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Latest revision as of 18:20, 17 May 2024

Turnabout Is Fair Play
Date of Scene: 06 May 2024
Location: Tester's Safe House
Synopsis: Domino chases down more details on the people who attacked her safe house.
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble, Neena Thurman
Tinyplot: Devil in the Details

Frank Noble has posed:
The bastards blew up her safehouse. So of course retaliation was called for. On investigation, she found that the group was really low key for a criminal organization. Similar to the Vulture after the invasion, Tester and his folks kept a remarkably low profile for tech thieves, but they took it a step farther by normally never operating in the New York State area; they only took tech or samples of tech, but never directly got in firefights, so whatever they were involved with must be something they felt was worth breaking this pattern.

A few favors traded, and a few bribes later, Domino has found the locatoin of at least one of their safe houses. Like her, they probably have more than one facility, but this one is a brownstone about four blocks from Central Park in New York and has a very well hidden guard on the roof and a highly secured door.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Yeah, needless to see Domino is not a happy merc. These guys got her out of bed, cost her one of her dwellings, and put a dent in her ordinance, and she /still/ doesn't know what that goofy little box is for! But why wait around for something else to happen when she can be proactive?

This close to Central Park is ... not ideal. If she makes too much ruckus it's going to stir up the local capes and she'd much rather not have to deal with that headache. This just means having a little more care involved, using more suppressors than explosives, and keeping the element of surprise for as long as possible.

A neighboring roofline is no problem. Only one guard on the roof? Too easy. A suppressed MP7 will make short work of him before she follows through with a leap across buildings and a roll upon the neighboring roof.

One guy up here must mean he had a means of opening that secure door. Look for some manner of key first, then get creative.

Frank Noble has posed:
She has been doing this long enough to know this is likely not their primary facility. But it is definitely owned by them and there may be clues to where they are elsewhere inside. For a smaller org, off the radar of Hydra or AIM or the League of Shadows, they are VERY well run and secretive and go to extreme lengths to keep it that way.

Given the rumors she has heard the reason they might only have one guard is because they are likely inclined to blow upp the entrie building to keep themselves secure and the fact that they HAVE the building so close to the park indicates that expecting capes is clearly part of their strategy but...even still...even that seems...off....

The guard almost assuredly has a key card to both the roof access and the front door.

Neena Thurman has posed:
On one hand, if these fools do end up detonating their own place then it saves Domino the trouble of doing it for them! She won't even have to use her own explosives!

On the other hand... Collateral damage in the middle of the city. She can already feel the tug of her conscience. Lots of civilians in the area. If she doesn't play her cards right it could end in disaster. There's a need for speed, precision, and professionalism. Now that she's gotten the ball rolling, the clock is ticking.

The door pops open and she sweeps inside with the compact PDW, scanning for targets, traps, cameras, anything which might spell game over. Take the stairs down, sweep and clear room by room. Since this is a satellite facility there's a chance it won't have too many people, but one never knows until they take the plunge.

Assuming no timers are set on those charges she can do the investigating later.

Frank Noble has posed:
At first, the room seeks like a Browstone living room, albiet Airbnb style, furniture but almost no personalization whatsoever. Even the art feels...off but there are three things that stand out to her immediately. The first, is a camera that she immediately sees, but its well hidden. Its pointed at the basement door behind a planter...why not the entrance?

The second is that the basement door is even more secured with an actual retinal scanner which is VERY odd because it seems deliberately to stand out and finally there is a painting in the corner, on the wall next to the door that is worthy of a Museum, much more vibrant and detailed than the vague pastels and corporate pablum around them, somehow almost alive and draws the eye to it while at the same time clearly placed in a manner not to.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Bwuh..? /What?/ Darnit, Domino came here to wreck the place and leave a pile of bodies in her wake! What's /this/ now?

The camera's facing the door, okay cool. That can be avoided for now. The door itself takes a retinal scanner. She could try to put the guard to use but she'd rather not unless necessary. Dragging corpses around is not her idea of a fun evening. Which leaves the painting...

