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Latest revision as of 23:16, 10 March 2024

So This Is the X-men's Base
Date of Scene: 10 March 2024
Location: X-Men Base (Sub-Basement)
Synopsis: Kitty gives new student Patty a tour of the X-men base. Warren joins in for the Blackbird hangar bay.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Patty Sloan, Warren Worthington

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde had come by to get Patty once she'd had a little time to settle into a room and get a feeling for the mansion and her classes. "I've got something to show you if you have an hour or two," Kitty had said. She had a bit of a mischievous quality to her grin as she beckoned for Patty to follow.

In one of the mansion hallways, Kitty goes over and motions towards the wall. "The button to open the secret elevator is here," Kitty says, pushing on the wall in the right spot. The section of wall slides open, revealing an elevator with the same styling as the rest of the mansion. Hardwood floor and wood paneled walls.

Kitty gestures for Patty to come inside, and then she motions to the buttons. "These go to the normal parts of the school. Basement, dorm floors. This one is restricted, you'll need a faculty member's approval to go there," she says. She presses the button, turning to smile at Patty, keeping the mystery going for a few more seconds as the elevator goes down.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty had spent her day practicing using her powers on a plastic bag and then resting. She had gotten word from her moms that her car's repairs would be a few days. That kinda bummed her out but she was alright for now. She still had some money in the bank and was able to have at least some sort of social life. Though the last time she took an uber anywhere, she wound up on an adventure with the X-men.

When Kitty came by to show her something, Patty was more than thrilled to check things out. She had already been exploring a little and wound up where she wasn't supposed to be. Still It was a fun adventure... albeit terrifying. Its not every day you find out that Dracula and Vampires are real after all. What's next? Werewolves?

Happily she follows Kitty into the elevator, taking note of the hidden button. "Okay thats cool! A very nice way to get around without using the stairs." At the mention of the faculty only button she smiles and nods. Then the button is pressed and down they go. "This is going to be fun. I just know it!"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Though the elevator matches the mansion's decor, when the doors open it is to a floor that looks very, very different. Spotless shining metal floors, walls and ceilings. An X logo across each of the circular metal doorways. It looks like something very futuristic.

Kitty is watching Patty's expression as the door opens so she can enjoy any look of surprise. She strides forward into the hallway then. Kitty's dressed casual. Jeans and a Chicago Bears sweatshirt, with her hair back in a ponytail.

"So of course you know by now the school is for mutants. So everyone has some kind of mutant ability. But there's more," she says. She is walking at a very casual stroll as she talks, giving Patty time to look about while she does. "About 13 years ago, the Professor brought in his first class of students. Scott and Jean, Bobby and Warren and Hank. And he trained them not just in education, but how to use their powers to help people. And they became a superhero team, known as the X-men. We stay under cover. Scrub most references to us in social media and on the web. And this floor is the X-men's base. I'm an X-man, as are many of the other faculty," she says. "There are also other hero teams, the New Mutants were a younger group with Roberto and Illyana and others. Illyana is Piotr's sister, don't think you've met her yet."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty's eyes go wide as she actually sees the hallway. When she was fumbling around she didn't notice how futuristic everything looks. All the metal and everything just make this place stand out. "Wow!" She smiles as they step into the room. "I think I fumbled into that door over there when I accidentally got down here." She gestures to the danger room.

Then she listens carefully to the story of how the Professor created the X-men. She blinks a few times as she takes it all in. A smile forms on her lips. "That is amazing. How do you even begin to erase stuff off the internet?! I thought once it was on the internet things were forever." She goes quiet and listens to the story of the new Mutants. "I met Roberto. I haven't met Illyana or Piotr." She states as she continues walking. "I would love to be good enough to be on a team like that."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Well, it is best if we can get to it before it starts to spread. Doug and Hank and I have written a lot of code to do things like shut down people's cell phone cameras when we're in the area, or delete pictures of us. Take over security cameras, things like that," she says. "It also helps having some of the best telepaths on the planet here in Jean and the Professor."

