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Latest revision as of 03:29, 15 May 2020

Fashion Shooting
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: Garment District
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets someone whose luck may be worse than HIS.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Felicity Felix

Peter Parker has posed:
Beggars can't be choosers.

But the sad truth about work was the same response when a poor man complained that a free steak tasted tough--it's a whole lot tougher when there's none.

The address placed it in the Garment District, which made sense. A lot of fashion house worked out of there. The ad said to bring a portfolio and/or headshots.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Black high heels clacking on the sidewalk, Felicity looks down at the piece of paper in her hands. "881 Stairstep... 881 Stairstep..." A skateboarder swerves to miss her as she reads, careening into a bus stop shelter, and a street light's glass casing falls to shatter across the sidewalk afterward. Her rounded, hourglass hips sway lazily to and fro against her tight, black pencil skirt. "881 Stairstep..." The light changes to red and a car careens through the intersection as the driver watches the redheaded woman with a white streak in her hair, smashing right into the rear-side of another car. The cars spin about, and drivers emerge to angrily shout.

But Felicity just stops to look up at the tiny doorway. "881 Stairstep. Great!" She beams to herself. She's wearing a maroon business blazer, with a little silver slip that shows off probably more cleavage than she ought to, but she really needs this gig. Really, really needs it. Slipping inside, she ascends the narrow steps, leading up to the apartment, bouncing a bit as she goes.

Peter Parker has posed:
The address leads to what looks like some industrialstyle open area, a couple of walls having been knocked down for one reason or another. There are three people who are part of this crew, but the director and assistant came down with a bad case of food poisoning, so the only one there is the photographer, a handsome bloke with a disarming smile, a deep voice...

...and a history of assaulting women, but that didn't show up in his background check for some reason.

"Hey there! Oswald Thompson, but just call me Oz. Now, here's how it goes. You get $200 if we can use you, we pay you in cash at the end of the day, and if there is more work as a result, then that payday can only go up." He smiled. "Your outfit is in the box on the counter." He points her to the stage, which has some sort of outer-space spacecraft console.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Walking in with her portfolio in a manilla envelope under her arm and tucked against her side, Felicity beams at the fellow, "Heya, sorry I'm late." Wandering on up with a clack-clack-clack of her heels, she asks quickly, "Oh hey, is this going to have a sci-fi setting? That's great! I thought it was just a fashion ad thing." She beams and hands him the envelope, which is empty.

The pictures are still sitting on the subway seat where she left them after doing one more last minute check of them.

Heading on over to the counter and the spaceship console, Felicity opens up the box and peeks inside, "Food poisoning really sucks. Hope your boss and the assistant are okay."

Peter Parker has posed:
Oz smiles sympathetically as Felicity sees the outfit for the first time.

( https://dzasv7x7a867v.cloudfront.net/product_photos/56054297/nuka_20girl_201_original.png )

"We want to do some promotional stuff for a game company. It's all very Atomic Cafe." He points to a part of the stage with a floor-length curtain drawn across it. "You can change back there. The wig is mandatory, though."

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix gasps when she realizes what she's holding. "Nuka-Girl! This is great!" She reaches into her blazer's inside pocket, "Good thing I brought some..." She blinks, and rummages a bit. "...hair pins?" She pats her sides and the fake pockets of the blazer, then her hips. "Well. That's awkward." She glances over guiltily, looking a bit sheepish. "Don't suppose you have any hair pins? Or a hair net?" Taking the whole box with her, Felicity hums a cheerful little rendition of the opening theme of Fallout 4. "Anyway, be right out!"

Slipping behind the curtain, her silhouette starts to strip down.

Peter Parker has posed:
Oz moves over to the computer and sends an IM.

<Model's here. Looks good.>
The response came back. <Did she sign the waiver?>
Oz chuckled, thinking of the Photoshopped waiver he had with a copy of her signature. <Yep.>

Oz closed the chat. It was a sweet gig. A little mayo left in the sun for too long, and presto! No oversight. He just had to slip her a little Amyl Nitrate, and boom! Another cosplay sex scene.

Oz whistled as he mixed the stuff in the water bottle, injecting a little lemonade flavor to disguise the taste.

