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Latest revision as of 17:01, 13 March 2024

Black and Green Technology
Date of Scene: 13 March 2024
Location: Recreation Deck - Watchtower
Synopsis: Monitor Duty between two leaguers turns into a fun conversaton.
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, Dinah Lance

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle Rayner is in the recrational area of the Watch Tower. He's heard of Dinah Lance before. Reputation, files, some passing by moments here and there. Nothing too big. They'll have some monitor duties coming up soon. And so Kyle tries something.

"Dinah Lance?" he'll call out into the communicator to her signal privately. "This is Green Lantern. Call sign Ion," which is on Kyle's file. "We have some monitor duties coming up and I figured if you're not busy, we can meet, socialize and make sure we're not going to kill each other."

Monitor duty is one part stakeout, one part security duty. Two people have to watch the monitors. Make sure anything that rocks the world is either not needing their help or is being handled. It can be rather boring. So, Kyle's taking a moment to learn about a teammate.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance grumbles as she hears that annoying chirp. "Kyle Rayner. I hate going up there. The teleporter makes me feel queasy... but fine. I guess I can't wiggle out of it forever." Then she cut the comm.

An hour later, the teleporter activates and Dinah appears in her hero costume, fishnets and mask in place, swaying as she clutches her stomach from the effects of the teleporter. "Damnit, why does this thing make me so sick?" she grouses. It's probably psychosomatic. Dinah isn't a big fan of high technology as she leans against a bulkhead, trying not to ralph.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's a lot of factors. Next time we have monitor duty, if you trust me, I can take you up the sceneic way," Kyle offers as a compromise. As long as it's not an emergency Kyle could spare the time.

Then he will float off for a moment. Then come back with some tablets to reduce that. "You're not the first," he hands them to her. "It won't help right right away, but give it a good three minutes and you'll start to feel it," the transporters got to him a little bit at first. The pills help, but he just adjusted to them.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance has done her best to come up here as little as possible. "I'd scream but I'd hate to kill us all so I won't," she grumbles, staring out one of the windows at the lunar surface. "Yay, just what I wanted - to stare at a bunch of over-bright monitors for days." She walks slowly towarsds the main monitor room, not apparently in the best of moods.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's not the best. And the sceneic route involves the ring, no tech." it's better than the transporter. He looks at her for a moment. "And we could make the best of it. Aks questions. Talk. Tell each other what they find annoying. We're forced to work together. Why not make the best of it?" Kyle's trying to loook on the bright side of it all.

"It's not perfect, but better than just staring at monitors in awkawrd silence," he floats to the monitor room. "What do you say?" he asks knowing that they're forced together regarldess. He's just doing his best to ease her mood and not make all of this time boring or awkard.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance shrugs. "Well, not that we have much choice. And I know enough about Lantern rings to know that they are quite possibly the highest-technology piece of high technology on this planet." She shrugs. "But yes, I suppose making small talk is fine." She sighs as she heads into the monitor room, wincing at all the monitors. She gets out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on. "That's better. I could get a tan in here."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"They're magical in some circles. Scientific in others. They're kinda simple when you think about it. There's a lot of rules with it. I just have a cool laser light show on my finger that make sure I don't need to scrounge for a bat, gun and rocket pack," he sits at his spot for a moment. "And it's picky about who has it. The ring won't go to anyone. There's rules that dictate it," he says letting her know that it's very much not like any device that will work on the drop of a dime as longa s someone knows how to switch it on. Kyle chuckles, "I got my ass kicked a few times and looked like an idiot when I first got the thing. I had to learn it. Like combat training," Kyle rubs his jaw remembering training with Kilowag.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance smiles. "I bet I could take you," she muses softly. She stares at the screens through the sunglasses (which she might be wearing as a protest). "Tell me about it - the ring and stuff. How did you get it? How do you get one?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"We'll see, Black Bird," Kyle says knowing Dinah is no one to scoff at. However, alien military training could give him an edge. It's hard to call this one. Kyle would bet on her, but not as quickly as he would agaisnt others.

"It chooses you. That's why a lot of people say they're magical. The ring seeks out someone with enough will power to handle them. And I was chosen for this one. Not sure why, That's the thing, no one really -knows-. We can suspect, but we never know," he just starts to explain it as best as possible.

