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Latest revision as of 16:33, 1 May 2020

So there's this feud going on...
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: Jazz club in Manhattan
Synopsis: Alexander updates Sofia on what's been going down.
Cast of Characters: Sofia Maroni, Alexander Aaron

Sofia Maroni has posed:
It's 1 a.m. in some nameless bar in the Bronx. Sofia plays so many different places that it's sometimes difficult for even her to keep track. The band is packing up and the after-show banter is already filling in the background for the now-quiet music. Sofia has hugged all of the band members, and she's now sitting at the bar to get one more for the road. She's wearing knee boots along with a close-fitting cocktail dress, which is a bit upscale for the venue if not for the music.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's not entirely hard to track down someone like Sofia, to make a few calls and find where she might playing. Two calls in fact to the place where he had first met her, and then with the information where she usually likes to go around this time, he figures the next. Which led him to getting himself together, pulling on his new brown jacket with the black leather sleeves, his hands in the pockets of those ubiquitous blue jeans. Not exactly dressed up for the venue, but he didn't figure he'd be staying long.
    It was then at that late hour that he arrived, making his way through what remained of the crowd, between a few tables. Likely she'd espy him before he made it across the way to the bar where she's sitting and having a drink. And if not, she'd hear his voice when he got a little bit closer.
    "Sofia." A beat as he glances at the clock, then at her. "Morning."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    The blonde does, indeed, spot Alex shortly after he enters the place. He may try to be unobtrusive, but now that they're acquainted for who they REALLY are, she spots him pretty directly. She smiles at the greeting, stepping up to give him a casual embrace and a kiss on the cheek as well. For appearances, of course.
    "Good to see you again, Alex." she offers lightly. But her expression shows something else. Concern. Why is he here at this hour? Is something wrong? She doesn't voice any of it, but then again she likely doesn't need to.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Good to be seen," Is the reply she gets as he smiles to her, resting his hands on her shoulders after that brief embrace as if to get a look at her. He tilts his head, shakes it, and then looks past her shoulder as if to the band and the others. But then those hazel eyes return to hers and he asks, "Should we speak here?"
    He turns and rests a hand upon one of the seats near the bar, fingertips light upon the wooden frame of the chair's back. "Or should we take a walk again?"
    As he asks that last he looks to the door. When he looks back one eyebrow is quirked as if awaiting her decision before setting out one way or another.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia meets his gaze, something unspoken passing between them. She follows his look to the band, giving a little flicker with her eyes. "Perhaps we'd best take a walk, I think. It's supposed to be a nice evening." With a shift of her hips she slides off of the bar stool to settle lightly on her feet. There's a glass of scotch on the bar, which she tosses back like it was fruit juice.
    Slipping an arm through Alex's, the blonde offers a broad smile and waves towards the band. "Looks like my ride's here, fellas. Good gig tonight." And with that, she nods towards the door. "After you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Arm in arm together, the duo step past the remaining patrons and likely Sofia might earn a glance or two if not simply from her effortless beauty, then from the fact she's being escorted out by someone apparently a fair bit younger than her. Yet it's paid no mind as they walk and reach the door, then up to the brisk evening air of the night. No further words said within, no insight given save the occasional sidelong smile.
    But once they're outside and walking along, his hand reaching over to gently cover her own, he waits til they're a few strides away before he tells her. "I should be leaving town this weekend. Two of our uncles seem to be upset and I've been asked to... moderate a disagreement."
    As he speaks it's clear he's not pleased with it, but then again he doesn't seem to upset either.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia's fingers settle comfortably upon his arm, and her curiosity is barely contained as they step out of the bar. When his hand covers her own she looks up, brow arched and openly curious now. But still quiet. He came to her for a reason. The methodical clicking of heels provides a back-beat to the conversation. "Do I want to know which two?"
    After all, it was a 'moderate disagreement' between divine family members that caused the Trojan War. "I've heard nothing of this. Not that I'd expect to be drawn into their bickering on a regular basis."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It's mainly to do with the..." Alexander lifts his chin, eyes distancing, "Not sure if I understand it entirely. But the elders of our clan, they made some rules between themselves to try and keep the peace, so they could survive. Since we were under attack a few hundred years ago?" A glance is given to her as if asking if she might know more than he did. Which is entirely feasible.
    "But apparently they're supposed to play nice for the most part. Uncle Hades and Dionysus." He walks along, hand still upon hers and taking his time as he perhaps orders his thoughts before presenting them.
    Then he turns to her, "No direct conflicts, a minimum of insults offered. But Dionysus found a loop hole of a sort. Some time ago he started a small group of people and set them to worshiping Hades. Only they're the sort of worshipers that he is not in favor of."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia shakes her head at the time reference. "Before even *my* time, I'm afraid." From a divine perspective she's not that much older than he is, of course. "Hades and Dionysus? Aren't they sort of mismatched, at least in a direct conflict...?" she begins. Then he clarifies.
