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Latest revision as of 14:05, 24 March 2024

Please Don't Make It Green... Or Animated!
Date of Scene: 24 March 2024
Location: Reed's Labs - Four Freedom Plaza
Synopsis: Kiden visits Reed's lab to get scanned and sized for her new super suit!
Cast of Characters: Kiden Nixon, Reed Richards

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden's getting a super suit! A 21st birthday present, and she's super excited about it!

When the notice arrives that she's needed at the Tower for scans and measurements and a whole lot of very large scientific terms she had to look up, Kiden makes sure that she's walking into the lobby precisely on time. And she has it down to the microsecond! Signing into the book, showing her id, whatever else is required before she's sent up to the lab.

Kiden is.. not the usual character one might expect of a hero. She's barely over 5 feet, and just this side of too-skinny. She still looks like she belongs in high school, pixie-ish features with eyes that look far too old for the rest of her face. She's in a pastel rainbow-colored halter top complete with fringe covering her belly, skinny jeans, ballet flats, and a leather jacket that's far, far too big for her.

"Hey! I'm Kiden Nixon. It's great to get to meet you, Dr. Richards. Or, I guess, do you prefer Mr. Fantastic?" She flashes a broad smile and lifts a hand in greeting.

Reed Richards has posed:
"Hah, Reed is fine," answers the older man in the long white lab coat, returning the wave with a close-lipped smile, "Doctor sounds a bit pretentious in a casual setting, and don't get me started on Mr. Fantastic. It was thirty years ago and they've never let me hear the end of it."

The laboratory is vast. There's a dozen machines doing three dozen different thigns at any given time, and much of it seems unrelated to the task at hand today. Indeed, somewhere off to the side is what looks like a sphere through which one can see ... a different dimension? Maybe? Who knows. It is cordoned off with a 'do not approach' sign, though. Because safety.

"Well, Ms. Nixon, we've got a few things we need to do to get you fitted. I've had a look at the molecular cohesion gauge based on your basic measurements and I think I've got the ballpark, but we'll want to narrow that down. Determine the thermal stability index and the dimensional integrity. I'll get you under the electromagnetic permeability spectrometer first, and while we're at it we'll calibrate the adaptive isotopic resonance analyzer to your individual needs."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Reed it is. And don't look at me, I picked 'Flux' because of Back to the Future. So you know, could be worse." Kiden lifts a shrug, chuckling and looking around as she moves farther into the lab. She's careful not to touch anything that she can't pronounce. Because she probably couldn't afford to replace in ten lifetimes!

She glances through into the other place through the sphere, "Neat! I can go to another place, too. It's pretty cool, really. Beautiful." Kiden pulls her gaze away to look back to Reed with a smile. "Sure thing! Just let me know where I need to stand or sit or whatever."

She shrugs out of the jacket and sets it somewhere that won't interfere with anything. Kiden tucks her hands into her pockets and grins, "Do you need to see the alternate space that I go into when I use my power? I don't know if that will affect what happens with the suit, but it's... I dunno, different."

Reed Richards has posed:
"I haven't seen it," Reed hazards at the Back to the Future reference - it's probably a television program or a film, right? "So a name that evokes the transfer and change of properties. Or perhaps the Heraclitian doctrine of panta rhei or 'everything flows'? Well, regardless of where you got it, it's a good name. Very evocative."

Reed glances up at the sphere for a moment as he taps something into a palm-sized device that looks decades beyond a modern smart phone.

"Oh? That's ... well, are you familiar with the concept of antimatter? That is a gateway to a universe where every particle is oppositely charged. Very interesting. We learn more about it every day."

He doesn't mention that the Defenders recently went through and blew up a moon.