Felicity Felix has posed:
From behind the curtain, Felicity asks, "Soooo... Hair net? Hair pins? Whoops." Snap. "Um... That's kinda awkward." Her silhouette quickly shuffles around, as if pushing something back down her legs, and stepping out of something. "Ah, I don't suppose you have a spare pair of..." She pauses, "Y'know." She rummages through the box. "This outfit doesn't come with underwear, and I maybe shouldn't have worn the bikini-style tho--er, underwear. I mean, I don't care if you don't care but--" *SNAP* "Oh. Oh no. Ahhh..." A nervous chuckle. "Do you have some superglue? The backpack hose just--" Crack. "No no, not now! One second, I can fix this."

Much more quietly she's muttering urgently to herself, "Need this job, need this job, need this job..." while trying to put something back together behind the curtain. "Could just...tie it."

Peter Parker has posed:
Oz frowns. "Hang on..." he said, walking over to place the bottle on the floor near the curtain. "Just...give me the backpack. I'll fix it."

He walks back to the stage, and thinks everything should go all right...
The door opened, and two burly men covered in green paint and loincloths walk in.


"Hey. We're here. Where's the girl?" one of them asked.
"GUYS!" Oz hissed. "You're supposed to WAIT until I give the SIGNAL!"

Felicity Felix has posed:
Peeking her head out, Felicity blinks at the green-paint guys. "Oh, hey, almost ready!" Shuffle shuffle.

Emerging in the Nuka-Girl costume, Felicity beams, "Ready! ...Kinda." She furtively glances sidelong back toward the curtained area. "Oh, and here!" She hands a broken backpack and a raygun with a cracked emitter tip to Oz. "Sorry, Oz." She sets her hands on her hips, wearing just the stretchy white top and pants. "Still gonna need something to pin up my hair, though." She waves again to the two burly guys. "So, is this for an online gaming magazine or something?"

The lights flicker.

Peter Parker has posed:
Oz looks up at the flickering lights, then grabs the bottle. "Something like that. Here. Drink this. You should probably hydrate yourself, you're going to be under hot lights for a few hours."

"Probably shouldn't."

Oz and the two "super mutants" turned to the closed window. Only it wasn't closed. It was open.

And it was filled with a crouching Spider-Man, feet placed securely on trhe lower sill.

"I wouldn't drink anything this guy gave you."

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix whirls about, eyes wide. "SPIDER-MAN?!" Her lips parted in shock, standing there in the Nuka space suit, "And the suit is so realistic!!" She half-hops in place, elbows tucked at her sides and fists up, looking excited, "This is great!" But then she glances sidelong at Oz. "...Right?" She looks cautiously over her shoulder at the Supermutants. "...Right?? Going to be great?" Her expression slowly fades from joy and excitement to realization. "Oh."

Peter Parker has posed:
Dang. She used the Hyphen. Well, she seems new to New York, but she had SOME things sorted out.

"Oz here is a career predator, and these two lugnuts are friends from his last stint in prison. And I'll bet that the stuff in that bottle isn't just Crystal Light."
"GET HIM!" Oz yells, reaching into his camera bag to pull out a small .38 pistol, aiming it at Felicity. "Now, you better drink that if you know what's good for you..."

The two heavily-muscled guys in green body paint rush Spider-Man who steps into the "studio" and beckons to them.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Having a gun pointed at her is new for Felicity, and it shows. She stops dead in her tracks, eyes wide. "Um... Um... Okay. So, let's not be hasty..." She's breathing quickly, and a fuse bursts somewhere in the building, casting the studio into twilight. "Okay!! Okay-it's-dark," she rambles very very quickly, hands still up. "Just don't shoot me. Don't shoot me please." Outside lightning strikes a building in broad daylight, causing a thunderous boom and Felicity shrieks, cowering and crouching down with eyes closed. "Don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot--" She flinches and pauses, eyes very very wide now. "--don't rip don't rip don't rip..." She seems to be whispering mostly to herself now.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a surprising amount of OOFing and AGHing from near the window, and then one guy skids towards Oz, wrapped up in webbing. Oz pales, then points the gun towards where the bodybuilder's body came from. "Don't come NEAR me, man!"

