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Latest revision as of 03:08, 13 March 2024

I'm Not the Girl! You're the Girl!
Date of Scene: 12 March 2024
Location: Grant's Apartment - Grant's Gym
Synopsis: Ted and Blue learn more about themselves.
Cast of Characters: Blue GhostEyes, Ted Grant

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Usually Blue wakes immediately. Of course she usually doesn't sleep more than four or five hours a night either but recently she's slept a few hours longer on occasion. She rolls over and growls softly, only opening her eyes because one side of the bed is empty. The growl subsides as she takes in the scent of eggs and more bison meat cooking! She reaches for her clothes and pauses with an amused smirk before donning one of Ted's overly large t-shirts. It smells like him and fills her with a sense of comfort.

Wandering out of the room Blue watches Ted in the kitched for a moment, before she quietly steps up and wraps her arms around his waist, pressing herself against his back. "That smells great, honey. The bison especially." So many memories that taste brings up but she shoves them aside to focus on the here and now.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant turns off the stove and turns to return the hug. In fact he gently lists her bare feet off the floor. He loves being tall. "Well I got a deal, I had to by ten pounds and I wanted to cook as much of it as I could before popping it in the freezer... mmmm was I saying something?" He sets her down and indicates the already plated food, omelets with ground bison. He loves how that makes her smile. "Sit down my lady and I will get you coffee."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue smiles, a hint of blush coloring her cheeks. She doesn't usually let the vulnerable side of herself show but Ted seems to bring it out in her naturally. It should bother her but she finds herself enjoying it. Enjoying him. Very much. "Coffee sounds good, love." Blue blinks, tucks a strand of the blue streak she put in her hair behind one ear and the blush darkens. She fiddles with the silverware as she waits for Ted to sit before she starts eating.

It is a struggle, especially with such good food before her but the woman manages to keep from scarfing it all down and takes careful, measured bites, an almost erotic expression of enjoyment on her face as she eats.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant brings the coffee. "What did you call me? I feel the same... I love you Blue." He gives her a kiss on top of her head and sits down. "I feel like I'm in love with my best friend. This is neat." He lets her eat. Mostly, A little nudge in the side.

"I got clean shirts you know?"

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
She gasps softly and drops her fork before snuggling against Ted's side. Blue presses her face to his neck and breathes in his scent. "I love you too, Teddy." Blue responds before returning to her food, one hand resting on Ted's leg as she eats. "I know. I like the ones that smell like you though." She tilts her head and smiles before finishing her plate and grabbing the mug of coffee to sip.

"It's a coyote thing."

'How did I get so lucky?' Blue wonders. To fall so hard, so fast and forr someone that seems able to match her strength and withstand her chaotic whirlwind of a lifestyle. He calms her, and she makes things interesting for him. They fit in so many ways.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant drapes a thick arm over Blue's shoulders. "You're the only one gets to call me Teddy. Yeah coyote... gotta be to like my scent that much. I mean I worked out in that shirt. I was lifting, since you weren't around to tease me by throwing the weight around and doing a baton dance with them." He bumps shoulders with her. She's stronger, he's bigger. He can live with that.

"I wanna tell you something... pretty sure Johnny had it bad for me back in the day. it's okay... " He sighs and gathers his courage.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue is grinning at the good natured teasing. She hadn't meant to take that prank quite so far in front of everyone and is glad that Ted isn't holding it against her. She freezes in place at the mention of how Johnny felt and then starts choking on her coffee. Her first instinct is to lean away and turn with an expression of complete denial. She could do it, lie that convincingly. Only.. not to Ted. He'll see her wavering between the truth and protecting herself from.. and then the realization that she doesn't need to protect herself. Not from him.

Blue sighs. "Yeah." She admits softly. "It wasn't okay in that time, in that place and you didn't go that way anyhow. I've always been.. flexible I guess. In whichever body. It's the person themselves that matters with a serious relationship. Not anything else. At least that doesn't have to be hidden so much anymore. I was afraid to tell you and then, didn't really see the point. It was a long time ago and things are different now. I'm different. There's a part of me that is still Johnny but I'm also Blue. Your Blue."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant puts his hand on her chest, feeling her heart. "Yeah. Thank you. Well if you reincarnate as a guy... I'll try to be flexible too. I am not promising anything though. See there was a time, during the war..."

"There was this other vigilante. Rumors went around about him. He wore this poofy shirt and a thin mustache. Now I was young and stupid. I was going with a very powerful warrior woman type. I was crazy for her... I tell her I don't want this... guy watching my back!"

"And she gives me this look, like I'm a total piece of crap, throws me across the room and leaves. She says as she leaves that she's flexible as you Put it."

"So I got to thinking. Maybe I was a piece of crap? Maybe there was all kinds of love. Though for my part I liked girls. But, I shouldn't judge people. It's none of my business. I missed out on a good thing. the other vigilante turned out to be a stand up guy... till a Nazi killed him. He got his later. I took care of that."

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue covers Ted's hand with her own and smiles sadly. "It's okay. If that happenes I've already made arrangements. I'll come back as a woman as soon as I can. I obviously can't remember all the different times, and lives. Just.. bits and pieces but one thing I know, when that happens, it's always for a reason. I couldn't have fought in the war as a woman for instance. I wouldn't have met you either and that's working out so well now. I think.. I'll be able to figure out what I'm supposed to do and get it done faster. If I can, and things are so different these days that it doesn't matter much. Maybe I'll have more control. I'd never expect you to stay though, if I get stuck like that for awhile. I'll just.. do my best not to."

She listens to the rest of Ted's story and smiles. "I think I'd like to have met her. You're thinking back then was a part of the times. The culture you grew up with. The First Nations, most of them saw things differently before we lost ourselves and way of life. The Shoshone for instance, they had five different genders. It was.. a long time ago." Blue smiles sadly.

A nod and she squeezes Ted's hand. "I'm glad you avenged him. I'm also glad you evolved your thinking. Cause I'd hate to have had to kick your ass for that. I'm not planning on leaving you though. Not permanently anyway."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant pulls Blue onto his lap and hugs her. He rests his head on her chest and sighs. Maybe things do happen for a reason. Kent did call himself Dr. Fate. Kent knew stuff, even without putting that spooky helmet on. He closes his eyes, wishes he smelled more of her and less of his funk. Must be love.

Then he has to be Ted and says, "You couldn't kick my ass on my worst day." He nuzzles her neck.

Blue GhostEyes has posed:
Blue settles into Ted's embrace and then laughs softly. "I don't wanna fight you anyway. We'll fight together, not against each other." She would so kick his ass though! "A new friend of mine told me that maybe things happen for a reason. Maybe I went through all my lives waiting to meet you at the right time. I think there is another reason behind why I always come back but.. I'm so glad it enabled me to find you anyway. Maybe it happens for more than one reason? I don't know. I'm just glad we are here."

She tilts her head and kisses Ted. "I have to have you over to my place soon. There's someone I want you to meet and obviously you'll be welcome there anytime but there are also things you need to know that we haven't had a chance to talk about yet." Mostly because she hasn't wanted to. She needed to be sure this was real, was serious as she hoped.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant plants a quick kiss on Blue and then scratches behind her ears with a smile. He could so whup her.

"Yes, we'll talk after your vacation. Don't be afraid to tell me stuff. I mean, you already laid two doozies on me. I tried to tell you last night but you already fell asleep. You was being such a guy. Tell me when you're ready."