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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2020/05/10 |Location=Hammer Bay, Refugee Camp |Synopsis=Bobby and Lorna have a chat, ice crowns are made. Pietro glowers. |Cast of Characters=33,44...")
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Latest revision as of 17:59, 11 May 2020

Ice in the Tropics
Date of Scene: 10 May 2020
Location: Hammer Bay, Refugee Camp
Synopsis: Bobby and Lorna have a chat, ice crowns are made. Pietro glowers.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Bobby Drake, Pietro Maximoff

Lorna Dane has posed:
Inside the Refugee Camp, one of the many prefabricated buildings on site, was the temporary X-men base. Scott disliked the idea of using public location, and plans had long since been made to move to a more secret location. Where that would be.. was as of yet unknown. Lorna walked about the plain main room of the base. A single square of space that held storage tubs and various bits of tech. There was something like a kitchen in the corner, and a few folding chairs and tables.

Everything was more or less temporary. Lorna stepped through, a bag of chips on the folding table and a can of soda in her grip. She wore a simple T-shirt and pair of cargo pants, looking nothing like a regal Queen that Fabian and other Acolytes kept speaking of.

A tablet was propped up, and she was tapping away on it, sending a message and then turning to snack away on her chips.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake had been out working with the refugees, helping with moving things about, sliding them around with ice, providing water redirection where needed, refrigeration, sometimes just general cooling, and whatever else he could find to help out. He was done with classes and had only a few things to finish up at school before graduation, and so he had come out to help for a while before he'd have to head back for that.

He comes wandering in, the translucent ice form falling away and leaving him in a pair of cargo shorts and a black t-shirt with sandals on his feet. He runs a hand through his damp hair, pushing it back from his forehead and makes his way over toward the fridge to grab a drink out of it. "Hey," he says to Lorna as he glances over at her tablet. "How're you holding up?" It's a lot. It's been a lot of a lot for a while now, and every so often he checks in on her, just to see how it's all going, particularly since she's been absent a lot the past couple of weeks.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, pushing her green hair back from her face. It was short again, and whatever extensions she'd worn before were long since gone. She glanced up from the tablet, and flashed Bobby a smile as he entered the base and went for something to drink. At least power was mostly stable in the refugee camp these days. It wasn't a lot, and much of the usage was limited, but the solar panels were holding up.

"It's.. well, going. I guess. Trying to manage more logisitics and putting my name on things that need to get approved. It's a lot of backlog." She grimaced, and rubbed her forehead as she stifled a sigh.

"Thanks for coming out here. I know it's not exactly easy or glamourous or anything.. And I know some of the refugees are ...well, frankly jerks, but still. Thanks." She smiled and it flickered to life and faded again as she reached for her soda.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake wanders over to the little table, grabbing a folding chair and falling into it comfortably. He cracks open his soda and takes a swig from the can as he glances over at the tablet. "Sounds tedious," he says of the whole stamp of approval thing. Both brows raise a little though and he grins, "It's a struggle, you know, giving up my glamorous jet setting lifestyle with my butler and four star chef -- but you know, I'm managing." He flashes a broader grin and winks. "It's all good. Yeah, it's rough. The situation's hard. Folks aren't particularly friendly most of the time, but I think I'm winning them over with my boyish charm." He takes another sip from his drink. "Or, you know, at least frustrating them with the fact that none of their dirty looks phase me. I'm here to help. I'm going to help. They're in a shit situation and angry. It's alright if they feel like they've gotta direct that at me. I can take it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled, her expression warming as Bobby spoke and she set the tablet down, clicking it off as she leaned forward and offered him the bag of chips as she rotated it his way. A small laugh followed as he spoke of a 'glamorous' lifestyle that he most assuredly didn't live. Particularly as a teacher.

"I have felt way over my head with everything I've been around in the past few weeks. So.. it means a lot all the same." She murmured, and she propped her chin up with her hand.