"You can certainly show me if you like," Reed answers, "It'll make the calibration process go faster."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Seriously? Damn, didn't think there was anyone between 8 and 80 that hadn't seen Back to the Future. You should check it out sometime, you'd get a laugh fromt he wacky nonsensical 'science' used. And 'flux' comes from 'flux capacitor'. The crucial component to Doc Brown's time machine." Kiden shakes her head with a brief grin. "Thanks. I like it."

She glances back at the sphere, "Familiar with, yes. Able to converse about it with any authority? Hell no. I'm not a genius, I just.. have way too much time to study." Lifting a brow, she looks closer at the other universe, "Huh. Wonder what would happen with my power there..."

Turning back to Reed, she grins once more, "You got it, Doc." Reaching out, she grabs him by the arm and... suddenly, things are different.

The sky is pink and swirly and psychedelic-looking. But, more importantly, everything is... still. There's no movement, anywhere. Even the dust particles in the air are fozen in place. "Welcome to No Time. I'm not really sure if its an alternate dimension, or just an alternate timestream but... this is where I go. People think I'm a speedster, like the Flash or something. I'm not, I just.. have all the time in the world." Kiden looks around with a smile, "I can bring people or bjects into No Time with me, though I can only hold it with people for maybe five, ten minutes. Long enough to get the Hell out of a place." She motions to where she's holding him, "And I have to maintain contact or you'll pop back into the normal timestream again." Glancing up at him, she grins, "So. Whatcha think? Anything you want me to tell you?"

Reed Richards has posed:
"I have a habit of being preoccupied for long periods of time," Reed replies, figuring that may be enough to explain his near-total disconnect from most pop culture. Typically Sue lets him know what it is he should be aware of, after all.

"I wouldn't call genius an inherent state. A certain innate talent or predisposition, yes, but more important would be the nurturing of that intellect. Education. A stimulating environment. Personal dedication. Of course, it all manifests far beyond the realm of the scientific and the mathematical. Don't you think?"

When he's teleported, Reed does what he does and begins to observe. There's no cries of shock or waxing on the remarkable nature. He's a man who has seen many different universes, even forged his own in the heartfires of creation. Instead, he lifts the device in his hand and adjusts the settings to start taking readings of their surroundings.

"You call it No Time. You're suggesting time runs differently here? An alternative metric tensor to our own, maybe? Can I take samples?"

He gestures to the floating dust particles.

"Exotic matter or energy densities could explain extreme temporal dilation."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Yeaaaaaaah.. uh, Back to the Future came out in 1985. So like.. before I was born. That's some preoccupation there, Doc," Kiden chuckles low in her throat and shakes her head, trying to hid her smile. He's more than preoccupied, he's practically hermetically sealed!

Kiden looks at him and shrugs, "I think there's smart and there's genius. Pretty much anyone can be smart, with the right environment, encouragement, and education. I think genius is something you can't teach. You have a capacity for understanding and retention that someone like me could never reach, no matter how much I study, no matter what my environment or education... there's never going to be a means to reach that level."

It isn't teleportation so much as another timestream overlaid on the one he normally operates in. She watches him as he starts taking readings, chuckling, "Hang on..." Reaching up, she touches the device in his hand, bringing it into the timestream with them, "Fun thing about No Time. I'm the only one that seems to have any control here. I can bring you into No Time with me, but the things you carry are still affected by it unless I designate otherwise."

She glances to the dust particles and nods, "Yeah, sure, go ahead. I think you'll find that everything that's in this place moves far, far, far slower than normal. I don't know the calculations for it, I couldn't tell you the ratio. But... lets just say that I could give the FLash family a run for their money without ever breaking a sweat. Time basically doesn't exist here. Hence, No Time. Oh, you also won't age, won't need food or water or sleep. And you tend to be kinda... I don't want to say invulnerable, I haven't tested it that far, but damn near. Also have to be careful what you touch here. There's a chronokinetic effect when you do. The force you touch something with here is echoed and amplified in the normal time stream. It's wacky. I can punch through steel if I've a mind to."

