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Such Pretty Lights
Date of Scene: 08 March 2024
Location: Beach and Boardwalk - Coney Island
Synopsis: While staring at the lights of Coney Island, Kiana runs into River on the beach below the boardwalk.
Cast of Characters: Kiana, River Banks

Kiana has posed:
It's evening at Coney Island. The weather might not be the warmest still, but it's well above freezing and there isn't any wind or rain. And people who have felt cooped up by the winter are taking advantage of the warming trend to get outside.

People are wandering down the boardwalk, munching whatever they bought from stands along the way. Others are in lines for rides, or listening to performers. And of course there are the carnival games, where with just enough skill, your $1 entry will win you a stuffed animal they probably paid 50 cents for.

The lights are what draw Kiana. She saw them when passing by earlier, and having saved the people whose sailboat capsized up the coast, she's come back now. The mocha-skinned girl floats out in the water a little ways off the beach, watching the lights of the Ferris wheel and those of the various rides. The sounds that each tries to be more exciting and interesting than the last. Kiana's eyes are wide and her smile is not far off from what a kid has seeing a carnival for the first time.

River Banks has posed:
    River, on the other hand, has a far more grim outlook on Coney Island. The games of 'chance' and 'skill' were rigged against you at every turn. They had just enough chance of winning to whet appitites, but she knows a con when she sees one -- she used to run cons before she was encouraged to change her ways by an alien, a Green Lantern, and a taser round to the leg.

    She was wearing a leather jacket as she finished wiping make-up off her face, showing her natural freckled skin, blonde hair crunchy from hairspray and gel used to hold everything in place and in a haphazard messy bun as she stuffed the makeup wipe into its wrapper, and disposed of it in a handy trashcan, using the back of her hand to knock a couple other items too heavy to be picked up by the wind.

    She was walking below the boardwalk, in the shadows as planks creaked with people overhead, making her way along the rocky butons below, when she spots something in the water.

    She pauses, straightening up a moment before she rubs the back of her head, and then calls out to the floating girl:

    "Hey! You all right out there?"

Kiana has posed:
There's so much to see! Kiana's eyes flit about from this sight to that one, drawn by the colorful display like nothing that she's seen before. Ok, nothing she's seen before close up anyway.

She's so rapt with the bright lights that she didn't even notice River walking below the boardwalk. Not until she says something, and Kiana gives a tiny start, eyes darting until she finds her.

"Oh, yes," Kiana calls back, looking a little sheepish. "I'm ok," she says, though the water is probably still pretty cold only a week into March. "I just was looking at the lights," she says, smiling and gazing back at the big Ferris wheel for a moment, before looking back to River again. "What is this place called?"

River Banks has posed:
    "Uh..." River states, blinking a moment, and she sits down on the rocks. There were several horror movies that began this way, she just knows it.

    "Y'all never been to Coney Island? Me neither 'fore today." she states, settling into her Southern drawl. "The lights are real pretty, but they're better 'round the Winter Solstice when things are all dressed up for the holidays." she explains, and she tilts her head again.

    "You.. uh... you sure you're all right out there? Water's mighty cold this time a' year."

Kiana has posed:
The young woman gives a little shake of her head back to River, and then she's swimming forwards. Not using her arms, yet passing with an ease and speed that most couldn't match using their arms and legs.

"Coney Island," Kiana repeats as if trying out the name for the first time. "No, I haven't been along here before," she says. "I just saw the lights a little bit ago. It reminds me of a place called Amusement Mile, though I haven't been able to see that place as up close as this," she says, gaze flitting back and forth from the lights to River and back again.

Reaching the shallow water, Kiana stands up and wades the rest of the way in. She's wearing a bikini, the color a changing gradient between a deep blue and an aqua. "I don't really mind the cold water," she says. Though her arms go about herself a little bit. "The air is much colder when I'm out in it," she says. Her eyes focus on River again fully. "What is the Winter Solstice? Is that like Christmas?"

River Banks has posed:
    "Huh, 'Musement Mile. You can stand the water 'round Gotham then?" she questions, her eyebrows rising up. "Figured there was enough weird stuff that it might give people trouble swimmin' in it." she offers, and she sits down on a big rock, eyeballing Kiana a moment and she takes off the jacket she was wearing, and offers it to the woman.

    "So's you don't catch a death of cold." she states, averting her eyes politely as well as she considers.

    "Well. Christmas is one a' the holidays 'round the Solstice. You got Hannukkah, Kwanza, somethin' 'bout Saturn, St. Lucy's I think?" she ventures, and looks to Kiana.