Something feels off. Like it's a little TOO real. Like she's actually starting to wonder if the retinal scanner might work if she held the dang canvas to the thing.

The painting is also the path of least resistance and it seems like she has a moment to investigate further. Is something hiding behind it? Could there really be more to it than what meets the eye?

Something's definitely off. Dom's seen Ghostbusters 2. She doesn't like this!

Frank Noble has posed:
Her power comes into play here. She sees a small necklace with an ID that was dropped on the floor right beneath the painting. Its a small cyclinder but she has seen the like and recognizes is at a fob for a teleporter.

She does know that the eye (on the body or not) would easily take care of the scanner since while it is advanced its not hyper tech.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Uh oh. Knowing these guys have teleport tech certainly raises the stakes.

Of course, the smart play would be to give the whole thing a wide berth and finish investigating. 'Check, THEN proceed.' But the lack of people here, the lack of security, the fact that going for the secure door would mean having to destroy a camera and give away the ghost...

Screw it. Roll the dice. If they wanted to be properly discrete with this kind of tech they wouldn't leave it in a dang brownstone just outside of Central Park. That'd be risky odds even for her!

Also she doesn't want to mess around with a dead guy.

The more pieces she collects the less it seems to make sense. Teleport tech, yet the guys who came for her were so ...'mid?'

Frank Noble has posed:
The apartment stays exactly the way it is. No one comes for the dead guy....BUT after about three minutes of carefully looking around she hears the high tech sheen of an incoming teleport near the painting.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Well, Domino won't have long to wait around for something to happen. Thank goodness that teleporter has a 'tell' or someone would have gotten the jump on her. Since it seems all is still nice and quiet she ducks into hiding, interested to see how this all plays out before she gets trigger-happy again.

Frank Noble has posed:
There is a perfect hiding spot in a small broom closet under the stairs. She gets in and closes the door as she hears two voices once the teleport finishes.

"Thanks for taking me back...if I cant find it I'm dead."

"How did you even make the teleporter work without the fob? Its a major security breach not to report that."

"Its a major life breach if you do..."

"The whole world is upside down right now. Tester is obsessed with getting this thing..."

"Well he normally doesnt have...so much...ambition...."

"I know. He sat on that copy of the Adaptoid for YEARS....and suddenly he breaks it out just a different path to explosives..."

"I know. I know. Where is it? I dont see it here."

"Well you better find it because I am not waiting long."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Hiding. Bleh. Dom doesn't much enjoy lurking in the shadows like she's afraid but it can have its moments. It gives these new arrivals a chance to set a different stage and buys her time to work out her next move which involves getting the jump on them.

The teleporter doesn't need the fob thingy to work? Yeah... Big mistake there, pal. 'Tester?' What the heck kind of name is that? And 'this thing,' the curious little box she took from the truck?

Ambition. The guys who tracked her down to her hidey hole in the tunnels. 'Adaptoid'... No, not ringing any bells.

'Where is it?'


Domino slips out of hiding with the grace of a mouse, picking one lucky contestant to be at the business end of her PDW and the other getting a less flashy but equally effective nine millimeter handgun.

"You boys lose something?"

Like, perhaps, her?

"Why don't you tell me about it."

She's not asking this time.

Frank Noble has posed:
There are two very different reactions. The woman is a lot smarter than the man in this case and scrambles back to the teleporter. The male, however, slams back against the wall as if somehow he can dodge someone with guns and faster reflecxes than his own at baseline than his are in adrenal fight or flight mode, but he immediately freezes as the gun is held at him.

"Its not my fob, I mean it is my fob but its leased I had to sign an agreement on it and such and please dont kill me.

Neena Thurman has posed:
The lady rushing for the teleporter is given an arched brow look, Domino's way of saying 'go ahead and try it.' The other guy's reaction isn't missed in the scramble, either. Pretty quick moves there... He might know something she doesn't.

