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Spider-Comms On(web)line.
Date of Scene: 04 May 2020
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Spider-Man re-connects with Ghost Spider and sets her up with Spider-Comm...and a few secrets are revealed.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy

Peter Parker has posed:
It's another warming night in the city. Spring is coming into summer, and his Spider-Suit is now working to keep him cool in the warming weather.

Spider-Man swings past the Themiscyran embassy, and is a little amused at how things went yesterday. However, it was a new night, and he had been promising something to a good friend and now he could finally follow through on that promise. Which always felt good.

He had sent a message to Gwennie. The text had been polite, but he had been concerned that he hadn't seen Gwen in awhile, and hoped she was okay. The text was simple.

<One Spider to another. Promises to keep. I'll be at the parking garage across the street from The Coffee Bean. Can get coffee if you like.>

He landed on the top floor of the parking structure, hoping Gwen would get the message.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen hadn't been in New York much over the last month or two.

At first it's because she was in Gotham. It was just easier with living at Shadowcrest that she operate out of home territory rather than trying to drive over to New York every afternoon... and then because she was working in Metropolis: Where the big boys play.

The truth was, though... she's good.

Everything going on wasn't exactly the way she'd hoped it would go on, but that's life right?

When was anything easy for a spider?

So it was that she was actually IN New York filling out the paperwork to start the following Fall at Empire State University when she got Petey's text. Shooting off a quick reply:

>: Hey Petey Pie. I'll be there in like twenty? :<

Just as log as it would take her to swing to the parking garage. Landing in her very new, very Janet Van Dyne designed, suit when she's crouching in the open section of the garage looking around for her good friend. "Hey, you here?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"Hey there, Spider-Lady."

Spider-Man is there, leaning next to the light pole in the center of the roof level. There is a long cement divider there, running most of the length of the level, and he has a few items set out on the flat top of the divider. The first is a pair of coffee cups, steam issuing from the vent in the lid. The second is a cardboard box, originally meant to hold a StarkPhone.

He has re-purposed it for his own needs, of course.

His heart tugs, of course. He still occasionally dreams about him missing her, her dying. He knows that she's okay, but dreams always seem real.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Drawn by the voice, Gwen looks in Spidey's direction and up nods, stepping down off the half wall seperating the garage from the alleyway beyond. "Look at you looking all fancy, bringing a girl coffee and stuff..." It's obvious that she's grinning behind the mask, which is even more apparent when she tugs it up to just below her nose and reveals her mouth.

So that she can drink some coffee of course.

All of that is still trippy to Gwen, too... waking up and hearing her father call for her when she stays back at his apartment and he's home.. It feels surreal.

But good..

"How you been, sugar plum?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sighs. "It's been a real roller-coaster, Ghostie." He looks around. "Dumped by Supergirl, fellow student got me disqualified from the science fair because they tried to buy my project from me and posted my project details on their Facebook page. Must be nice having a guidance counselor as a parent. On the upside, found out the HR guy at Stark Industries was a psychopath and had been blacklisting me. Guy got found out and I got a job working for Stark. Pays 80k a year. So, I am able to afford going to ESU in the fall, keep our home, and work on stuff." He chuckles. "Which is one of the reasons I called you here tonight."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Jeez.. really has been a roller coaster." Gwen says, sombering slightly though she does still sip coffee. Never turned down free coffee, kids. It's a sign of weakness in the animal kingdom of New York and will get you eaten by bigger Spiders.

She finds a place to lean, shoulder pushed into the light pole across the divide from Pete, one arm tucked beneath her other holding her coffee cup. "Me and Zatanna are taking a break... so I was homeless for a bit. Now I'm staying over at Titan Towers. They gave me the nod.. called up from the bush-leagues." Said with an airy smile, "And I'm starting ESU in the fall, so that's awesome.. no 80k a year gig, though. Still hoping for an internship, but we'll see how that plays out."

Raising one brow at that last bit, however. "Oh yeah? You didn't buy me a car, did you?" Teasing.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man riases an eyebrow. Taking a break...hoo, boy. Jeez, and they'd seemed so happy. Who knew.
"Going to ESU? So, are you moving back to New York?" He paused for a bit, then said, "If you need a place to stay while you're going to ESU, I *might* know someone who has an extra room in Forest Hills. Rent's cheap, I have an in with the landlady..." He smiles after lifting the mask to sip from his own cup. That hangdog Peter Parker Smile, of course.