"It's why a few lantern wielders eventually lose the ring. It doesn't exactly pick based on moral compass," that's a flw to it. Again, another point to the magical side. If there's technological it would be a little easier to filter out bad candidates.

"What else do you want to know?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance hmmmms. "So if you suffer a trauma and lose your willpower it can abandon you..." she muses. "And it's Black CANARY." She sighs softly. "Well... I have my own thing which may or may not be magic - I could shatter every screen in here with one sound. But... then I'd be writing a check to Batman that my butt couldn't cash." She shrugs as she looks at the screens. "I still think of myself as a regular woman. You know - riding Harleys, selling flowers, kicking ass sometimes. I don't think I'm a SUPERhero superhero. Just a hero. With maybe one more gift."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"No. But if I die, I can certainly loose it," more complications due to everything. His gaze goes to her for a moment. "How can you shatter it?" Yes, Kyle read the file, but he'd rather hear it from her own mouth.

Kyle chuckles a little bit, "You sound like me. Despite all I've done. What all people can say about my quote unquote powers, but I still feel like a regular guy. A struggling artist that wants to make it big," he shakes his head a little bit. "I mean your powers don't come out because of a ring or something that's not part of you, right?" Kyle knows there are magical bracelets, necklaces and everything in between.

"You're a superhero, even if you don't feel like one."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance nods slowly. "I'm technically a metahuman, and my 'power' is the Canary Cry. It's an ultrasonic scream. I'm not just talking about noise. It has a literal concussive force - like a sonic boom. I've 'thrown' a big rig with it once." She smiles. "I have a few additional perks. I cannot be bothered by any loud noise else I'd be deaf... and..." Suddenly, Batman's voice sounds from behind you. "Green Lantern, I'm disappointed in you." She grins widely - because she was facing away from Kyle, looking at the screns, you cldn't see her lips moe in her VERY convincing ventriloquism trick. She glances back to see if you'd turn, startled.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle nods about her being a metahuman. That's a an interesting power. Kyle is quiet taking it in. Just listening to what she has to say about it. "How did you get the power?" he asks, genuinely curious.

Then the talk of the perks comees forward. More questions are about to tumble forward when Batman speeaks up behind them. Kyle turns and stands up, and there's no one behind him. He looks at Dinah for a moment, "How did you do that?" Kyle knows Batman isn't -that- fast.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance grins widely. "Magic," she muses, grinning widely. "It just... happened one day. I was fighitng some punk, and was getting my butt handed to me - I screamed in anger for... of course I did - and suddenly, he was flying, and every window in the building I was facing was gone." She smiles. "Took some time to get used to. And... honestly I can overuse it and have a hard time if I have to use it continually. I have some perks but I'm still only human." She didn't comment further on the voice trick.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Magic? Says the metahuman. Something even named by science," Kyle counters poking holes in her story. His green eyes, hidden behind his own mask, watches Dinah. "And your vegas voice act? Part of the powers or something else?" Kyle asks looking at Black Canary a lttle pointedly. "I mean that's a heck of a skill or power," Kyle's not sure what it is. He belives it's the vice. Howeever, he has no absolute proof with that.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance turns to face you. "I actually went to a ventriloquism class - but I can do it better due to my golden pipes." She taps her throat, smiling widely. "The hardest part is... accidentally firing one when I don't mean to. It's happened a few times. Really annoying to replace the windows in one's house."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Don't fire one off with me here," Kyle grins knowing she wouldn't. Although, he would hate to see what happens if she did. Kyle looks at her, "See? The Lantern ring isn't so scary now, right?" Kyle know the line between magic and tech blurs wth his ring. Even he is unsure when it changes. "Thanks for joining me up here. I mean you had to, bt you didn't have to show up because I asked." He does point that out.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance nods slowly. "Well... Batman's been ringing me to finaly put in my turn so... I heard you were a good man and good company so I figured why not? Business is slow this time of year at my flower ship - it's after Valentine's Day and Mother's Day is still 2 months out." She then smiles as she settles down to watch the monitors, still wearing the sunglasses as a symbolic protest (and she doesn't like the brightness anyway.)