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Amazonian Hitchhikers from the Savage Land
Date of Scene: 07 May 2020
Location: Lost Pond Mall
Synopsis: Numbers are exchanged and conversation is had! A new guest for the doctorate party!
Cast of Characters: Jean Grey, Artemis

Jean Grey has posed:
It's not everyday that you have an Amazon hitchhike from the Savage Land on your Blackbird jet, even when you're the X-Men. But, well, Jean made sure to leave Artemis a bit of an impression to meet up after the fact.

So, well, Jean's currently sitting in the food court of the local Westchester mall, a few shopping bags sitting down near her feet. Hey, why not do some shopping since you're here meeting a very formidable woman? And, well, Jean has a lot of questions on her mind about Artemis, as she waits patiently for the Amazon to arrive.

Artemis has posed:
Strangely, the Amazon comes from deeper in the mall. She walks toward the table where Jean is, spotting her pretty easily with her Amazonian eyes and she walks up to the table wiht a smile. She has a bag but then that's all she assumes she'll need. She is currently wearing a red blouse with black slacks and her hair is still tied back the way she usually keeps it. Keen eyes might notice a hint of that armor underneath the loose fitting clothing. She settles into a seat across from Jean with a smile.

"Hello again, Jean Grey." She states and nods her head, "You wished to speak to me more?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Well, if you didn't mind... I mean, I never really had the chance to talk with you when we were fighting Sauron. We were a little preoccupied after all." She looks up at Artemis slightly, tilting her head, "Nice clothing choice, by the way, almost hides the armor from sight. And... well, I haven't really had a chance to talk to an Amazon before." There's a hint of admiration in her voice, at that.

Artemis has posed:
A blink and then she hmms, "You know, it is an odd thing but I have not heard that as much as you might expect." She states to Jean and then lays one arm on the table, "Though, I warn you I am not Wonder Woman nor from her ilk. I am from a different group of Amazons. I will not and cannot reveal all about them but if you are looking for more information on Wonder Woman, do not ask me." She seems, actually quite annoyed by that idea and then tilts her head to Jean, looking to see if seems disappointed.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean blinks, "Well, I mean... that's not the /only/ reason. I mean, I'd like to know more about them in general, sure, but I..." She coughs a bit, "I honestly just wanted to learn a bit more about you. Like... what brought you to the Savage Land, of all places? Granted, you demolishing Sauron with an axe was amazing to see, so I'm not complaining, but still... seems a bit out of the way."

Artemis has posed:
A blink and Artemis tilts her head as she looks at Jean, "Oh." She states and then she hmms before nodding her head, "Well, I was there to stop Sauron." She nods her head, "I had wanted information from a source and that source was effected by Sauron's work." She nods her head, "And so, I found out that he was behind this idiocy and so I got someone to fly me over that area, drop me off and I went to beat him till he stopped or reversed it." She shrugged her shoulders, "Or at the bare minimum drag him back to civilization and get someone else to figure it out." She laughs and shrugs, "It's kind've straight forward."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs at that, "Well, when you put it that way... still, getting to the Savage Land isn't easy, I'd think. But on behalf of the X-Men, well, we do appreciate your help and what you did down there." She smiles, "Didn't want you to think that we were ungrateful, after all. Your weapon skills were very impressive."

Artemis has posed:
A smile and she nods, "Well, thanks." She states simply and then lightly nods her head, "I am out here in this world for my own reasons but honestly, I am surprised by the world as a whole. There are a great many oddities that I did not expect to run into." She then looks around at the various food options before looking back to Jean, "So, what about you?" She hmms, "I do not know much about the X-Men other than what I have briefly heard in passing."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean makes a bit of a face, "Yeah, we seem to be tied for Spider-Man on the rank of 'menaces to society' by the press. That's why we tend to keep a pretty low profile." She smiles slightly at Artemis, "But I've been with the school since I was eleven, when my powers first manifested..." She quiets a bit, as the memory of Annie is still with her, something that's always with her... then she shakes it off.

"Now, well, I teach there, in addition to doing more heroic things in my alter ego. Which, well, I suppose I should have a disguise or something if I'm to take secret identities that seriously."

Artemis has posed:
"I understand the need for secrecy but then again, I have no reason to hide. Anyone who I care about too deeply that someone might go after is not someone they'd want to go after." She shakes her haed and smiles, "It is just the way it is." She then looks briefly down at the bags near Jean before looking up, "You went shopping as well?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Figured since I was here anyway, I'd do a little shopping. Bit of a celebration for me. I just received word that I passed my doctorate exams, so well... graduating at the end of the month." She grins a bit brightly, "Degree in psychiatry, that I've been working on for a while."

Artemis has posed:
A nod and then Artemis hmms before saying, "Congratulations. I think." She states, "I am not wholly familiar with what this means but it does sound like something worth celebrating. Perhaps we should have a drink then?" She asks, "Is that appropriate? Maybe some food? What is the most celebratory drink and food that they have here?" She smiles and nods, "I am sorry...I'm not very good at this sort of thing. I was not trained for it.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs, "Well, I suspect getting people to have a drink with you isn't going to be a problem. And I'd love to have a drink with you to celebrate. It's... well, a pretty big deal around here in our society. Not sure what the equivalent would be for you, honestly." I mean, she could peek and find out, but she doesn't do that out of the blue. For starters, it's just rude.

Artemis has posed:
And then she tilts her head as she looks at her and then she considers, "I truly do not know. I don't even know for sure what it is." She chuckles, "I am sure you would prefer to have drinks with your friends and family in the X-Men though, but it was nice speaking with you." She nods her head, "I do find it refreshing to have a chat with a fellow warrior even if from another area. It's something better than the usual crowd I run into."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean ahs, "Well, I mean, I wouldn't want to keep you... but, I mean, I'd not mind to have your company. We do have a bit of a... well, it's a place we tend to come and unwind. If you wanted, you could come over then too. I'm sure some of the others are planning a bit more of a celebration there." She grins cheerfully, "And well, I would love to see you there."

Artemis has posed:
A blink and then she hmms, "I suppose. I really need to get a better handle on this." She pulls out a phone from a pocket and puts it on the table. It is a classic flip phone and in her hand it kinda looks small. She pushes a few buttons and turns it to face Jean, "That should be my number and if you want to add yours to my phone, you can. I would be happy to join your party." She nods her head.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Sounds great, Artemis. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop. And if you have any questions about life in this weird world we have, feel free to text me. I wouldn't mind talking to you more." She pulls out her own smartphone, tapping the number in and sending a quick text to Artemis to confirm.

Artemis has posed:
"I will do what I can." Artemis states simply as she stands up slowly, "However, I have spent far too much time here and I have more to do while I am staying in this area." She smiles at Jean, "It was nice meeting with you, Jean Grey. I'll have to see you again at this party and we can keep in touch." She then holds up her bag with a wave, "Until next time."