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Latest revision as of 01:03, 20 February 2024

What's Red and Blue down by the Cemetary
Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery
Synopsis: Blue and
Cast of Characters: Blue GhostEyes, Bobby Lane

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
A soft voice can be heard in the darkness, a murmering in a foreign tongue. Or rather, a native one as a fit figure rises from the ground just in time to be splashed by an errant ray of moonlight. "Anyway, I should get going. The rare one night off on a weekend and I'm not planning on hanging around talking to myself all night in the cemetary." The native american woman pats the rather plain tombstone with one hand and then stiffens and looks around.

Was she really so lost in her thoughts she missed someone approaching? Well, stranger things have certainly happened but sheesh. It's been too long a week. Or one too many bottles of honey whiskey tonight. So friend or foe? Grinning, the woman steps onto the path. She's dressed in a pair of jeans, black tank top and is carrying a pair of cowboy boots. Either way it ought to be fun, she figures.

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby is new to New York. Kind of. Sort of. Most would call him new. So, this wrong turn is not quite unepxected. His blue eyes takein the sights. Seeing all of the tombstones is a clear indicator he took a wrong turn. He was expecting an alleyway, something like that. So, Holy ground takes him back a little bit.

His gaze is mindful as he takes it all in. Being careful or where he steps. An odd tongue catches his attention.

"Sorry. Passing through," he says with both hands up. Just showing he didn't mean to interrupt a potentially private moment.

Just a young blonde with a black hoodie underneath a red winter coat. A simple pair of gray cargo pants on his person.

"Still kinda new to this city. Wrong turn," and he'll note lie about it.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
'Ah, just a kid. Well, young adult, she supposes. Of course when you're *her* age, most people are young. Though at most she looks to be in her thirties. A pair of most unusual eyes flicker in amusement at the guys words. Irises half dark brown and half palest blue. He does look lost. "No worries. I was just leaving. Usually only kids and weirdos hang around here after dark anyway. I lost track of time."

Easy to do when she'd spent half of it running around in her other form. "I like the quiet here during the day." And the often empty spaces where she can go unnocited. "How'd you take a wrong turn into here?" She laughs softly. "I reckon I must not be the only one lost in my thoughts this evening."

Bobby Lane has posed:
"Well, good thing I'm one of those," Bobby chuckles and will lower the hands. The young man smiles at her. "It's one of the safests places to be," he says with a small chuckle. "Who are you visiting? If you don't mind my asking," his tone takes on some serious undertones because graveyards can be a very personal experience, too. He's trying to respect that.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Her eyes are glinting with amusement now. "Oh, just someone I used to know." The name on stone if it's legible is John Pale eyes. Someone she used to be actually. She doesn't know where all her graves our of course, hell, she doesn't know more than a handful, but this is one of them and the closest and she often comes here to think or be her otherself. Hardly an explanation she can give a stranger though.

"I'm Blue. Blue Ghosteyes." The woman holds her hand out to be shaken. New to the city huh? It can take time to get used to, that's for sure. Especially if you came from somewhere smaller. I've been here a long time and I still have days where I have to take a minute and figure out where I am." Though not exactly for the same reason as a newcomer would.

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby gives a nod about knowing someone. He won't pry because that's Blue's business. He doesn't want to pry unnecessarily. So, he will leave her reasoning at that.

"Bobby," he will shake her hand. "New to the city, but not new to -a- city. The vibe's just different. Kind of like a dog and a cat. On paper they sound the same, but then you get into the nuances, people see how different they all are," Bobby chuckles a little bit. "L.A. and New York, very similar situation," he gives a shake of the head. It probably sounds ridiculous. Just the two places are so similar yet so very different in his eyes.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Nice to meet'cha Bobby." Blue smiles then tilts her head back and thinks. "LA, man I don't remember the last time I was out there. Definitely a different vibe though, I remember that. Diffeerent weather too." Her head tilts back down and she looks Bobby over, taking in the hoodie. "Aren't you cold?" Probably a weird question from a lady in tank top with bare feet during a New York winter, which she seems to realize as she balances on one foot to put a boot on and then other.

"Heh. I am cold, just used to it I guess. And I do have a jacket but I left it with my bike." She also doesn't have much control over what clothes she shifts into either. At least it all matches this time.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"A weird question, yes, but y'know, not my place to judge. You do you," Bobby smiles and then he gestures to the winter coat. "I'm fine." He's wearing the hoodie under the coat, but the coat is probably undone.

"When was the last time you were inLA?" for bobby it's not that long ago. Unbeknownst to him, it may have been literal ages for Blue.