"Oh, yeah...remember that project I told you about awhile ago? The Spider-Comm system? Well...the new job just helped make it a reality." He indicates the box. "That's your Spider-Comm rig."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Maybe." Ghost says with a genuine nod at the offer to stay with Aunt May while she's down in New York, "Dad has been pushing for me to be around a little more... and it's getting harder to sell why my new job took me to Metropolis... or Gotham.. or literally anywhere, but New York." For which she feels supremely guilty, but it still feels like someone elses life to her.

That said, she puts on a big grin at the mention of Aunt May, "Gosh I miss her.."

Leading right into the indicated box. "No kidding.. well look at you, Peter Parker. Finishing something you start." Ribbing, she sets down her coffee and reaches out for the lid of the cardboard box that once carried a Starkphone.

Peter Parker has posed:
Opening the lid reveals the treasure inside. Not a Starkphone, but better.

The first item is an eye-insert for her mask, contoured to fit smoothly under the mask. It is made of soft shatterproof plastic with a layer of display panel sandwiched in-between. The next item is a set of earbud headphones, with a charger. the third item is what looks like a black choker, but feels more substantial.

"Sub-vocal microphone. Talk/text without actually making a sound."

The fourth and final item is a thin-layered set of gloves meant to fit inside Gwen's current gloves. "That's for the augmented-reality interface."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen doesn't know the tech like Peter does, that's never been her strong suit... Which isn't to say she doesn't know it at all, but... something like this is well out of her realm. Even having explained to her, what it is and how it works, she stares at the trio of items dumb struck.

Specifically at the mention of augmented reality, "Okay..." Twisting the shatter proof plastic between her fingers, turning it to see both sides, "What exactly does it /do/?" For the live studio audiance watching at home.

The sub-vocal mic is pretty self explanitory. Not that using throat muscles to speak is something that comes naturally to people, but it still lends itself to understanding.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles. "Go ahead and put them on. If you want help installing them in your suit, I can do that for you. Just trust me. You're going to like this."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen takes a look around the roof before pulling off her mask, trusting that Peter wouldn't put her in a position to compromise her identity, and begins the process of integrating the augmented reality eye-piece into the circuitry that's already present. The stuff that controls the eyes of the mask itself.

Her blonde hair, shaved along the sides, with pink dyed tips dangles around her face as she works.. Then disappears again once she's set the sub-vocal choker in place. Last is the second set of gloves, tugging them on and then covering them with the white gloves of her costume.

"Alright... so do I have to download apps? Because I'm definitely ordering some Ubereats."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man grins, then takes out a tablet. He taps a few keys, and then a message appears in front of Gwen's eyes.

The box looks a little off-kilter, but then a message comes up and says "ADJUSTING..." and the box slowly forms into a normal four-sided box, the image sharpening.
Another message appears. "EARPIECE CONNECTED." A few moments later: "SUB-VOC MIKE CONNECTED." And then: "HAND-EYE INTERFACE CONNECTED."

There is another pause before all the boxes blink out, replaced by a new message.


Gwen Stacy has posed:
Those of you at home who haven't done anything with augmented reality, take heed: It is a surreal experience. Words popping up in your visual field is off putting initially. It feels like an intrution, so when words suddenly pop up infront of her right eye, Gwen is a little startled. "Dope."

It was a gut reaction. Lame, but poignant because she meant it.

Then things are adjusting and the angles are righting themselves. "This is incredible." Looking at her own hand with the sentences spilling across the white of her palm, until the last is said to her.

"I am Ghost Spider. My voice is my passport. Admit me." Repeating it with inflection.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a beep in Gwen's ear, and the box disappears. What comes up next is a HUD with smaller icons along the edges of her vision.
The interface is interesting. When her eyes go to one of the many icons, that icon grows slightly as it is visually pinpointed. There are a few - INTERNET, DATABASE, TRACKING, COMMS, WAYPOINTS, SEARCH.

"Okay, you should be seeing the display." Looking to Spider-Man now comes with a square box over his head with a line pointing to his head. The text in the box reads: SPIDER-MAN (Mostly Harmless).