"Are you sure they don't want you around because you're a nice little ice cube on a tropical island without AC?" She teased, winking at Bobby as she leaned back in her chair and sipped at her soda.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake reaches over and grabs one of the chips from the bag, popping it into his mouth and crunching. Bobby is broke. If he didn't have his room and board in the mansion, he'd be even more broke and living the ramen life sharing an apartment with eighteen other students while trying to finish up college. That he has some money at all is largely because he doesn't have to pay for his room, utilities, internet, or food. It is something that he is grateful for. "Hey, I can't even imagine it. One classroom full of mutant kids is daunting. Trying to deal with a whole country, a massive disaster, global politics.. My brain starts to hurt just thinking about it. So if you need anything -- I'm here. Except for graduation. I'm definitely going to be in New York for that.. but other than that," he grins.

"Look, Lorna, some of us are fated to be Royalty and rule our people. Some of us are destined to chill drinks. We've all got our purpose in life. Portable AC unit is mine," he grins and as though to illustrate the point, the temperature within the little room drops to something a bit more comfortable.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled as she listened to Bobby, seeming to relax a great deal to just listen to someone talk about something that wasn't yet another crisis that needed her attention. She rolled her shoulders back, as she settled more firmly in her folding chair and toyed with the soda can in her grip, passing it back and forth between her hands. "Well, here's hoping nothing goes down on graduation then." She teased, but as he spoke of fate and royalty, she rolled her eyes.

As the overall temperature in the dropped, goosebumps crawled over her skin and she made a show of shivering and rubbing her arms in an overly dramatic fashion. "Well, I'm sure you could go to the poles and build an ice Kingdom if you really wanted and I highly doubt anyone could stop you." She teased, and smiled as she spoke.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Of course, now you've doomed graduation, Lorna. Good going," Bobby grins, teasing. "At this point in my life, I'll be more surprised if graduation goes off without a hitch than if half the class turned into mutant gorillas and rampaged off the stage." And considering recent events, that's not all that far-fetched.

"Too cold?" he asks, and lets the temperature come back up some. Then he laughs, "King Bobby of Antarctica has a ring to it. I shall rule on a regime that sees to ample fish supply for the penguin populace and extensive ice slide networks for all." He holds out one hand and crystals begin to form into a little circlet of ice and frost and he plops it on top of his head, so crowning himself, before taking another swig of his soda.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's eyebrows shot upward, "Oh come on, you know nothing happens at the school without something crazy going on." She only half joked as she spoke, and reached for a handful of chips to snack on. Of course, given that there were dinosaurs running around last she knew, the Gorillas sounded entirely plausible.

As the temperature changed again, she shot Bobby a look. But as he continued on with the joke and made a circlet of ice crystals she grinned and laughed, shaking her head. "There you go, King of the Poles." She teased, and set the soda can down on the table in front of her. "Closest thing we've had to a coronation here, and not for lack of the Acolytes pestering me to have one." She rolled her eyes.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Yeah well, I'm graduating from Empire State, so I'm hoping that the craziness of Xavier's will stay at Xavier's," Bobby laughs. "I can hope." He reaches over into her bag of chips and grabs another one, settling back into his chair again. Then he waggles his eyebrows at her, "King of the Poles, huh? Kinky." Not the poles she meant. He takes another sip of his soda as his ice crown already begins to melt, the most delicate frost pieces already starting to drip down into his hair. "Well, you can tell them there was already a coronation and they missed it. Don't have to tell them whose it was."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh, louder perhaps than she was prepared for, and she seemed surprised by it. She blushed as Bobby pointed out how her joke sounded and she slapped a hand over her lips. Her cheeks stained pink. "Bobby!" She shook her head, "That's--that's not what I meant and you know it!" She exhaled a breath, letting her hands fall away to toy with the soda can in front of her again.

"You know that won't fly with Fabian Cortez or any of the others." She drawled, rolling her eyes as she crunched away on another handful of chips.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake laughs when Lorna snorts, because he wasn't expecting it either, and then he laughs even harder when she blushes, his eyes lighting up with amusement as he coughs and tries to get his laughter under control. "I know," he grins. "But that snort was totally worth it." He rocks a little back on the back legs of his chair, letting the front ones lift off the ground a little. "Of course it won't. That guy weirds me out a little."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna eyed Bobby as he commented about her snort and she blushed again. A roll of her eyes followed and she sipped at her soda. "You're going to fall if you keep leaning back like that." She teased, pointing a finger and letting her powers color the tip with a magnetic haze of green.