There is a heavy sigh from the darkened area (of course, the whole area was dark) and then there is a THWIPP! and Oz's whole right hand is covered in webbing.

Only then does Spider-Man steps out from the darkened area, shaking his head with annoyance.

Felicity Felix has posed:
The heavy breathing very, very cautiously calms down, and Felicity straightens up. Swallowing hard, she smoothes her hands down over the hips of the stretchy white and red pants. As Spider-Man approaches the one-handed wonder, she very cautiously steps backwards, walking in reverse for the curtained area. She's not turning around though, and she's still keeping a close eye on the situation as best she can, in the dim light.

Her heel catches on the edge of the raised stage, but Felicity just closes her eyes, breathes very deeply--with a bit of strain on the top. With very carefully measured slowness, she unhooks her heel from the lip, steps up over it, and continues her slow backwards walk toward the curtain.

Peter Parker has posed:
"You...you can't touch me! I got rights!" Oz sounded almost panicked.
"Yes...you do. You are also on parole, and IMAGINE how good THAT will sound to your P.O."

Oz looked panic-stricken as Spidey looked at Felicity. "Okay, miss...you should be okay now. Changing back sounds like a good idea...I doubt you are going to like what they had planned for this photo shoot..."

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix exhales in relief, as if she really expected something terrible to happen. "That sounds like a *great* idea!" She turns and quickly ducks behind the curtain. "Ack. This is actually--there it is--a lot harder in the dark. Geeze, wait--" Her cellphone's flashlight comes up, and Felicity's silhoutte quickly gets dressed. "Oh, right. Broke the strap on those." Shuffle shuffle, and a murmured, "...Miniskirt was not a great idea for this."

Stepping back out, in her maroon blazer, gray slip, and pencil skirt, Felicity approaches the pair. "Soo... Um. I was going to get paid. Can I just...go through his wallet or something, Mr. Spiderman? Er, Spider-Man. Spidey?" The woman with the white streak of hair grins nervously, "Can I call you Spidey? I've never actually be rescued before. My name is Felicity Felix." Her hands clasp nervously under her chest.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles wryly. "Spidey is fine. I also go by Webhead, Spider-Man..."

Oz mutters something under his breath, and Spidey winces. "...DON'T use that one." He looks to Oz, then picks up Oswald's phone. "Before we go robbing someone, let's see what we have for a boss."

He finds one number and dials it. "Hello? No, this is Spider-Man." He pauses. "No. REALLY! Look, Oz and two meatheads painted green were about to assault Miss Felix here. Yes, I have photographic proof. Sweep it under the...LOOK, pal, what did you promise her?" Another pause. "$200? Cheapskate. Well, you owe her $200. Either you pay her what you owe her, or I talk to my photographer friend at the DAILY BUGLE and ask him to find out what THESE photos would be worth..." He nods. "YEAH. Yeah, I thought so. BIG of you."

He looked to Felicity. "There's an envelopee in the office, over on that end." He pointed to a corner. "Look for an envelope with four 50-dollar bills in it."

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Cheapskate?!" Looking mildly offended with her lips parted in indignation, Felicity just stands there with her hands on her hips for a moment. But then she closes her mouth without saying anything. Looking a little hurt, she frowns a bit and glances back behind her before turning. Wandering slowly over in the gloom with a lazy sway of her hips against her miniskirt, Ms. Felix pushes around papers on the top of the desk, causing a few to fall to the floor.

She checks under the desk mat, and bends forward to check the top center drawer. Then the top side drawers. Her hips shift aside slightly as she bends down lower for the second left and second right drawers.

Finally, she opens the bottom left drawer, her miniskirt stretched taut and hiking dangerously toward the curves of her backside. "Are you *sure*? Because I really don't see any envelopes filled with money over here..." Her rounded buns tilt a little more to the right, about to move to the last drawer.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks to her and immediately looks back to the phone again. FOCUS. "It's not there." He pauses, then looks to Oz. "Hang on. I might know."