"But I'm still getting used to it. I know a couple of people out here. I still gotta strike out on my own, y'know," he gives a nervous look. "Still finding my footing. That's not really helping me at the moment." Sighing at himself, he just pushes past that feeling. He tries to focus on the now.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"Mm.. it was.. awhile ago." She temporizes. The 70s maybe? That sounds about right. Not that she can readily admit to that.. well.. maybe. This guys smells different. He's not a mutant, she doesn't think but.. something.. she thinks. Well why not? "I think it was the during the seventies." She grins a little and then shrugs. "I'm older than I look." She nods a bit when he says he's still finding his footing.

"Things like that take time is all. No need to feel in a rush about it. Just live in the moment if you gotta. Helps sometimes." Hell, if she couldn't do that, she'dve gone crazy long ago.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"You're immortal or age slower," Bobby doesn't seem shocked by that. Not like he should be anyway. "Well, you look good for your age Disco Granny. Keep it up," he'll wink, obviously joking. However, it's clear she has a stoory and Bobby is not creeped out about it.

"I know they do. I just got comfortable is all. I'm a Foster system brat. I know all abou the cycle of comfort. I finally found something stable and part of it went to NYC. Hence being here, it's just harder kind of starting over again. Or at least, starting over in some ways," Bobby hates feeling like a vagabond in his own life. It's a bit strange.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Oooh Bobby just got a lot more interesting. Blue snickers. "Disco Granny. Nice." Oh. The foster system. She's known a lot of those. He's likely to have a hard road no matter which way he goes. "I honestly don't know what I am aside from old. Well, I know a few other things but what I am isn't one of them. I can die. It just doesn't stick." She nods. "Stable is good. At least for most people. I kinda tend to thrive on chaos but even I need periods of peace and home, ya know?"

"You'll settle, it just takes time and if you need anything.." She fishes in her pocket then growls softly. "Damned things never have my stuff in them. I was gonna give you a card, I run a Prive eye business outta my house. I got a web thingie. Uh.." She closes her eyes and focuses "C.E. Investigations. And weekends I work as a bartender at a place in the Bronx called Amelia's Alehouse."

Bobby Lane has posed:
"Yeah. I do," Bobby says his voice gaining a somberness. He knows about the importance of that peace. To feel like there's some kind of control.

"Maybe what you are doesn't matter. What you do matters more?" he offers out to her. His gaze on settling on Blue as he does wonder about the what for a moment. Still, he takes the card. "Investigator?" and then he pauses for a moment. "I might have been there," Bobby did stagger into a Honky Tonk lately. Kind of place that would use an investigator like this one.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"It's possible. I don't always have time to look at faces and I'm usually only there one weekends. It's a good place. Little rowdy sometimes but I can double as one of the bouncers when I need to and its usually just boys blowing off some steam." Blue grins. She loves a good fist fight.

She looks thoughtful and then nods. "That's a good point. What you do does matter more. Mostly. Just gets a bit, I dunno, old I guess, sometimes. The not knowing why you're different. Just that you are."

Bobby Lane has posed:
"People shouldn't question gifts?" he shrugs. "That's what I tell myself. It's kinda the only thing we can do," it's the best he can give in this moment. For him it works, but if this is an immortal Bobby knows that these words may sound childish.

"I wouldn't want to get on your bad side," he grins having no doubt she probably did that kind of gig for the enjoyment rather than the paycheck.

"So you investigate, bounce and what else do you do?" he asks just curious about this one. It adds another layer to Blue. Something about that makes him curious.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
It doesn't sound childish to her, it's just that she's often wondered if what she is more of a gift or a curse. "I guess in the end it doesn't matter much, it is what it is." Blue grins then and laughs. "No you would not. One of the good things about my whole gig.. paybacks a bitch. Least when I can remember who killed me. Doesn't always work that way. It's gotten easier since voicemails. If I have the time i just leave myself a quick message or text if I can, so I know what happened. It can take awhile to put the pieces back together and sometimes there's just no doing but.." She shrugs. It is what it is.

"Well. This." She grins again, wondering what's come over her tonight. She's rarely this open about what she is even with people she's known years. Something about this guy, he just seems to be trying so hard to find something and anyway whats the worst that can happen? She's probably already been through it. So Blue winks at Bobby and then she's suddenly gone and in her place is a wolf sized coyote with the same two toned eyes staring at him as she sits and grins.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"So, you regenerate a lot. Does that change the outside? Or do you come back looking the same?" Bobby has those first few questions to go with. To him that's a fascinating and horrying premise. Naming your own killer with a text message.

And then she's gone. In her place is a coyote. His head tilts for a moment. That grin keeps him brom running. "And you're a furry's dream?" he asks witha raised brow. He means no disrespect byt htat. He just doesn't remember the term for changing into an animal.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue changes back just as fast after Bobby's reaction only she's sitting on the ground and laughing hard. "I reckon I could be at that." Her clothes have changed though, black sweatpants and a navy colored knit sweater along with a pair of old grey tennis shoes. "I do heal faster and a lot of the time I go into a sorta coma until whatever it was heals. It's just sometimes the damage is too bad. Then I get a whole new body and wake up somewhere, not always knowing who I am. Most of comes back eventually but it can make living a bit of a challenge these days. Can't explain that kinda thing if too many people see it."

