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Latest revision as of 03:28, 15 May 2020

Not hardly kidnapped
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Tony struggles with his kidnapping a little, but Pepper's there for a lift.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
The aftermath of the evening reveals a great deal about what happened. A CSI team would have a great deal to process, as it examined the array of evidence to be found. Evidence displayed like a carpet of events to one that might come to check in.

Leftovers of the food ordered bring a small smell of Mongolian barbeque, the containers strewn both on the kitchen counter, but a few are on the coffee table.

A small roomba-like bot is carefully trying to pick up broken glass to the left of the door near the steps that lead down into the living room zone, where something must have shattered or fallen. Various empty glasses and bottles are here and there, suggestive of drinking away some various feelings. Not that Tony has feelings. If he did, they'd be drunk, though, most likely.

A suit jacket is flung on the back of the couch, a tie in a heap on the couch arm, like a melted clock reaching for the floor in shiny dark green and mixed matte stripe.

JARVIS did assure that yes, Tony was in his Penthouse, not squirreled away somewhere. And he wasn't dead. So it is reasonable to expect to find him.

But he doesn't appear to be there, at a first look: just the evidence of a meltdown.

The roomba-bot tinkles softly with the glass as it picks up a big piece, the top orienting to peek up at the doorway in query.

Pepper Potts has posed:
If there ever was a 'child' that was concerned about a parent, that would be Jarvis. While the master AI may be on-loan to the Avengers Mansion, there are times when he shows up at the building. After all, it is his 'home' too, if one truly wants to anthropomorphise him. Which is really easy, given the fact that he actually has a personality!

Jarvis wasn't intrusive when he *dinged* Pepper in her office, and followed it up with,

"Mr Stark's blood alcohol level is currently 3 times the legal limit and threatens to climb. I have deactivated the garage."

Pepper has learned that there is no reason to look up and into the aether when talking to the voice that comes from everywhere. It's a natural reaction for most, but for her? It's just nice to hear it.


At the building.

Pepper sets her tablet down; she'd lost more than a few hours earlier in the day, and is only now catching up. She's dressed in her business suit, but her hair is down, framing her face, and there's a flicker of concern as she starts to put the pieces together.

"I'm coming," is said with a soft sigh.

The private elevator doors open to her approach, which gets a murmured response, "Thank you, Jarvis" as she steps through. It's only a matter of moments before the doors open with a *ding* and she steps out. The vision that confronts her...

"Oh, Tony.."

Steeling herself, she walks forward with purpose. A woman on a mission. "Where are you... oh, the glass."

"Tony?" is called out.

Tony Stark has posed:
"/Beep/," says the roomba by the glass as Pepper walks past it and clearly speaks to it. Or not. It observes her a long moment, then goes back to dutifully sweeping. The glass makes a few more sounds, soft, as it's swept. The penthouse is quiet otherwise, though one of the screens is showing a dark blue haze - a sort of screen protection.

"Mr. Stark," JARVIS attempts, to assist Pepper. Helpful as always, and present here when needed.

"Jarvis. Consider your snooze button pressed," Tony's voice comes from nearby. Vicinity of the couch?

There's a long stripe of fire extinguisher foam running across the floor, now visible from where Pepper has come in and approached the main living area: it starts from near the couch and goes to the far window on the right, and some bursts on the wall. No signs of fire. Some of the furniture was rearranged in a loose confusion, which accounts for why Tony's spot on the floor is blocked from view.

Tony is, in fact, on the floor, shown by one hand up and out in a wave that's visible. "Oh, hey, Pep."

Closer inspection will reveal he's laying down there. "Dig the shoes." Easy to see under the couch. He rolls with a grunt to his back. He's wearing comfortable clothing, often associated with some time in the workshop: a long-sleeved dark tee, thin enough to reveal the arc reactor's glow, some jeans, one sock. No sign of the other.

He's looked better.

But Tony has also looked worse. He's coherent.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I see." Pepper is used to random robots hanging around the few floors, and having it seemingly acknowledge her really isn't too far fetched.

The deeper into the penthouse she goes, the more she finds that causes that questionmark expression to deepen. Her brows furrow, her nose scrunches at the unique, if not new, smells. The fire extinguisher though... that's new.

Jarvis' aid is certainly appreciated, and when Tony speaks, there's an exhale that shows Pepper that she'd actually been holding her breath for more than a few beats. Walking around the furniture, she finally sees the object of her search, and thankfully, he's talking. Coherently? For him? Sure.. she'll go with that.

It's a quick check from her vantage point to make sure there's nothing obviously wrong before a step is taken backwards, the conclusion coming that, well... he's back, and it's been a little while since a really good bender's happened. "Okay, Tony.." is exhaled. "Can you get to the couch, or should I help?" He can't be comfortable down there.

"Or, better yet, let's get you to bed."