    Sofia chuckles and shakes her head. "What Dionysus is doing might be called 'blasphemy' in some circles. It would be like starting an Ares cult but arming them with foam pool noodles and dressing them in pink tutus." And yes from her expression, she is definitely amused by all this.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A bob of his head is given, "It's an older cult by modern standards, Children of Elis, they worship him. And they... have a reasonable front, right?" Alexander continues to walk, frowning a little as his nose crinkles up. "Thing is, they supposedly do laud Hades, and some of the tenets that he personifies. But they also apparently are..."
    Alex's eyes distance as he takes a deep breath and looks away, then back. "Their celebration hits a lot of taboos. And that's why Hades is pissed off. Zeus has already made his ruling ages ago apparently, that it is still a compliment meant to be done in honor of one from the other."
    A pause, then he murmurs, "So yeah."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    "The Children of Elis..." Sofia muses, looking thoughtful while they walk together. "Dare I ask what sort of taboos?" she asks, then looks up to Alex with a lifted brow. "Or should I be asking why you are telling me about this instead? I'm officially a messenger, Alex. Which means I could courier their hate-mail, but otherwise I'm not involved."
    Something else occurs to her, then, expression becoming more shrewd. "And why are they asking for *you* to mediate this dispute? I would be wary of snares in this one, cousin."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Basically imagine those rumors of rich illuminati type individuals who buy and sell people." His brow knits together as he says simply, "For various reasons." Not wanting to elaborate perhaps, since to him she is still mentally an 'elder' and so he controls his language to a certain degree.
    But then he uncurls a hand, "I am telling you, because Dionysus has tried to threaten me off of following up for some reason. So he's threatened people he perceives as friends of mine. I doubt he'd do anything to you directly but..."
    His nose crinkles as he murmurs, "Better to be safe."
    Then he looks at her, "As for asking me, I apparently am viewed as a neutral party as I haven't pissed anyone off yet and dad hates them both equally."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia actually rolls her eyes and groans at the description of the cult, shaking her head. "These *humans* with their attempts at black magic and dark rituals..." she mutters. "But yes, I get the picture. That sort of nonsense was all the rage in the 20's as well, when people had more free time than they knew what to do with."
    "I haven't heard from anyone directly about this situation until now, but be sure that I'll let you know if that changes." Sofia smiles wryly, then. "I'm pretty good at getting messages delivered when I need to. And if this even STARTS to go sideways on you, call me at once. There are others I can call on if we need substantial assistance."
    Sofia pauses for a moment, then asks. "Have you met Cousin Hercules yet?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With the news delivered and her ease in taking it, Alexander seems to relax a little, falling into an easier stride with the woman beside him and nodding along with her as she speaks. Her offer of help is noted with a small squeeze of his hand upon her arm and another nod. But when she mentions Hercules his lip twitches a little.
    "I think so, once. When I was six." Alex looks sidelong at her as they both walk under a halo of light from a street lamp, enjoying the late night calm of the city even if there is an element of eeriness at this hour.
    "I doubt he remembers it, I wasn't introduced or anything. It was when he was yelling at my father about something or other. If I'm recalling correctly."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia chuckles softly, and she returns the light squeeze. "He does that a lot, actually. Hercules is a very... intense... sort of person. But when he's committed to something he's all-in." She shrugs lightly, then. "And of course, having legendary strength is always helpful."
    She pauses under the street lamp, turning to face him. "You will get through this, Alex. And I will be happy to provide whatever help that I can."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah, I figure I will." Alexander's answer is clear, and she can tell there's not exactly any fear about him, but there is a measure of thoughtfulness about the task set before him. "But in any case. Now you're caught up."
    And with that he drops the subject, leaving it off there and instead tilting his head as he looks around, footsteps faltering as he considers where they are and where they've walked to. "Is there anywhere I can escort you to?" A shift of his stance is made so he can face her a little more directly. "Back to the club or elsewhere"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
    Sofia tilts her head a little, smiling at the question. Offer. Whatever. It's a natural gesture that somehow puts her exotic profile in its best light under the street lamp. Good genes are good genes, after all. "You do realize that this is the part where I thank you for the sweet offer, kiss your cheek, and politely decline, right?" she replies almost coyly.
    But she chuckles, then, raising up onto tiptoe to wrap her arms around his neck. And then she does kiss his cheek, before whispering into his ear. "Yes, actually. I have an apartment close by. I usually fly home, but I'd much rather walk with you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The tow-headed youth isn't exactly without an awareness to some things, and when he offers a few quiet flirtatious words now and again, he tends to have some understanding of the situation. It's rare that he's taken aback, set off guard.
    "Is it?" He says with that smile, his hazel eyes gleaming with a subtle hint of curiousity, not aware that this was that particular moment. So his smile drifts a little wry as he looks away and nods.
    But then she lifts up on her tiptoes and curls her arms around him, that kiss is a thing that causes his smile to be accompanied with a small hint of a flush to those warm cheeks. And then she tells him her wish and it's only then that he looks back into her eyes.
    Those pale blue irises that fade to a jade green flit between hers, amused perhaps, inquisitive. But then he nods and he tells her simply. "Then let's be off. And you can tell me what's passed for you since we last spoke."