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Latest revision as of 18:20, 17 May 2024

Oops I Did It Again
Date of Scene: 05 May 2024
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Apt - College House
Synopsis: Noriko and Jubilee disagree about travel plans.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Noriko Ashida

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Outside the apartment, the muffled cacophony of two different songs collide. The poppy bass of one of Britney Spears' early hits pulses through the walls and vibrates the polished hardwood. Simultaneously, the upbeat tempo of one of Miley Cyrus' chart-topping hits seeps through the cracks in the door. Together, they form a vibrant mosaic of modern pop culture and offer a bleak warning for any speedsters who might be returning home soon...

    It's not uncommon to walk in on Jubilee doing some kind of nonsense, especially if she's allowed to be by herself for any extended length of time. Tonight, though, is a rare exception. Tonight, she'd be caught doing multiple, simultaneous nonsenses:

    * "Oops, I, did it again....!" Jubilee sings along with Britney at the top of her vestigial lungs as she dances around the side of the living room closest to the kitchen.

    * She's also intermittently swapping her Ray Ban sunglasses with a pair of pink retro shades with heart-shaped lenses. One pair goes over her eyes and one pair is tucked in her hair.

    * Dancing, twirling, and parkouring around the different surfaces of the apartment. The floor. The coffee table. The couch. She briefly treats it as a one-person version of 'the floor is hot lava!'

    * Jubes also sings along with Miley Cyrus when she happens to be on the side of the living room closest to the TV. "It's a party in the U.S.A...!!"

    * Jubilee is also comparing three different pairs of short-shorts. She has three pairs of varying shortnesses(?) draped over the back of the couch. Whenever she passes by, she grabs one and holds it against her thighs and compares it to the ones she's already wearing.

    This entire moment is a monument to attention deficit.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is hit by the trashy blanket of sound waves rather effectively and it stops her in her tracks.  Given the mixing of songs, she initially wonders if this is some kind of informal signal to her.  Slow down.  But then she slows down to distinguish Jubilation singing against the cacophony of sound.

The door suddenly blows wide open and Noriko pops through.  "Is this some kind of fire drill?!" she asks with a big grin before nudging the door shut with her foot on it's way back from bouncing against the wall rather painfully.  Noriko installed a plate there for this very purpose, well to protect the wall.

Noriko is in a running outfit, nothing special.  She quickly flicks her shoes off toward the bedroom, sending them off like a shot without any arc at all.  Then suddenly she appears in the kitchen, sliding in her socks to the fridge as if by magic.  A Sunny D is quickly retrieved, peeled, popped, and devoured before Jubes has a chance to finish answering.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "And a Jay-Z song was on!"
    "And a Jay-Z song was on!"
    "And a Jay-Z song was on!"
    "So I put my hands up!"
    "They're playin' my song---"

    "Agh!" Jubilation's shriek creates a little cluster of fireworks to match her emotional state: surprised. It's harmless but, to its credit, pretty.

    Jubilation frowns a little at Noriko. "I can't hear you over the music, Nori!" she complains, noticing that Noriko just finished saying something. It's as though talking over the music is somehow more ridiculous than the fact that there are two songs being played. Jubilee waits a beat before cracking a smile. She waves her hand in the air to indicate she's just joking and begins to dance-walk over to one of the bluetooth speakers. With a quick tap, Britney Spears is cut off, leaving Miley Cyrus' Party in the U.S.A. as the one true song.

    Jubilee is now dancing and singing in a little orbit around Noriko with both hands over her head and grinning from ear to ear.

    "I'm noddin' my head like, yeah!"
    "Movin' my hips like, yeah!"
    "I got my hands up, they're playin' my song!"
    "They know I'm gonna be okay!"
    "Yeah, it's a party in the...."

    The rest of the chorus never comes. Instead, it's the sad jingle of Jubilee's phone powering down as its battery dies. :(

    Jubilation stops dancing and slumps dramatically. "Now we're never gonna find out where the party is..." she mopes. She snaps out of it in an instant and gives Noriko a sweet smile. "Hi," is what Jubilee says in summary before she rises onto the balls of her feet and presses her lips against Nori's. She does it without waiting for a better opening and comes very close to accidentally kissing the Sunny D bottle. Jubilee is usually sunny side up, so to speak, but there's an especially good mood happening here for some reason.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Bla bla bla," Noriko adds informatively when Jubes complains as if she has something intelligent to say.  When one of the songs gets turned off, the speedster shouts, "Okay now only one ear is bleeding!" with a fond smile she can't deny.

