Kyle Rayner

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  Green Lantern  
Kyle Rayner (Scenesys ID: 1801)
Name: Kyle Rayner
Superalias: Green Lantern
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Student and Artist
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Metropolis
Education: High School
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Titans
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 04 May 2001 Played By Harry Styles
Height: 5'11" Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Barely an adult, Kyle has been gifted a power ring and made a superhero. Young and unsure as to his place in the world or even why HE of all people was given the same ring that makes THE Green Lantern who he is. He is working to discover just what it means to be a hero and how he can be a symbol that others can look up to, much as he looked up to Superman and other heroes as he was growing up.


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* 2001 - Kyle Rayner is born to Aaron and Maura Rayner in Metropolis. Shortly after his birth, his father disappeared. He's heard nothing about or from Aaron Rayner in his life. His mother did everything she could to raise him, and while life wasn't luxurious, her hard work gave them both a modest living.

* 2008 - A young Kyle becomes enamored of heroes like the Fantastic Four, Batman and Superman, finding in them something of an inspiration. This inspiration leads to him drawing and beginning to develop a talent for art that his mother strongly encourages.

* May 2019 - Kyle graduates high school. While he wasn't the best of students, he does manage to do well enough to get into Metropolis University for the fall semester.

* Sep 2019 - Kyle begins classes at Metropolis University.

* May 2020 - While dealing with final exams, Kyle tries to take a shortcut through some back alleys to get home quickly. In one of these alleys, he runs into a little blue being named Ganthet. Utterly confused and not quite sure what to make of this situation, he's about to run away when the being grabs his arm and shoves a ring into his hand and says, "You'll have to do. Learn from the other if you can." Then he also hands him a strange green object and provides minimal instruction. Even more confused now, Kyle pockets the ring, takes the weird green thing and books back to his apartment writing off the encounter has stress from his finals. (See +info for more info for Ganthet's reasoning).

* Jul 2020 - Though he has been wearing the ring that was given him for a couple of months now, nothing has come of it until around the middle of the month, when Kyle is able to make his first construct. It doesn't last very long, and it doesn't do anything, but hey... it happened. Over the next two weeks, Kyle works at making more constructs.

IC Journal

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Hopeless Romantic:
More like hopeless to find romance. Kyle tries, he does. But so far his luck with the ladies has been really, really bad. But still... he believes. And he pushes forward.

Pop Culture Fan:
Have you red Fullmetal Alchemist? Or Naruto? Want to know what happens? Kyle's your guy. So yeah, being an artist kind of led him down the path of appreciating manga, anime, video games, and comics of all sorts. It's all about the art man. THE ART. Going to a convention? Who wants to talk to actors of the film? The artists are far more interesting.

Kyle grew up with heroes helping people, saving people, and saving the earth. He is an optimist. He's had his downs, but he doesn't let those things keep him down. He gets back up again, pushes himself and those around him forward. Or to put it in a movie quote: Never give up, never surrender!

Character Sheet


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Kyle is an incredibly gifted artist and his creativity is perhaps his greatest strength. And while he has just started learning how to make constructs with his ring, the fact that it allows his imagination to shine forward in what he makes allows for him to create very artistic constructs. Manga Superman construct anyone?

Kyle didn't have the easiest life growing up, and he constantly had to be strong for his mom. That and all of the heroes that inspired him as he grew into adulthood led him to believe that heroes don't back down when they are fighting for the cause of justice and the protection of innocent lives.


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Kyle is an extremely skilled artist who draws and colors his own comic books. Mostly retelling famous adventures of his favorite superheroes, but some day he will create hiw own line of books about a hero that he hopes will inspire others as other heroes have inspired him.


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Green Lantern Battery:
A gift from Ganthet, this battery recharges Kyle's ring when required.

Green Lantern Ring:
Kyle's Green Lantern Ring has been slightly tweaked by the Guardian known as Ganthet, this tweak prevents it from being tracked by Oa or the other Guardians (see +info for Ganthet's Reasons). Aside from this one little change, it's a standard Green Lantern Ring.

