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Latest revision as of 16:33, 1 May 2020

The Hulk needs bail money!
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: Starbunks
Synopsis: Super Lawyer saves the day and Bruce/Jennifer have a chatty chat.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Jennifer Walters

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce winces a little, poking at a small cut right along his harline. He checks for blood for the umpteenth time, grunting in surprise that this time, there is none. He shifts his legs a little so that he sits alongside the steel bench of his cell.

    Ever the curious fellow, he notices the acoustics of the room and grunts a little more, noticing the echo. This keeps him distracted a few moments until his cellmate, name as yet unknown, grunts back. Thankfully the large man is stil asleep. Unthankfully, he does not know how much his odor maked Bruce even more miserable.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
There's some commottion as Jennifer Walters is escorted by some very small men to the back of the police station. They look very small mostly because she's very tall. And green. The men look sheepish as they unlock the door to the overnight jail and motions her inside, "Uhh, after you, Miss," she tells Jennifer.

Heading pass the line of cells, Jennifer arrives in front of Bruce's small cell and stands there looking serious, "Looks like a job for...your awesome cousin," she states amusedly and tosses him a bag of clothes, "Uhh, did you completely destroy the place or is that bar under construction...?" she questions with a squint.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce sees the bag plop down next to him. He can't help but grin. The way that ordinary "tough guys" act around Jen is always amusing to him. They get so . . . wobbly . . .

    "Hey cousin," he mutters, getting slowly to his feet. "Actually, I managed to keep the big guy at bay this time. But man this town it mean!" He bends down to poke through the clean clothes in the bag, "You say one wrong thing about baseball and it's like opening a pandora's box!" He grabs a sweatshirt. "It's not my fault they can't hit!"

    He shifts his feet a bit painfully, then shuffles to the door. "But I guess it's a good thing that I don't say you should have seen the other guy." He grins sheepishly. "Thanks for bailing me out, cuz. If I gave them the whole scoop on who I am, I'd have some tough guy trying to get a shot at the title."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters smiles, "Good to see you too. Will that be cash or credit?" she asks amusedly, then brushes off his thanks with the wave of her hand, "No problem, c'mon. Let's get a Cammomile Tea next door at Starbunks, it's an anti-Big Guy drug," she explains with a knowing nod of her head.

She heads back to the main door, seeing the two men standing there guarding (and lurking) as if waiting for something, "Alright officers, at ease. See you next week," she notes and thumbs Bruce toward the entrance. The officers give Bruce his belongings in a baggie as he passes to leave.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce hurries along. It's actually kind of hard to keep up with someone that tall, a fact he is sure his cousin knows full well and happily takes advantage of. He flinches for a moment, but manages to catch his belongings.

    He pauses for just a moment, and then thinks about the last time he's been in any kind of coffee shop that didn't have the words, "Waffle" in the title. He balances his belongings, putting on the sweatshirt at the same time. "Besides, you always told me not to say anything once the cops show up . . . so I didn't want to be green. Except for the hand that maybe came down on the bar a little too hard, but that's progress, right?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Don't worry, Super Lawyer took care of everything," Jennifer tells Bruce, "I'm guessing it'd be a LOT more complicated if you were...sorta green," she explains as she turns the corner and walks to the coffee shop. "I think the government guys would be down here and everything. Or maybe they're not interested in you anymore? I really don't know, they don't reveal their secrets to me," she explains. Jennifer stops in front of Starbunks and motions inside, "In here, Bruce."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce nods, always impressed by his cousin's confidence and self-assurance. She was like that even before the transfusion that turned her . . . green. In times of danger, Bruce has been known to act impuslively, some might say heroically, but not in his day to day life. And now that he has to worry about becoming too angry at the wrong time, he's even more passive. He calls it "aggressively passive."

    So it is no surprise to him or anyone who knows him when he marches right into the coffee shop on Jennifer's orders. He stops at the entrance, breathing deeply. For years he has avoided caffeine, for obvious reasons. But nothing beats that smell.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters is much more confident while she's green and maybe that's why she's shunned her human side. She walks in after Bruce after she gives him a pep talk, "Don't worry Bruce, the Avengers paid up their legal bills so I'm on call 24/7 to help out," she says, maybe exaggerating a little bit to be funny. She walks in and orders Bruce an Ultra-relaxing Cammomile Tea with a green leaf on the mug. The girl behind the counter brews it up like a pro, "And I'll have a vanilla latte," she tells her and then glances at Bruce again, "What have you been up to recently?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce acts hurt, "You mean the only reason you came to bail me out was because our bill was paid? I . . . " he mouths pain and shock . . "I never knew . . lawyers . . sheesh! Oh tea!" he immediately switches to gratitude, admiring the leaf on the mug.

