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Latest revision as of 22:32, 5 May 2020

A New Day
Date of Scene: 05 May 2020
Location: 6B - Elektra's Condo
Synopsis: Talkin' and meditatin'
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Colleen Wing has posed:
Morning. She had slept quite soundly, the exhaustion helping with that. However, everytime she shifted was awaken by the sharp and sudden pain from the movement. Sunlight shown in through the window, shining on her eyes, those eyes slowly opening as a closed fist moved to rub them. With careful movements, Collen managed to sit herself up in thr bed, raising her hands over her head and stretching with an audible yawn. Her hands collapsed onto her lap and she simply sat there a moment. It was a new day, but the thoughts of the night prior were still fresh in her mind.

She swung her legs sidewards, setting her barefeet onto the floor and with a slight wince moved to stand. She was not one to stay in bed for too long. She had to much pride for that. Shuffle steps, slow and well-placed took her out into the common area of Elektra's Condo. She looked like hell, hair all tossled, sleepy eyed and clearly in need of a shower. Her eyes took in the Condo, not having seen it the night before, and if she did clearly not remembering. "Elektra?" Her soft voice calling out.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra's den is perhaps not what one would expect. The blend of old and new, modern-looking but then with those callbacks to the past with the old-looking paintings of kanji symbols, or even other mementos from various countries. Of course, no pictures are in sight. Not the type for those certainly, and while those few pieces of furniture visible are of rather high quality they are sparse. A minimalist, even if not in the size of her penthouse.

Elektra has been training, having woken up early to go through her morning practice and katas and now sitting down in front of one of those wall-sized windows, this one giving a view of the rising sun and the city outside. A bright new day indeed.

She is sitting down in a lotus position, dressed in training pants and a sleeveless top, hands motioning slowly in what seems to be some kind of meditation technique, breathing slow and steady, "Good morning, Colleen." she speaks up without turning when she hears the girl's voice.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Oh Colleen is a train-wreck. The young woman slowly turns, now finally spying the Assassin sitting in front of the window, another hand moving to rub her eyes. Slow steps take her over to where she is seated, standing behind her, and not entriely wishing to disturb Elektra in what appears to be a morning meditation session. Her glance goes to look out over the city, squinting a bit from the sunlight beaming in from the window. "You are freaking crazy. You are totally a morning person aren't you? I officially hate you."

There is a soft exhale and with a wince she manages to lower herself to the floor beside Elektra, leaning back on her hands and closing her eyes once more, letting the sun hit her face. "That sun feels good." Her hand moves to lightly stroke the cut on her cheek. "Oh...I forgot about that one. Hope it doesn't scar." Her head turns to peer upon Elektra fully now, nibbling her lower lip. "I probably just totally disrupted your morning routine. I..I..am sorry. I just...do you have coffee, tea...morphine?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Thank you." Is Elektra's deadpan reply. To which part though?! Being crazy?! Or maybe about Colleen hating her. Though she can't help it and smirks, letting out a slow exhale afterwards. With her palms pressing on the wooden floor she turns herself to look at Colleen. "As long as we are alive to meet the next dawn, it means we are doing a good job." now she's going full Stick, her old mentor. She grimaces at that thought but then allows a sigh to leave her lips, also leaning back on her hands in a mirror to Colleen's posture.

"You are clearly not the morning person type." Elektra does sound amused though. "And yes, of course I do have morphine. But I believe tea will be more your beach." her dark eyes then trail down to Colleen's side. "Does it hurt much still?" she then asks. There is a faint sheen of sweat on her skin, her hair plastered to her head. She was clearly training not that long ago.

Colleen Wing has posed:
A rolling shrug of her shoulder preceedes her reply. "I mean it hurts less then it did last night. Am I ready to go at it again? I am not sure I am even ready to stand back up." There is a small smile given to the woman beside her. "I suppose your right tho...everyday you wake up to see another day is a good day. It's when you don't you have to be worried." Her words don't make total sense, but it is early and clearly ELektra is seeing her in a state that few people get to see her in: Morning Colleen.

"Tea would be great. Anything...none of that decaffeinated stuff tho. I don't even know why they make that. Seriously." A deep breath is taken, Colleen doing her best to hude the wince as she does so. She said the pain had lessened, but it is clear the deep breath was to test the pain level. "So you have already been up, worked out and meditated? You are making me look bad Elektra. I feel like I should go run stairs or something." There is a light laugh heard and a bright smile flashed. "Hey...thank you. Honestly. I...I don't know what I would have done without you there last night. I may not have been waking up...and if I did it owuld not have been with a view like this."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You will heal in time." Elektra says in a firm manner, her eyes trailing down to the area of Colleen's torso she knows still has a bandage around it (or at least she hopes it does!). And then she presses her hands on the ground, getting up to her feet. "Turn to face the sun." she then tells Colleen. "I will lead you through a technique that will help you recover faster." whatever she is talking about seems real though, as the wound she had on her shoulder seems mostly gone now on what's visible of it from her slim vest.