They reach the door to the Danger Room. "We call that the Danger Room. It's used for training. Also sometimes assemblies. And the emergency shelter in case of emergency. It used to be all mechanical things we could train our powers or to fight with. But now we use hardlight technology from a friendly alien race called the Shi'ar. It can make, well, it's like holograms that are real. Make it look like most anything. This is where you can learn to fly safely then. It can be set up with safeties that will avoid any injuries, cushion you if you fall," Kitty explains. "You'll get instruction in here later."

She motions forward down the hallway. "I'll show you Cerebro next," she says.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"I was in the Danger Room once already. I didn't know what it was and Jubilee was doing stuff in there. I think I shocked her because she didn't really seem happy to see me." She blushes. "Its also how I found out Dracula was real." She shudders over the whole thing. Wait... go back a little bit. TELEPATHS?! There are mutants who can read minds? That is wild! I mean that's also kinda scary. If people can read my thoughts..." She shudders again. "I mean my thoughts can be pretty out there but nothing dangerous of course." She gives a nervous look to Kitty. Minds wonder after all. And if her mind wondered some place it shouldn't Could she get in trouble? She shakes it off.

"Wait, Whats a Cerebro?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde can't suppress a small shudder at the mention of Dracula. "Yes, there are definitely some unpleasant things out there," Kitty replies. "And yes, telepaths. The Professor didn't mention that? He's one of the strongest on the planet. Jean too. She's telekinetic as well," Kitty explains. "And Betsy Braddock, the English model? She's one of the X-men too, another telepath."

She motions to a doorway they are approaching. "Part of your training can include how to shield your thoughts from a telepath. To some extent. A strong one can eventually get through," she explains. "But on missions a lot of times our telepaths will connect our thoughts. Better and more secure than comms. Unless there's another telepath on the other side."

Kitty stops at the door, leaning down and a retinal scanner scanning her eye, then punching in a code as she covers up the keypad with her hand. The doors slide open, revealing an immense round room with metal panels lining it, and a walkway out to a platform in the middle. "This is Cerebro. It is a machine that can boost a telepath's powers. With it, the Professor could search for someone across the country and beyond, or send his thoughts out. Non-telepaths, it doesn't work with," she says. "Though I have some thoughts," she mumbles, before then shaking her head at those thoughts. "Ok, let's stop by the medical bay. And then, the Blackbird."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"I noticed. I mean It seemed like Jubilee was under some kind of spell with the image of him. Remy... I don't know his last name or what he looks like but he altered Jubilee's program and brought in a Willy Wonka version of Dracula and turned the entire room to candy. It was... very freaky. I know Remy's name because Jubilee was going to 'deal' with him after that." She shakes her head. "How many unpleasant things are we talking about? Because Vampires sound pretty unpleasant. I mean most of them I think."

Then the topic goes to telepaths. "The Professor didn't mention that. Roberto didn't mention his power either. I explained mine. Roberto called me an air bender. Called me Aang!" She sticks her tongue out. "Gotta get him back for that one." She smiles. "One of the girls was helping me with flying a bit. I can fly! I just can't do it for long. Not yet anyway. I need to get my back stronger."

Then in they go into a massive round room. She looks around as Kitty explains just what Cerebro is. "That is insane. I mean being able to track down practically anyone with a thought? Wow. It must be wild being a telepath." She smiles and follows Kitty in the direction of the Med Bay.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington is actually wearing his X-men uniform - a trimmed bodysuit, straight white down the center, with panels on either side of his torso and his arms. I this case, the panels happen to be pink - Warren isn't one to worry about stereotypes and is quite confident in his masculinity.

His golden hair is up in a manbun at the moment, piled in a cap atop his head as he smiles to see Kitty and their newest charge, "Well, it seems we cross paths again. A pleasure to meet you again, Patty. Kitty," he says, giving the brown-haired woman a kiss on the cheek and a side embrace, "Already seeing the X-men lair, eh? Most students don't get down here so fast. You must be impressing someone."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde crosses her arms as she leans against the doorway. "It can have its advantages. Also its own set of problems too of course. Imagine not being able to shut out thoughts of others until you learned to control it. Or maybe you hear what someone really thinks. Sometimes white lies are kindnesses," Kitty says with a small shrug. "But, it definitely does help the X-men. For instance, if Jean just makes people not notice us, then we don't have to worry about someone pulling out their phone to record us."