It curled around his chair lightly, and oh so gently, tugged it back a bit and put it back to where he'd been.

"And yeah, Fabian and the Acolytes have always creeped me out. They literally made a religion around my father dying so 'mutants could rise'." She rolled her eyes. "And that I was his second coming. So yeah. Creepy, to say the least."

Bobby Drake has posed:
Both brows go up a bit as he sees that little magnetic haze appear at the end of her fingertips. Then he chuckles when she sets him back on the ground. "And here I thought you were going to help it along there for a second," which he totally would have deserved, and he knows it. "Because that's not creepy at all," Bobby says, of Fabian and the Acolytes. "Anyway, let's not think about Creepy Fabian right now." He shakes his head, not wanting to dwell on that too long.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna propped her chin up with her other hand again, letting her focus return to Bobby as she let her hand and powers fall away again. "I'm not that mean Bobby," She murmured, with a smile. "Though I did think of it." She admitted, and released a small exhale of amusement that was partly a laugh.

"But yeah, sure we can stop talking about creepy Fabian and the Acolytes. What do you want to talk about? Go on any hot dates?" She teased, and reached for a few more chips to snack on as she paused. She was perhaps needing to eat something more substantial but chips were better than an instant meal.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake laughs, "But you /did/ think about it," he points out, gesturing to her with his can with a good-natured grin. When she asks about dates though he groans and rolls his eyes, "Okay, talking about Fabian and the creepy acolytes is sounding more appealing now." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "No. Alison and I were hanging around for a bit but we never actually made it out on a date. And then there was a guy I met who was also in school in New York and we got coffee once and that was it." He chuckles, "Ali and Warren seem good together, though." He finishes off his can of soda and sets it down, "You?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled over her soda can at Bobby as he pointed out that she had thought of knocking him over. It would've been too easy to do, and well.. Bobby hadn't earned getting knocked over. Not yet at least. She coughed lightly, and as Bobby spoke, she blinked a few times. She seemed to struggle for a moment and then she pursed her lips together.

"Seriously? Warren had been escorting me to formal events and bringing me flowers. And then all of a sudden he told me he was dating Alison." She turned her gaze down at the soda can in her hands and she ran her fingertips over the top of the can.

"Right after he'd sworn he wasn't just flirting with me because that's what he does." She exhaled a breath, and shook her head.

"So, that's basically my whole history of dating or attempted dates."

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake winces and says, "Oh shit, sorry.." suddenly looking instantly regretful. "I didn't know. I thought you guys were just.. I don't know, doing the whole society thing. Which I don't get at all. That's why I kind of stepped out of the way when he was taking you to all those things, since it made more sense than going to one of those fancy things with me." He rubs at the back of his neck a little, "Didn't know about that. Sorry. I just ran into them at the Dungeon during the opening and we were all hanging out and they seemed to be together."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna grimaced and she exhaled a breath, "Well, it's my fault for thinking it was anything more." She muttered and rolled her eyes, looking decidedly downcast. "Because he went on about how he wanted to support me as a friend and that he'd be there.. and I just.." She blinked furiously and looked rather flustered.

"It's my fault for thinking he was being anything other than Warren, and taking him at face value. Stupid." She shook her head and exhaled a breath, reaching up to wipe the very bottom edge of her eyes and any hint of moisture that formed there.

"So I'm back on the never gonna get any sane man to date me again market." She drawled her voice dry and just a hint of bitterness to it as she reached up to finish her soda and then crunch the can between her hands.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake slips out of his chair and leans over to give her a hug, unless of course, she pulls away. But if she doesn't, then he just hugs her around the shoulders, as warmly as he can since he's a little cool from keeping the room around them cool, to begin with. "I'm sorry, Lorna." He smiles a little wryly and says, "Well there's your problem. You need a nice insane guy. I hear they're plentiful and some of them will stalk you and never leave you." He's gently teasing, in an attempt to make her smile a bit, but it's a little half-hearted.