There are now three mini-sunny-D bottles neatly placed in a row on the counter.

"Watch out for my pyramid!"  Nori exclaims when Jubes dances around her, since now it has a second story.  Then Nori twirls in place fast enough to create some wind for Jubes until everything dies down to a halt.

"Noooooooooo," Noriko holds a gauntlet to her chest as if it pains her not to know where the party is.

"Hey," Noriko can manage to get out right before Jubilation intercepts her lips from what will be the final bottle of the pyramid.  She leans back casually against the counter and tilts her head.  "What are you celebrating?  Also, was that like a I-can't-decide-my-theme-song or a double-the-fun moment?" referring to playing the songs simultaneously.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "It's not bleeding. You're such a liar," Jubilee teases with a smirk she can't hide. No bleeding at all! Jubes retreats from that disappointment and heads over to where her phone sits lifelessly. "I had, like, a full battery..." she mutters. Jubilation looks up from her phone and squints across the apartment at Noriko. Oh well. Jubes puts it down and returns to invade the speedster's personal space.

    "What do you mean?" she questions. After a moment of consideration, Jubes decides she understands why Nori's asking. "...Oh, I just didn't expect you to come back so soon." This reveals a concerning truth: Jubilee does this kind of thing regularly.

    "Buuuuuuuuuuuuut..." Jubilee decides. "If I gotta celebrate something, maybe I'll celebrate you. You saved my butt with the talent show..../again/...."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I guess that was meeee," Noriko ends on a playful down note.  She sweeps her pyramid into the trash just in time before she is severely distracted by Jubilation being so close.

"I just went on my normal run," but it was pretty fast.  Maybe Noriko is pushing herself without realizing it.  Maybe she's just stuffed with energy.  Who knows.  "What happened?  Did you have a no show judge or something?"  Noriko isn't that involved with Jubilation's logistics details.  "Not enough judges that would agree to the refreshment rule?"

Noriko presents her gauntlets for Jubes to free her as they have done before.  If there's hesitation though, Noriko will do her it herself.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation falls into the usual routine of removing Noriko's gauntlets for her. One by one, each fastener is unlocked and opened in series and then each gauntlet is tossed unceremoniously onto the nearby counter. Once the second gauntlet is gone, Jubilation drags the both of her hands down Noriko's exposed forearms and gives each of her hands a little squeeze.

    "Nope!" Jubilee answers as she moves to grab a Red Cross pouch from the fridge. "I just totally forgot to get a third one." She says it so matter-of-factly, presenting her big mistake without hesitation. "And then I forgot that I forgot..."

    Jubilee returns with a wine glass of donated blood. It's a little ridiculous, but it makes Jubes grin and stick her pinky out for maximum fanciness.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's arms imprinted from the interior of the gauntlets after Jubes peels them off of her.  There is the lightest buzz when Jubilation squeezes Nori's hands, like a sensation that doesn't really feel like pain because it is so low grade, it barely rises above the charge Jubilation's body naturally holds.

Nori moves her fingers to weave through Jubilation's momentarily, only to relinquish them right away.  "Oops," the speedster says with a little amused laugh.  "I don't even know if the judges were sober enough to know that I split the tie."  She lifts one ankle to cross the other as she continues to counter-lean.

"I wish I drank wine," Noriko declares when she gets the urge to cheers Jubilation's wine glass.  The declaration is completely noncommittal, a passing fancy.  "Soooo, I was thinking."  Noriko reaches out to Jubes' waist, wiggling her fingers in a signal for the vampire to get up in her space.

"What's it like for vampires when it comes to traveling?  Like, any special precautions required?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I nevah dreenk....vine," Jubilee says in a really terrible Hungarian accent. She grins a little and brings the glass up to her face. Jubilee sniffs it like she thinks she's supposed to. Blood, O-negative, with a couple of drops of tobasco. Jubes takes a large sip and sets the glass down on the counter as the blush of life flows once more. Jubilee closes her eyes and arches her back in an indulgent stretch. The blood does the trick immediately.