* Energy Construct Creation - - Using one's will, the ring can create constructs that can be used for offense, defense, or pretty much any reason the weilder can imagine. These constructs are capable of superhuman strength should the wearer have the will for it.
* Force Fields -- The ring is capable of creating force fields to protect the wearer and those around him.
* Phasing -- The wearer is capable of phasing through solid objects. Like walls.
* Invisibility -- The ring can render the wearer invisible by bending waves of light around their form.
* Flight -- The ring allows the user to fly and move at incredible speeds while doing so, this includes flying in outer space.
* Electromagnetic Scanning -- The ring has a number of detection abilities as it is able to detect a lot of electromagnetic phenomena such as radio, radar, television, infrared, UV, microwave and even high frequency band communications.
* Universal Translator -- The ring can translate almost every language in the universe, though problems can happen if there's no frame of reference for the translation. Such as a concept being completely foreign to that language.

Because Kyle's Ring was cut off from Oa by Ganthet he does not have access to the following:

* The Book of Oa, or the galactic encyclopedia. A vast repository of information collected by the Green Lantern Corps.
* Energy Beacon -- Allowing the wearer to call for help from Lanterns from neighboring sectors.
* Homing Beacon -- Allows the power ring to lead Green Lanterns to one another.


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Kyle is young, and just now starting his life as a superhero. He's going to make mistakes. A lot of them.

Missing Ring Features:
Because Kyle's Ring was cut off from Oa by Ganthet he does not have access to the following:

* The Book of Oa, or the galactic encyclopedia. A vast repository of information collected by the Green Lantern Corps.
* Energy Beacon -- Allowing the wearer to call for help from Lanterns from neighboring sectors.
* Homing Beacon -- Allows the power ring to lead Green Lanterns to one another.

Ring Recharge:
One downside of his ring? It can't work forever. It needs periodic recharging to maintain it's usefulness.

Unauthorized Lantern:
Ganthet has given Kyle a green power ring without the authorization of the other Guardians of the Universe as he decided that Earth needs more help due to all of the threats it has to face. Kyle doesn't know this, but it's likely to cause him problems later. Thanks Ganthet!

Yellow Impurity:
The rings are unable to directly affect the color yellow. Kyle is unaware of the reason why though.



