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Latest revision as of 16:18, 7 May 2020

Dinner by neon lights.
Date of Scene: 27 April 2020
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Matt does dinner. And he doesn't burn it too. Plans are made for them to meet their mutual friends, and a certain tailor.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt had slipped out of the office early and for once it wasn't because he had to pull on his costume and go fight crime. No, tonight he wanted to be home to cook dinner for him and Daisy. That wasn't the usual thing, or at least, it hadn't become that way yet, they both had busy lives and take out was usually (heh) the order of the day, but tonight wanted to do something a little different to celebrate the new arrangement.

So, slipping in early, Matt changed out of his suit into a sweatshirt and jeans and sets to work on Sicillian Skillet Chicken, chicken breast cooked in iron skillet in a rich cream sauce with sundried tomatoes.

By the time Daisy arrives home the dinner is almost done, the apartment full of the smells of that rich amazing sauce, two plates set out and a bottle of decent wine open on the counter, Matt partaking of that much early while he monitors the progress of the chicken with his keen senses.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It was one of -those- days at the office. As mondays always are for a SHIELD Agent when they aren't out on a mission, lots of training where she was put on her place by Bobbi and May, going over reports, some research. Specially on those apparent aliens that decided to break into Stark Expo a couple of days back. In truth she loved what she did, even when not on mission. Yet it also meant that she felt pretty beat by the end of the day. So beat that she had made a beeline to her SHIELD quarters to get some slee---

Hold on..., there -was- a difference in her life now, one that made her smile with anticipation. She wasn't staying at SHIELD anymore, so with renewed vigor she took a shower and then made her way to Hell's Kitchen, where she now shared a home with Matt.

Her steps are heard well before she enters the building. Then into the elevator. And just in case she lets just the briefest of vibrations to hum about her.. To announce her arrival. When the door opens and she is assaulted by those smells she says from the entrance. "That doesn't smell like takeout..." she makes her way in, a quick search for Matt until she finds him and walks towards him, "And are you going to drink it all by yourself?" she asks, amusement rich on her tongue while she brings her arms up to wrap about him.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt senses Daisy coming and smiles, and when she rounds the entryway to find him in the kitchen he chuckles at her jibe while pulling her into a hug and stealing a kiss from her lips. "Figured I'd give cooking a try tonight," he says, bumping his nose to hers as he pulls back from the kiss. "Just to take a break on take out," he explains, reaching over to turn off the heat on the stove, before giving Daisy another kiss and getting a second wine glass.

Glass in hand he begins to pour, "I suppose I could share," he grins at her, "How was your day?" he asks, feeling terribly domestic right now and finding it wasn't quite as frightening as he'd always feared it'd be.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The kiss seems to be quite welcome, and very much returned too. Her hands rest about the man's hips for the time they share their intimate greeting, a glance down at the sweatshirt/jeans combo. "And you even dressed up to the occasion." since he always seems to dress-up with suits! She does seem to enjoy the change.

"You are so generous." Daisy reaches to take the glass with one hand once it's done pouring, taking a brief sip. "Hmm, I like it." though the question about her day makes her step forward to wrap one arm about the man's waist while looking towards the cooking being made. "Getting beat around a bit and going over very..., top secret reports." a brief waggle of her brows but then she is laughing. Whatever fears she had about being domestic were quickly being surpassed too.

"It's not like a love bureaucracy..." Ok, she hates it.. "But sometimes it's needed.." then a glance up to Matt's features, "What about yours? Do we have pie for dessert?" one never knows when payment could come in pies again!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The wine is crisp and white, some sort of Californian vintage that he was sure Elektra would have called 'piss', but the price was right and as far as Matt's unrefined tastes went he quite liked. He takes a sip of his and smiles when Daisy says she enjoys it as well.

He nods about Daisy's epic battles with bureaucracy, "You know, you're really killing my image of spy work here," he teases. "Here I thought it was all driving fast cars, martinis and gadgets, but the way you talk it sounds like my job, paper, paper, and more paper," he says with a laugh.

Feeling Daisy's attention shift to the skillet, "Got this recipe off of a client, Mrs. Lombardo, Sicilian chicken, when she made it for us as payment she said it's what netted her her husband," he grins, grabbing a spoon from the drawer and scooping a little of the sauce from it to offer Daisy. "I make it every once in a while when I need a pick me up."

As for the pie question? "There may be a strawberry rhubarb pie in the fridge."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
What one calls piss the other appears to call it.. "Mmm, does roll well out of the tongue if I may so myself." Because Daisy is such a wine connoisseur. Though she even has her little pinky out even if Matt can't exactly see it. There is this vibe of amusement on her right now though. Is she sticking her tongue out again? Mmm, most likely not. Maybe something else...