Tony Stark has posed:
"What makes you think I'm not good where I am?" Tony asks, pressing one arm under him to push into a seated position. He rotates to get his back against the couch, and brings up his other hand to scrub over cheek and goatee.

He pauses, though, not finishing the gesture, because there's a bit of a napkin stuck to his hand, and he shakes that off instead, with a bemused sound. "Clearly just in the middle of a..." Tony looks around, and then leans forward to pick up the glass there. It still has some in it.

"Victory lap," Tony decides. He doesn't drink it, but does draw it back towards him, raising a knee to hold it there, loosely in his fingers. "Grab a drink, join me," suggests Tony smoothly. He's very high functioning as an alcoholic. It shows at certain times. This isn't necessarily one of them, he looks rumpled and digging deep to maintain the facade of everything being just fine.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Because you're on the floor," is returned flatly.

Pepper watches as Tony reaches for the glass, and taking a deep breath, she schools herself and takes a step forward, reaching for it to take it from his hand.

"Victory lap?" Shaking her head, Pepper takes a step back soon after.

"I don't think so." Not tonight. "I have to work tomorrow. But I'm sure I could call someone--" Even as it exits her, there's a twinge that maybe she shouldn't have said it, but there it is. Unless he doesn't notice. Instead, she switches gears, "Go to bed, Tony. You probably haven't had a good sleep in ... awhile." Neither has she, but right now, she's not willing to mention that bit. "I'll tell Jarvis not to set your alarm."

Tony Stark has posed:
"You work tomorrow? I suspect your boss will understand. He's a great guy, very understanding," Tony points out. He frowns a little, disconnected as the glass is taken, but not really 'with it' enough to have stopped that eventuality.

Tony looks in the next glass near him: empty. So is this other one. He clicks his tongue against his teeth some, setting the new glass down a little heavily. It makes a harsh sound against the table. Tony instead drums his fingers on the edge of the table, but opts to just stay where he is for the moment.

"Yeah, tried the sleep idea. Just seeing the inside of my latest prison on the inside of my eyelids," Tony answers, resting the arm on his knee, hand pulled in to press between his eyes, letting his eyes close for the moment. For that heartbeat, there's a drop of the shielding, the exhaustion and stress. The reality of being locked up brought up some old memories. He brings his other hand up to tap a few times along the edge of the arc reactor. Even through the suit it makes a hollow, slightly plastic noise.

Tony clears his throat, though, a smile forced forward. "Pretty sure my victory lap will end in a blackout," Tony teases her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper hazards a slight, tightlipped smile and a nod, her head bobbing, causing her hair to move gently. "Uh huh," is said softly. "Very understanding."

For that step back, Pepper takes a step forward, moving towards Tony in that moment where he's open, a breath of vulnerability when all it is his just.. him. A drunk him, but him. It's that moment when Pepper can feel her heart break again, and another step is enough to close the distance. The glass in hand is put way off to the side, settled on the edge of a table, and she sits on the seat to the side of him. A tentative hand is reached out to finger comb some of the muss of hair. "You're home," is said quietly. "If you want, I'll stay and clean if you want to try again." She knows his sleep habits, and this wrinkle only sets it off a little worse.

"At least try?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Possibly even count this as work hours? It's probably not overtime, though," Tony chatters, going along with the commentary about her boss. It's just easier to fill the room with words than to delve back into the place where feelings live. Feelings are hard and best avoided.

Tony doesn't twist away, he stays where he is, setting the side of his cheek against his palm, the one propped up by his knee. He lets her touch his ruffled hair, his gaze sort of down and to the side. He's in the room but also isn't: but he hasn't pulled out of reach, either. He does trust her, and allow her to see certain things.

"You don't have to clean. That's PAULA's job," Tony says.

"Beeeep!" agrees PAULA from out of view with the glass.

Tony heaves a deep breath finally, and lifts the arm towards her, expectant that she'll help to leverage him up. This isn't the first time he's been drunk on a floor. "Have it your way..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper chuffs a soft breathy laugh, "Are you kidding? I'm racking up the overtime. He's generous like that."

The brown hair is soft through her fingers, the warmth of him felt on her tips. Green eyes watch him, searching for any hint of injury before she's satisfied there isn't anything really physically wrong. "Paula can't move the furniture back."

Now that Tony has decided that perhaps bed might be a good idea by the offering of a hand, Pepper rises from the couch and serves as that anchor in order to help pull him up to his feet, helping steady him if needed. "I'll make sure no one disturbs you."

Tony Stark has posed:
"PAULA," Tony comments, "You're getting an upgrade," he says towards the robot over his shoulder. Furniture moving for PAULA. If Tony remembers in the morning.

Then, he loops an arm over her shoulders heavily, and allows her to help him. That's what she's there for, and sometimes he does lean on her.