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Latest revision as of 08:02, 10 March 2024

Stolen Goods
Date of Scene: 10 March 2024
Location: Barbara's Penthouse (Clocktower - 25th Floor)
Synopsis: Selina brings some stolen goods by the Clocktower. The girls order take-out.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Barbara Gordon

Selina Kyle has posed:
It's two days after the... events... in Hell's Kitchen and things have settled down a bit in New York. True, the Green Goblin now has some of the goods being sold, and there were others that also mysteriously disappeared.

An emerald green Jaguar convertible pulls into the parking garage under the Clock Tower, and Selina Kyle gives a jaunty wave to the cameras on her way in. Parking the car, she picks up an Armani duffel from the back seat and heads for the elevator. She's wearing a black minidress, sleeveless with a low neckline. The lacey stockings have a straight seam up the back, and she moves quite comfortably in the six inch heels. Slinging the bag over one shoulder, she pushes the call button and waits for the elevator.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The parking garage is sparsley populated with just a handful of Barbara's own public vehicles. A mercedes, a SUV, a pair of EVs, and a few motorcycles. Well lit, but a bit cold this time of season, the garage is simple and well kept. The lift doors spread open seconds after Selina rings them, and once inside she's greeted to a lift filled with screens on all sides. As the lift starts its journey up the 25 floors, the screens lining the walls show a live video feed of Gotham City being built in its founding days, and the further up the lift goes, the higher the buildings grow, as years tumble past in seconds, until it reaches the peak of the Clocktower, and the display reaches modern year.

The doors spread open, and Selina finds herself viewing the open floor plan of Barbara's apartment. The lift entrance resides on a small balcony area, with a few steps that lead down to the main floor of the penthouse apartment. The giant clockfaces are what draw one's attention the most, with the decor of the penthouse itself consisting of fine leather furniture, and polished hardwood floors, along with a kitchen off to the left that has a distinct 1950s Nuclear Family design to it.

Babs, is up on a platform across the way, tucked in to a corner of the penthouse open floor. It is a computer station, loaded with monitors. She had obviously known Selina was coming, and smiles when she sees her. "Hey there." She says across the open space. "good to see you. Especially after that... event the other night." Babs says, wearing all black,a sweater and denim pants. She steps across the floor, and motions toward the kitchen. "Want a drink?" She asks.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle watches the TV screens, taking in the show as well as the history lesson. She looks around the apartment for a moment once the doors open, her heels clicking loudly on the floor. She unslings the duffel, letting it clatter to the floor without altering her pace. "Really good to see you, too." Her gaze wanders a little, perhaps checking for bruises or signs of injury. Yeah, that's it.

"I wouldn't turn down a glass of cognac." she replies, following the motion towards the kitchen. "Quiet night in Gotham, it seems. At least the Clowns won't be coming out of the woodwork for a while."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara's fiery red hair is tied up in a loose bun on the crown of her head, with free tendrils left to frame the sides of her face. She shows a smile at the drink request, and starts moving across the floor space toward her kitchen. She notes Selina's shoes when she sees the duffle land on the floor. "My god, those heels," she comments, "Anything over two inches and I start wobbling like I've had too much to drink." She states, smirking Selina's way. "Are those six?" She guesses, as she retrieves a couple of glasses from her oddly decorated kitchen. The closer Selina would get to the Nuclear themed kitchen the more she might see little trinkets like men and women figurines in blue and gold jumpsuits holding up their thumbs with happy faces, or a Nuclear Bomb sitting on the island counter in front of the bar stools with a 'Nuka Cola' logo on the side of it.

Babs steps over to her drink cart, where she retrieves a bottle of cognac. "I rarely ever drink this stuff. May as well give it another shot." She states, as she pours them both a glass, and steps over to Selina to hand her her own. "Have a seat, wherever you'd like." She states, motioning to the bar stools or the living room with the plush chocolate hued leather sofa and chairs. "I was really surprised you showed up at that thing, though. Didn't realize you operated in the New York area."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle chuckles softly at the comment about her shoes, planting one foot before the other to even further accent the sway of her hips. "It takes a lot of practice." she replies. Nodding at the guess on height, she steps up more closely. "I have a few pair of eight inch heels with two inch soles, but I save those for special occasions." She pause, flashing a knowing smile with a wink. "And for... dancing."