    "I dunno... kinda the same. Kinda different, I guess," she answers, choosing to leave things vague for now. "Whyyyyy?" Jubilation leans back a second time, lingering in how great that first sip feels.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I just always feel weird when people are drinking.  I have nothing to do with my hands," Noriko explains, shedding a little light onto one of those social weirdnesses she has to deal with, which immediately seems insignificant next to the multitude of social weirdnesses Jubes must contend with now that she's a vampire among humans.

At the sip, Noriko starts counting silently, though her mouth still moves as she sub-vocalizes.  Then it just dies out when nothing happens after the tabasco spiked blood sip.

"Huh...Um, so I was thinkinnng.  I've got these legs.  They can take us just about anywhere.  I was wondering if there was anywhere you've wanted to go.  Otherwise I was going to start shooting darts at a globe."  This might actually be an effective decision making apparatus for them.

Jubilation Lee has posed:

    Jubilation thinks about that for a second before picking up her glass. "Well, I'd need to take some precautions, I guess. That sun's not going away any time soon. I think planes are out. I don't wanna be hiding in a crate or something and get found out by a nosey TSA agent..."

    Jubilation takes another sip and makes a little noise -- mmm -- as she thinks about it further. "I think I'm supposed to bring a bag of my native soil or something, but that might be B.S. Plus, like, where is that? Here? Cali? China?" She dismisses the idea with a wave of her hand. "Probably B.S."

    It's a little concerning that she doesn't know this stuff for sure, but that's the downside of not having a relationship with the vampire who made her. "I might need to tell them I'm coming," Jubilation admits. "Like, whoever's in charge at wherever we're going. I mean, if someone was coming to Westchester, they would shoot me a text or send a familiar or something. Like, obviously not anymore." She takes another sip.

    "I guess that's it. But, like, we have jobs now. We can't just up and leave..." She hesitates a second and then sets her glass down. "We can't just up and leave," Jubes repeats. "...Can we?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Okay so assuming we can get there without the interference of TSA, and don't worry about the sun.  I'll make sure that isn't an issue."  Noriko has made a little list, but it happened while Jubilation was sipping and making little noises.  She's already tucked it into the waist of her running shorts.

"Wait what happens if you don't have your soil with you?"  Noriko squints slightly, as if the answer might be kind of important.  She definitely doesn't want to miss it.

"Wouldn't that only matter if you were feeding there?  I mean.  You don't have to tell someone every time you want to go eat someone like...I don't know, on the edge of the state?  Right?"  Noriko reaches up to rub at the back of her neck a little in thought.

"Jubes, I can take us anywhere I can get on land for like, an evening.  It's not like I need as much clock time asleep as everyone."  Noriko does keep odd hours.  "I've just never taken anyone with me for a long run.  It's not something you can piggyback.  For medium distances you can ride on the front to save your arms but for long distances it might be better to consider something I could have behind me, like a rolling crate coffin or something...probably more suited to the forces and easier to control.  I don't know.  But we might be able to make due with riding in the front.  I don't know.  You're a vampire and pretty strong."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I dunno," Jubilee answers with a casual shrug. No one ever explained the native soil thing to her. No one was there to explain it. She seems really casual about it.

    But showing up somewhere? Unannounced? Jubilee sighs a little, as though preparing to bring civilization to a savage. "It's just basic manners, Nori..." she explains. "I'm a guest." It's perhaps revealing a little more about how vampires view their domains.

    She lets her mind wander a little as other considerations appear. "...I guess I should check what the church is like in that area. Like, we can't be going to the Vatican or anything. I heard they have, like, the Seal Team Six of vampire hunters. Probably should also check how many Van Helsings live there, too. Jeez, traveling kind of sucks, doesn't it? I guess that's why we're always holed up in some castle or whatever. Huh." Jubes shrugs and takes another sip from her glass.

    "Where do you wanna go, anyway?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I want to see if I can cross a border without getting caught and without getting a passport stamp," Noriko reveals quickly.  "And of course I want to go places.  Like, I kind of want to see more of America.  All I know is from TV and movies.  I kind of want to see the real places.  Maybe find out where the best meal in the country is.  Go explore some cities.  Ooh, we could go to a zoo.  We could go to some research site," she says with a little laugh.  "Not like anyone could stop us.  I'm just bored.  I've run my route a trillion times."  Not true.  "But I don't want to explore the world alone anymore.  We could find the coolest night cities.  And maybe there's a land route across the pole to Europe.  Maybe we could go where it's darker most of the day and just do things we don't normally get to do."  Noriko's mind moves like a shot, but this way and that.  She shrugs.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Barrow, Alaska," Jubilation explains. She talks into her glass for a few seconds before tipping it further and taking another sip. "It's nighttime for like two months there...but it's also, like, below zero degrees. And I think all they have is a McDonald's. Or they're getting one soon. I don't know."