When Gwen raises her hands, a keyboard appears at the bottom of the HUD, and it doesn't take long to figure out she can type on the virtual keyboard and select icons with her fingertips.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
All that stuff about this being weird on the senses goes double when she's permitted access to the full functionality of the AR system. Jaw hanging slack, Gwen does a little turn to look around at various objects to see what kind of engrained coding has already been installed. Eyes settling upon Spidey with a growing smirk seeing the tag above his head.

"It feels like a video game." Hands up wiggling fingers over the virtual keyboard to shoot off a text, just because she can. "So I can do all of my entertainment work right here with the virtual headset... definitely need to download spotify." Always joking, but mostly to fill the void.

"This is incredible, Pete.." Tapping at items, testing functions. Waypoints and the like. Just like any kid playing with a new toy might.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Yeah, well, it gets better. If you want to test out the database, go ahead. Say, 'Database, Rhino.'" He paused, then says, "Actually, I want you to say that without actually making a sound. Subvocalize it. We should test that as well."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
That part isn't as easy as people think.

Talking without actually making sound isn't the same as talking because different muscles are being used to pass air through the vocal cords. It's a talent as much as speaking is... and speaking is a talent that takes years for a child to learn.

So there'll obviously be a learning curve, but Gwen is a sharp cookie with a razors edge. Whispering, barely above actual sound, to access the database. "Database, Rhino."

Peter Parker has posed:
An opaque file opens, and Gwen can see it fill half the "screen." It has a picture of the Rhino, as well as his real name, brief history, and list of altercations with Spider-Man, including his notes. It's a sobering read. Poor guy wanted to be loyal to his Russian mob boss, and gets bolted into a suit he can't remove.

The last entry is yesterday, with an interesting note.

Participants: RHINO, SPIDER-MAN, WONDER WOMAN (Honorary Spider)

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Honorary spider?" Gwen glances up at Pete with a smirk, one that's visible only because the corner of her mask moves just so... "You know, I'm teammates with her sister now?" Forgetting, perhaps, that he can't actually see what she's talking about.

Even really smart people, and Gwen is incredible smart, might not appear it out of their elements. "I've always wanted to meet Wonder Woman.." Of course she would, though. A Young female heroine? How couldn't she want to meet Wonder Woman.

She closes the file with a clinch of her fist and looks around again, "This is amazing... and I can add notes to various files, yeah?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Well, we got to talking. I showed her the prototype for the Spider-Comm system, and she said she wanted to be a part of the network. When you want to, select COMMS and it will gve you a list of members, to send text message, audio/video calls (that can be forwarded to their regular phones, if desired) and transfer files. "And yes, the database is open to all members. You can create your own entries, do voice-to-text to dictate entries, update entries with new information...it's our own private database, so only members can see/edit it, and it shows who posts entries or edits them so you can reference how they found out."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen lifts a finger in the Universal sign of Hold up a second, then begins moving her fingers as if typing. She's still not got the whole concept of the throat mic and doesn't want to send whatever she's sending in all caps... Or get so excited she says something rediculous.

A few seconds later and she's grinning like a kid in a candy store.

"Well, I've said it was incredible and amaz- This is Spectacular." Have to run through all the adjectives, dontcha know? "Jeez.. making me feel like I need to get my ass in gear and create something."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles. "Just using the gifts I've been given to help people, Gwen. And this can get us all on the same page, give us the ability to communicate and coordinate. Let's see...we have Spider-Woman, Scarlet Spider, Wolf Spider, me, you, and Wonder Woman as an Honorary Spider. I'm hoping to reach a few more, but that is who we have on the network right now."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"What about Silk?" Gwen Stacy, asking the tough questions.

Definitely smirking behind her mask because she knows what kind of reaction Peter and Cindy Moon have with one another.

And definitely taking a great deal of amusement from bringing her up.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. "I have one for her...but I haven't run into her yet. I'm REALLY trying to get it set up, because this way we can communicate without getting too close to each other. I don't know exactly what it is, though...I just hope this will circumvent it." He looks to Gwen. "...I missed seeing you around, Gwen. You AND Ghost Spider."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"If it'll make it easy for you, I can give it to her." Gwen offers, but knows Peter Parker well enough that he's not going to shy away from the inherent challenge coming face to face with Cindy represents. That's just the friend in her. ... Who is also teasing him relentlessly about it.

And will never stop doing so.