    "So... you just... swim everywhere? You're not from Atlantis are ya?"

Kiana has posed:
Kiana wades in further to where River is standing on the sand when the jacket is offered. "Thank you," she says, giving River a shy smile of gratitude. She takes it and slips it on. "The water isn't as pleasant there. It has a different taste and smell to it," she agrees. "Though, it's different here than it is around Genosha too," is added after a moment's thought.

The girl seems to soak up the information as it is offered. "I haven't seen those other holidays. Though I saw Christmas. There was a tree at the diner. And Ned and Rafael each wrapped up a present in colored paper for me," she says, her eyes lighting up a bit at the memory much like they did when she saw the lights.

A quick shake of her head is given. "Atlantis. That's an underwater city? No. Or, I don't think so at least. I'm a mutant. And, I mostly swim yes. Though I can travel long distances without swimming."

River Banks has posed:
    "Though water without swimming, or are y'all pullin' one on me with you have some sorta submarine or somethin'?" River asks, and she gives a shake of her head "Ah, you mighta seen bits of Menorahs around, but I geddit. Christmas is the Big One. I only know the others 'cause of a school project."

    Not her project, though, and she leans back against a rock.

    "So, you're from Genosha then?" she asks, a little confusion in her voice. "Did you hafta travel far jus' ta look at Coney Island?"

Kiana has posed:
A burst of music comes from the boardwalk, and Kiana peers up that way with interest, but can't really see as much standing beneath the boardwalk like this. Her attention quickly swings back to the blond haired young woman who looks a year or two older than she. "No I can sort of sense when people are in trouble at sea. And then I can pass through the water and come up where they are in just a few seconds," she says. "That's why I'm here. There was a boat that capsized and the woman couldn't swim. I got to them to shore," she says, though the story is told with a meek expression.

"I'm living there. I'm not sure where I'm from. I washed up on the beach there, badly hurt. There was a man, a mutant, who could heal people, who was nearby. Or else they say I probably would have died. And I don't really remember anything. A few vague images I can't make much sense of. A boat but..." she says, shaking her head as if at an attempt to recall something useful from it.

"But yes, it's the other side of the world, mostly," Kiana says. "In the Indian Ocean." She seems to remember something and she holds out her hand. "I'm Kiana."

River Banks has posed:
    "Huh. Friend of mine recently came back from being shipwrecked out that ways." River replies nonchalantly, and she gives a soft hum. She's been trying to be more social.

    "River," she introduces herself simply. "I'm sure those folks were thankful you were around to help 'em to shore. Sounds like you've got some handy powers." she gives a slight smile, stretching her fingers out over her knees.

    "So, some memories of a boat, an' then washin' up on Genosha? You must be a right mystery to the folks on the island then. Good thing there was a fella with healin' powers... wouldn't mind those myself." she mutters, rubbing her arm thoughtfully.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana's gaze drops to River's arm as she rubs it. "Are you hurt? I have a number for him that I can call on the telephone to speak to him," Kiana says. "If you wanted I could call and ask him if he could help you?"

The water laps up onto the wet sand where Kiana is standing. River might notice a little silver anklet with a tiny seashell charm on it, as the water runs across Kiana's feet.

She looks down a little shyly but smiles. "They were grateful, yes. I was glad that I was able to help," she says. "So do live here, in Coney Island? The lights are so beautiful, you must come out here all the time," she says, obviously taken with the place.

River Banks has posed:
    "Actually, Ah live in Gotham. I was up here for a job, that's why I knew about the Amusement Mile." she explains friendly-like, and she shakes her head "Naw. Comes with the territory of some of my other jobs I take up." she explains to Kiana, and then she gives a nod to the charm.

    "Jewelry from Genosha?" she questions.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana follows River's gaze down towards her anklet. "Oh, no, I had that when I washed up on the beach," she says, moving her leg to peer down at the little anklet. "Though Old Ned, he makes jewelry and sells it from his stand at the crossroads. I find pearls and shells for him to make his jewelry with," she says. "And he gives me money for them. He keeps saying I'll need it, but mostly I just catch fish and pick fruit," she says, giving a tiny shrug.

"I rescued someone from Gotham. That's how I saw Amusement Mile, when I took him home," Kiana says.

Her perpetual soft smile fades a little bit. "Some people attacked us in the city. It seems dangerous there. I hope you are careful. I know people who live there love it, but it worries me," she says, brow furrowed slightly.