Reed Richards has posed:
"Interesting," Reed muses, taking a few lumps of dust from the air in a small vial which he placed into the pocket of his coat, "I'd be interested to look into it. It might be an element of M Theory we haven't looked at closely yet."

He takes a moment to take the measurements on his device before putting that away also, nodding his head with a polite smile.

"I'm ready to go back now, I think. After a scan we should be ready to manufacture your suit."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Now that one I don't know. M Theory?" Kiden gives him a confused glance before watching him pluck some dust particles out fo the air. "Well, anytime you want to come back to take more readings or samples, just say so. I can be most anywhere faster than you can blink. At least, it would be faster for you. For me I just get to stroll along." She grins.

Nodding, she brings them out of No Time and back into the normal timestream, releasing his arm and tucking her hands back into her pocket. "Alright! Where do you need me to stand?" Kiden glances back towards that sphere with the other universe in it. It definitely looks interesting! But soon enough, she's refocusing on Reed and lifting both brows with a smile.

Reed Richards has posed:
"Oh, anywhere is fine. I wired most of the commonly used equipment into the building's surveillance and computer network years ago. It saves time, really."

Reed moves over to one of a dozen terminals scattered throughout the lab, tapping on the keyboard a few times. There's no obvious indication that Kiden is being scanned, but it doesn't take long before her likeness appears on the monitor in front of Reed.

"Obviously, it's not an instantaneous process. But once I've got the basic equations down, you can take a look at the terminal and work on your design. We should be able to print out the result."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Oh neat! I imagine it does. I don't know what you'll find, though. Aside from the one power, I'm as normal as any other human. I'm no stronger or faster or more durable or anything. I keep to a strict diet and training regimen to make sure I can take care of myself." An understantement, given who is training her, but then Kiden has never understood why everyone thinks Laura is so strange. What she does makes perfect sense to her friend.

She tries to hold still until her image shows up on the monitor, then she moves in closer to take a look. "Well damn! That's me alright. Right down to the scuffs on my shoes." She chuckles and shakes her head, looking the image over, "Oooo, my butt is looking better, too. Those exercises Laura's got me on are working!"

Blinking at the mention of design, she laughs, "Oh boy. Design? That's going to be interesting.. most of my friends are appalled at my fashion sense."

Reed Richards has posed:
"Well, the suit is durable. It's designed not to rip or tear and has a high tensile strength. But even if doesn't get torn by, say, a bullet it'll still cause damage. I'd recommend not treating it like armor. More like an outfit that doesn't need much in the way of tailoring or laundering."

The butt comment seems to sail right past Reed, who steps out of the way and adjusts the terminal to something not entirely unlike a costume designer in a video game. His original designs appear to have had some input from his children, it would seem.

"I'll leave you to design until your heart's content. If you need anything, HERBIE is floating around somewhere."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Oh sure, I wasn't looking for something that's bulletproof. That's what the mutant power is for. But something that doesn't easily stain or tear would be good. I've lost really good shoes and blothes to missions going strange places. Or just gross places," Kiden lifts a small shrug and offers a wry grin. "Hero life, right?"

It's good that goes right past him, because Kiden is oblivious, just checking out the scna of herself with a bright smile, excited to see how much better she's looking after near six months of good food, shelter, and training! But then he's making adjustments and she's laughing, "Someone in the family is a gamer, I see."

Glancing to Reed, she gives a nod and smiles, "I'll try not to break anything. Once I have it all done up, I'll poke my head in wherever to let you know, so we can finish up and get you back to more important stuff." Kiden settles in at the terminal, then looks to Reed with a smile, "Thanks for this, by the way. You didn't have to do this, so I really appreciate it." Then she turns back to the terminal to fiddle with the design, trying out different color combinations and patterns. Once she has it settled, she'll get Reed so he can get the suit made up and finish out the process, and in the end, Kiden is leaving the Tower with a bright smile and her new super suit!