Spider-Man walks over to Oz, then begins going through his pockets. He finds the envelope in the left rear pocket. "Eureka. Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'" He opened it, then nodded. "Found it, Miss Felix." He raises the phone. "Your shutterbug had it. Yeah. No, I'm calling the cops and his parole officer. You should screen your staff better."
Spidey hung up the phone and put it next to the tripod.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Really??" Immediately trotting back over, Felicity's eyes are wide as she holds out a hand. "Can... Can I have it? Please? I... I really need that money." She's very tense, as if she is expecting something terrible to happen at any moment. Her hand actually shakes a bit, and her eyes are wide with barely contained fear. "Please," she whispers softly, just for Spidey's ears. "...Before the floor gives out. Or it catches on fire. Please." She's holding her breath as she stares into his mask's eyes, breasts pushed firmly up against the low silver neckline of the slip cutting across the bottom of her blazer's v-neck.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks puzzled, but hands the envelope with the money to Felicity. "Here you go. Have things really been that bad for you?"

Felicity Felix has posed:
She looks surprised to actually have the envelope in her hand, and she glances briefly at it in wonder. "...Ever since the meteorite, yeah." She blinks back up at him. "Believe it or not, you're the first good thing that's happened to me in..." She considers for a moment. "A while." She smiles softly. Warmly. "Thank you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles. "Hey, it's my schtick. The Working-Class Superhero, that's me." He looks around. "Let's go out to the street." He fires a blast of webbing at Oz, trapping him where he is. "Starting to smell like failure and prison in here."

Felicity Felix has posed:
She nods, smiling. "Yeah, good idea." She opens the door and glances back at him as she steps through. "So, what happens n--" Oh right. There was a stairway. She steps into the void, tilts a bit, and manages a sharp yelp as she suddenly falls into darkness.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man reaches out to grasp Felicity's wrist, keeping her from falling. "Let me walk down with you, ma'am."

Spidey walks with Felicity down to the ground level, making sure she doesn't have many more missteps. He does withdraw slightly as they step out onto the sidewalk.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Emerging into the daylight cautiously, Felicity seems a little shy. "So... I guess that's twice now?" She smiles faintly over at him, sidelong. Looking out at the street, she's silent for a few moments before turning to face him. "Well, I guess that's it. Thank you again, for everything." She grins a bit, "I'd offer to make it up to you, but frankly, I've got nothing." She adds after a quick pause. "Unless you are looking to buy a slightly used 2020 Wayne Motors VT7." She shrugs slightly, in apology.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiled. "Don't sweat it. I was just glad to help." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I might know someone who might be in the market for a vehicle. Want me to give you his number? You can give him a call tomorrow."

It might be interesting to tinker with a vehicle, see what he can learn. And he could afford to take out a small loan. Maybe fix the car up, flip it...who knew?

"His name is Peter Parker. He's that photographer I told you about."

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity frowns a bit. "That name sounds familiar..." She thinks looking down and aside for a moment before looking up in surprise, "Oh, right! The guy who takes those pictures of--" She stops short, considering the costumed person in front of her. "Right. Right." Taking the down the number with her phone, she nods once she's done. "I'll give him a ring. And it's a great car! Fully loaded. Some minor flood damage. Was on fire once--no, twice. And the mechanic said something about a head gasket?" She beams, "I've had it since February, but I usually take the subway everywhere anyway, and I could use the rent money."

Peter Parker has posed:
Flood damage...on fire twice? And a head gasket issue...

Jeez Louise, and he thought the PARKER LUCK was bad.

"I'm sure he will want to take a look at it, at least." He would, actually. It would be interesting to see what a car with that kind of history would look like...

He looked over his shoulder at the cop car rolling up in their direction. "Looks like the cavalry. They're going to want to get your statement. Be truthful...and good luck, okay?"

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Y-yeah." Something about his last words seem to put her on edge a little. "You too." She forces a smile and backs up, as if giving room for take-off. The envelope is discreetly tucked away inside her crowded blazer.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, raises his arm to fire a webline...

Andd nothing.
Spidey frowns, checking the webshooter. Great. Web cartridge empty.
He switches cartridges, then tries again and it rewarded with a thin webline. "Take care," he says, and then he swings off. Just another day in the life for Spider-Man.