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Latest revision as of 01:36, 3 April 2024

A Tale of Willpower
Date of Scene: 22 June 2023
Location: Scooter's Pub
Synopsis: A little Bar Fight!
Cast of Characters: Jane Roe, John Stewart

Jane Roe has posed:
It's just a day of the week. A normal evening, with people drinking to forget their troubles while others drink to get a better mood. Which is the problem with alcohol: it's a depressent. After the high comes the low and people turn grouchy. Like some of the guys in the corner of Scooter's, their eyes clearly glazed over as they nurse their whiskeys and lament that in the past everything was better and cheaper and that they can't handle their social media accounts barkign and tweeting at them all over all day and how entitled milenials are...

And then there's Jane, sitting in her suzuki jacket on one of the bar stools, a carrier bag like a bicycle courier on the shoulder and the so incredibly entitled drink of plain black soda in front of her. Bar's checking IDs after all and the young woman doesn't carry a valid one. Because aint got no Identity at all.

Of course, coke girl becomes the new discussion topic of the shot up pals in the corner. Sneering about the youth of today not apprechiating a good drop, or knowing not the taste of beer, or even thinking themselves as better than the working class boys they are.

Then, in alcohol fuled courage, one of them gets up to try and do something against Jane, because they believe in their stupor that would make them a hero... "Eeeeey, You there! Giddyup and git yur kiddie self home. If yu can't hold yur liquer, whaddo you do here anyway?"

"Get... Lost... geezer." Jane remarks, her face growing cold, fingers squeezing the glass till they turn white as the man's tirade continues.

John Stewart has posed:
With John doing more work on Earth again, it was time to start expanding his network. Sure, the ring was a powerful tool... but he couldn't be everywhere at once and the superhero teams had their own rules; sometimes, you did what you have to do. Today, John is seeking out a contact with potential abilities to help him out with doing more subtle work, and a tuned motorcycles parks outside. The man himself is wearing a bikers outfit of leathers and a helmet that he takes off as he starts heading inside the bar... just in time for John to overhear tail end of the threat.

Hands in pockets, John casually steps between Jane and the group, and faces them, his head hilting just slightly as the bald black man takes in the potential threats, "minding your own business isn't a crime fellas, and I'm sure the establishment doesn't like bar fights. Take another round on me instead." His voice has the confidence of a veteran to it for Jane, he's clearly not afraid of them.

Jane Roe has posed:
The drunk does't go away, especially as he was talked to by John too. Either alcohol made him dumb, too couragous or both, because instead of taking the hint, the guy pulls something from his pocket to try a smackdown of Jane. "Stupit yungsters not know their place these days..." The telltale gleam of copper in the light tells it's a brass knuckle he tries to embad against the young woman's head for showing uppity, but instead of just taking the hit, she bends back, her glass of suggary soda water taking a flying arch a the swinging guy.

John Stewart has posed:
When Jane goes to attack, John actually moves his hand to /block/ her from hitting the man while at the same time using the momentum of that block to move around the man to try to grab him into a double arm lock to pull the mans arms behind his back and up and effectively disable his movement, "He's a drunk, don't need to send him to the hospital for trivial bullshit, or get you in trouble." John notes aloud.

Being former special forces, this kind of stuff is childs play to John.

Jane Roe has posed:
With John's hand catching the glass still in Jane's hand, the contents still meet the drunk man that tried to smack Jane in the jaw. But something about how she takes the hold of the hand isn't the normal way someone stopped from hitting goes. No, the hand release the emptied glass, the other snatches it and then Jane twists the caught wrist free to dart out of reach of swingerman. Why? Because the guy with the brass knuckle clearly doesn't listen, as he swings again at Jane.

"He started it." She notes, letting him try one more wild swing before it is her left hand that comes down with a single chopping movement to the side of his neck. Not too hard, but... it's a carotid strike.

John Stewart has posed:
"He started it..." He matters to himself with the left hand moving to come down onto the neck, John tackles the man out of the way and onto the floor. "let me handle this." John barks back as he moves to pin the man to the ground.