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Latest revision as of 07:16, 4 May 2020

The Tower and the Paint
Date of Scene: 04 May 2020
Location: Exterior - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Red X and Techno graffiti Titans Tower. And it was glorious.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Samuel Morgan

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The preparations had been made, and the equipment had been readied.

  Damian told Sam to meet him at the cliffs, and the boys had suited up. Damian, sans helmet had removed the T-Com he had lifted under 'suspicious' circumstances. "We will be able to circumvent the security it's this." He said. "It works off a friend or foe identifier. We will have enough time to get what we need to done, and get out. The objective is psychological warfare, getting found out is unacceptable." Which also explains the time of night, the denizens would either be asleep, or out. He had planned and observed for a week to figure out the window.

  "First this, then we will deliver the care package." He smiled a devilish smile, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When all was in place, Sam met Damian at the cliffs. No longer in just his hoodie and combats, but in a far different outfit. A while ago, he'd done a close quarters recce to prepare for the night, revealing enough details of physical security to make this possible. Now, with the 'borrowed' T-Com, all is in place. With a nod, the teenager shows that he understands the mission, the parameters, and the failure conditions. "If we get found out doing this, we might as well pack it in. Once we get that sloppy, it's time to retire."

    A smile of his own, and the helmet goes on. Three dull red pinpricks light up the night and dim moments later, while the matte midnight black form makes his way to the parked bike. 'Time on target, 120 seconds.' comes the distorted voice through the mission comms, the frequency they shared for this jaunt. 'That's the critical detection treshold, and roughly the expected response time. Agreed?'

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X had made his necessary preparations to grapple, giving a nod to his cohort. "Affirmative. Should the enemy detect or suspect anything. But the odds of being detected are eight point twenty percent."

  His own motorcycle had been waiting next to Sam's. Though he didn't need a helmet on his own. "Meet you at point alpha." Soon after, he raced off, weaving himself around traffic and keeping his route direct. The two would meet up near St. Martin's Island.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "A slight overestimation of our opponents, I feel, but within margin of error." The motorcycle didn't even creak when Sam settled himself down on it, pushing it fully upright and pulling the kickstand back with a casual flick of his sabaton. A mere moment later, the engine roars to life... a raucous din that echoes from the cliffs and sends nearby wildlife fleeing. Good mission protocol demanded that they take different routes, and so Sam lets Damian get a bit of a head start.

    'Point alpha. ETA, six minutes, approx.' In a scatter of loose soil and gravel, the motorcycle roars off, roaring like a demon from the deepest pits of hell itself, cutting through traffic with contemptuous ease and soon leaving what cars remain on the road at this time of night far, far behind.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's own motorcycle did not roar like a demon from the pits of hell. The wheels were powered by electric motors, and whined with electricity coursing through their parts.

  Red X had arrived, and was already readying himself. Their next venture required more stealth. Of course, they were assassins, and ninjas could not keep up with their awesomeness.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a truism that awesomeness often has to take a back seat to stealth and practicality. But for once, just this once, Sam had decided he could do both. Racing through the nigh empty streets until the bridge looms up into view, the motorcycle sounded like it was on its way to slay a dragon, or possibly occupy a small nation. Near the target however...

    A double tap of the clutch pedal, and armored thumbs find a set of controls. Down-shifting to the reduction gear, the transfer case hisses as the pneumatic disconnect detaches the large engine from the drive shaft, going silent almost immediately. The rest of the distance, Sam rolls in under electric power, just like Red X. It's uncanny. Nothing that large should be able to move so silently...

    Techno comes to a halt next to Red X and wastes no time, tossing a cylinder over to his partner without even looking, knowing for a fact that Red X will be there and ready to catch. It's time.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X's gloved hand catches the cylinder without looking back towards Techno. "Beginning ingress, comms only from here." Speaking through his voice modulator, the glowing red X on his helmet looked back and gave a hand signal.

  They would need to stay out of the cameras field of view, but that was what grapples were for.

  His gun was removed from his belt, and aimed with precision. Their target was the tower itself. The massive T on St. Martin's Island.

  Red's stealth drive kicked in and his form became a blur before practically disappearing. Only the sound of the grapple motor reeling in the cable.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    In theory the cameras shouldn't be a problem. But, of course, there was no point in giving too much away in one go. 'Acknowledge. Breaching perimeter.'

    Techno's eyes started to glow a red to match Red X, aiming the grappling line. This... had taken some practice. He's nowhere near as stealthy as his partner, but he has the advantage of intrinsically knowing where all the cameras are. He's slightly too heavy to simply be reeled in, so he helps the grappler motor along by locking his fingers around the grip of the grappler and /running/ up the vertical surface.

    Infiltration in progress, still no contact, no alarms triggered. He'd know...

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Once the two were moored at the top and close to the intersection of the T, Red X had appeared again, a can of spray paint at the ready. Beginning, he lets the paint drip down as he works, vertically at first, spreading out as needed to not mar the finished job. He wanted the finished X to drip down a little, truly showing the tag in all its glory.

  It took a while, and there were more cans to get the job done, but all in all, the two would accomplish their aim.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's really a matter of coordination. As Red X works from one side inwards, Techno starts at the other side, until they meet in the middle and cross over, barely pausing in a display of team work and acrobatics. This isn't just going to be a tag, it's going to be visible for miles around. A statement writ large, can after can of red paint until the entire Metropolis facing side of the T is covered with the stylised red X.

    At the base, with leftover paint, Techno adds the words 'This show has just begun' near the main entrance before flinging the can away. No fingerprints will be found on their discards... leave the Titans guessing.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The two hadn't practiced this part beforehand, but being what they used to be...cooperation came easier. The ballet of the two spraying the building with their cans and weaving together at the massive canted X that now shone on the tower.

  It was a sight to behold.

  Red X lowered himself as Techno tagged the front door, and he was smiling inside that helmet of his. 'Op complete.' He said, leaving a small drop at the base of one of the nearby trees. Small and metallic, engraved with words. The message would be revealed for another day, in due time.

  Without much more words, Damian moved to point alpha, and basked in their work.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It was practically art.

    With the shared experience of complex missions, logistics and teamwork, no words are needed while the work is in progress, and little afterwards. 'Affirm. Exfiltrating' The modulator robs his voice of any emotions that might be conveyed, but there is likely a smile under that near featureless helmet.

    At point Alpha, where the bikes had been left, Techno opens a small storage compartment where a regular bike would have things like gloves, keys or even a small flashlight. No, what he'd left in there was his phone, because taking something that was going to give away your position, even if you could in theory block it, would not be a good idea. Looking at the tower to make sure he gets the frame just right, he comes to stand next to Red X and holds the camera towards the pair, flashing an ironic 'peace' sign, the defaced tower clearly visible in the background.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian looks at the phone as it was pointed towards them, and the tower. Of course, he would take a moment to revel in the victory.

  He stood, arms akimbo in the classic hero pose. Staring the lenses of the helmet directly at the camera. "Separate routes, I will be in contact after 1800 tomorrow." His voice finally communicates, no need for radio only at this point. "That is when we will enact the next phase."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    *CLICK* One soon to be immortal picture, once it has been scrubbed of all identifying data tags.

    With some affection, Sam punches Damian on the shoulder and nods, a gesture oddly expressive in his current outfit. "I'll be ready. This is going to be fun."

    Moments later, on a silent electric drive, Sam is gone, taking a circuitous route back and using every trick he knows to shake of pursuers. The show had only just begun...