    Every vampire knows about Barrow, of course.

    "Nori... I'm not gonna lie. That trip sounds kinda... bad. I mean, like, research sites? Finding the best meal?" Jubilation shrugs and brings her glass over to the sink. "Sounds like a trip to take with someone else." She starts rinsing out her glass.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Well I'm coming up with these things off the top of my head.  And I didn't want to take you to Alaska.  I wanted go somewhere better than that, like Stockholm.  I don't have ideas because I don't know what's out there yet.  I thought, I don't know, you would tell me a city and then I could go figure out what I want to see there, because otherwise it's just a billion places we could go and that's not going to work."  Noriko worries at her lower lip, eyes unfocused as she thinks.

"And it's not like we have to make a trip of things.  We could go somewhere for drinks or something, check out other vampire nightlife.  I mean, you guys have to have things to do.  You live forever."  Noriko leans to snag the sponge and mops up a droplet or two of Sunny D that was left behind.

"Don't you want...to do anything anymore?  Go places?  See things?"  It's not accusatory.  Nori's expression is one nearing confusion and concern, but the tone is more just inquisitive and casual.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Ohhhhh! So, when you said you wanted to take a trip, what you /reeeeealllly/ meant to say is that you wanted /me/ to have one in mind," Jubilee teases, grinning a little as she uncovers Nori's scheme. She's continuing her end of the conversation while washing the wine glass in the sink.

    Jubilee's shoulders tense as Noriko continues on about the vampire social scene that must be out there. She closes her eyes and keeps them closed, still keeping her hands busy by washing the glass. She's clearly holding something back concerning this part of the conversation.

    Jubilation turns to grab a dish towel and gets started drying the inside of the glass. "Of course I want to go places and see things. But, like you said, I've got forever," she answers.

    Jubilee's Lying Report Card: C-

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Not reeeally.  Kinda thought we could do some stuff together and I thought that'd be a good way to start?"  Noriko looks slightly confused.  "I mean if you don't I guess I could just do everything," though by the slight mumbling of this it seems not to be a favorable thing.

Jubilation's response hits Noriko hard.  The speedster grits her teeth and then says, "Yeah well I don't."  If Jubes was reading Nori's mind right before these words, she would have caught a 'Fuck you,' but instead Noriko wears it in the crease between her brows and in her stubborn pout.  "If I knew being a vampire would turn you into a potato maybe I wouldn't have been all yayyy-sure-stay-a-vampire!" she says the last bit with a fast sarcastic edge.  She might mean couch potato?

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Nori, you literally just said that you were expecting me to already have a place in mind," Jubes argues. "That /kinda/ sounds like you were banking on me having an idea already." She shrugs, puts the glass on the drying rack next to the sink, and goes to check on her phone's battery again.

    A potato. Jubilation looks up from her phone and frowns. "Oh, right, I forgot. You know everything," Jubilee replies with a hint of sarcasm. There's a hurt in her voice that's hard to place. Instead of firing back at Noriko with shots of her own, Jubilee just lets the speedster have the last word if she wants it.

    Reunited with her phone, Jubilation takes a seat on the couch.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko can't remember exactly what she said.  It feels like ages ago in her thoughts.  "Well what I meant was I thought we could figure those things out after I brought up the idea.  And is it so wrong to think someone might have an idea of where they want to go?  Feels like every other girl has like 5 already racked up.  I just wanted to do this stuff together, like we used to..."

Noriko sighs.  "What does that even mean?"  Noriko is not fully connecting the dots on Jubilation's last phrase, suspecting it is just some arcane English idiom or something she's never come across and that Jubilation might be doing it on purpose.  No.  She waffles, and starts to feel shame.  All in a span of a second.

"So, you don't want to go with me.  Cool.  I'll just go by myself, or like you said, maybe I should just go with someone else."  Noriko feels like she shouldn't just stand there.  She doesn't know what she should do, but she shouldn't just stand there.  She walks over to stare out the window, her back to Jubilation and the couch.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I was being sarcastic. It /means/ that you don't actually know as much about all this stuff as you think you do," Jubilation explains. In any other context, the words might come with a spicy tone, but there's a decent chance Noriko really doesn't know what it means, so she just lets the explanation speak for itself.

