. "Take these off?" a glance at the other gorilla. "Won't kill anybody."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman's got his thinking face on. Though, only the others in the cave would know it from his resting stoicism. "Jung," he says to Carrie, finally, and looks around to include the others. "Jungian abstractions. This isn't devolution," he points out. "It's evolution. Taking a human to a saurian isn't a simple evolutionary step. The victims are keeping their speech, their intelligence, their higher functions." He gestures at Tim. "None of this has impact your higher cognitive functions, has it?" he points out.

"This is engineered, whatever it is," he concludes. "Rules Grodd out; he'd happily see the human race converted to apes, but never lizards," the Bat remarks.

At Jason's plaintive request, Batman doesn't hesitate. He steps over to Jason and picks the lock with a hairpin, with as much effort as he could do with a key.

Restraints slither through his fingers. They're tossed aside, and Batman stares at Jason with an inscrutable expression. He's clearly willing to risk his life to make the necessary point to Jason.

But he is standing a half an inch closer to the former Robin than anyone else is.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Father had the opportunity to do just that." Damian comments to Dick, walking up to Nightwing, before he holds his side, bumping into Nightwing as he falters just a bit. Meanwhile, palming a small communicator from Dick's belt, and putting it into his own. "The hit to the car..." He shakes his head a little. "I am still off my equilibrium."He doesn't apologize for bumping into him, he wouldn't have anyway.

  "Where is the doctor located?" He asks, picking up the tray with Jason's vials. "I will head there now."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Definitely engineered." she nods to Bruce on this one and then crosses her arms. "Well. I mean. What if someone did the dinosaur virus thing... and someone else took thwta they built and did a dinosaur virus. I mean we could be looking at two very different actors just cribbing off one or the other of them. Dinosaurs hit first so..." she just sighs.

"We really need an expert like Dr. McCoy to chime in on how similar these things are."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods solemnly at the discussion before watching Jason get released, and Damian head off with the vials. Looking back to Jason she gives another nod with a glance toward Bat, then Damian, and another nod. Right on the money but she wasn't saying it out loud. Instead she reaches out to pat Jason's arm again. "We'll get it, Jaybird, don't worry. I wouldn't leave a teammate behind." Even if he had gone his own way they had at one time worked together.

"He's in New York, upstate. I'll go with you, Red. I.. may have some explaining to do."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick does not notice the missing comm and says to Damian, "You all right?" But since Damian says nothing, he assumes he is all right and continues listening to the others, keeping an eye on Jason and Batman. Then he looks to Carrie and Damian, "Be careful, you two. Last thing we need is more trouble. Also, don't forget to bring those guns back here to be disabled."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Don't feel that evolved," Jason growls, but understanding shows in his eyes. This was /someone's/ idea of evolution and Jason was going to punch that someone in the face.

Though for now that's the limit of his violent intent, when Batman releases the cuffs, Jason lets them fall away and does nothing more violent than flex his wrists and fingers as the blood flow returns to them. He meets Batman's gaze for a moment, wordlessly agreeing to a detante, whatever happened before, whatever still lay between them for now, they were on the same team.

He breaks away from that stare when Carrie's arm, "Thanks," he says, his words were getting more clear as he got used to a mouth full of ape teeth. "Go fast," he tells her and Red.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman absolutely does not breathe a sigh of relief when Jason refrains from ripping his throat out.

But the air pressure in the room definitely normalizes just a bit, all the same. The hair on the back of everyone's neck can settle.

"All right then," Batman says. He looks around the crew. It's the first time in... ever, that this many Batlings have been in the cave at once.

Surely somewhere upstairs, Alfred's tearing up a bit.

Batman allows himself the barest suggestion of a smile at the tremendous amount of dangerous competence assembled under his roof.

And their sincere concern for each other.

"Everyone has a mission, then," Batman observes. "Tim, you might as well use the lab here. Less conspicuous. Jason, you ... might want to talk to Tim about coping with it." He pauses. "Alfred, would like to say hello to you as well," he notes.

His focus shifts before A Moment happens. "Babs, coordinate with the field team--" he gesturs at Damian and Carrie-- "and start working out our options for retrieving Conner and Langstrom from custody, if need comes to it."

He looks to Dick. "Might need your help covering a few shifts in Gotham," he tells his eldest. "Two-Face is pitting dockside gangs against each other. They're hurting a lot of bystanders."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Yes. It is a very good thing that Babs has lots of training in poker facing many people about her inner thoughts. This just continues to be hilarious. To be honest it is because it isn't lethal and she has faith they will eventually figure out a way to undo it.

In the meantime. Funny. As long as no one goes Bananas.

"You two got this ... and as the man says I'll be on radio even if you do should you need me." she looks over asking Carrie and Damian.

She nods to Bruce. "I'll keep sifting through the various other dtaabases we have access to as well as potential .. prison breaks. Odd that it could come to that but yeah. We should look to setup one of the secure safe houses to safely secure either of those two and provide them with lab equipment then if it comes to that."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian reached for his helmet, and put it back on his head, sealing and readying for action. "Goliath, or a car. I'm not riding bitch on your motorcycle." He says, through the voice modulation.

  He stops a moment at Jason, looking up at him for a moment before nodding. Some kind of unspoken agreement. Red X's head turned and stared right at Nightwing before he had said anything else. "The guns are disposed of."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Very well," he says, noting everybody's assignments, "But yeah, makes sense. Two-Face gonna Two-Face. I got a couple of ideas that might work on that, and maybe we'll get Two-Face this time." He shrugs, "But getting the gangs dealt with should be doable." Red-X gets a look of, "If I find out to the contrary, just know that regaining trust is a lot harder than keeping it. I had best never see them used, or hear of them being used."

Jason Todd has posed:
For his part Jason, nods stepping back from Bruce, "I'll go say hi to Alfred, hope this is fixed before I start to shed." He could imagine the butler's reaction to course ape hair all over the mansion. "Good luck," he says to Dick about Two-Face before he lopes off towards the stairs up to the manor.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins faintly at Damian's request only to tip her head toward the garage where the vehicles were typically stored. "I'm sure we can find something. ... I think there was a motorcycle with a sidecar from what I recall..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I guess, if you want to ride in a sidecar." Damian offers up, he was completely serious here.