Lorna Dane has posed:
The hug was accepted, slowly, and the tension in her shoulders eased as he settled with his arms around her shoulders. He was chilly compared to most people, but that wasn't a surprise in the least. She exhaled a long sigh, and as he spoke, she rolled her eyes and a weak flicker of a smile bloomed on her features again before it faded.

"I have a few stalkers, Acolytes remember? That whole religion thing they build around my father dying and me being his second coming part?" She joked back, but it was bitter and laced with no small amount of frustration.

"I mean seriously Bobby, who in their right mind would want to date me? Besides being the crazy daughter of Magneto, I'm a public mutant, that's scrambling to be in charge of a ruined nation. I try to play as a member of the X-men when I can manage the time. And I have people that want me dead or have built a religion around my family. Oh and my siblings are Avengers. Well known Avengers. And Pietro is hardly known for his likablity." She flopped her hands on the table, and heaved another sigh.

"Who wants to deal with all of that?"

Bobby Drake has posed:
"And so we come full circle," Bobby smiles a little faintly when she mentions the Acolytes again, slowly releasing her and then sinking back down onto his own chair, elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped lightly in front of him. "Oh come on, Pietro's the life of the party. The way he gives orders and always looks like he just smelled something that disagreed with him? Who wouldn't be drawn to that warm and welcoming personality?" Then, more seriously he says, "Someone will. And they will be awesome. Because they will be able to be there for you and deal with all the other crazy shit, too. But, that kinda guy is hard to find, so maybe it's going to take a little bit to find him. But he's out there." Ever the optimist.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna tilted her head to the side and then burst into laughter as Bobby described Pietro, "I thought I knew how to be snarky but then I spent time with my older brother." She joked, and shook her head as she couldn't quite hold in the laugh as Bobby spoke. She subsided into a softer amused expression, even with there was still a lingering bitterness in her gaze. Bobby had achieved what he had sought to do, made her laugh again.

Still his optimistic worldview clearly didn't resonate with the green haired woman, and she rolled her eyes skyward again. "Right, find me a mutant boy that is cool with all the crazies. And hope that it doesn't set off some kind of an incident."

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Well, I never promised it wouldn't set off some kind of incident, but I'll see what I can do" Bobby points out as he leans back in his chair again, though this time keeping all four feet on the ground, just in case she reconsiders tipping him over. "I got a guy's number. I'm debating whether or not to text," he finally says, looking thoughtful. "But I'm not sure if he was really interested in me at all, or just the whole.. oh hey you're a superhero too.. if you ever need help on a mission, sort of thing." He rolls his eyes and then laughs at himself.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled faintly at Bobby's commentary that he hadn't promised an incident from it all. She folded her hands and propped her chin up with both of them. "Well, it's gotta be better than Warren's suggestion of asking Scott out." She drawled, and arched a brow, waiting to see how that particularly part would go over.

"Not that I don't think Scott is a good team leader.. but it's... yeah.." She shook her head and flashed Bobby a smile.

"Well, you could text him and be all, hey I'm in the area. Want to get lunch? Or something. Then you'd have another excuse to hang out and try to find out if he's flirty."

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake's brow furrows a little and he looks confused, "Wait.. why on /earth/ would he suggest Scott?" Like, that seems to puzzle him entirely. "I mean.. Scott's not a bad looking guy, and he's a good team leader but.. uh.. I dunno." He's certainly not the first name that would pop into Bobby's mind. He runs his fingers through his hair, totally forgetting there's the melted remains of an ice circlet there, and sends little broken chunks of ice bouncing off his shoulders and onto the floor. Oops. "Yeah, I could. He did say I could text if I wanted to get coffee. Maybe I will. Coffee has been promptly followed by disappearance lately, though." He chuckles, "I'm beginning to think it's me."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded at Bobby, and gestured to him. "See? Exactly. My point. Scott is a perfectly handsome guy, very nice, good team leader.. but uh.. Yeah. There's that... It's Scott. My team leader. Thing." She reached for some more chips then. "You get it. Besides, I had one little panic attack in front of him a few weeks ago and Scott literally had no idea what to do. His whole suggestion to was that maybe I should read some books." She smiled and shook her head.