"Driving fast cars? Where I come from we don't use roads..." Sure, a small adaptation from a certain time-travelling classic movie that she appears to quote, then a faint grin. But also a callback to LOLA. "I mean, I could tell you of my most recent mission but then I'd have to..." and she leans in, bumping her nose with Matt's, "... silence you." in what manner though!!

Not that she explains how, instead her eyes now resting on the skillet. "Win them through the stomach. It's a tried, successful tactic." a laugh that hides the color rising on her cheeks when her thoughts stray to what he exactly said. But no further comment, instead focusing on the pie.

"Rhubarb? That's winning you points indeed." She says, remembering the last time they had rhubarb pie here. A few years back even! And then she is trying on the sauce, tasting it from the offered spoon. "Yep, maximum points."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Right, the flying car, Matt grins as he says, "Forgot about what was her name, Lisa?" he means LOLA. "Coulson's flying car. Okay, consider my faith in modern espionage restored."

He grins as he feels that heat rising in Daisy's cheeks. "Don't worry, I haven't hidden a ring in the chicken," he teases her a little. "Just seemed like a good dish to make for you. No intentions behind it at all." After all moving in was a big step, no need to jump further than that all at once!

He grins as the sauce is met with approval. "Probably should have made a salad or something but grab some bowls down from behind me there and I'll dish this out and we can eat."

"And yeah, bought the pie this time, still keep getting paid in cash these days, at this rate I'm going to have to take in my costume a bit." Like he had more than single digit body fat anyhow. A life of running on rooftops made sure he burnt off his pie almost right away. Which reminded him, "Have to go out tonight," he says, meaning in costume. "You're welcome to come if you think SHIELD wouldn't ask too many questions about what their agent is doing running around the streets of Hell's Kitchen with a known vigilante."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Darn you, I can't have a single reaction without you reading right through it.." Daisy says of his response to her starting to blush. And then a finger is felt jabbing Matt's side. Not too strongly, just a touch of a tickle. She knows how sensitive he is. "And there's always an intention with you, Matthew Murdock. You don't fool me." even if it's but to provide a fantastic evening to the two of them. One they hoped would become many.

She then sets the glass down and goes around Matt, giving him a light tap on the side, "Yes, Sir." because she is known to be a girl that follows orders so well. But she picks up a couple of bowls and sets them near. "Why would you ruin a perfectly good meal with a salad?" she jokes.

"Maybe I should get a costume one day.." It's part joke but ..., not really too. And when hea talks about having to go out in costume there is no hesitation when she nods. "I will go. I am not the type to stay at home when my guy goes out and have some fun.." a loose definition of 'fun'.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Dangers of dating a guy with super senses," Matt says with a grin, laughing when she pokes his ribs. "True, I was hoping we'd have a great night in before I had to go out, you caught me."

He stars spooning out the chicken, it's tender, the meat just about ready to fall off the bone. Once the pieces are put in the bowls he spoons sauce over them to their satisfaction. "Hey salad has its place," he shoots back. "Can't always be take out and pie."

He offers a bowl to Daisy and then digs out knives and forks for them both before grabbing his bowl and heading to the living room to sit. It was getting dark so the room was lit chiefly by the billboard outside now, reds, pinks, and oranges flashing across the floor and walls.

"Great," he says about her joining him. "Can't promise it'll be every night, but it'll be good to have you along. As for costumes, I've got a guy," he says as sits down on the couch and lays down Daisy's silverware on the coffee table. "He can probably make you something."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, I knew what I was signing up for." Daisy states about those super senses. In fact it had been one of the many factors in which they had meshed so well. And it did save her from needing to speak things out sometimes. Not that Daisy is one of those silent types, oh no she isn't.. "Nothing wrong with take out and pie all the time." but she is joking about it, adding shortly after. "Next time I cook I will make us a salad. Deal?" because it's also rather easy to do! Matt isn't the only one that can have hidden intentions behind what he does! Ah!

And then she arms herself with her bowl, then with the bottle and brings it over to the table where they come across what is starting to become her nemesis..., those lights across the street... Or she is becoming endeared to them. One of the two! Time will tell.

Sitting down she then says, "You have got a guy, uh? Sounds good.." even if a mask probably wouldn't enough due to those powers being rather..., unique. But they'd find a way. Though then she says in way of conversation. "I told Simmons I was moving in with someone..., we will have to eat together someday.."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Deal," Matt says, smiling easily as he follows Daisy out of the kitchen his own bowl and glass in hand. The table is small and simple painted bright reds, oranges and pinks by the light from the sign like most of the rest of the apartment right now.

He settles into his seat and considers the senses thing, how it brought them together how it allowed them to see the world in very similar ways. He smiles warmly at the thought and reaches across to put his hand on Daisy's. No words, at least about that, but the message is clear, he was glad she was in his life.

