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Latest revision as of 00:05, 29 March 2024

Hellfire and Whiskey
Date of Scene: 28 March 2024
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: =Selina invites Damian to the Hellfire Club for drinks
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Damian Wayne

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle is very experienced at casing a potential mark, studying habits and movements of guards and learning routines. This isn't just -any- mark, but discretion is definitely in order for what she has in mind.

It's a simple note, delivered to Phoebe's apartment and addressed simply to 'Damian'. The street address, date and time are enclosed, as are the words 'VIP Lounge'. It is signed, simply 'S'.

No, something like this doesn't need to be delivered to Wayne Manor. As much as Selina adores Alfred, she knows that the contents of the note would quickly get to Bruce.

And so, in the VIP Lounge of the Hellfire Club, Selina Kyle waits at the appointed time. Her attire is simple, the black velvet dress sleeveless and clingy, plunging neckline and short hem in keeping with the theme of the place. Her stockings are lacy and black, patterned with roses and a seam running down the back. Pumps are Jimmy Choos, the red soles adding the only color. Her jewelry is a simple strand of pearls.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian was surprised when the letter was waiting for him at Phoebe's place. After helping her move into a new, safer location, he returned to the letter that was left for him. It was pretty easy for him to sus who 'S' was, it wasn't really that hard for someone to put together who would know of Phoebe's connection to Damian, have a Hellfire Club VIP and be that bold.

So, curiousity piqued, he arrives at the VIP lounge. The tailored suit fits him well, shoes finely polished, his whole appearance spit and polished - he could pass as a much younger, if somewhat darker version of his father. Even if his hair is a little bit more unkempt.

Noticing Selina, he drinks in her appearance, a rise of his brow - this is not what he had expected, after all. Approaching the woman, he comes up to her and presents her the letter. "I made sure I would not be late." he offers to her with his usual cool demeanor, only a slight smile on his lips. "I thought the cat was supposed to be the curious one."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle rises as he approaches... she was seated facing the door... and offers a warm smile as she assesses his attire. Reaching out casually, she fluffs and then smoothes his hair with manicured nails. "You clean up well." she declares, as if he just passed some kind of test. With a glance she beckons one of the servers.

"I thought it was time we caught up, and I wanted a neutral location." As the server approaches, Selina gestures towards a small arrangement of overstuffed leather chairs. "Please join me."

Damian Wayne has posed:
He doesn't fight the play with his hair, after all, he's learned to accept it before Selina explains the meaning behind her summons. "You look lovely as well, Miss Kyle." he offers politely as he moves to settle down in the seat that was offered to him.

Hands folded primly over each other, his green eyes lift to meet Selina's own. She may be able to make out that small bit of sadness that's hidden behind the mask of poise that he presents to the world. Even as he doesn't shy away from Selina's attention. "Ah. Well, I have been fine, thank you. And yourself?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle settles first, crossing one long leg over the other. "Thank you for your punctuality, as well." she replies. She watches him as well, perhaps the casual ease in his movements and the lightness in his step.

Yes, very reminiscent of someone else.

"You have been fine, but the same could not be said for everyone in your circle." She pauses. "I stay in contact, Damian. I hear what is happening." Another pause. "And I trust that your friend is doing well."

Damian Wayne has posed:
She doesn't tip her hand. Damian can respect that. As the waiter comes by to take orders, he orders a water for himself, and of course, Selina is free to order as she sees fit. Once the waiter is on his way, his attetion returns back to the leggy woman and considers her words. She has always been lithe - and he doesn't miss the sensualness in her movements, the silk of her voice. He didn't recognize it in his youth - but he's learned.

"She is safe. Considering what she's been through and what happened... it is all we can hope for." he admits quietly. "I will make sure to check on her when I can. And she knows she can reach me if she needs to." That out of the way, he offers a smile.

"We could have simply texted about that, though, and I admit it would have denied me the company, but I imagine that this is also a distraction."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle orders a top-shelf whiskey, neat, offering the waiter a small nod that is returned. Then she turns her attention back to Damian, that raised foot bobbing just a little.

"It is fortunate that she is safe, although her... adjustment... may be a long one." Selina offers, her tone warming and smooth, her expression sympathetic. "It's also a reminder for all of us about the potential hazards of the business: physical, mental, and emotional."

Selina tilts her head a little at his last words, a small smile touching her lips. "You are perceptive." she declares. "You were never shy about expressing yourself, although your emotions were usually hidden behind anger. I wanted to see your reactions for myself."

Damian Wayne has posed:
That foot bob is watched for a moment as he accepts the water and takes a draw from it as Damian considers Selina's words. "She will always be family to me." he comments quietly. "Even if others forget. I will try to hold her memory close and support her where I can."

But then Selina changes the subject and the game all at once and he offers a soft laugh. "It has been that long since you've seen me." he admits with a touch of amusement that is much needed. "I have developed many more emotions since those days. Anger can still show, yes." he admits. "But... I see no reason for it." His eyes travel her again, before he takes another draw from his water.

"Such as I realize that conversation may not be the only thing that you have on your mind, Miss Kyle." he points out to her. Not Selina, she'll tell him when he can call her that. "Would you like to see if I can keep up?" he asks almost casually, a glance towards the dance floor.

Selina Kyle has posed:
The drinks arrive, Selina's first and then Damian's. She looks up to the waiter, then asks. "Could you please bring my things?"

"Of course, Miss Kyle." the waiter replies. Apparently something has already been arranged.

Turning back towards Damian, she laughs softly. "Oh I've been -watching- you for quite some time, actually. Usually from a distance, of course. One's quarry is best studied from afar, so as not to disturb."

She follows his glance towards the dance floor, taking a sip of her whiskey. "I have no doubt that you can dance, and even fewer doubts about your stamina." Her green eyes turn playful, then. "And please excuse me if I don't call you 'Mister Wayne'. Just give me a few moments, first." Her gaze flickers briefly in the direction of the departing waiter.