"Well, coffee is a low investment of your time and energy. Either he comes back for more coffee or he doesn't. It's not like you're going on multiple dinner dates and fancy balls, and bringing him flowers, or having long one on one talks on the roof of the Mansion." She pursed her lips briefly, and shook her head.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake smiles a little wryly at that and says, "I wasn't going to say that but uh, yeah. Scott doesn't strike me as the particularly empathic type, the whole supportive emotional part? Good leader. Smart. Good looking. Not really who I'd first think of as boyfriend material, though." He shrugs his shoulders. He glances over at Lorna sidelong and says, "Okay, fair point. I'll text the guy for coffee. If he vanishes after that, you're right. It wasn't a huge investment on my part, and I guess it's better to find out early than after flowers and dinner dates."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded again as Bobby spoke, and chewed a few more chips before she got up to go grab another soda. She grabbed another and set it on the table before Bobby, seeming to follow the conversation regardless as she moved about and settled once more. "I think, looking back on it, that my panic attack broke down Scott's executive functioning. He can offer a million pieces of advice for combat, strategy.. everything. The second someone starts crying though?" She shook her head, looking vaguely amused by it as she popped open her second soda and started to sip it.

"Sorry I'm a bit bitter about everything these days." She offered dryly. "At least I have my brother to pester into taking me to important things. And then, I can look nice by comparison."

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Well, because those are problems he can solve. They're things that can be strategized, analyzed, and taken apart in a way that's logical. Sometimes feelings can't be attacked that way. Sometimes, they don't /need/ to be taken apart that way. Sometimes, they just need to be felt. And sometimes they just need company so you're not alone while you go through them." He smiles when she brings over the can and sets it in front of him. "Thanks." He shakes his head and says, "I think you've been dealing with more than enough shit lately, and a little bitter about it is kind of understandable. I don't mind. You can always talk to me about it." He smiles. "And.. I'll still go with you to things if you want me to. I just didn't want to get in the way if you already had somebody lined up to go to those sorts of things with." He grins a little lopsidedly, "You know, someone who actually looks like they belong there."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed again as Bobby spoke, pausing as she considered his words on her way to grab another handful of chips. Supplies? Oh those were going to need to be replaced with the next Blackbird landing. Snacks never lasted long. But she ultimately subsided into a smile, propping her chin up with a hand as she gazed at the ice powered mutant.

"I think that that is the most insightful thing I've ever heard you say Bobby. And you're right. Sometimes you just need someone to be there while you go through them." She sighed softly, as he spoke of her feelings being understandable. She shrugged once, and sipped at her soda.

"I don't know what I'm doing at those things either. Remember I only just started hanging out here a few years ago. And my father didn't really encourage diplomacy with anyone. It's not like if I messed up something here that anyone would've said boo. So it's been.. deep end of the pool for me."

Bobby Drake has posed:
"A lot of the time, I'm not serious because I do take things seriously, but I know I can't fix them. There's nothing I can do to actually make the situation itself better, but if I can make somebody laugh for a few minutes, well, at least I can make going through it not quite as crappy for a little bit. Or you know, make the crap that bothers me a little less.. heavy," Bobby says to her comment. "So that's what I try to do.. just, be there, you know? Because I'm not great at fixing things," he admits. Then he nods, "Yeah. At least if I get thrown in at the deep end I can just turn into water," he grins.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's eyebrows furrowed slightly as Bobby spoke, and this time she was the one to get up and come around the folding table. The whole building was one of many prefabricated constructions in the refugee camp in Hammer Bay. And it had become a temporary base for the X-men. Most of the furniture was metal folding constructs, and both Lorna and Bobby seemed to sport a similar look of cargo pants and black tops.

