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Aftermath Satyr Saturday
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: New York Streets
Synopsis: Alex helps Atlin evade law enforcement. They discuss culture, heritage and end up challenging each other to a fight.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Atlin

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    After the Satyrs had been handled, the crowd had dispersed and the authorities had appeared. It had led to the worthies who dealt with the situation to take a moment to get to know each other albeit briefly, to spare a few words, and then for them to start heading their separate ways. Though likely that Lia ended up staying with her production crew and handling some of the PR from her angle.
    But Shiva, Atlin, and Alexander? They likely had to depart fairly quickly lest they be detained by law enforcement. But it was fairly easy, at least for the youth in the jeans and a t-shirt to slip into the crowd, to make his way of past the blue and red lights of the police and emergency vehicles, despite the ichor of the beastmen's blood upon his dark shirt, and the small furrow to his brow of such focused concentration.
    But then as he draw up short, stopping some distance down the way, it was that moment when he espied Atlin, likely making her own departure. And his voice lifted in greeting. "Hey."
    A pause and then he murmurs, "You weren't entirely horrible there."

Atlin has posed:
Well, no show, no glamourous modelling career begining for Atlin today. Instead she was departing the scene of the violent brawl that had her hands drenched in the blood of the Satyr she'd battled along with the others. After all, she didn't really have an abundance of legitimate ID and she was looking far more like some sort of 'Xena' universe cosplayer than a citizen minding their own business. At least she wasn't carrying a visible weapon on her!

     Addressed as she was, the tanned blonde woman turns with a frown, raising an eyebrow before she recognizes the youth who'd been speaking Greek back at the creatures assailing them. "Was that meant to be a complement or an insult?" she questions, legitimately unsure it seems. "I do not recall making any mistakes."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It was..." Alexander turns as he continues to walk a bit further on, but then pausing to slip into an alcove of one of the myriad of shops on 34th, his hands in his pockets and the slight edged smile upon his face.
    "Meant to be a compliment couched within what could be interpreted as an insult, and used socially to determine the personality of the recipient. To see if they're a good sport, or uptight, or clever, or not."
    Such a casual way of explaining, and the smile there might be amused, or teasing. Difficult to tell and perhaps for one not quite so familiar with Man's World, perhaps she'll take it poorly.
    But then, in that moment, several emergency vehicles roar by, their sirens silent but their lights flashing as they pass through that nearby intersection that had come to a stand still to let the ambulances pass. At the least, however, it might give them a few moments to talk.
    "I'm Alexander." A beat, then he adds. "Hi."

Atlin has posed:
"I see..." The Amazon responds, but there was a furrow of the brow on her oh-so-serious face that suggested the idea of such comment puzzled her. At least in English. As the vehicles roar by, there's an absent crossing of her arms over her bust, as if it might somehow obscure the one-piece armored outfit she wore beneath her clothing earlier that looked rather out of the ordinary.

"I am Atlin," she answers after a moment, "it is a pleasure to meet you and...your companion you fled."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In the long shadows of that alcove they're able to take shelter at least for a little while. With his back against the wall and his own arms folded over his chest, they mirror each other somewhat. With her so dark in color and himself so pale, it's almost a study in negatives in a way. But his expression is likely warmer, amused in a way as his lip twists upwards.
    "You're an Amazon." He states as he looks to her, then leeeeeans forwards a little to try and get an eyeball on the site of the craziness not too far off. There are still people on the streets, a hustle and bustle of the crowds. Some are heading toward the scene, some away, and almost all of them have their phones out.
    Alexander turns back to her and murmurs, "Are you a friend of Diana's?"

Atlin has posed:
"I am an Amazon," she nods, but the question of her relationship with the princess? It brings a momentary pause before she shakes her head. "She...does not know me." Vague certainly, but it wasn't really her place to get into politics just yet!

Uncrossing her arms, she too leans to peak back at the chaos left behind. It was as much an evasion of the question as any other, but it's one she's happy to seize on. "Why did those creatures know you?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah, as to that." Alexander bites his lower lip and uncurls a hand toward her. "I'm a god." He offers that openly to her, even as he then just leaves it sitting there, those three words floating there as if he had announced that it looked like it might rain that day.
    But he's again looking outside of that alcove, eyes distanced and then he gives a nod to her, "Coast is clear, c'mon." And with that he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans. Perhaps assuming with her being an Amazon that she'd be comfortable with the concept of deities. And for a god, he doesn't really dress like one after all. In fact he dresses like any number of other mortal man's world people she's met before.
    Yet hopefully she falls into step with him when they head out and along, walking away from the carnage for now. "Diana is my aunt." As if to clarify and build that connection.

Atlin has posed:
There's an actual blink, a tilt of her head and a movement of her shoulders. This was literally the third person she'd met claiming to be a god, and the last two had been maniacs with technology or mystical items respectively. The response he gets? It's simply a raise of her eyebrow while she makes to follow the man before her arms cross at her chest again. "If you claim to be Zeus I will throw you through the nearest wall," she speaks rather plainly. Was it an attempted joke? Hard to know for sure.