Accepting the cognac, she lets the glass settle on her palm and doesn't sip right away. "The secret to drinking cognac is to let it warm up. Most people get in a hurry and drink it too soon. Even good cognac tastes like lighter fluid when it's cold. It's best at body temperature." She moves towards the living room, finding a plush chair and settling in. One long leg crosses over the other.

"I was there for the sale, actually." she replies almost casually. "Not to buy, but to take a few things for myself. The fighting helped with the distraction."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The further revelation with regard to Selina's shoe collection has Babs' raising her eyebrows up a little above her emerald eyes. "Goodness gracious." She says about the eight inch heels. "I would break my neck..." She tells the other woman, a smirk showing on her pink hued lips. "Wedges have always been my heel of choice, as they provide the same effect, but... much easier." She laughs softly, and shakes her head once. "But really, as tall as I am, I never really needed the heels. I already got teased for being taller than most other girls..." Being that Babs is just under six feet when not in shoes at all.

As they both walk toward the living room, she gives a glance down to her own cognac glass, and considers the advice. "I'll remember that. Really, whisky or vodka is as far in to hard liquor as I normally go. A screw-driver is like the go-to for me for mixed drinks."

Babs settles down on the edge of one of the sofa chairs, not far from where Selina chose to seat herself. With a dark wooden coffee table in front of the sofa furniture, there is room to set one's glass if needs be.

A glance is given to the duffle bag across the way, before Babs regards Selina. "Did you grab one of those Cloak devices? I'd guess that'd be up your alley the most..." She tells the other woman, grinning playfully at her.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle casually swirls her cognac, watching as Babs settles. "Well you haven't had the same... career path that I have, either. In certain occupations, high heels are a requirement." Annnd, that's probably all that needs to be said about that!

Selina raises the glass, not to sip but to smell the glass. "When you can really smell the cognac, that means it's warm enough to drink." she offers. Without looking at the bag, she replies "I have one of everything that was on display in the tents." And she punctuates that with a light shrug of her bared shoulder. "I had originally intended to cash in on the resale. The street value for that shit has gone even higher after the little commando raid."

Another shrug, another sniff, then Selina takes a slow sip of her cognac, holding it on her tongue for a moment before swallowing. "After seeing those toys in action, I've decided that they don't need to be in circulation." She smiles, then. "Besides, they're ugly."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The first part has Babs' gently nodding her head, and smirking, mostly at herself. She lets it lie, before another glance is given toward the bag that had been set down upon the floor. "Well, not that you want to hear me say it, but I think you made the right choice here." She replies, finally sampling another sip of her drink, and doing her best to hide the reaction her body naturally tries to force upon her face for even daring to be so stupid.

She draws in a breath, however, and regards Selina again. "There are a lot better ways to earn a few bucks, than selling that stuff to some of the nefarious types around here, or otherwise. I... wasn't even sure what all of it did, when I got caught up in it the other night... The Cloaked clowns got the jump on me. I was... lucky to have not gotten myself killed, honestly." She draws in a breath then, and with a shake of her head, she exhales once more.

"If I come up with any retroactive tech based on my research of the stuff, would you be interested in any of it? I might come up with something that could help you, if you'd like."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle gives a soft laugh, tossing her head a little even. "I didn't do it for you, darling." she replies, with almost a purr. Just like she didn't always do the 'right thing' for Him. "My charities aren't lucrative ventures, and they could always use an influx of cash." Yes, her charities are mostly focused on the homeless, orphanages, women's shelters, and human trafficking victims.

"You Bats take too many chances. None of you are invincible, you know." She lets out an almost exasperated sigh and rolls her eyes theatrically with the last.

"I would always appreciate anything useful that comes out of this, of course. But you know where to make donations if you want to thank me."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Another shot is taken at the cognac glass, this time it doesn't hit her as hard, and through it Babs' is able to more easily smile over toward Selina. "Not invincible. I learned that lesson a long time ago... but maybe a reminder isn't the worst thing..." She draws in a breath, and bobs her head in a pair of small nods. "I'll happily make a donation to all of your favorite charities, Selina. It's been too long since I have, already."

"In fact..." Babs starts, as she glances to the east, motioning with a free hand toward the tall windows that rest just beneath the eastern clock face above them, where outside a blimp can be seen hovering over the Gotham City skyline. "If you'd like to host a charity event, or two, you're more than welcome to utilize the Gordon Green Energy Blimp. Our gondala features a fairly spacious dining area, where a number of private events have been hosted since we got the airship up and running." She states, with a prideful smile. "It might fit some socialite desires, and help some of the wealthier ones write a few checks... so to speak, since nobody actually uses checks anymore..."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles a little at the offer for the donation, taking another sip of her drink as well. When Babs gestures towards the hovering blimp, Selina arches a brow and gives her a curious look. "A private, exclusive event? Darling, it's been a very long time since I've hosted a social..." Her voice trails off and she doesn't have to add the rest. No, whenever Selina attends a social she is usually on Bruce's arm.