The green haired woman came over and with a small nudge, promptly made to try to sit on the edge of Bobby's chair and wrap her arms around him. If he allowed it. "Thank you Bobby. And I mean it. You've made me feel a lot better about a lot of things. And well, it might not have solved any massive problems.. It's hard for me to get anything done if I'm sitting here being miserable too." She smiled again as she spoke.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake scoots over when she gives him a little nudge so that she can share the chair with him. The folding chairs are not particularly made for sharing but Bobby isn't a particularly big guy, either, so neither one of them falls off. He wraps his arms around her as well and lets out a bit of a sigh, just giving her a gentle squeeze. "I know I can't fix it. But I will really always be here for you. Promise. And if I can make it a little less miserable, then I'm going to call that a win." He rests his cheek against her hair and gives her a gentle hug. "Thanks, you know, for being there for me, too. You've got way more on your plate than one person should have, but you still listen to me, too. That means a lot."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled and since both of them ran on the more lanky side of things, the tiny folding chair fit them both.. Well partially. Lorna was more half off it than on, but it worked for giving Bobby a hug. She let her head lean on his shoulder as she sighed and smiled as she listened to him. "I'm all for listening when it gets me out of paper work," She teased, and exhaled a soft breath.

"But seriously? Listening to other people's problems makes it easier sometimes, it's a good distraction. And yeah, neither of us can fix the big things. But that's okay too." She murmured.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"So what you're saying is that I should come and commiserate more often? You know that's just going to make you /more/ of a backlog, right? Oh, or you could get me a stamp and I could stamp things "No" for you while you stamp things "Yes"," Bobby offers with a little grin. "At least my problems are all little things. I'm definitely grateful for that. "You know you could actually sit on my leg instead of falling off the chair," he offers helpfully. "I promise I won't lean back and topple us over."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shifted on the edge of the chair, lofting an eyebrow upward. "Hey, it's very important for my mental health. And its this or go back to the Professor and let him poke in my head. Which frankly, I don't truly relish the idea." She mused and as Bobby spoke of her shifting to sit on him rather than falling off the chair, she shrugged and did so without much of a fuss. More or less using an arm still slung around his shoulder to keep her balance.

"There is no possible way I'd allow you to tip us over and fall over. I am the Mistress of Magnetism. Half of this pre-fab is made of metal And that would just be embarassing." She grinned, and arched an eyebrow upward.

"Here, make another one of those ice crownds, I'll even crown you, and it'll be legitimate."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    A familiar rush of air can be heard as a blue-ish streak appears about 20 feet off to the south. The streak dissipates to reveal the white-haired and delightfully grumpy expression of one Pietro Maximoff. He hasn't started for the pair, yet....but, judging from the way Pietro is looking around, it won't be long before he heads in that direction.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake shifts a little back on the chair and they resettle into a slightly more stable position. He lets one arm loop around her waist as they talk. "As good intentioned as the Professor is, and as much as he's helped me since I was a kid, I really, ideally, would prefer nobody poking around in my brain unless it was absolutely necessary." So he definitely agrees on that count. He laughs and says, "Yeah, I wasn't too worried about that. Plus, you're less likely to tip me over if it's going to tip you over, too." He's clearly joking, knowing full well there's no danger of that. Upon request though, he holds out a hand, palm up, and he begins to form ice crystals on it, they grow into a perfect circlet and then a few little decorative spires and spikes form around a central point, a delicate sort of thing. "There, that one's for you. If I'm going to wear one, you need to wear one, too." Only once she takes it does he begin work on another one.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded once to Bobby's commentary about the Professor poking around in one's brain. "See? Exactly. I mean, unless there's nothing else to be done first." She arched a brow though as he created a circlet out of ice and frost for her this time and told her to wear it. She snickered softly, and shrugged once, with a small roll of her eyes.

"Sure. Why not." She mused as she plopped the icy crown on her head and glanced back at Bobby. "It's not gonna last long on me you know." Her voice dry and edged in barely restrained laughter. She sat on Bobby's lap, ice crown on her head, and on a metal folding chair beside a metal folding table. Which had several soda cans, and a bag of chips that had quickly dwindled down to half a bag of chips. And a long since forgotten tablet.

The X-men's temporary base was rather plain and it was clear they didn't intend to stay long in the building.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Temporary or not, it doesn't take long for Pietro to figure out where people would be at. And so...he heads for the base. But, at least for the benefit of the two currently admist soda cans and chips, he doesn't go his usual speed. Instead, he walks.