The mention of Diana being related however, that earns a tilt of her head and a look square at Alex. A relative of the Amazon Queen then, but certainly he couldn't be royalty for his gender alone. "And who, exactly, is your father?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Over his shoulder he answers her, apparently /utterly/ unafraid of being thrown through a wall. But likely for other reasons than she might expect.
    The answer floats there just like the declaration of his deific nature, and might easily be lost in the local noise loud as the emergency vehicles may be. But he keeps on walking, hands deep in the pockets of his jeans, that Team Banzai shirt of his still slick from the gore of several satyrs.
    But then he pauses for her to catch up should she wish and he says, "I'm known as Phobos. Though I prefer Alexander." And as he says that he offers her his hand, a more formal meeting perhaps than the last.

Atlin has posed:
There's a frown, judgement and consideration for a moment. Certainly it wasn't unexpected for gods to walk among humans, indeed her own bith was proof of that along with quite a few demigods and indeed Diana herself, but... She catches up, perhaps unnaturally quick in her flash of movement. Of course, she was likely going to draw eyes the longer they walked, between appearence and figure-hugging attire, but the Amazon uncrosses her arms none the less and takes the offered hand.

It's held, grasped tightly for a few moments before her face shifts just a little. Some thought of mischief perhaps, brought to voice with a little smirk.

"Prove it?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Down the sidewalk, the crowd continues around them. Atlin likely gets a few looks now and again considering her height and attire as well as the way she carries herself. As for Alexander he gets far fewer second glances, blending well with the crowd even as they both stand there hand in hand. Those curious hazel eyes meet her gaze and something amused flickers across them as he shakes his head.
    his hand holds hers easily enough as he tells her, "God of Fear. So tell me what are you afraid of usually?"
    The golden halo deep in his eyes flares subtly as he tilts his head one way, then the other, as if getting a feel for her and he smiles, "Spiders? Heights? Ah social situations? What's the most embarrassing thing I could ask you that you'd be afraid to answer truthfully?"
    And for a time he eyes her, gauging and judging the woman before him. Then, with all the aplomb of a Greek God and with a smile to match the hurbis accompanying such a role, Alexander asks her simply, "Do you think I'm cute?"

Atlin has posed:
What was she afraid of? Such a more complex question than he could possibly know. Or perhaps he could by design, but certainly the answer wasn't simple in the slightest. Physical danger was simply nature, if not culture for an Amazon. The social side was almost certainly the closest to a true fear; she didn't always trust herself, and Atlin certainly carried a quiet fear that she might accidently drive away the sisters and allies she had, leaving her alone in the world. A deep question, so when the one that follows is asked? It catches her dead by suprise.


Stinging, but it's very quickly followed up before she can stop herself. "I find you attractive. I found your companion 'cute'."

A blink, even the Amazon warrior looks suprised by the answer.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Fear," Alexander then offers, as if that explained everything.
    That said he then pauses and cants his head to the side a little, smiling a touch playfully as he squeezes her hand, and then releases, turning to walk down the sidewalk with an easy stroll, his hands returning to his pockets. But now his pace has slowed, letting her match it easily and letting them take the corner away from the crime scene with a more languid pace.
    Sidelong to her he smiles and murmurs a little, "Sorry," He's totally not sorry. "I figured that's easier than conjuring up your worst nightmare and then having to lug your catatonic body around for a few hours. No idea where you lived so would have had to put you in a planter or something."
    That said he cocks his head toward her and murmurs, "Unless that's not enough to sell you, which I could understand... since I suppose a telepath could do that too."

Atlin has posed:
It is a stroll matched, even if the frown on her face and the slight hint of red to her cheeks was...probably not intended. "Sorcery could manage the same, or some sort of potion but...I will hesitantly take you at your word for now." A pause, she looks back with that same sidelong glance. "Just as likely I would attack whatever you conjured and cause you great harm...or someone else unintentionally. You were right to decide on a more subtle effort.

Yep, refer to it like that and it's less akward, right?

"I should find somewhere out of sight, or somewhere to secure clothing. I have been told that I 'attract stares' quite easily in my armor."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A nod is given as he walks and he does spare another moment to look at her and the way the armor clings to her, it causes him to get a small faint smile as he nods along and hrms to himself. No backpack, no spare jacket of his, but they are strolling along in the fashion district, as well as down one of the side streets which means...
    Knockoff streetside vendors.
    A few steps and Alexander gives her a nod, "C'mere for a moment." He waves her over as he walks over to where an older Asian woman seems to be standing next to a myriad of racks all with t-shirts and clothes and various touristy gifts and treats fro teh discerning traveler.
    A gesture to the side, "Grab a shirt and... some of those shorts?" He gestures with a nod to a rack tha prominently displays, 'I <3 New York!' paraphernalia, because of /course/ that'll look good on her.