It's been quite some time, indeed. Another light shrug follows. "I honestly don't know if I can even play nice in polite company anymore. But I do appreciate the offer. Really. It brings my thoughts back to happier times."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs glances out the balcony windows once more, the Blimp is on the other side of the city, but still visibly seen going on about its flight pattern. She looks back toward Selina then, and offers her a warm smile at the nostalgic commentary from the other. "The offer will stand, should it ever become an appealing one to take." She says back, before lingering a small pause.

"I'm sure Bruce misses you too, on some level. As much as he can, at least." She also adds, showing a hint of a grin.

Babs draws in a breath, as she takes another sip of that drink before she rises up from her chair, setting her glass down on the coffee table, and starting forward. She strides over to the duffle bag, taking a seat on the wooden steps in front of the lift doors, she moves to open the bag up to see whats inside. "Lets get a look at your loot haul,.." She says then, as the redhead starts rooting around within the duffle's contents.

"You really can grab a lot, for a woman with relatively small hands." She jests as she searches.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"It's not that we parted on bad terms, Barbara." Selina replies. At least she doesn't stiffen at the mention of his name. "We just sort of drifted apart, like two icebergs. He knows that I'd drop everything and come if he ever needed me. Just like you all do."

Just like the other night.

Selina doesn't rise when Babs goes over to open the bag. She knows what's there, after all. "I grabbed more than one of the grenades, just in case there were any accidents in reverse-engineering." Her lips curl into a wry smile, then. "And if you hadn't roared past in such a hurry without stopping, I might have been able to toss a few more into the passenger's seat."

Selina chuckles, then takes another sip of cognac. "By the way, darling, it's not the size of the hands but the nimbleness of the fingers."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
One of those wild grenades is what Babs elects to pull out of the bag. She then stands up, taking the bag by its handles, and carries it all back over to the sofa area. The bag is set down upon it, and the redhead shoots Selina a grin at her joke there at the end. "I can imagine..." She quietly says as she turns to sit back down on the chair she'd originally occupied.

She reaches forward to grab her black framed glasses off of the coffee table, then sits straight upon the chair, as she places her glasses on over her green eyes. She stares at the grenade.

"It's the power sources of this shit that really gets my mind going..." She distractedly says, before she lowers the grenade down, and looks to Selina again.

"But, alternative powers of 'tomorrow' are the basis of everything I've done with my company." She says, soon to smirk at herself.

"Boring stuff, I know... Hows the drink? Has it warmed up enough?" She asks, as she leans forward to set the grenade down, and to retrieve her own glass. "What does keep you busy these days, if not love interests, and social obligations?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle keeps her long legs crossed, cradling the glass upon her palm. "It's good cognac." she replies, swirling the glass a little. "And yes, there is definitely a difference." Selina considers the last part first, then. "I have my own amusements, of course. And I never said there weren't love interests." Brows lift playfully at that.

"A girl has to have -some- secrets, even from 'family'." Because Selina does consider Bruce's family to be her own, after all. "I just don't find social engagements to be particularly... engaging." Yes, cats are easily bored. "And sharing -some- of my project ideas would remove any plausible deniability on your part. No offense, but it's for your own good." Wink.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
All of that draws out a light laugh from Barbara, who summarily responds with a series of small nods, and a shrug of her shoulders inside her form-fit black sweater. "Fair enough. Mysterious Cats have to keep up their enigmatic ways, afterall." She states, shooting a grin back to the other woman.

"Have anywhere to be?" She inquires then. "I'd be happy to order some food, feed you while you came all the way out here to bring me these lovely weapons of alien destruction..." She states in a masked grim tone, a glance given to the bag before she looks back to the other.

"And I would have slowed down to pick you up, the other night, fi I didn't have a clown-car of a semi truck to stop, all while hoping a Green Goblin wasn't about to start bombing my head, or caving a subway tunnel in ontop of me." She softly adds, her glass partially hiding her grin as she chases her words with a bigger sip of the cognac.

"Mmm... I think you're right. I might have to keep this stuff off of the cooling rack."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle lifts a brow at the offer, clucking her tongue lightly. "I know a very good Vietnamese place nearby." she replies. "And thanks for the offer. Don't mind if I get comfortable, even."