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Kyle Rayner has 70 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
HUNGER: War of the Heralds January 13th, 2025 The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship.
Oan Investigations December 29th, 2024 Kyle and Jennifer do a little digging on Oa into the Yellow Lanterns and Jade's past.
In Blackest Day, In Brightest Night: Burn Like My Power December 17th, 2024 After detecting strange energy readings on the edge of Sector 2814, a response team heads on the Green Lantern Interceptor and discovers a new and ominous power...
Just Training on a Living Planet November 15th, 2024 Kyle and Jade do some Training on Mogo then some vacationing on a nearby Moon.
Titans: Exigent Isle October 14th, 2024 The Titans explore a mysterious island only to find some dark force assaulting their minds! Raven intervenes in a way that reminds us all that...we should all probably be very nice to her.
A Surprise with Paints October 5th, 2024 Kyle and Jen have a much needed talk. Plus, they cut loose a little bit.
A Visit From September 14th, 2024 Diana and Kyle share some drinks and some chit chat in her office.
Diana Prince's Punch Out September 10th, 2024 Diana and Kyle share a bit of training, and banter.
Sweet Treats and Some Talks August 31st, 2024 Kyle and Caleb have a talk about the world, metal and art.
You Know We have to Oa, Right August 11th, 2024 Kyle Rayner and JAde disucss recent events with fellow Lanterns and put a plan to action.
Injustice For All: A Savage Strike July 27th, 2024 The Justice League assaults the Legion of Doom's Savage Land base. A host of robo-dinos and a whole lot of lava stands in their way.
Green Squared July 9th, 2024 Kyle and Jade have a small talk on Oa.
Fancy Seeing You on Oa June 20th, 2024 Jennifer and Kyle meet back up on Oa. They have a long overdo talk.
Injustice For All: The Hunt Resumes June 18th, 2024 The Justice League's scouting mission to the Savage Land finds what it is looking for -- after a few false starts -- and the Injustice League's latest base of operations is revealed.
Justice for Arts June 14th, 2024 Diana and Kyle meet for their first at-length conversation at the Arts Center.
Black, Blue and Green June 13th, 2024 Kyle and Dinah talk a little shop while running into each other outside of the Watchtower.
Who Is The U-Boat Commander June 9th, 2024 A ferry strikes something in the water and begins sinking. Heroes respond to save the passengers and a few cars. Guy with the bitching vet watches it sink.
Pink and Green Infusion or Repulsion June 8th, 2024 Kyle runs into a Star Sapphire. They compare scars and stories.
Campus Rabblerousing May 30th, 2024 A protest ends up in an arrest.
Injustice For All: The Defector May 11th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies are drawn to an isolated and deserted airfield by an anonymous member of the Injustice League claiming to want to turn himself in. But is it all just a trap?
Lanterns and Lassos April 24th, 2024 Diana and Arisia hold a conversation with regard to the Atlantic Starport situation.
Lesson One April 19th, 2024 Training doesn't go as planned, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
Like an (Alien) Fish Out of Water April 2nd, 2024 Arisia arrives on Earth, learns a few lessons, and makes at least one new friend!
Quick snacks and Quick Chats. March 29th, 2024 Viv makes some treats for the Titans. The Titans then get into a chat about AI rights, goings on in space, and a philosophical discussion on how everyone experiences sensations in a different way.
Art, Culture and Being Green March 16th, 2024 Kyle and M'Gann keep their conversation going...and going...and going.
The Analysis of Coffee and Doughnuts March 16th, 2024 Doughnuts are eaten. Coffee is consumed
Black and Green Technology March 13th, 2024 Monitor Duty between two leaguers turns into a fun conversaton.
HUNGER: Pirates! The Trojan Horse March 8th, 2024 The Trojan Horse is boarded by space pirates, who are unfortunate to find that it contains Greeks. And Kryptonians, Akiar, Assassins, Space Knights and Green Lanterns. It's a bad day to be a pirate -- though as it turns out, these pirates are not a part of the eyepatch brigade after all.
HHCC Community Night: The MET February 20th, 2024 Happy Harbor Community College has its first official outing!
HUNGER: The Blackest Night February 10th, 2024 A delegation from the Justice League and their affiliates discover the scene of a Green Lantern massacre in the Crab Nebula. Who is responsible? And what will they tell the Green Lantern Corps?
Titans Tower Pizza Party! January 8th, 2024 Irie throws a pizza party to have the titans (and their plus ones) meet her boyfriend. All goes well!
Well, this is awkward... December 30th, 2023 No description
Green Checking On Green December 30th, 2023 Green Lantern Kyle Rayner investigated the Coluan starship sighting and crossed paths wtih the occupant of the vessel, Minoke, and talked about what her future could be like.
Moonlandings December 22nd, 2023 Nico finds herself on the moon and Kyle helps her.
Drumset Takes a Beating December 7th, 2023 No description
I'm Not -that- Kind of Cop. December 3rd, 2023 No description
Green and Gold: The Pizza! December 1st, 2023 No description
The Siege of New Krypton November 19th, 2023 An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back...
Green Meets Fire and Ice November 18th, 2023 No description
A Message Back From the Future November 14th, 2023 Cookies, Popcorn, and Golden Eagle's big reveal of her Secret ID