She goes around Colleen to help her turn to the sun, her hands reaching to take Colleen's from behind and bring her to her front. "Breathe in. Do these motions." she exemplifies by moving Colleen's hands in slow, circular motions. Simple really. "And I will return soon." also, screw morning people, at least in Elektra's view! It's all about getting that training in.

"And we can do run stairs before lunch." She getting back up to her feet. "And don't worry, I am sure you will have plenty of opportunity to return the favor one of these days." she begins to walk out towards the kitchen, beginning to prepare the tea.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen was not a stranger to meditation, she had meditated numerous times before, but this type was knew to her. Yet, there was something about Elektra that she trusted and always had, and in peering at the shoulder wound the woman had recieved the night before, it was virtually healed. She does not resist, allowing herself to be turned to face the sunlight and her arms touched to do so. With Elektra's hands on her arms, Colleen moves her hands in the circular motions, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, a soft whisper before she truly enagages. "Like this?" She continues the motion, trying her best to kepe the circles perfect like she has been shown after Elektra gets up to prepare the tea.

However, the mention of the stairs does break her concentration a bit, a call out across the condo. "Wait what? I was kidding about the stairs. Did you miss the sarcasm? It was a joke. Funny, ha ha." She pauses a moment, arms still circling. "You do understand jokes right?" I mean its a valid question. Elektra did not seem like the type you would hire to perform at your kid's birthday party. Colleen goes back to the meditating, focusing on her breathing and the motion she was shown. She looks so peaceful now sitting in front of the window in the sunshine, finding this time something she seldom gets.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra mmhmms at the question if her motions are right. Circular, perfect motions. Yep. And Elektra looks deadly serious too. "This building only has six floors so you won't have to run much. Up an down." is her reply to her question if it was sarcasm or not. But then she is out in the kitchen, getting that water boiling so she can then prepare the tea. There is silence then, no reply from Elektra, letting Colleen meditate...

.. A few minutes after she is returning with a tray. A tea pot and two cups atop. She makes her way over. "Black tea. For you to wake up." then a brief scrutiny on those circular motions, perhaps trying to discern if they are perfect still or not.

"You can stop with those now." Elektra then says amusedly. "I will show you the actual technique after tea.." yes, Elektra can prank! She sets the tray down on the ground between the two of them and sits legs crossed under her. "... and not something out of Karate Kid.." then she starts serving tea on both cups, slowly.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Seriously. FOr the last 5 minutes Colleen has been doing some move made famous out of a movie with Ralph Macchio. Elektra is pure evil. Pure evil. Well at least she can get a job waxing cars if the whole dojo thing falls through. "Wait...what the hell. I sat here in front of the window for five minutes waving my arms like a someone trying to keep birds away from them and it didn't mean anything?" She moves herself to a cross-legged position as well, facing Elektra now and sighing with a smile. "You do have a sense of humor. You see...you are more than a killing machine. That's so cute." She reaches out and lightly pinches Elektra's cheek. Who else can say they have done that and not lost a hand.

The tea cup is taken and a long sip drawn from it, savoring the flavor and closing her eyes once more in the sunlight. Her next words come from behind the rim of the teacup. "Alright then, meditation..the right way, and then stairs. You are ruthless. Not a lot of air going in here right now." She takes another sip and sets the cup down before her, reaching down to pull her bare feet in tighter. "Promise me no pictures of me like this end up on your social media, I have an image to uphold." SHe winks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Evilness can come in many different ways afterall. But Elektra is smirking throughout it all, watching Colleen from time to time while she serves the tea. As both cups are finally arranged she picks her own, taking in a brief sip out of it. She lets out a small sigh. "I always enjoy a good morning tea.." she allows herself to smile, closing her eyes at the beams of light coming through the rather large window.

"And well, I did need a good scarecrow. There has been some pidgeons about you see and...." she trails off, shaking her head a bit to herself. Though the pinch on her cheek does bring Elektra to arch an eyebrow at Colleen. Indeed there hadn't been many that had dared doing so. "You shouldn't forget that I am still a killing machine." a warning? It's rather hard to know when she is joking.

"I make no promises. But it's true that you need a shower after last night. As for social media .." Elektra rolls her eyes at it. Clearly not the type. "Don't think you have much to worry. Do you find your mind clearer today?" now her eyes fully on Colleen, curious on what her response will be.