    And...walks right into a scene. Lorna, on Bobby's lap. With an ice crown upon her brow. Pietro's eyebrow lifts in a questioning manner...then the expression darkens. If Bobby thought Pietro was the life of the party before, well...one finds out just how protective big brothers can be. The voice is cool. Almost as cold as the ice crown.

    "What is the meaning of this?"

    No. Not 'Hello Lorna' or even 'I finished a patrol for the island.' No....Pietro sees fraternizing...and that does not sit well with him.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"They're not meant to last long," Bobby points out with a grin. "Part of their beauty is that they don't last. You just appreciate them in the moment, and then they're gone." The one he created for himself had already melted away, leaving his hair damp anyhow. So shall the same fate be for the second. He doesn't seem to mind. It's not like he can't create more.

And then there's a Pietro, and Bobby grins a little crookedly. "Ice crowns. Want one?" he offers, knowing full well that no, Pietro does not, in fact, want one.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's fingers were covered in ice melt, and her hair sported a rapidly melting crown, small crystals of ice remained, slowly vanishing into her hair and leaving it damp. She kept one arm around Bobby's shoulders, and he in turn had one around he waist. Which is exactly what Pietro saw as he walked in. His little sister, who less than few weeks ago, was a crying mess and barely functional, sitting on one Bobby Drake's lap.

A flush crawled over Lorna's cheeks as Pietro spoke, and her attention swiveled toward the speedster as she abruptly swayed as her focus shifted. Hopefully Bobby was in fact keeping his word on remaining stable, because Lorna was not actually focused on maintaining her balance at that point in time.

"Uhm, ah.. erm.." She coughed, "Bobby and I were uhm.. talking."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "Yes. I see that."

    The words are flat as Pietro responses to Lorna. There is absolutely no response whatsoever to the question of ice crowns. Not even a flicker. Pietro's expression is an unreadable mask of passiveness. Which...most certainly does not bode well with those that might know him.

    The blue eyes linger on the scene for a moment or two longer, before Pietro looks away, actually turning to the side so that he does not face the pair directly. "I have patrolled the island. Several times. Work continues as intended with presently no issues. The people are happy to see their Queen."

    Then...a beat. "I am pleased to see my sister smiling." Maybe not so much now....but hey, at least the elder sibling admitted it.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake does in fact keep his word at remaining stable even when Lorna seems to lose a little bit of her stability with Pietro's appearance. He keeps them both steady, and doesn't seem phased or flustered, really. He smiles a little crookedly at Lorna's halting explanation of what they were doing, but adds no further comment on that count. He just watches Pietro as the elder brother looks at them, and listens as he tells Lorna what he'd been up to. His lips quirk just a little into another smile when Pietro acknowledges at least that he's glad that Lorna's smiling. But for now he lets the siblings talk, not interrupting.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I'm happy to hear that uhm.. everything is ah..quiet." She mumbled, still very much thrown at suddenly having her older brother walk in on her ...doing what exactly? Sitting on Bobby's lap. Even if it wasn't //that// bad.

Lorna slowly made to try to untangle herself from sitting on Bobby's lap as Pietro spoke. At least she didn't topple over, even if her embarrassment was as easily visible to anyone that glanced at the pink on her cheeks. She coughed, clearing her throat as she stood. At least, if she was successful in getting off Bobby's lap and not falling on her face. Which was entirely possible.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Lorna will not fall on her face. Not while Pietro is around. That isn't to say that she might not get a stern look or two, but not even Pietro is that callous to let his sister to faceplant physically.

    Socially, though? There might be just a *little* smirk on Pietro's lips. No...he isn't above letting his beloved sister twist in the wind for just a moment or two. Just like a big brother would.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake wouldn't have let her fall. As soon as he feels her move, he shifts his arm back and away so that she can get up, and if she had bobbled, he would have steadied her. But since she doesn't, he just lets his elbow drape over the back of his chair and remains sitting there comfortably. "Well, that's good. Everything seems to be moving along. And then those ships are supposed to be getting here soon, right? So.. that'll help speed things up as well." He seems perfectly comfortable to simply pick up the conversation about the business of the island without missing a beat, shooting Lorna a reassuring smile. Everything's fine.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna made it to her feet between Bobby's gentle guidance and well, Pietro being right there as she managed. She flashed Bobby a look, and tried to stifle a smile as she managed. It was utterly unfair how unruffled he was. Moreover, a decidedly rare trait in someone that had gotten a certified Pietro look.

