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Latest revision as of 01:33, 4 May 2020

Checking In
Date of Scene: 03 May 2020
Location: Rachel's apartment in Brooklyn
Synopsis: Satana pops in to visit Rachel, and ends up becoming a roommate.
Cast of Characters: Satana Hellstrom, Rachel Leighton

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
It's been a little while since Satana first crashed in and introduced herself to Rachel. The place is the same, not that it matters very much. Now that the two have met, it's child's play for the demonic sorceress to locate the woman again.

Her visit is rather mundane this time. She actually takes a taxi this time, and even knocks on the door. Dressed in skin-tight leathers, halter and pants and open jacket, the redhaired demoness waits patiently outside the door.

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    The knock on the door has Rachel speaking before she even sees who's on the other side. "What's the matter, did you forget someth-- oh. Uh, hey." The pink-haired, six-foot-tall fitness-freak snake-criminal is wearing a spring-ready t-shirt and cutoff jean shorts ensemble -- and a bit of a stunned expression upon seeing Satana at her doorstep. "Kinda thought you might have, y'know... I dunno. C'mon in. Did you get any leads on that job...?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Satana tilts her head, smiling coyly as she steps right in. "Forgotten you, you mean? Not hardly, doll." she replies, sauntering right past Rachel on her way inside. "I'm still doing the basic research, actually. Augurys and seances and the like. Boring stuff. You'd hate it." Sniffing a little, she heads for the kitchen. "Got any ice cream?"

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    Rachel stands and just lets Satana stroll on in. She doesn't seem terribly worked up at the demoness strutting around like she owns the place. Not yet, anyway. "Hey, if I could scry up where I'm gonna get two roommates for a new place, I could put up with boring," she says. Shutting and locking the door, Rachel then turns and motions toward the kitchenette. "Freezer. Dunno what flavor you like, but there's only mint chocolate chip."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Satana has already opened the freezer and is bent over while starting to rummage. "Found it. And that'll do. But you'll need to start stocking fudge ripple if I'm gonna move in." She pauses, then looks up with a wry smile. "Think we're down to just ONE more roommate now." Pulling out the carton, she nudges the door closed with her hip. "So who's the other roomie, then?"

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    "You can't just magic up some fudge ripple? Or would it just come up melted from proximity to hellfire?" Rachel watches Satana rummage, and leans one shoulder against the wall. She smirks, "That was easy. New villainess named Death Reaper. Y'know, I think you and her would hit it off big. She's into weird magic and stuff. Lots of tattoos. Wears the Darkforce as clothes. Your kinda gal."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    The demonic redhead moves over to the counter, starting to open drawers in search of a spoon. "Doesn't work like that, I'm afraid. Magic takes energy. It's not free. Stealing fudge ripple from someone's fridge, on the other hand..." Finding a spoon, she looks triumphant and starts to dig in. "Death Reaper? Darkforce as clothes? She sounds pretty hot, yeah." Satana takes her first bite, savoring it before she contines. "Not looking to replace me, are you?"

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    Rachel shifts in her pose, but remains leaned against the wall. Her arms fold under her breasts. She laughs at the last question. "Nah. Just seems like suddenly, I'm a flame to a particular kind of moth." She bites her bottom lip for a moment, thoughtfully. "Wonder if Dvorak needs a place... mmm... nah, probably not a great idea."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Satana leans her butt against the counter, working steadily through the ice cream while they talk. "Listen, I can probably float more than my share of the rent if money is the issue. What started the idea for a bigger place, anyhow?" She licks ice cream off the spoon, savoring it before plunging it back into the carton again. Apparently she's planning on finishing it.

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    If Rachel has a problem with her ice cream being finished off, she doesn't speak it aloud. "They wanna jack my rent up here like, twice what it already is when my lease renews. I make okay money, but I don't wanna piss it all away, you know?" She shrugs. "So this guy the Lord of Land -- he's a broker for people in my line of work, for like, if you need a lair or a place to keep a weather manipulator or just a place to live -- claims to have mutant powers of manipulating the real estate market but everyone thinks that's just advertising -- anyway, he's got a loft up for rent in east Williamsburg. Four bedrooms, four people that's three grand each a month, and maybe not so much, you know, lair space, workbench room, but as long as no one needs to keep a pet dinosaur penned up, it's a loft, it's big."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Satana keeps right on eating, one foot crossed over the other and watching Rachel all the while. "Lair? Loft? Workbench? You're not, like, turning into a supervillain on me now, are you?" Full lips curl into a smile at that. She's amused. "Yeah, count me in as one of your roomies, then. We can work on the fourth later, if we really need one. But I don't need all that other bullshit. I'm a simple woman with simple needs."

Rachel Leighton has posed:
    Rachel wags her eyebrows in response to the question of supervillainy. "Nah, still just a regular supercrook. I save villainy for the truly obsessed." She grins, and moves to park herself a bit closer to Satana. "Well, that's one less thing for me to be anxious about. So, simple needs -- fudge ripple and clean spoons?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
    Satana looks up at the taller woman, meeting her gaze. She licks the spoon clean. Slowly. Deliberately. "Yeah, we can *start* with fudge ripple and clean spoons, at least." she replies.