Colleen Wing has posed:
No effort is made to pick up the teacup again, atl east not yet, her hands resting on her lap in a perfect straight-back posture. "I do. I am at ease, much more relaxed. Yet as I feel my mind being clearer of many things, it is still somewhat clouded about what lies ahead. I am not one who usully dwells on such things. Whatever will be will be and you can only prepare yourself so much to deal with it. I have learned the key is not just in preparing for the unknown, but being able to adapt to any situation that may come your way." She exhales softly and slowly, letting all ther air out of her lungs before inahling once again.

"And I know you are a killing machine. Finely tuned and efficient. No movement wasted, no extra breaths needed to be taken. I do not think I would have the ability to do what you do. Nevermind the physical aspect of actually performing it, but the mental toughness and apathy to live with it." There is another small shrug given as she loosk to Elektra's glance once more, a half smirk on her lips ."Oh so the killing machine is going to show mercy and allow me to shower. Wow, you may not completely be the monster I once thought you to be." She sticks her tongue out and reaches for her tea once again.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Adaptation can be key. Doesn't mean there shouldn't be a plan. You, perhaps more than anyone else, know Bakuto, and how he thinks. Now that he has revealed himself perhaps you will be able to figure out what his next steps will be and we can get ahead." Elektra suggests. "No need to be just yet. Simply think on it." then she busying herself with her teacup for a small while before finally letting it rest down on the tray, fully drained.

"Sometimes it's good to get a few extra breaths in. They can be very liberating." Is Elektra teasing? Though let's not forget the kind of life she has had, being an ambassador's daughter, living among the high society for so long. Yet when Colleen mentions apathy it makes the woman furrow her brows, suddenly more serious, perhaps digesting on how Colleen sees her.

"Do you think me a monster?" Her tone is serious.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The conversation just took a serious tone, but it is one that Coleen seems prepared for, tilting her head ot the side, a strand of hair hanging in front of her eyes in the morning sun. "No. I don't think you are a monster at all. Not at all." She thinks a moment before continuing. "I...I just...I could not do what you do, but that does not mean I look down upon what you do. Perhaps if I was raised and trained in the manner in which you were I would be able to." She shrugs again and continues to watch the woman across from her. "We are all born with a clean slate. It is our environment and those around us that shape or values, our morals, our expectations of what is tolerable for ourselves and what is not."

She actaully reaches out and if allowed grips Elektra's hand. "On the outside you are well-known, feared and respected. The mere mention of your name leads one to pause and whether they admit it or not, quell their fear." Her eyes slide up to Elektra's, "We are defined by what we do, but what we do does not define us. On the inside, you want what everyone else wants...to be needed and cared about. Yet, for you to achieve such...people need to see past the name and reputation. Your ties to the Hand...and I could be wrong...it gives you a sense of self-worth. It makes you feel needed. They need you and whether you will admit it or not, there is a part of you that requires that need."

She does not let go of the hand yet, raising hers and Elektra's to put the assassin's hand over Elektra's heart if permitted. "Meditatation, training...it has its purpose, but your heart beats just like mine does. You are no monster. We are all human."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The assassin lets her hand be taken, expression staying neutral throughout it all, watching and listening without much of an answer. When Colleen finishes she finally speaks up. "True, we are defined by what we do. But I want nothing of what everyone else does." she says, her head canting to the side, "I want a lot more actually."

And then she slowly starts getting up to her feet, still holding Colleen's hand and sliding closer. "I will teach you the meditation technique now." she then tells her, tone still sharp and she moving to stand behind Colleen, dropping to her knees. "The Hand does not make me feel needed. Do you truly think I care on how others see me?" she is close now, reaching about Colleen to take both her arms, voice heard close to Colleen's ear.

"I was born with a clear purpose and mission in mind. And all has been made for me to be put on that path. Make no mistake Colleen, I am a monster, you should do well to believe the tales." If she is trying to convince herself or Colleen though, that still needs to be figured out! But her tone is deadly serious.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Whether or not Colleen believes ELektra or not is not clear. She certainly is not going to comment on it. Afterall, even if Colleen was even the slightest bit correct in her analysis, Elektra was never going to admit it. Colleen was very sure of that and thus the subject was dropped. Elektra's serious tone may have had something to do with it as well. Despite being able to see a side of Elektra that very few get to see..a side where they are not staring across at her with two sai in her hand, Elektra was still an intimidating individual.