    Tap tap tap tap tap. Jubilation busies herself with a game on her phone that requires her to repeatedly tap on a picture of a chocolate chip cookie. She looks up from the screen to watch Noriko cross the room and turn her back.

    "Are we having a fight now, Nori? Is that what this is? Because I'm not hot for your trip idea?" Jubilation asks, sounding very much like she thinks it's a ridiculous reason.


    "And, yeah, if you meet someone who wants to sneak into other countries and see their research sites or whatever else, yeah, go with them," Jubilee adds, laughing a little at the idea of someone like that actually existing.

    Taptaptap. Cookie Clicker. Taptaptaptap.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"What would make you think I think I know everything?"  Nori asks as if this feels like it came out of left field.  "I don't know anything.  I just said I didn't."  She's clearly not tracking the nuances at this point.

"Thanks for just belittling me more.  I was really looking forward to being treated like some inconsequential mortal roommate.  I'm so glad I got the chance...Don't worry about the fight because it's over.  I'm going for a run."  She says the last bit abruptly and then heads for the door.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah, maybe you're asking about special dirt and stuff, but who cares about that stuff? You just, like, assume there's something wrong with me if I don't want to go to some vampire speakeasy or whatever you're thinking. /Obviously/ there's gotta be something wrong with me and it can't be anything else!" Jubilation fires back. Her phone is down. Her words are fast and frantic, perhaps revealing some of the hurt that's been accidentally allowed to grow long before this conversation.

    "Belittling you?" Jubilation repeats. She frowns. "You called me a potato!" Nevermind that potato isn't even a real insult.

    Jubilation picks up the pace once it starts to seem like Noriko's on her way out. "You just got home," Jubilee protests. "And it's dark out!" "...And you're not wearing your shoes."

    "Nori. I think you should stay and we should fight," Jubilation manages, trying to remain strong underneath the weight of this. Her eyes seem to be pleading.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
When sound hit Nori she stops to let them cascade into her eardrums near the door.  "What?  I was just curious Jubes.  I don't know what the dirt means.  It's been a long time since I read that book you had and I didn't really have the stuff to make sense of it."  The word she's looking for is context.

"I don't care," about all of those things that should keep Noriko from wanting to leave.  "It's not about the speakeasy; it's about spending time together!  I want to do things.  We've graduated.  We have freedom, but it's like you want to live locked up."  For the moment, Jubilation seems to have her there simply because Noriko can't hear something without replying.  It's human instinct.  Surely vampires don't have this weakness.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Without any response to this, Jubilation just stares at the speedster's position at the door. She hasn't left, but she's not exactly settled in. She doesn't respond to Noriko's newest points. It's more important to know if she's leaving or staying.

    Jubes looks down at her lap so there's no chance that her eyes could influence Noriko's decision here. "I think you should stay and we should fight," she repeats into her lap. Her eyes aren't visible but there's a lot of hurt in her voice.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't understand why Jubilation repeats what she says, thinking she is missing something.  She is, but not linguistically.  "Fight?  Fight about what?  It's okay you don't want to do things I want to do.  That's what you want to hear?  That's what's right?  I'm not allowed to want to go somewhere with you."  She's...impossible...and the tears she was trying to hide before she left have-one shoots out to the side like liquid inexplicably escaping the top of a straw while drinking.  It's brief.  She puts a stop to them by simply speeding herself up.  She was trying to avoid being mean by leaving, because being mean was the only thing keeping her from breaking apart.  There's a look of embarrassment at her own display of emotions.

Noriko pads over to the couch to curl up on her side and sighs.  "I'm sorry I said you were a potato."  Aren't they supposed to be fighting?

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation doesn't look up. She doesn't defend herself from Noriko's barbs. She doesn't fire back with any of her own. She just keeps looking down into her lap, as it's very important to know that, whether Noriko leaves or stays, it wouldn't be because she was accidentally glamoured.

    When the couch shifts to make room for Nori, Jubilee's tension releases all at once. She's staying to fight. To not fight. It doesn't matter. She didn't leave.