As for the costume he nods, "Yeah, the powers are going to be harder to hide for sure, but if you need a costume or a mask, just ask and I can introduce you to my guy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Settling down by the table and she finds herself relaxing at last. Being home, or at least it was starting to feel like it, the vibrations within her with just the faintest of hums that jolt briefly when Matt reaches across to clasp her hand. She understood it, and no words were needed indeed. She was just as glad about the life they were discovering together. A squeeze and then she says, "And now, the true test. Let's see how good your skillet chicken really is.."

Her eyes continue on Matt for a time longer though, watching him under those neon lights quietly. A grin. "Well, it's not as if Agent Tremors only got her powers going for her. I will let you know I can do .., stuff too." A nod given, then she focuses down on her food, placing a bit into her mouth and grinning. "Mmmm, not bad... Four stars maybe? Or well, it might depend on how good dessert will be after." she teases Matt with a rich chuckle out of her lips, bringing one leg under herself relaxedly.

But finally she gets a bit more serious. "I think I will take your offer of talking to your friend. If I want to go out there without being fully recognized I will need some kind of mask or suit." she agrees.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt squeezes Daisy's hand before picking up his cutlery and cutting into the chicken, remarking "I believe it will stand up to scrutiny," he says with a grin before popping that bite into his mouth. He had to admit, it wasn't bad, even to his sensitive taste buds.

"I can live with four stars," Matt says. "And I know you can do stuff, hold your own hand to hand and let us not forget the whole super-hacker thing," he chuckles and lets out a laugh. "When it's laid out like that you kind of make me seem like a slacker, what with my whole ninja lawyer thing."

"And sure, I can set something up, he's a bit shy so it'll take a bit of convincing but I am sure he'll be okay with it." Then speaking of meeting people he circles back to Simmons. "Wouldn't mind meeting Simmons sometime. Or any of your other friends."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"In some circles ..." And then Daisy leans in as if to whisper in a rather low tone, like Matt couldn't listen her from the roof if he wanted to. " .... I am even called super-leet." this about she being a super-hacker. But there's that teasing tone to her voice. "A slacker though?" and she furrows her brows, chomping down on her chicken for a bit longer. Not that she minds talking with her mouth full. "Considering you need to spend your whole day wearing those suits you instantly get my respect." because Daisy will never be the formal wear type. She shudders even at the thought of having a normal type of job that wasn't being in SHIELD.

"Mmmm, maybe I can be convinced to raise it to five stars." She continuing on with the chicken, "We will see.." she says in a promising tone.

The mention of his contact being shy makes her lift her brows. Surprised? But she then says. "You know me, noone knows best how to break the ice." sometimes literally! Though the return to Simmons makes her nod, "She was very curious though. As we figured she'd be. Asked if you knew what I did, and seemed pretty keen about meeting up, so yea maybe we can get something going soon. I would like that." that hope that they would be able to not have the relationship be a secret forever and could have some semblance of normality. If there's even such a thing with the likes of Matt and Daisy.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs as Daisy whispers to him "Is that leet with an L, two E's, and a T or a 1, two 3s and a 7?" he asks her. "Because I am pretty sure both of those are totally early 2000's," he tells her in a whisper of his own. "And the suits aren't bad," he says of the ones he wears for his day job. "Got a guy for those too if you want one," he teases gamely.

"Why does it sound like you're holding out for some sort of bribe for that bump in the rating?" Matt asks, with a wry twist to his lips. He cuts off a piece of chicken, scoops up some sauce on it with his fork and pops it in his mouth.

"You definitely do put people at ease," he agrees, "Mostly because you don't come off as government agent," he adds honestly but teasing as well. "You're way too nice for that, plus, you've got a sense of humour. Anyhow I'll make a few calls and set up the meeting."

As for Simmons, "Sure, you know my schedule, set something up? Barring any emergencies in my night job, I'll be there."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I see you are wise in the old ways.." Daisy replies, trying to sound sagely but can't help herself and starts laughing. Still, she appears somewhat impressed that Matt knows about leet. "Maybe we should get into a nerd-off contest one of these days." she then suggests. But everyone knows there could be only one winner out of this! The offer about a 'normal' suit makes her wrinkle her nose. "If you wanted me in an uniform you can just ask, I can dress up with my SHIELD one, mm?" the ever-present tease to her voice.

"A bribe?!" She sounds almost scandalized (almost!) "Do I sound like the type that would accept those? Mmmm?" A defiant brow quirking up. "I plead not guilty, your Honor."

The mention about not appearing to be a government agent gets her to grin. "That's pretty much the best compliment you gave me all night..."