    One sip, too hot but so good. He wraps his hands around the mug, feeling the warmth go through his fingers. "Well," he mumbles, as he waits to see Jen get her drink, "I had to come back to the mansion to check on some instruments. Hank Pym has the lab all out of sorts, so he and I are arguing like college roommates, but with post-it notes because he hates email."

    Another sip. Still too hot. "Steve and Janet seem happy. Thor is exactly how you'd imagine. It was good to see folks, I had been away for awhile. I hear talk of Dinosaurs near the X-university, but nothing made the news . . . How about you?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters takes the latte from the girl and even pays the bill before following Bruce to a nearby table, "Instruments? Post-it notes?" she wonders, "Sounds...interesting," she says in the most droll voice ever. She has a sip of her latte and then says, "Well one of my storage units was broken into and I'm still trying to work through that issue but it's mostly been quiet. No supervillains tried to stomp on me or bowl me over. Nobody's even sued me yet this year. Amazing, I know. Ben's back on the The Four so I'm only helping on the side. They have a charity or something brewing."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce sits opposite Jen, briefly looking out the window as he adjusts his belongings. "Do you miss it? Being in the Fantastic Four? Was it the adventure you'd hoped for?" He brings back his gaze to the tea, and finally takes a full sip. "Sometimes I do remember liking the feeling of beating the bad guys, when I wasn't terrified." He trails off, rubbing his eyes. And now he's back to reality.

    "Sorry . . you said your storage unit was broken into? Anything important missing?" he asks with genuine concern.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters furrows her brow a little bit and looks disappointed in her answer as she says, "I don't mind being part-time help," she mutters. When people actually call her. "Yeah, everything. All my papers were missing. They took all MY stuff out and put in some frickin parts! Somebody took over my storage unit. I still am trying to track down the guy. I don't know how that happened. It's a big mystery novel. Baffling."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce grunts, "Well that's not very nice." He takes another sip, and nods to Jen. "This stuff is pretty good. When I'm on the road, I'll find any greasy spoon that takes cash. I'm not even sure they would know how to spell 'barista.' Remind me to pay you back for this."

    "You know," he thinks out loud for a moment. "I'm already a bad seed in the eyes of the law . . . is there any way I can help out?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters hmms, "It's okay Bruce, you don't need to pay me back," she assures him.

"Help you out? What do you mean?" she asks him, "I'm not even sure where to begin. I think what helps me is that I can control...it. I mean, pretty much. If you could fix that, things would be a lot better."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce thinks for a moment, then dismisses the idea. "Bahh. If you needed someone to sneak into somewhere, snoop around, whetever in order to find your stuff. Never mind, I'd just get you into trouble." He looks his cousin in the eyes, and says, "That's what I envy, Jen. I'm glad my blood could save your life but it did curse you with this . . green-ness. But you had the confidence, the mental strength to control it . . Hell look at you. You freakin' own it! Sometimes I hope that it's chemistry, you know? Something about your blood, your genetics, SOMEthing that I can find that can help!" *smack!*

    He realizes he might have raised his voice a bit, and maybe smacked the table a little loudly. He coughs a little, waiting for any on-lookers to mind their own business. "But sometimes I think it's just me. I never had your mental toughness, you know? Maybe that's it. We'll see. I'll just keep trying, you know?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters reaches over and pats his wrist and his forearm as she looks concerned for his sudden excitement, "Don't worry," she says again, "Listen, here...I can only help so much but maybe if you do some research...I'll donate blood, something? Hmm?" she asks him. She wrinkles her nose concernedly. "You saved my life, and you did it selflessly, so don't worry you changed me green. Big deal! Better than the alternative, I think," she says with a wave of her hand. She raises her mug to an onlooking, "Good tea," she assures them with a smile.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce feels himself calm down, and holds his hand to his face. "Good tea," he agrees quietly, smirking to hide a laugh. "A blood donation, I might take you up on that, cuz. I'll have to make sure it's somewhere secure, so no one tries to steal it and make . . I dunno clones or something."

    He finishes his tea, and starts to look through the bag of clothes. "So what did you bring me? Anything fun? Star Wars flip flops or something?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters chuckles, "Star Wars flip flops, gawd...this isn't 1982!" she lets out and laughs, "No, the most girlie clothes ever. I want my pink t-shirt with a flower on it---I want that back please," she tells him, "You'll have to go buy whatever else you need. Listen, I got an appointment in an hour, so I gotta go. Here's my number. I got a cute little card and everything," she tells him and slides her business card over to him on the table.