    Perhaps it's the ultimate mixed signal, but Jubilation turns and moves her leg across Noriko's lap and straddles her. The mixed signal comes when she wraps both arms around Nori's head, leans in, and cries into her shoulder. This can't possibly just be about the trip.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko shifts toward Jubilation when she's straddled.  The speedster has plenty of time to anticipate what might happen next.  It's something that happens naturally, falling back into her own rhythm in a sudden jerk.  She pulls herself back down to Jubes' velocity.

The speedster wasn't expecting anything like this, but she's used to waiting out till last second.  She can't help when Jubilation kicks up her heartbeat though.  That's a little hard to slow down.  She does, as soon as she realizes Jubilation is crying, she feels her chest clench and she wraps her arms around the vampire.  And for what seems like the longest time, Nori simply holds Jubes.  She never wanted to fight.

"I'm sorry," Noriko murmurs sincerely.  "...what's going on?  What's really wrong?"  Noriko knows she must have hit a nerve or three, but she's also obviously in the dark on what is going on with Jubilee.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I can't tell you," is the answer that comes. It sounds so desperate and pathetic. If she had strength and conviction, she'd have simply kept it all to herself, but this sounds like she's given up and doesn't want to be stuck in this situation anymore. She should keep these secrets, but the burden has been too great and there wasn't enough room for tonight's argument.

    "I'm afraid of what you'll do," Jubilation whispers. So there it is. Whatever it means, Jubilee strengthens her hold on the speedster.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
For a moment, Noriko wonders if Jubilation /shouldn't/ tell her because of some external force.  She tries to keep her mind still in the cracks of silence that inhabit her world, but it's like stopping herself from treading water.

"I don't want to have secrets," Noriko says back softly without moving.  She merely keeps her heavy gaze locked on Jubilation.  What else she could say is a mystery unto her as much as whatever Jubilation is keeping so close to her chest.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation pulls back and looks at Nori. Her cheeks are smeared with deep red tracks of blood that have spilled from what were once her tear ducts. "I don't want secrets, either, but..." Jubilee replies. She closes her eyes again as her vision begins to blur behind more blood. When she opens them a second later, the red line across her lower eyelids breaks and falls down her cheeks again.

    "Listen to me, Nori. I don't want you to do anything, okay? Can you promise me?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
But...but.  Noriko tries not to think about that word.  The sight of Jubilation welling up with more tears is enough to distract her.  She reaches up to wipe away the tears with her thumbs, resting her palms against Jubilation's cheeks.  First one, then the other not long behind.  "Hmm?"  She responds to the 'listen' instruction between sentences.

"I can't promise that.  I can't even control my powers fully.  But I can try.  That's really all I can do," Noriko says with a tinge of disconcertion, being completely in the dark.  "What's going on Jubes?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation lowers her eyes as Noriko won't make promises about how she'll respond. She remains silent for a few seconds, letting that sink in before she decides what to say next. After what feels like an eternity of weighing her options, Jubilation closes her eyes and nods a couple of times. "Okay," she says as she shifts her weight off of the speedster and stands up. The words that follow come quickly, as though the intent is to get them all out without encouraging debate and discussion.

    "It's nothing, really," Jubilee answers. She walks across the living room and stuffs her foot into a sneaker that she must've kicked to the floor earlier. "I've just been playing it safe, you know, like you said. Staying on campus these last couple months. You know, in case they're pissed I quit without giving my, like, two week notice. Plus, I don't want to flood the market with all my awesome all at once, you know?" As she walks to reunite with her second sneaker, Jubilation reaches up and smears away any remaining blood trails from her face and wipes them on the back of her shorts.

    "Yeah, we'll find some place we can go after the school year ends," Jubilee agrees while bending down to tie her sneakers. "Don't gotta figure it out all right now." Once both sneakers are tied, Jubilation stands up straight and raises both eyebrows over her Ray Bans, as if saying 'see? I'm fine.'

    "I'm gonna go play some video games for a while. You're draining my battery," Jubilation explains, now that it's clear she's been moving towards the door and won't be able to get out of this without saying at least that. The point about the phone battery is a nice way of saying she's going alone without having to say it. She opens the door and manufactures a false smile. "I'll see ya later," Jubilatee adds before slipping out into the dimly lit hall on her way, apparently, to the arcade.

    Even before her transformation into a vampire, Jubilation has always had to inject small amounts of performance and dramatic flair into her daily interactions. Most people are separated from her truth to varying degrees and Noriko is among them right now.