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Latest revision as of 11:30, 27 April 2020

Compy Cure!
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Hank's Lab
Synopsis: Restored to normal, Gabby is the latest of the Xavier Crew to be cured!
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Gabby Kinney

Henry McCoy has posed:
Having fantastic success with Jean, and with Laura advising him where he could get blood soaked clothing of hers - it dawned on Hank that he /had/ samples from Gabby. He'd been working on trying to sort out a solution to her genetically modified pain-tolerance, after all! He'd spent the evening working - again burning the midnight oil.

It all came to fruition the night after the pool party. He'd wandered the halls, finally running into Gabby. "I think we can get you back to your normal self, Gabby." He mentions, leading her back to his lab. "It worked for Jean, though it was painful for her." At least she shouldn't suffer that bit!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The little pitter patter of clawed feet click-clack on the floor as Gabby runs along to keep up with Dr. McCoy's much longer legs. It was rough being a tiny dino, but at least she seemed to have some resevoir of boundless energy. It must be a Howlett thing. The orange and red feathered compy floofs up a bit as she enters the labs. It was just a reaction; a little shiver at coming into somewhere that was very similar to the testing labs where she grew up. Otherwise she's in rather good spirits.

"Yeah, everyone else seems to hurt when they change. It makes sense. Bones restructuring and limbs lengthening. Or shortening," she muses in her own state.

She pauses at one of those bed table things eyeing it and wondering if she can make the jump up to it from her spot. Agile though she might be she hadn't quite tested her jumping abilities in this form. "And as fun as this has been I'll be glad to be back to my usual form, too. I mean, no one wants to be stuck like this forever."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He watches her reaction, nodding as she comments to the pain portion of the changing. "Laura's was... bad. I imagine because she heals quickly, and her body was fighting the change harder than others could." He rubs at his arm, still healing from the bite. He hrms, moving a shorter box over to help her get up onto one of the beds. No restraints, nothing imposing like that. He knew a bit of her past, so he clearly went out of his way to make his lab seem more comforting.

"I will have to give you an injection - I'm not sure how he caused the change in so many or in which transmission. I'll be trying to get those answers from him." He assures. He points to the tray nearby, where an aero-injector is. "It shouldn't hurt, for many reasons. But the main thing is, I want you to focus on your normal self, just to help through any mental gymnastics you'll need to do."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
With the added help Gabby hops up quite easily only to turn a few times before flumping down onto the table. Her little dino legs stick out and criss-cross applesauce making her look like a baby owl in some regard. Except for her head had less feathers. The body was extra fluff. "I'm okay with injections," she assures flashing an array of needle-like teeth that probably would hurt if she could get a good chomp. Likely used for shredding and rending.

"I can do that too," she adds with a bob of her head as she considers the focusing part. "I'm good at imagining things I'm told. I mean I didn't have much else to do to entertain myself so I guess I'm pretty good at it. I can do that," she finally seems to talk herself into while wriggling one little clawed hand out of the fluff of feathers to offer her arm for injection. If it would even fit the 'arm.'

Henry McCoy has posed:
Once she's up on the bed, he heads over to the table, bringing back a large robe. "For modesty." He offers, with a grin. The robe is draped over her back, helping to cover her from the neck down. As her arm is offered over, he slowly picks up the injector. "All right. This is going to be... odd. With no pain registered, I am not certain how you will feel - just keep focused." He grins.

The nozzle is pressed to the back of her arm, where it is the thickest. There's the zip of air forcing the serum into her, and then he's setting the tool down. "Should start almost immediately."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh right I am naked," Gabby admits when the robe is put down over her. THAT would have been embarassing! With the feathers she hadn't really needed any clothes, although she did try to wear a t-shirt once with less than stellar results. It was cute while it lasted though!

Gabby closes her eyes with a slow, deep breath just focusing on anything she can that isn't too weird. Her neck rolls side to side to stretch a little as the serum does indeed begin it's work. Feathers disapear, a few left behind that were likely loose and about to fall regardless, and she grows in size. When she feels cool air against her skin she clutches at the robe to keep it shut and cracks an eye open to peer around.

"Wow. Okay. It's like..." She ponders trying to figure out how to describe such a sensation without pain. "Waking up and stretching and everything just kind of pops back into place? Only a little itchy too."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor keeps an eye on her, making sure everything is going well. As the feathers retreat, he offers a smile. "You are handling it well, Gabby." He murmurs, not wanting to startle anyone or disrupt her focus. As she comments on the feeling, he nods.

"It would stand to reason that your muscles are doing just that." He grins, amused by the description. "Jean was really worn out - she felt the pain of the transformation, though. She needed rest, water and food. I'll suggest the same for you, though the rest may be unnecessary, due to your healing factor."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh I definitely need food. That's always something I need it seems like," Gabby agrees with a solemn nod as she tucks the robe around herself fully. "I can eat a whole bunch of stuff. Water is good too though I probably drink more soda than anything these days." She was a teenager after all.

Glancing down to her feet she wriggles her toes a time or two only to nod with apparent satisfaction that everything was working well enough. "Thanks! I was getting tired of being *that* short. I mean, I'm already short, and based on my genetic donors I'm gonna be short all my life, but that was a bit much."