She scowls "And everyone and their damn brother's cousin's uncle's kid has a videocamera in their hand these days. I've managed not to get caught dying by anyone I know the past decade or coming back as a guy, that happens sometimes. Gotta start over again then too. Sometimes I miss the old days. It was easier to blend in in some ways, harder in others. Like no one notices an Indian here now ya know? But there were times and places that was just a total death sentence, of course it was a lot easier to hide if I did die then." At that time in her life she really had felt more cursed than gifted.

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby asks the obvious question once the laughter dies down. "Does it hurt?" He imagines it does. However, he asks anyway.

"So, if some strange looking person shows up at my door claiming to be you, I should trust it?" he asks a little curiously ont his one. He's concerned there. So many weird rules to regeneration. "And how did you get your clothes to change?" Lots of questions.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue nods. "Every time." She answers seriously and likely gives new meaning to her "live in the moment" advice frome earlier. "I feel everything every one else does." She blinks at the second question. "Huh. I mean, probably. I'd say we should have a code word but I might remember you and not the word and there are other beings out there that can change their looks." She puzzles over it for a moment. "Oh I know! I have birthmark like a pawprint on my..." She sighs. "Ass." She shakes her head. "No matter which of the tribes I look like I'm from or which sex I am I always have that damn mark."

She glances down at her clothes and shrugs. "I have no idea. They just.. are there. I need them and so they are, I guess. Don't really have any control over it."

Bobby Lane has posed:
A wince comes Bobby even if the answer is expected. Honestly, he would have been more shocked if the answer was the opposite. When talk of the birthmark comes up, he does stifle a giggle. "I won't ask to see it, but I will know to use that if you ever move onto the next life," and then he nods. "So the clothes are adaptive. Maybe try working on that for funskies. Could save on the bills," he shrugs a little bit on that one. That's what he would do.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
She blinks. It seems like such obvious advice but she's always just worked around it. Tried not to wear anything important or keep a wallet or anything in clothes she might end up losing. It's why her jacket is back with her bike and her phone is in a locked box attached to the side. She'd intended on going running in the cemetary and knew she'd shift. "I.." Blue huffs in exasperation. "Never really thought about it. It always just.. was. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I just kinda always figured it's better than showing up naked all the time. I know other kinds of shifters have that problem but then, I've never found another one like me either."

Could she really learn to control it or at least guide it a bit? It'll be interesting to try. "I should talk to strange guys in the cemetary more often." Blue jokes.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"I'm sure you and naked go great together, but you never know who you're going to run into. Your idea is probably a good one, but I just haven't heard of many shifters being able to do the clothes thing," Bobby does give her a look. "My expereince with them has been through movies. I'm not the goto guy, but if I were any kind of shape shifter. If I could just make the clothes, I would. We always picture things in our head so well and then most of suck bringing that image to life. So, lean into a gift and skill most would kill for," he shrugs a gain. To him it's jut that simple.

"I'm not strange. My strange sense is a fresh set of eyes on your situation. The Cemetary part is just coincidental," he grins. "Now there's the matter of my fee," he jokes back.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue nods. "That's what I meant. You see things differently. When you've been around so long, you can forget how helpful that can be." She laughs. "The movies get some things right. I've often wondered how many people "in the know" have used that information for books, tv, whatever. Cause a lot of it isn't that far off."

She raises a brow and grins. "Oh yeah? What kinda fee ya got in mind?" A hint of teasing flirtation in her voice.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"Well, happy to be of service." He grins at the laugh and shrugs. "I mean it's the perfect cover. Convince people it's fake by presenting it as entertainment. Muddle up some of the details to keep it from being a guide on how to kill you. Easy peasy," he smiles at Blue for a moment.

A grin dances on his lips, "Wouldn't you like to know," he winks and just lets that one marinate for a little bit. "Always this open to weirdos you find or just sensing a kindred spirit?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"It's pretty much what happened. For the longest time, anything not human had an easier time blending in but that changed. Humanity grew and spread and technology advanced. It finally started to settle a bit, but the world is changing agian Now there are mutants and whatever else out there. There's still more humans than anything else though and we have to be careful, anyone that's different. So it makes sense."

She laughs. "Kindred spirit I think. I meet enough weirdos during work. Aiyaiy and I don't mean at the bar. This private eye thing, it's not all cheating spouses, peeping toms, and two bit thieves these days. It keeps me on my toes."