Her face lights up as Warren comes over. "Speaking of one of the original X-men," Kitty says, giving Warren a side hug back and gently rubbing his back between his wings before letting go. "I was just giving Patty her first tour of the base. Explaining about the X-men, yes. Well, she needs to use the Danger Room for flying lessons," Kitty explains.

"Want to join us? We're just visiting the medical bay next, and then the Blackbird." Kitty hasn't really let on what the Blackbird is exactly.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Ummm Not really impressing people. Unless I impress people with the way I can stumble into dangerous situations." Patty comments. "Its a pleasure to see you again Mr. Worthington." She smiles and stretches her dragonfly-esque wings.

Then she turns and looks to Kitty as she explains some of the problems that a telepath has to deal with. "That would be really freaky. I don't know if I could handle hearing everybody's thoughts. Plus that would be a major invasion of privacy wouldn't it? Useful in some situations but kinda dangerous in others. I mean sure you might find out if someone is going to do something not good but at the same time you may find out that someone might have something against you or hear their real thoughts about you which can be just as bad."

"Yeah." She says and blushes about her flying. "My wings aren't really strong yet but I can fly! Just not for very long." She then turns her attention back to Kitty. "Umm what is the Blackbird?" She asks having ridden in it and not knew what it was.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington makes a face, "I agree, I don't know how the telepaths can handle it. I don't even like hearing what people have to say most of the time, much less just have their unspoken thoughts falling willy nilly into my head," he says with a light shudder.

"Flying lessons would be my specialty," he says at Kitty's suggestion. "I can keep you company for a little bit, if you don't mind," he says. "The best thing to do is listen to your body. These mutations tend to come with side aspects - my hollow bones, for instance, which make me lighter so that I can fly more easily," he says. "Not so much fun, though, when you get in the occasional fistfight as I do. Luckily I also have remarkable healing abilities," he says. "Doesn't help the pain much."

"What I mean to say is, you have a flight instinct inside you. You just have to find a way to connect with it."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Many of us have some issues because of our mutation. What you went through with your wings, keeping them hidden. Me, I would fall through the floor of my second floor bedroom when I slept, and wake up on the floor beneath me, not knowing how I got there," Kitty says with a grin.

"Maybe Warren can help teach you. Also you should meet Megan. Pixie, we also call her. She has faerie-like wings," Kitty suggests.

The door to the medical bay is opened, but it's empty right now. "We get a fair number of injuries. There are two mutants who can heal people, though not always in the mansion," Kitty explains, before motioning to come further down the hallway.

She unlocks the next circular door, which opens and reveals the Blackbird's hangar bay. The stealth aircraft facing down what looks like a long tunnel. "This is the Blackbird."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty listens to Warren and what he says about telepaths first but her attention is more intense when he starts talking about flying. "I wouldn't know if my bones are hollow or anything. I've not broken any bones. Then again most of the bullying I have gone through was being pushed to the ground, verbal abuse..." She sighs and runs her hand through her short hair, "Getting gum thrown in my hair." She shakes her head. "Had to get my hair cut off because of that one.

She snaps back to the conversation at hand. "There is something I can do to not exhaust myself when flying. I can use the wind to keep me up in the air and make flying easier. Its a cheat but it works right?" She giggles a little. Then she turns to Kitty. "Ouch! falling through the floor? That would be awful!" She smiles and nods, "I will add her to the list of people I've gotta meet." Then the topic turns to the med bay and the fact that people here get a bunch of injuries and healing mutations. "Oh that is kinda cool! Being able to heal people I mean. That would be really cool. I don't know if I would be a good healer though. I'm a little bit of an airhead." She blushes. "no pun intended."