Setting her glass down, Selina uncrosses her legs and leans down to unbuckle the heels, slipping her feet out one at a time.

Lifting her hand, Selina clucks her tongue and shakes her head lightly. "Oh, now don't give me those lame excuses. I know you really didn't care, but I'll get over it." Toes wiggle in the stockings and Selina rises. "There's an old bartender trick you can use with cognac, too. Take a cup of steaming water and rest the snifter on top, so the steam keeps it warm."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara smiles warmly toward Selina, before nodding her head a single time toward her. "Feel free to comfort it up. I spent all this time making this place my perfect home above the mayhem down below. Someone needs to enjoy it other than me." She says as she stands up, moving around the coffee table, and sofa toward her drink shelves on that fancy cart parked near the island counter of her kitchen. As she goes, she speaks outloud to her computer AI system. "Oracle." She waits for it to softly beep from speakers all around the penthouse apartment. "Can you place an order for several of the top rated entrees from the nearest Vietnamese restaurant?"

The AI's feminine voice speaks out the name of the restaurant, as Babs walks back toward the coffee table and sofa area, carrying the bottle of cognac at her side. She waits for Selina to confirm its the right place, before the AI then announces the order is being placed.

Babs settles back down on to the edge of her chair, and leans forward to refill her glass, then Selina's own, should she desire.

"So, you were a bartender too, huh?" She asks. "I hear that next to a barbor, bartenders get told all the best secrets about all their customers." She states, a grin playing across her lips.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle pads over in her stockings, taking a longer look around the apartment. "These days, taking my shoes off is about as comfortable as I get." she replies. "But next time I'll bring a sweatshirt and yoga pants." Selina is checking out the decor while Babs orders, glancing over as the AI responds with the order.

She holds out her glass for the refill, adding a warm smile as well. "No, I wasn't a bartender. We had a great bartender at one of the clubs where I worked." A strip club, to be sure, but that goes unsaid. "And yes, she was definitely the one who had the scoop on everything. The other girls, customers, even management."

Selina pads back to her own chair, and now that her shoes off she sheds some of her manners. She sprawls sideways in the chair, long legs draping over one arm as she reclines against the other. "I don't mind sharing my past, so long as it's not interpreted as a sob-story. My past made me who I am today, and I'm not ashamed of that."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara, still wearing those black framed glasses, refills the other womans' glass, while she listens to Selina reply. Babs' penthouse is both modern, well kept, but also adorned in more clear indications of a 'nerdy' undertone to the redhead's lifestyle. She even has a shelf loaded with pre-order statues and toys garnered from video games she undoubtedly was excited for at some point. Beyond that, it was your standard affair of decorations, with very well kept, and new looking furniture, adorned in eclectic lamps, and framed photos of family members, including one of she and her father some time in recent years.

She offers the glass back over to Selina, as the other woman drapes herself across the plush leather of the soft sofa chair. She smiles at her. "You've no reason to feel anything other than pride in your accomplishments. You came from a place that a lot of people might struggle to stay above the water, to keep oxygen in your lungs. You've managed it, though. On your own too, as far as I know, which is no small feat, Selina..." She says in a sincere tone. "I, uh... probably can't bemoan my childhood too much, considering my father. But, it wasn't easy back in the day, when he barely made enough money to feed us, yet still worked his ass off to keep us safe as can be. This is a tough city, and it either breaks you, or turns you in to hardened steel..."

She raises her glass up then, still perched on the edge of her own chair. "You may not need admiration from me, but you get it anyway." She tells the other, smirking again, as she looks away and sips her own drink.

The AI computer announces a thirty minute timer for their food to be delivered.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle accepts the glass as she stretches languidly over the plush chair, wiggling her toes in the stockings. "Oh, I've spent enough time in and out of police stations to know the life of a cop still isn't an easy one, Barbara." she replies, swirling the glass with a practiced turn of the wrist. "And thank you. I don't ask for anything but a fair chance. I've gotten that and more from the Bat family. Either in spite of or perhaps because of my indiscretions."

She smiles at the last and lifts her glass. "You and I may come from different worlds, little librarian, but our causes have aligned pretty closely. Where we are right now is all that truly matters."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It is true that there is a photo of Babs' on the wall the day that she first worked at the Gotham Library job. It had been her job up to the night the Joker surprised her in her old apartment. She'd tried to keep it even after ending up in the wheelchair, but eventually she'd grown beyond the library shelves, and started her Green Energy company. The decade that followed flew by, and now she's back out of her chair via some wildly advanced technology. Technology that has advanced in ways that Barbara hasn't even actually fully informed those closest to her about.