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby grows quiet when the evolution of man and tech come up. "Yeah. I know," and his words hold a bit of weight to them. It's a subject he knows intimiately well. Her private eye training can tell her that she stumbled into something with him. Whether he's a human, or something else, remains to be seen. Smart money is on something else that has dealt with the "different" part. However, equally plausible is he's a human somehow dealing with the different part.

"And dang. Here I thought a cute private eye was tailing me. Makes me wonder what I did wrong and whose paying you to watch me beyond personal interest," he winks again. Possible a little deflection there.

"How do you stand the private eye thing? I mean don't you see the worse of people most of the time you do it. Even if it's not cheasters, but people doing frauds. You're still seeing the not-so-great side of people."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue knows something about him is different but she doesn't pry yet. If he wants to tell her, he will. It isn't like she's one to judge being what she is anyway. "Heh. If I was tailing you, you'd never know it." The woman grins. She is very good at what she does afterall.

She tilts her head and just looks at Bobby for a minute, considering. "I can't say for sure how old I am but it's an age measured in centuries. I've seen the worst of it, I've *lived* through the worst of it, more times than I can count. This gig, it's letting me use my nature to help people that would otherwise be ignored. The people that come to me can't go to or count on the law or the goverment for help. If I can do a little good, make a difference for the better then.. it's worth it. It gives my life meaning and without that then I tend to lose myself. So it's kinda selfish too I guess." She's honest enough with herself to admit that. "My last life I just killed people for money. Bad people.. not innocent people. But still. This time I'm trying to find a better balance."

Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby doesn't argue the tailing comment. Most private eyes are good like that. He just knows things like stay sixty feet behind while in a car for a moment.

Hearing about why she does what she does, it does paint Blue in an interesting light. The fact Blue is so forward about her past tells more about the current mindset.

He'll move forward and there's a small flickered of orangish yellow in his hand, but the hand moves forward. Bobby flicks her in the nose with a finger while the power is going. It doesn't burn, but it does feel like Blue's nose got a little too close to a candle. The warmth is -very- much there.

As quick as it comes the glow is gone, "That's for being an ass last life time. But I'm sure you're making up for it in this one," he gives a warm smile and tries to take a step back.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
She blinks in startlement but doesn't move otherwise. He isn't a fire elemental she's pretty sure of that. Interesting. Something, someone *new*. Blue grins. "Thanks." For being so accepting, for showing her something new, for trusting her enough to do it in the first place.

"I'm not sure I'd say I was an ass really, just.. some people the world's better off without. These days I try to find a better way unless it's heat of the moment or there's no other choice. I mean you pop up in the middle of gang fight or something, there isn't always time to be careful of your moves. It is a lot easier to get evidence of wrong doing and deliver it anonymously to the right authorities. Or even the press these days though. I like that."

Her lips quirk. "To think I almost went running in Central Park tonight instead. I'm glad I didn't." Really glad actually. Sometimes her random instincts to do a thing turn out really well. Other times.. not so much. She's glad this wasn't one of those other times.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"I'm not saying there isn't a time or place where that stuff can't, or shouldn't happen. you just made it sound like it -always- hapepned. Or it happneed a bit," Bobby knows that it's the frequency to that one.

"Your weirdo senses were tingling," he says about the the detour. "I'm glad I took a wrong turn, too. You can always have my number if you want to ever get together outside of a grave yard," he grins and looks about. "Might have a place to actually lean on elsewhere.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
"No, not always. Hell, there's been decades where I just ran wild as coyote, or lived a simple life doing nothing much. I am what I am though, a hunter, a predator. Can't change that. Wouldn't wanna. I don't however, want to be a monster." She's seen more than enough of those and is sure she'll all too many more.

"I'd really like that. This is place is great for a run or just some peace and quiet but as a hangout, not so much." It is a little awkward she finally realizes, just standing around in the dark talking like this. She's actually a bit embarrased that it didn't occur to her until this moment but she spent a lot of time talking to people in somewhat or downright shady places.. perhaps a little too much time. Ah well. Hindsight.

Bobby Lane has posed:
"And there is a difference." Bobby knows that and he looks at her, "Try not to be the Monster." That's what he wants her to avoid. Why there's even a lecture in the first place.

"Well, don't be a stranger and we can meet some place a little less dark and ominous," he grins even if she can't see it.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue can definitely see it. Her night vision is better than most. "That is the goal." She agrees, midly amused at the bit of lecture but knowing it comes from a good place. "I'd definitely like to meet again. How about sometime next week? You pick the time and place and I'll show up." She offers with a grin.

There's a slight breeze and her ears twitch at a soft sound carried by the wind. Her eyes straining in the dark and shoulder stiffening for a moment before she relaxes. Ah, nothing to worry about. "Anyway.." Blue turns her attention back to Bobby. "It was good meeting you."