Again sombering, though only slightly. "I haven't meant to hide or anything. Just had a lot going on with... the move.. and all.. I should be around more though. Metropolis is too intense for my blood." It's not, but it sounds funny to say.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks to Gwen. "Ghost, I need to speak to her directly. I have to look this thing in the eye. If I run from something, I'm a coward. And I can't be a coward about ANYTHING, Ghost. Even if it means being slammed into a wall at 40 MPH...or facing someone who causes such odd feelings..."

He pauses, then looks down.

"Did I...do something wrong when you woke up? After the fight with the Goblin. You went on that bridge as my girlfriend, but you woke up and nothing was the same..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen knows this about Pete, knew what he was going to say, but what kind of friend wouldn't offer? She reaches out to tenatively push her knuckles against his shoulder, "You'll get over your awkward puberty phase eventually, Spidey." That does not mean she wont bust his balls, though.

Then he strikes the anvil hot.

She wasn't sure how Peter would be affected by the change to the timelines.. what he might remember and what might be changed. The smile fades behind her mask, eyes drop down to the concrete. "No, you didn't..." How much is fair to reveal? Is he getting his vengence by busting /her/ balls? "What do you remember, Pete?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sat down with his back against the concrete divider. He takes a sip of coffee, then exhales.

"I remember everything clearly. I remember Goblin dropping you. I went after you, firing a webline. I caught you in time, but the shock of it must have been too much. You were in...a coma?...for months."

The rising inflection is someone trying ro reconcile what he is ALMOST sure happened.

"Then you woke up, but you were still recovering. I'm...trying to recall when you got bitten by the spider. It was...it had to have been in the hospital. And then you were out...and then you were with Zatanna Zatara, the illusionist."

He rubs the back of his head. "...I have dreams that I caught you, but you were dead. That I hit you in the leg and whiplash broke your neck. In the dream, I am so sure that THAT happened...and then I wake up, and I remember you are alive."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen athletically leaps over the divide and slides down to rest her back against it beside Peter. Her knees are up with her arms laid across them, gripping her wrist wrist with her left hand, the flat surface of a table.

"The real story is crazy... and it isn't the first time you've heard it." Which probably sounds insulting, "But magic was involved. I... it's a lot to get into. Suffice to say, there are multiple versions of a single event that all came together the day I woke up from the coma."

The fact she woke up from a coma in better physical shape than when she went into it is definitely a modern day miracle.

"I was bit by the spider four years ago..." How could that even be right? "I didn't know it would screw everything up like that when Zee told me we were going to fix me being here. I don't think she realized it would either... but here we are. Timelines collid, history rewritten... one lost girl out of the loop trying to explain how she exists in a world she doesn't belong to."

"Sounds like a freaking comic book."

Peter Parker has posed:
Four years ago? That makes no sense. That...

He stops, his mind working at the problem. He may be terminally unhip, but she can practically HEAR the relays clicking in Peter's head.

A lot of nagging problems, thoughts that went nowhere...and this new variable fit a few of them...then a few more...then a few more...

His mouth drops open as the enormity of it hits him.

He looks to Gwen, and is suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that the woman who warped time and space for Gwen...
...they're "taking a break."

"...ah, geez, Gwennie...I'm sorry..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen takes a breath when the gears snap into place for Peter. She shrugs a little at that and looks down between her knees at the concrete upon which she's sitting. "It happens. We burnt fast and strong, you know? Hell of a lot of responsibility put at her feet, which she maybe wasn't all the way ready for.. I'm ninteen years old, you know?"

She sounds good... sad, obviously sad, but good.