River Banks has posed:
    "Not everybody loves it." River states, folding her hands a moment as she sits up. "Was this person you took home shipwrecked in the Indian ocean?" she questions, her eyebrows rising. Had to be coincidence. Had to be.

    But she gives an amused smile. "So... this guy Ned -- he sells sea shells by the sea shore, huh?" she tacks on, and she purses her lips a moment as she takes a breath and lets it out.

    "Gotham's a city with a lotta problems. It wasn't my first choice, Ah wouldn't have picked it, but Ah had extrenuinatin' circumstances. Friend of mine lent me a hand in movin'. An' kinda grew on me." she pauses.

    "Like a mold."

Kiana has posed:
Kiana gives a shake of her head at the first question. "No, he was in the Atlantic when I found him." She is about to say more, but remembers the parts about him secretly fighting criminals. So probably best to not say how he was on a boat that someone exploded to try to kill him.

Thankfully, River moves on to asking about Ned. "Oh yes," Kiana says, smiling at the topic of Ned and nodding quickly. Probably not getting the old saying, as she adds, "Though the crossroads where his stand is at, it's about five or ten minutes walk from the breach."

Kiana pauses then in thought. "Is mold... a good thing to grow on you?" she asks as if not thinking it would be.

River Banks has posed:
    "Ah... no. The sayin' is like... I became attached and liked it, but not 'cause I wanted to." River explains as she rubs the back of her neck again, pursing her lips.

    "So. The lights... uh... they don't have stuff like this where you've been stayin'?" she asks awkwardly.

Kiana has posed:
The South Pacific Island girl's smile is generally so warm and friendly. She gives River a empathetic look as the explains what the saying meant. "I'm good that it's been good for you then," Kiana offers in a soft, warm voice.

"Not like this. Hammer Bay is very... gleaming. They say it is new, all of it. It was destroyed a few years ago. There isn't a place like this that I've seen though. Maybe one day they will build something like it when they have time. They are still doing a lot of work there. But I've only gone into the city once or twice. Mostly I stay on the shore near the crossroads. I found a shack. It's missing a wall, but it gives a nice view of the ocean and sunset," she says.

River Banks has posed:
    River is having a hard time keeping an emotional distance from someone who just admitted they live in a shack with three walls.

    She presses her lips together, and looks at Kiana in curiosity, her yeebrows rising up.

    "Ah can't complain. Y'all have a tropical place and it seems comfortable. Coney Island's not bad, but y'got a lot of people scammin' others for their money. Got figures that peddle false hope for a two-dollar plush animal or Superman that ain't licscened." she explains. "The lights are real pretty, but past that? Jus' another place meant to take money an' feed you junk food."

Kiana has posed:
While there might have been a look of wonder in Kiana's eyes suitable for a kid in a store at Christmas, as she hears that about the place, the mocha-skinned girl's expression falls a little bit.

"It seems wrong that somewhere so beautiful should have people treating each other poorly," she says, Kiana's unworldliness on display as it has been a few times tonight. She lets out a soft sigh, and turns to a brighter topic.

"I do like it there. There's a nice little cove that it's on, and a reef with colorful fish. You should come and visit sometime, River," Kiana suggests.

River Banks has posed:
    "Ah've seen the best an' worst that humanity's got." River states, "An I wasn't part of the good parts for a long time."

    And she gives a little smile at the idea of visiting.

    "I'd like to, maybe someday. But I've got responsibilities in Gotham City that I keep up with. Speakin' of --" she goes to stand. "I've gotta catch a train. You be safe, Kiana."

Kiana has posed:
Kiana removes the jacket and passes it back to River. "It was nice to meet you," she says softly. "And thank you for your jacket. I guess maybe I'll just enjoy the lights from the water tonight," she ventures. Which is probably a good idea, she'd get some stares in the bikini in March.

She turns to walk back out into the water, looking back to smile and waves to River. "Please be safe, especially when you go back to Gotham. Avoid alleys," she says, beaming a gentle smile at her new acquaintance.

The water begins to swirl a little bit around Kiana, not energetically, but just enough it's noticeable. And then Kiana just sinks into the water though it wasn't even waist deep, disappearing into it more like she was dropping into a hole than just going underwater. And then she's gone.

River Banks has posed:
    "... Jason's gonna have some 'splainin' to do." River mumbles as she watches Kiana disappear into the water. And there may be just a small pang of jealousy, as she uses her own powers to remove any remaining wetness from the inside of the jacket and return it to the ocean.

    And slipping her jacket back on, the young woman goes to climb back up to the boardwalk and escape.