Herself included.

Still, once she made it to her feet, she reached out to give her brother a quick hug if permitted, and would step back. Her whole figure quite literally chilled from having cozied up to the literal ice block that was Bobby. At least the room was comfortable.

"No Hydra agents lurking around or any rich tourists trying to get selfishes with the ruins this time?" She asked, finally finding her voice as she looked to her big brother.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    The hug is permitted, though it is brief. With Lorna to her feet, Pietro *may* seem a little looser? It is hard to tell. Though, there is certainly not a direct glare to the frosty individual in the room. So, that is saying something.

    "No. It would seem that my reputation precedes me." Not that Pietro is going to be upset at all with being known. "There were some fishermen that seemed quite startled, but I suspect that was more because they were not expecting someone of the royal family patrolling the shores by himself." That....earned a look that appeared to be of mild distaste and smug familiarity. "I have had enough of 'Your Highness' for the day, I would wager."

    Then, a glance back to Bobby, before returning to Lorna. "All is well here, then."

     It isn't a question. Judging from what Pietro walked in on, he is phrasing it as a statement of fact.

Bobby Drake has posed:
The thing about having a clear conscience, pure intentions, and not having actually done anything wrong goes a long way toward not feeling or appearing guilty. Bobby is, if nothing else, completely transparent emotionally. If he had something to feel guilty about, he wouldn't be able to hide it, even without Pietro glowering at him. He grins a little at the look Lorna flashes him. He frowns a bit at the mention of Hydra and the tourists, but seems relieved when Pietro confirms there hasn't been sight of more of that.

"Well, good to hear that there haven't been any more Hydra ships around, or disrespectful assholes thieving and taking selfies," Bobby says, more than happy to be rid of both of those groups. "We got a lot of stuff moved today, particularly getting stuff out of the way so that there's storage room and staging set up for when the cargo ships arrive. So, I think we're making pretty good progress there." He's been helping out a lot with getting things moved around the refugee camp in preparation for all the supplies that will be arriving soon.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna seemed to relax significantly once Pietro allowed her to give him a quick hug and that everything was in fact, clear. His comment about being done with the 'your highness' earned a cracked smile and a laugh. "And you're just the Prince. Imagine all the bowing and scraping I get." She drawled, taking up position to lean against the wall.

While Bobby might have a clear conscience, she had the issue of knowing that as the youngest of her siblings... she was going to hear teasing at some point regardless.

"I'm just glad to hear that for the moment, there's no other crisis happening on the island. I'll take with dealing with one at a time." She murmured.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "Yes. As much as people..." a glance towards Bobby, then back "...might think I like having my ego stroked....it gets rather tedious after a while." Then...a rare smile, at least in public viewing. "One of job duties I do not envy you having, Lorna." With that being said, Pietro does seem to relax, too....though it could be because Lorna is. Though...never quite fully relaxed.

    After all, Bobby is still here. And Pietro does have a reputation to maintain.

    "Once the ships arrive, I will arraign to ensure their safe and expedient unloading." Because if there one thing Pietro knows how to do...is to know how to do things quickly.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake raises both brows when Pietro looks at him when he says that and says, "I don't think you like having your ego stroked. I think you like being unapproachable. Distance has its benefits and uses." Bobby shrugs his shoulders, apparently not seeing that as a flaw, necessarily. He does pull himself up from his chair though and grabs his can of soda, the can chilling in his grip before he takes a sip. "And I'll be there to help with the unloading." He grins at them both then and says, "So I should probably get back to helping with those pallets I was working on earlier." He then slips toward the door, giving them both a grin and a peace sign. "Later, guys." No your majesties or bowing from Bobby, just a grin and out the door he goes.