"Meditation technique. Right. I am ready to learn. She quickly goes back to an upright posture with legs crossed tightly in front of her ."Well, I hope you get all that you are seeking." That simply sentence a quick reference back to what Elektra had said. She feels Elektra's hands on her arms and is ready to completely allow them to be guided as needed. A long inhale is taken. "Show me what you know."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"All I am seeking..?" That makes Elektra return to being amused at something. At what exactly though she doesn't share! Instead she begins to run Colleen to a rather more intricate motions than the wax-on, wax-off gestures they went through before. A lot of it apparently related to internalizing one's chi as well to help the flow heal oneself more fully. Something that maybe isn't that much of a stranger to Colleen.

She does appear to be patient enough, low whispers as she corrects or instructs Colleen through the procedures, then letting her try on her own. Reaching up she brushes her fingers through Colleen's hair, bringing it away from her face. "The kind of life we lead makes us prone to being hurt more often than not. This technique helps in making sure we recover somewhat faster." she explains. She remains close, hands now upon Colleen's shoulders.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen is completely focued, allowing herself to be guided and taught by the woman behind her. It is celar she is doing her best to totally let her muscles relax, learning quickly the technique taught to her and almost instantly implementing corrections as they are spoken to her. She is a fast learner, no stranger to meditation in general, perhaps that helping. The hands upon her shoulders helping to ground her as she falls into a rythmic motion of the arm movement, eyes closing in the sunlight. "I feel it...or I feel something." Softly murmured words.

Elektra would also feel any tension in her shoulders start to fall away, completely giving in to what she is being shown. "You may have just altered my morning routine Elektra."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Those hands show a certain gentleness. Where to many they would be strangling or otherwise doing all kinds of killing maneuvers they instead are quietly kneading Colleen's shoulders, thumbs resting on the back of the young woman's neck, doing slow, circular motions on it. "They do say a routine makes one predictable. You should always make sure to give it a twist most of the times." Elektra informs the meditating Colleen, voice continuing to be heard near her ear.

"You are a natural with this. You have training in chi techniques?" She then inquires, her breathing also having slowed down, whatever tension that might have rised in their earlier talk now gone too.

She stays in silence for a time after, simply following the motions from Colleen with her eyes. Eventually though she does speak up. "I don't want to be a monster all the time." she admits.

Colleen Wing has posed:
She has not felt this safe in a while, completely relaxed from the meditation and honestly mere inches away from a trained assassin. Could anyone feel more at ease? Nope. The meditation continues and as she slowly winds down with it, she lowers her arms and lets out a deep long sigh. "Mmmm..that felt good. Thank you. " She even twists a bit to test her ribs, clearly feeling a lessening in the pain. "Wow. The difference is amazing." However, she is not going to push it yet.

Slowly she turns from her sitting position and moves to kneel facing Elektra, hair before her eyes once more and no effort to move it. "Of course you don't. There has to be a balance. If there is not then you are truly lost to the madness. You just need to bring the monster out when needed, and then put it back in the closet again." She winks and offers a warm smile. "It is not easy to let people in Elektra, but you do not always have to open the door all the way."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"It isn't miraculous healing, but it will speed it up." Elektra informs Colleen, taking her hands off the woman's shoulders when she turns to face her, scrutinizing gaze fixed upon the young woman. "Yet it is something easier said than done." this about their talk on balance. "It has been a long time since I have found a counter-balance."

Calloused fingertips reach up to bring that hair out of Colleen's front so she can fully see her eyes, then a finger running down the young woman's cheek, tracing the skin alongside that mark that is still there from their battle with the Hand last night. "A warrior mark." she then tells her.

The talk about opening the door makes her lean in though, perhaps opening that door just a nudge. Her intent though? That appears obvious as her lips approach Colleen's.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"A warrior mark indeed. I hope it is a cute scar. She makes no effort to pull back as the distance between them is minimal at best. The warmth of her wonderful morning breath felt upon Elektra's face; at least it had tea. "You need a counter-balance...if you don't then you reach a point where you can never return from again. The door remains locked."

The feeling of the assassins gentle hand on her cheek causes her to close her eyes once more, slowly opening them after the briefest of moments. SHe rises on her knees slightly and moves her own lips towards the approaching assassin's, allowing them to press softly and lingering a moment. "Does this get me out of a stair workout?:

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's certainly not the kind of chaste kiss of before, Elektra allowing her lips to linger there for a moment, close to the other woman and savoring her taste, the hand that was on her cheek moving further down to the curve of Colleen's neck, keeping her there. But she does eventually break it. "No, it does not." she says without mercy, even if a thumb does brush tenderly upon those lips she has just kissed, her dark eyes shining for a moment.

"You shouldn't let a simple case of cracked ribs stop you from training." And then she gets herself back up to her feet. "Now go have a shower, Colleen."