Just the fob, huh. /That's/ what they're worried about finding? Ugh. "You know, they have these things called keychains which are pretty handy" she deadpans. This is followed with her slowly dipping her head toward the door with the hand scanner lock. "Don't suppose either of you know what's behind Door Number Two? Or maybe we should take a field trip back through the teleporter and you can take me to your leader?"

Gods help them all if these two don't have anything useful to give her... This can't all be a waste of time, dammit. She's getting impatient, annoyed, and itching to leave things in ruin.

Frank Noble has posed:
"They have a postcog on their side...anything I tell you, even if you can jam the cameras, they will know I tell you about..." It wasnt that he thought he could fool th epostcog but if the question about the fob was never asked, it remained a valid viable path...now/ The woman shuts down the teleporter from the other side, which might be craven but it does protect her and Domino can see the light underneat the picture that was subtly barely observable before go down but she suspects the telporter is (and it is) in fact down. The guy stammers, "If I tell you anything I am dead!" The collraleary of couse being that if he doesnt he is dead too but Dmono also can tell from the way he kees looking at the fallen fob that there might be a way to reactivate the teleporter from this side.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Shit -- she's going for it!

There's a rapid string of thunking sounds as tiny projectiles zip into the wall where the other lady had stood a moment ago, failing to heed Domino's prior silent warning. Damn teleportation!

With a glare and a heavy sigh she returns her focus to the remaining person in the room, now far less amused than before. "A 'postcog.' Really. You've got some explaining to do and you'd best do it quick because your friend is on her way to sound the alarm and once /that/ happens you are guaranteed to be little more than a stain on the floor. You tracking?"

"'Tester.' The secured door. Where the teleporter goes. Who the hell /are/ you people, even?" It's true, she's gotten this deep in and still has no idea who this crew is or what their deal might be. "Give me details or I'll start taking other things you may or may not be able to live without."

Frank Noble has posed:
The lab tech fails his willpower roll and sweats bullets, babbling all the answrs at once, "We're the Nigra or itallian for black but with a female application but I googled it and that didnt seem right and tester is the operational head of the theft unit whoc an molecularly sense things in devices and pleased dont shoot me but I am technically a subcontractor who doesnt get equal profit shares int he gane and the teleporter goes to gamma lab since there are cellurla sites and no one but the boss knows where they all are and ye a postcngitive who can extend testers senses into the last to let him molecularly steal an image of a device which eh gives to a third mutant who can reverse engineer the plans which is a really smart set up but their primary staregy i eam our prmary strategy is to stay off the rader but i can really activate the teleporter from here and the door downstairs is all the stuff they reverse engineered or stole that they think is too hot to put on the market like stark tech or doom tech and they are porbabl right and the adaptoid was one of those things but the thing is that the boss is like insanely obessed with this grenademan guy because his greandes are the sweet spot for our boss to sell but not attract tons and tons and tons of interatinoanl attention but its making the whole organization fall apart because he isnt paying attention to it and I dont want to die and-" This does not stop.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Wow. Just...just wow. Domino could about throw /herself/ back against the wall as this lab tech fella goes on a record-breaking data dump! There's so many details flying she's struggling to not lose track of any of them, though in the process something /else/ comes up to spiritually tap her on the shoulder...

It's her conscience. Yes, hello. Remember me?

She's on a warpath today, or at least that had been her intention. Killing this guy, it wouldn't accomplish anything. He's not up to the league of assholery she's hunting for. Even if this might stab her in the back down the road... She has to let him walk.

But he doesn't need to know any of this.

The locked door has stolen tech already being worked over, but that's not really her concern. If those guys can't keep track of their own stuff that's not on her, least not unless they pay her enough to make it her problem.

The sidearm returns to its holster but the PDW remains at the ready, freeing up one of her hands to dangle the missing fob. "This is the part where you show me where you work."

If she's going to leave a lasting impression it's going to be by going full Scorched Earth at whatever's on the other end of the portal.

"And who the /hell/ is 'Grenademan?'"

...Wait. Is...is this guy talking about ol' Satellite-face? He was tossing a lot of grenades around that one day. /Weird/ ones, too.