Atlin has posed:
Atlin had come from a hidden kingdom of warrior women, differing values and isolated culture...and even she looks at the horrific shirts with distaste. It truely was the facial expression equivlent of 'must I?' before she reaches for a pair of shorts and a jacket, simply pulling both on over her armor right there at the side of the street.

Well, it wasn't as if she wasn't strange already!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At least it gives a hint of camoflauge to her existence, some hint of something that might let the eye move on after glancing over her and he tells her with a wry half-smile. "It'll... have to do." And with that he'll pay the vendor, a pair of twenties enough for it and he waves off the change for now, time more important than to wait for them to go through the register. With that done, Alexander advances to her and then gives a nod, "C'mon. I live down that way. About... four blocks. If you live closer we can head there?"
    But if she does not give any sign it might be easier he'll start on the path that leads toward his apartment, hands sliding back into his pocket. And as he walks he murmurs sidelong to her.
    "So what..." He tilts his head, "Might convince you about my heritage?"

Atlin has posed:
"I am staying in a hotel at the moment," Atlin explains as they walk, folding her arms under her bust in a small 'self-hugging' unconcious gesture. Perhaps that and the 'pout' is the truest hint that the otherwise confident warrior was actually rather uncomfortable with her surroundings.

With that 'helpful' bit of information offered, Atlin offers a shrug of her shoulders. She was following him to his place, but his question brings with it a little sniff of amusement. "I am no priestess or sorceress. The most I could do is judge for myself, perhaps test your strength for myself. The last person who claimed to be a god, I punched them lightly and they nearly died."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Perhaps he keys onto her body language, or perhaps he has a weakness for when someone is clearly feeling the stranger in a strange land vibe. But for whatever reason, when he sees her so uncomfortable and holding onto herself. He takes the next two steps closer to her and lightly rests a hand upon her arm and loops it through his should she allow. To offer that small physical contact, to allow that nearness, and that hint of support while they walk.
    It's just a small thing, and perhaps matched with the glimmer of warmth in his eyes. "Who was it you punched?" He asks as they move along, and if she seems comfortable to hold on, he'll return his hands into his pockets.
    "Doesn't sound particularly divine to me."

Atlin has posed:
The hand on her arm gets a blink, a light pull away from the gesture...but it was one accompanied by a pout and a flush of cheeks suggesting it was more a matter of principle than actual dislike. Stubborn Amazon is Stubborn

"Someone who ran an underground Casino. Proclaimed themself Zeus and thought I was 'Bia' when I entered. I may not be the goddess of Force, but I think by the end of the evening I lived up to her image." A beat, she shrugs her shoulders. "He was in possession of stolen artifacts of my people."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ahh," Alexander nods a little as he walks along, steady in stride and calm in manner. "Well." He uncurls a hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully and then looks at her sidelong, "I have room and equipment in my home, if you wish we can train some and see if I can earn your respect in that way. Though you have seen me fight already today."
    Though, to be fair, their fight with the Satyrs was short and abrupt, albeit rather skillful in its execution.
    He cocks his head sidelong at her as he grins a little, "But still me whupping you and making you say uncle a few dozen times doesn't necessarily make me a god. Just..."
    There's a moment as he keeps walking, looking thoughtful, then looks at her sidelong with a slightly sad tilt to his features. "I don't like using my powers to scare people. Or friends, really. Since last time I did... afterwards they weren't my friends anymore."

Atlin has posed:
A beat, she turns her head to the side. "You are awfully presumptive that you -could- beat me. I've always been the strongest amongst my sisters, and I would not recommend you underestimate us..." Of course, she wasn't counting Diana in that, but then she'd never actually 'known' the woman, having grown up in Bana-Mighdall. There was a smirk none the less, a challenge to her stare...but one softened by his comment of his powers.
     She didn't say it, but it was likely she didn't need to. He'd feel that sting, the hint of fearful regret. There was more to her than the powers of a normal Amazon, and when she'd unwittingly unleashed it? It had cost her dearly in the trust and closeness to her friends.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For a moment he steals a glance at her sidelong, just a small look as he'll feel that small flicker of anxiety, of fear there in the depths of her heart. Barely there, and old... controlled. He notes it, but he voices no thoughts for it, instead letting her hold that reluctance and hesitance close, for it's likely a protected thing needed for herself.
    Instead he says, "Who would win? Awesome kid god trained his entire life to fight by the masters of the world, super awesome cool dude with all the skillz."
    Then he completes the meme by gesturing at her sidelong with his thumb, "Or won amazon gal with a bad attitude?"

Atlin has posed:
Oh that was a baiting if there ever was one, but poking at an Amazon's pride? Not a great idea. Especially one such as Atlin who lacked some of the more 'even-temper' of the Themyscira natives. "I have trained my entire life, without the distractions of Man's world, but a race of warriors born." Perhaps she didn't get the teasing, but she rounds on him as her arms uncross. "If you wish to test me? You merely need to name the arena. Then we can see how 'awesome' this son of a god truely is."

She actually steps slightly ahead of him with that, he'd almost swear there was a 'Hmpf!' to accompany the action. Yeah, Amazons don't seem to get memes either!