"It was all well and great when I was going to a different dimension right? Whole different ballgame when suddenly I'm here for good."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey puts a hand on his compatriot's shoulder, squeezing it for a moment. "Even though we may not be meant to be...you can always come to me for help. You know that, right, Gwen?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen brings her hand up to lay ontop of Pete's, "I know." She assures him with a nod, glancing up and over with a slow nod of her head. "Now I'm just making the best of the situation.. Trying to carve out something for myself. Hoping nobody tries to call me out on my historical flubs when I start talking about my heroing career."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded, his hand moving back to his cup. "Well...maybe you and I can take an afternoon. Put together a timeline for this world. Pick it over for weak spots, but basically set up something you can incorporate. That way, you have a good story, it can be backed up with other events...and it'll be easier to keep your story straight."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I don't know.." Gwen draws it out, that silence. Scratching the side of her mask with a curling finger, "I kind of like being the quirky girl who has inconsistant stories." Joking about herself, that same hand snaps out to wap her fingers playfully against Spidey's knee. "We can take an afternoon to get your /ass/ stomped at Mortal Kombat, though."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighed. "Gwennie...keep in mind your dad's a DETECTIVE? If you start being inconsistent around him, he may not find it so amusing. And he's smart at police work as I am at science. Just...consider it. So your dad doesn't start wondering TOO much."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It certainly isn't something Gwen hadn't considered... one of the primary reasons she's avoided being in New York as often as she has and why she rarely stays with her dad even though every fiber of her being wants to. "I ... yeah..." She can't dispute the evidence. "Maybe we should.. I'm just not a good liar. Never have been. I'd just as soon tell him the truth."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man pauses for a moment. "...That might not be a bad idea. It may be mondo weird, but we've been dealing with a LOT of mondo weird. He might surprise you...he's a mentally-strong guy." He looks thoughtful. "I think that, eventually, I would have told Uncle Ben. I could have used his help and support. So...maybe it's a good idea. If nothing else, it will explain things to him, and you don't have to worry about lying to him."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It also begs the question, "Have you told Aunt May?" There's no judgement in the question, no matter the answer. She and Pete look at things a lot differently. Gwen is far more liberal with her identity than Peter Parker ever would be, but when it comes to family? She'd never even dreamt of telling her dad back home... Eventually she probably would have, but... "I feel like I've taken so much from dad already."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey can see the look in her face. "Your father is not Aunt May. He's stronger. And I think it could be worse the longer he doesn't know. What happened to this world's Gwen, Gwen? Did she still die, or is she still alive out there...somewhere?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen doesn't really know the answer to that question, "Zee said that she took my place back in my reality.. which.." An unpowred Gwen Stacy suddenly thrust into the perdicament Gwen was in when she left? "I.. I don't know. It's impossible for me to find out, that I know of, but I'm hoping that she's just living her life. As far as I know, she's alive."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "If you do tell your father...tell him that. My personal opinion is that he can roll with the truth, but that's me. But I know this world's George Stacy. He's one of the most upright cops in the city." He takes a deep breath. "If you want me there to provide moral support as Peter Parker..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"It's weird." Gwen motions at something Peter says, "This world's George Stacy... he's my dad... but I don't know a damn thing about him." She sighs, then laughs, and slaps Spidey's shoulder. "Of course you can come be moral support. I'll probably need it. Or, more precisely, you can whisper in my ear what to say when he gives me awkward curve balls." Very clearly joking, Gwen pushes herself up and stretches her arms up above her head. Linking hands with her wrists twisting as she extends them up.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey stands as well. "He likes me, you know. Peter Parker. He seems to think Spider-Man is an okay guy, too. But I think Peter Parker would be the better support person for this." He glances to her, then says, "If you go this route, call me. I'll be there anytime, day or night, as long as I don't have too MANY compound fractures..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Compound fractures." Gwen uses her foot to tap the side of Petes, "You don't do anything the easy way do you?" Her hand comes out and and down to help him up, though he absolutely doesn't need it anymore than she does. "I'll call when I make the decision to talk to him. I'm not quite there yet, though."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, taking Ghost's hand. "All right. Fair enough. Play around with Spider-Comm, test the waypoint system, and send me messages on anything and everything you find." He takes a long, deep breath. "...Thanks, Gwennie."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh, I'm going to play with it until it goes deaf." Gwen half pulls Peter to his feet as he stands, then pulls him into a hug. It's not a long one, but it's warm and ends with her hands on his upper arms. "I'll send you any bugs I find." When he thanks her, though.. she scoffs. "You don't owe me any thanks, Pete." Stepping back towards the edge of the roof until her foot is pushing her up onto the railing. "But you're still welcome!"

Typical of her, she just falls backwards. Arms out at her sides, twisting as she goes to fire off a webline with a sharp THWIP! that carries her down the street by bringing her up above the edge of the roof for one last wave, "Seeya buddy!" Then she's swinging away!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey watches her go. Another to add to the TTF file - Try To Forget.

He figured he would be able to get past how he loved his own Gwennie because this one was not her.