Frank Noble has posed:
"We have no idea. Dude has an insanely low media profile but we think he's been everywhere from demon incursions to the UN situation but somehow isnt showing up on media footage, its like there was a government conspiracy to keep him out of th elimelight...its bizarre. and then this two year gap of acti....right." He stops monologging the one question to answer the other and flicks a series of switches behind a hidden panel in the chair and says, "Stand with a fob within five feet of the painting to make it work...."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Okay, great. Now it sounds like there's someone ELSE Domino is going to have to find. But first, portal. She's not about to go through it alone, either. Maybe she can't kill this tech but he's still a witness and a current security threat, which presents some problems for her immediate future.

Yes, sure, a post-cog will see all of this later. But that's later! The 'post' part of 'post-cog,' IE a problem for future Domino.

A quick twitch of her head. "C'mon, let's go." She'll grab him by the arm if necessary.

Frank Noble has posed:
There is a shimmer of light and she teleports to...a rather high floor in a Manhatten business office sky scape, with tinted windows, and several conference rooms and labs with various gadgets in mid range of assembly. Its...surprisingly public especially given the degree to which they hid the entrance in the town house but she sees the lab tech that got away looking at a monitor, then at her and running for a door.

Neena Thurman has posed:
She had warned this lady once. She's not doing it again. The human body has a lot of extra meat in the legs which is conveniently attached to a lot of nerves. If a person knew what they were doing it's really quite easy to incapacitate a person without causing a life-threatening injury. Most people even make a full recovery, given enough time.

One of those sweet spots is now Domino's newest target. The PDW's bullets are small, fast, and meant to defeat body armor. Against an unarmored person it'll punch a clean line straight through, small and efficient.

More importantly, it should stop this other lady from running. This is really the key part of it all.

Do not ignore the angry well-armed albino assassin.

Frank Noble has posed:
The woman collapses and despite being able to see out of the room, the passbys cannot see in nor have the guards , spread thin by the chaos yet seeing the intruision in the lab. The woman swears and collapses....not sure what to do.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Bad situation: Meet worse situation. This place is already proving to be high visibility and high profile (and high RISE.) Around here, dressed and kitted as she is, Domino is going to stand out in ALL of the worst possible ways /and now she just shot someone./

Fortunately: Teleporter.

A finger is jabbed toward the lab tech. "Stay."

Dom moves quickly toward the downed lady to grab /her/ by an ankle (the good one) and drag her across the floor back to where they had portaled on through. "Tooold you not to run."

Back to the techie, "Take us back."

At least at the other place they had more privacy for interrogations. If things go ass-up around the highrise... It's either back through the portal or base jumping without a chute. So, why not cut to the chase and return to the original location right away.

Now then. Once they make it back there's one question which comes to her mind before anything else:

"Why the Hell are you lot sending hitmen after /me?/"

No one's yet mentioned the mystery prize from the armored truck yet, have they. It's the only detail which ties her into any of this mess.

Frank Noble has posed:
As they teleport back, they arrive in the safe house, now both the male and female are there, and neither are pleased. but neither are providing resitance at this point. The woman shrugs, "I think its because of the thing you took. Its supposed to make the adaptoid...smarter....more effective somehow...."

Neena Thurman has posed:
These two know she took something, then. "What, like a memory upgrade?" Domino wonders. "Where is this Adaptoid hiding?"

Frank Noble has posed:
"I think, but dont know that it might make it self aware...but controlled...its supposed to be some kind of fracal quantum thing...the adaptoid is only know to the boss but everyone is pretty sure its in Lab Alpha, where the most profitable and secure stuff is kept.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Again the other lady is given A Look. "And 'Lab Alpha' is /where/?" Dom presses.

All of this for an upgrade to some sort of machine? Gosh, she could send her message by blowing /it/ up rather than collapsing an entire building.

If she can get a location then great. If not, the post-cog shouldn't have much trouble finding out what she might have done to their precious upgrade module. Either way, these two techs are fortunate to survive with all of their parts intact. There are far more important targets to be had.