She cuts a small piece of chicken, holding it up on her fork and starts extending it towards Matt, "Come here.." she offers.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
A warm chuckle comes from Matt. "I've got some nerdy friends but I don't think I can take you in nerd off," he says, before adding. "But Foggy on the other hand?" he leaves that hanging and grinning. Indeed what Matt knew of pop culture he owed to Foggy. After all it wasn't like Matt was going out and watching movies or keeping up on the latest TV shows. The other bit gets a genuine laugh, "Cosplay doesn't really work for me," he says. "Besides what's the cheesy line? The outfit looks better on the floor anyhow?"

"Well, we know how likely that is," Matt observes of her not guilty plea. "But for a moment let's pretend you would be guilty, what sort of bribe would it take?" he asks her.

"Sure," he says when offered the food leaning forward to take it off Daisy's fork.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The mention of Foggy makes Daisy squint her eyes. Yes, she understands a challenge when it's tossed. And also a bait, taunting her to finally get to meet Foggy. A worthy opponent most certainly! "Name the day and hour. I shall be there. I will allow Foggy to name the rules of the challenge." so magnanimous! But it's not as if she has lost that teasing, amused tone to her.

"Well, you could always -feel- it. But I tend to agree, it looks better on the floor." not that it stops her from wrinkling her nose. That line was cheesy indeed. "Are we close to the month change from lawyer jokes? But that one was so generic that I am not sure what category to put it in.."

"I can think of a few things..." She says while she makes the fork travel closer to Matt. Not that what meets Matt's lips is the fork, or that taste of chicken, but instead it's Daisy's warm ones, hand sliding up Matt's neck to bring him closer to her..

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Done, odds are good it'll be at Josie's, we're creatures of habit at Nelson and Murdock," he says with a smile. "We'll bring Karen along to judge," he says riding the line between keeping the game going and making actual plans.

The line was indeed cheesy and Matt screws up his face in thought when she brings up the roation. "Hmm, yeah, not sure where that one falls, other than bad," a smile at that. "Let's just feel our way along here and see what jokes it leads us too," a beat. "Unless that counts as a blind joke," he adds with a self-deprecating smile.

There's no surprise or disappointment when Matt's lips find Daisy's instead of the promised food, as Daisy's warm fingers curl against his neck, he slides his chair towards her returning the kiss as his hands cup both sides of Daisy's face.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Good. You are on." Daisy replies at the mention of it being at Josie's. She did like that place afterall. Good one for a few drinks and laughs, which would most likely be happening considering the company.

"Bad? I thought that was a given to all our jokes." a pause. "Wait, not a given, more like a requisite. The worse they are the better." the cringey the better. Yep, that was their known formula.

She can only 'ugh' at the blind joke part, but no further comment comes out because she is already leaning in for a kiss, eyes closing and feeling Matt's proximity. She can't help but grin about it, not breaking the kiss at all and sliding her chair close just as well, that taste of chicken still very visible on her lips and tongue, specially to some with those kind of heightened senses.

Yet eventually she does break up the kiss and does reach up with the fork to place that original intended piece upon Matt's mouth if he lets her. "Thank you for this great dinner, Matt.."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I'll make the arrangements," Matt says of meeting his friends. "And you can set us up a time to meet Jemma as well, I mean you and me, we'll do the 'all our friends meet' another time." Though by the sound of things they'd get along great.

"True," Matt says of the joke before meeting Daisy's lips in that kiss, letting it linger and just enjoying the moment for what it was, a sign of the things to come of this new arrangement.

He takes the offered food when the kiss breaks and he smiles as he chews and swallows. "No problem," he says once he's finished. "Like I said, not likely to become a habit but I wanted to kick things off right. And hoping I'm not going to jinx this, but it feels like it's going to work out alright."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You bet. I will give her a ring up about it soon. It's about time that I go bribe her at the lab again too so...." Daisy replies, as if phones weren't a thing. But she knows better than to disturb geniuses at work with things such as messages! Then again, she always enjoyed a more up close and personal type of relationship too.

"Not a habit, you say?" And then Daisy is laughing, shaking her head. Matt is so wrong. "With how good you are making it all be this will certainly become an habit. It's your fault really, you should had made it a mess. But no, you had to go and make it perfect." she says in that teasing tone of hers, her expression not having to be seen for one to imagine that wide grin on her lips.

Reaching up she then takes one of Matt's hands, bringing it to her shoulder, tone soft. "I believe this is going to work just fine too.." she placing a brief kiss on the man's jaw and saying in a very Daisy-way. "Now, what was that you were saying about wanting my uniform on the ground..?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Nodding, Matt says, "Sounds good," of calling Jemma later and working out the plans. "I'll talk to Foggy and Karen in the office tomorrow."

"I'll remember to burn things next time," he says. "So I don't set your expectations too high."

As his hand is brought to her shoulder, he lowers the other, smiling as she brushes that kiss against his jaw. "Hmm, that it sounds like a very good idea right now," Matt replies, searching out her lips again for a long lingering kiss.