New Krypton Work Release Program October 29th, 2023 The Supers and their Friends have their first encounter with the Kryptonian Hegemony fleet under the command of General Zod. It is a narrow escape against overwhelming fire power. The threat is barely understood - but our Zod and his criminal cohort proved themselves today. There's hope yet.
Green and Gold Again October 13th, 2023 Green Lantern and Gold Eagle have a friendly conversation while remembering.
TCOMC: The Match Game Returns! September 23rd, 2023 A special edition of The Match Game results in a lot of interesting answers and some amazing scholarship prizes being awarded out. Donna asks for vengeance upon Hawkeye.
Even Old New York September 14th, 2023 A strange event takes place in Times Square.
SoHo So What September 13th, 2023 Balm and the Green Lantern chill in a quiet SoHo night
Mojo Presents: Mojo Kart! September 12th, 2023 Mojo kidnaps Kelly, Bunny, Kyle and Sundance and makes them race for their lives! Robotman commentates. Mojo realizes he has a new hit on his hands. TO BE CONTINUED?
Injustice For All: Side Jobs September 11th, 2023 The Injustice League shows themselves again, attempting the hijack a cargo ship from the Gotham Beast as his long sought after ambitions are finally crushed. An ecclectic group of heroes insured that their plans would not succeed. At least not entirely...
Emerald and Eagles September 10th, 2023 Kyle and Golden Eagle have a casual talk in Titans Tower.
Kandor: The Last of Krypton September 3rd, 2023 The planet New Krypton is founded, the bottled city of Kandor is restored to some form of its splendor. But then the Oans make their move, sending a force of Lanterns and battle spheres to destroy the Kryptonians once and for all. The heroes of Earth clue by four the Lanterns in to the reality of the situation and the tide of the battle is turned... but at what cost?
Moonsugar Madness August 30th, 2023 A band of adventurers finds a dragon and only one gets eaten!
Moon at the Green Window August 27th, 2023 Kyle Rayner has a little company on the Moon.
What's that in the sky March 16th, 2023 No description
Raiding the Hive March 13th, 2023 Jinx leads the Titans to a New York HIVE operation but when they get there, things aren't as they expect them to be.
Bart stopping by to use the kitchen March 12th, 2023 Treats are made and maybe friends as well.
Space Cop Meets Space Goo July 5th, 2022 Kyle Rayner encounters one of the feared Klyntar on Earth...and finds things might not be entirely what he expected. Andi has questions for Mania.
Wonderland:The Crown That's Always Hidden July 3rd, 2022 The Titans come to rescue the Red King from the Woods of No Names. Some people have different ideas about that.
Wonderland: Unsteady Is The Head June 12th, 2022 The Titans can finally answer the age-old question: Whatever happened to Fae Rae?
There's A Light In The Tower June 10th, 2022 Kyle comes back to the tower after a long absence. Terry helps him move his ancient couch, which probably has a treasure chest inside or something of the sort and helps the lantern settle in.
Roof with a View June 8th, 2022 Crush goes to the Titan tower roof to eat some Chinese and is invaded by Kaida, Kyle and Koriand'r... totally worth it.
Checkin' on Bart October 29th, 2020 No description
One is the loneliest Number October 18th, 2020 Colette, Gar and Kyle go for pizza. Kyle learns a little about his ring, Gar gets a little more hopeful, and Colette manages to only swear once.
While the Cats are Away: And I'll Take the Low Road September 25th, 2020 The Titans capture Gizmo and find plans for another base.
Why Did Nobody Mention The Cat Isn't Dead September 24th, 2020 The Meddler visits Titans Tower to explain to Kian that magic is math, to interpret nonsense for Kate, to be baffled by Kyle's unconventional ringing, and is almost murdered by Kori's sandwich. Why do all the Titans have names beginning with K?
Fearsome Aftermath September 21st, 2020 Catching up after the Fearsome Five... why is it five.. attack.
While the Cats are Away: Knock Knock, Anybody Home September 15th, 2020 The Fearsome Five show up and make their presence known. Doctor Light is captured.
Metropolis Date Day two, Titans Tower August 23rd, 2020 A fun trip to the Titans Tower, complete with Robin ragequit!
Hellfire Purgatory Teen Club Grand Opening August 15th, 2020 The grand opening is a hit! Drinking, dancing, socializing, loads of fun... oh, and a cameo by a very annoyed one-eyed security goon.
Ice Palace: Do you want to build a Skeleton August 12th, 2020 Frost magic and skeletons erupt in the Bronx! A fight is waged between the minions of a necromancer and our heroes. Loki is kinda snarky.
The Titans Take A Time Out August 7th, 2020 America comes back to the tower. Nadia comes back to the tower, and brings Hank. Kyle visits the tower. Everyone's at the tower! Supergirl and Nightwing geek out at lego. Mary geeks out at RPGs. Donna makes kerbals explode. Caitlin bakes the world's best pie, and they all lived happily ever after.
Going Green August 4th, 2020 The Titans kick butt and meet a new Green Lantern!


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Kyle Rayner has 70 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Kyle Rayner has been credited in 1 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
The Match Game May 21st, 2020 This is a game that involves a panel of celebrity guests who are given a fill in the blank sentence. Two contestants compete to try and get the most matches to the celebrity responses for a cash prize!

Kyle Rayner has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Kyle Rayner has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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Group Memberships

Kyle Rayner has been listed in 1 groups.