She grins at the moniker used to describe her though, and in-turn raises her glass up toward the other woman.

After another sip, she lowers hers down to the top of her knee. "So, this club scene you were immersed in. You think a thirty one and a half year old green energy company CEO could rake in more money than she's making in her current line of work?, should she make a career change?" Babs asks, a grin quickly spreading across her lips, as she shows off a bit more of her silly sense of humor.

"I'm just saying... I got a lot of bills to pay to keep the lights on in this place."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle laughs softly at the raised glass, then she takes another sip. Her head tilts, letting her gaze roam slowly along Barbara's... outfit. "Well let's see, I suppose." she replies, squinting a little.

"Stand up and give us a turn, darling. I know you've got the strength and the poise to work a pole. Let's see if you've got the goods." Selina is smiling while she says it, tongue clucking softly with anticipation.

"You'd have to get used to being treated like a piece of meat, of course. Not that you have to take it when guys feel they need to beat you up. I learned to fight in an alley behind a strip club."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The response garners a laugh in return from the redhead, as she gingerly is up on her feet, giving a full 360 degree shimmy turn in front of her sofa chair, her liquor glass held up to the side in her right hand, as she makes with the slightly over-exaggerated motions of what she imagines such a dance might look like. When she settles back down on to the chair, she's got a bit of red touching the sides of her face, as she laughs again, her head slightly shaking from side to side.

"I went through my teens getting every martial arts lesson I could in to my head. fighting men twice my size. I'm sure I saw nothing comparable to what you experienced... but, I did get used to being thrown around a bit, if nothing else. From Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the best kickboxing lessons my father could find for me. Of course, none of it compared to what the Bat eventually taught me, but... I think I could handle myself around a club filled with drunken slobs." She states, taking another gulp of her drink before she leans back in to the plush embrace of her own leather chair, slumping just a bit due to the nature of the chair's comfort level.

"Whatever gets me those big stacks of bills, right?" She says, smirking over toard Selina. "You can feel free to tell me just how naive I am, even after my years of shoving, and punching morons in dark alleys around."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle tilts her head and watches that slow, shimmying turn. She even adds a wolf-whistle. "I have no doubt that you could handle yourself with a bunch of handsy guys, of course. And I think you definitely have potential if you ever want to work the runway. If you're serious or need to do some undercover work, I'd be happy to give you some pointers."

Of course when it comes to training, Selina isn't completely self-taught in the school of hard knocks. She's had some very accomplished teachers, and it would be no exaggeration to consider her in the same breath as Batgirl or Huntress. She has even held her own with Bruce, although one might argue he may have pulled his punches a bit.

"If you ever want help working on that naivete sometime, I'd also be happy to break you out of your shell."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara sits up again on her seat's edge, her forearms resting lightly atop her thighs, as she grins in a very amused fashion toward Selina. The topic at-hand seems to play around in her mind, like an imagination of trying on an outfit you're not sure you can pull off. she gently shakes her head though, and raises her drink up for a sip. When she lowers it once more, she speaks out with a bit of smoke on her voice from the liquor. "I doubt a girl with a gunshot wound in the middle of her back would be a very big draw in those kind of places..." She darkly degrades herself as she stands up from her chair. "I mean, I'm sure the drunks wouldn't really care that much, ultimately. But hey, I'm damaged goods, right?" She asks as she passes Selina by and heads toward the kitchen again.

"I'm gonna get us some plates and such together, for the tastey food inbound." She announces on her way past.

"If you ever hear of a high society stripper pole, where the clientel are classy, and hands off, maybe we'll talk." She adds with a sly grin cast over her right shoulder.

"I've not ever had Vietnamese food either, by the way. So I'm kinda jivin' to find out what it's like now..."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle hand-waves that. "You can do a lot with make-up. And besides, the guys won't be looking at your back." Her voice lowers into almost a low purr at the last. She looks over in the direction of the blimp, then smiles wryly. "I don't suppose you have a stripper pole on that fancy balloon of yours..." she muses.

Now that brings out a whole different kind of high society party.

"I think you'll like it. The pho soup is really good, of course, but the egg rolls and kabobs are really a treat." She rises to head over to the kitchen as well. "Like so many things, it's the sauce."