Then they move to the circular door. She looks inside and sees the Blackbird. "Oh!!! You all arrived in the blackbird at the place! When I accidentally got caught up in your mission. I am really sorry about that. I was out dancing, trying to have some fun. The club closed and I wound up in Deadpool's Uber. Then the driver kicked me out so she could go work on the novel that Deadpool and her were talking about."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington sighs softly and nods at Patty, "I know how that can be as well. People like to abuse those who are different. Which is one of the reasons why we also teach people how to be able to stand up for themselves and protect themselves. We've all been threatened before, every one of us here. We're mutants. It's part of who we are, I think, we all have that shared trauma of the first person who found out we were different and was...repulsed," he sighs. "Some of us never quite get over it either. And some of us suffer far more than mere rejection. Such as yourself," he says.

He follows along behind Kitty, giving her shoulder a squeeze as he passes her to step more fully into the hanger. With the space given, he takes only a couple of steps and he flaps his wings to pull himself aloft, the high ceiling to accommodate the plane giving him space to maneuver until he alights easily on the wing of the plane itself, looking back and raising a hand.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Though phasing has its uses. Like, I could have just phased the gum and not your hair to get it out. No cutting required," Kitty says with a wink towards Patty.

"Granted," Kitty says of the Blackbird then, as Warren is flying over to the wing. "Not every school has their own stealth plane. And, don't worry about having to do missions with us, there's a lot of training ahead of you before we'd intentionally take you somewhere that might be dangerous. That was just some unfortunate timing. But it was good to have you along as it turned out," Kitty says.

She walks over to the plane. "The tunnel leads to an exit out way north of the school where her departure isn't likely to be seen. But," Kitty says, and points up to the ceiling. "That's the basketball court. It can be retracted and we can take off with VTOL through it. Usually we use the tunnel though."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty turns to Warren and snickers, "I would be wrong to say I didn't deserve it when the secret came out to someone. It happened to be my biggest bully and well..." She pulls out her phone. She has a video saved to her phone. Its clearly her standing there and a brunette girl going flying into DVD display in a department store. I didn't mean to do that but I am kinda glad I did. She really deserved it. She tried to steal my money not two minutes before that."

" She looks at Kitty and smiles, "That would have been super useful when it happened. Now I am stuck with short hair." She runs her hand through her hair again.

"That is so cool! I had no clue the plane was that tricked out. Its super cool!" She smiles a little. She just looks in awe over the plane. "That is really a pretty thing!"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington calls out, "I'm a pretty damn good basketball player, for the record. It's not my fault Hank's better, he was a jock. Don't ever let him fool you with his science nerd act, he'd destroy the NFL if they'd let him play."

He leaps from the wing and stretches out his own, gliding easily down to land back down near the others again.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"He was a start football player in college. His mutation wasn't as obvious then, he looked pretty normal, just muscular. I've seen pictures," she says. "I don't know if you've met him yet, but you will. He's one of the smartest men on the planet too. The sort that can engage in a talk with Reed Richards and hold his own," Kitty says with a grin.

"Oh, you'll probably meet them at some point too. We're allies with the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers. Franklin Richards, Sue and Reed's son, attended Xavier's," Kitty says.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Hank sounds pretty cool. So he was a smart Jock? That's pretty cool. I guess the NFL would have a problem with us playing. I mean I wouldn't be any good but others would be awesome at it. I am better with a needle and thread."

She then hears the list the distinguished groups the X-men are allied with. She blinks a few times and smiles. "Steve Rogers..." She pulls a business card out from her pocket and she smiles. "He is Captain America right?" She asks having overheard that at Central Park. "He's really nice. One of the Avengers if I recall." Then about the Fantastic Four, Franklin Richards is mentioned. "I look forward to meeting him."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington smiles, "Seems like you're falling headlong into adventure. Some people, that's the way the luck goes. Not me. I live the quiet life," he says. Wearing his superhero uniform next to the jet his team flies off to save the day in. Totally normal, regular guy.

"Johnny Richards is a good guy. He's the only one I've really met much."