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Latest revision as of 03:29, 15 May 2020

A farewell to arms.
Date of Scene: 13 May 2020
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: Daniel shares with Daisy that he's resigned from SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Daisy Johnson

Daniel Hastings has posed:
It was a cryptic text message. Coffee on him. Hot Joes in Salem. It wasn't too far a drive from the Triskelion anyway but whatever Daniel wanted to talk about he didn't want to do it there. Salem being a somewhat sleepy town that was revived by presence of the Triskelion, Daniel was glad that he had gotten a table before the usual 5pm exodus. He's sitting there in jeans and a button down shirt with a blazer hung on the chair behind him looking for all the world like a regular joe. With a cup of tea.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Quake hadn't exactly had the easiest of days (and nights), as of late. What with being shot at, then the news of her being some kind of bank robber. So yea, things were hectic.

Though she was also good enough at being covert when she wanted. So wearing civilian clothing, a hoodie and a frown she made her way into the coffee. Bit of a limp to her leg too, still not fully healed from her wound. But was getting there. Spotting Daniel she makes her way over. A nod is given.

"Hey, what's up?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel looks up from his thoughts and knits his forehead curiously at her attire. Then memory hits him and he rolls his eyes.. at himself. "You know.. I'd totally forgotten about that.. complication." He sighs as he rises at her arrival, sitting as she does. It's an old habit. "I've been lost in my own world of late. I'm sorry for that. Not much of a friend am I." It was rhetorical and he picked up his tea. "How is the leg? Knowing the docs they'll have you right as rain soon, yes? No permanent damage?" His concern is genuine. So say his eyes.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No, and I have my own tricks for it." Daisy replies, though leaves it at that on what kind of tricks they may be. Mysterious! But she sits down soon enough, placing her elbows on the table and reaching up to bring down her hood, smiling faintly at Daniel.

"You know, the fight with the shadow creature was pretty epic, your study on their sounds they made really helped." she tells him. "But I am sure you have read the reports." then she glancing about the place for a bit and then back. "So, why Hot Joe's today?" she questions, leaning back on her chair and letting out a tired sigh.

Her phone is placed on the table. She is waiting for some results.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel shakes his head. "Actually no. Most of them were above my rate due to Hill." He lifts the cup and sips. "Which.. is actually why I wanted to talk to you. I know we've talked about this before but.. that moment really brought things into perspective for me." He's silent for a moment then lowers the cup. "The reason for Hot Joes is because I've turned in my badge. Moved my things. I've got an apartment in the Mutant Sector for now. It's about all I can afford on my pension. Thankfully, they adjusted that for inflation." There's a snap of his fingers. "Ahh. I will email you my last after action report on the Sentinel that attacked the neighborhood on Monday. I think that's about the only outstanding thing I've left to do. I just.. didn't want to leave without saying farewell to friends. Not that I'm leaving the planet or anything."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A brow quirks up at Daniel when he says those words. Is Daisy surprised? Well, they had talked about it before. "I thought our talk of a while back would had moved your thoughts away from leaving." a small frown creeping up to her expression again. "Thought you were beginning to feel happier with us."

As a waitress comes by Daisy looks up, gesturing. "Cofee. Black. No sugar." almost like a mantra. Attention then goes back to Daniel. "And sure, send in the report. But .., have you talked with any of the officers about it? Maybe a paid leave to figure things out?" she says. "Or is this a done deal by now."

Her brows furrow. "But regardless, you know you can count on me for anything you need."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I've submitted my letter of resignation to Fury." Daniel offers after a shake of his head. "I did tell him that if SHIELD needs me they can call on me but.. I'm not a soldier anymore, Daisy. I'm not that person anymore. Hill absolutely made that clear to me." It's not like he seems happy about it either. "I talked to Morse.. off the record.. and.. we agreed on a number of important things. Things that.. well.. meant SHIELD wasn't a good fit for me anymore. Which is fine. I'd always felt like a second class citizen in the labs anyway." After a deep breath, he does smile, "Thanks. You've got my number. Don't be afraid to use it. I still have my job at Happy Harbor.. I think. So I'll be teaching again in the fall."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"If your decision is done then I won't be trying to move you from it." Daisy says, brows still knitted together. But she seems to understand, offering a small nod towards Daniel. "You will find your place, I am sure. Or maybe you already have." she grinning faintly at the man. The coffee finally arrives and she takes a good drink out of it.

"Thought you were averse to phones." She then tells the man in what is a joking tone, "And don't be a stranger too, you can always call me. Unless I am getting mangled by nazis.. In that case it's probably best to come by and help, mmm?"

"Though if not before I will be catching you at happy harbor's hallways..." She says.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel snorts, "You know I'm always good for punching a Nazi in the face. So if that's your problem, just give me a ring." Casting her a wink, he looks to the phone on the table. Her phone that is. His is likely in a pocket. "Primitive things that they are. I much prefer something wrist mounted and an ear bud. Then you don't have to hold it to your head and wait for the blood to drain from your arm as you talk."

He brings his hands up to massage his face then lowers them to look at her. "Change.. is scary. I was a kid in college recruited to the war department. Fought a war. Later, just to survive. I.. need to be me for a while, Daisy. Hell, I need to figure /me/ out."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh..., I intend to do more than that. We are going to SCIENCE the hell out of them.." A wicked little grin appearing on Daisy's expression when she says those words. Scary type of grin too. But well, noone should spare nazis. She picks up her phone again. "Trying to show off about the tech you saw up there..? We do have ear buds now too you know?"

Her other hand continues to hold up the mug, taking brief sips now. The damn thing is hot. She nods when the man says those last words. "Life is made of change. And I know, sometimes we need our own time to figure out something we are going through, or what the next steps that we should take are. I am sure you will find yourself out, Daniel." she says, an earnest look to her expression.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think what I'll miss most is the lab and all of its toys." Daniel replies with a laugh. "But that's alright. I've been thinking about applying for a job with STAR labs. I'll be happier building better water filtration systems or improving agronomy or, heck, maybe refining a nonpetroleum fuel source for space launches. Not that Stark doesn't have one but I'd be talking something for the masses not something he has patented and locked in a vault."

Another sip of his tea and he nods to her, "It's hard.. to be a part of something for so long that your whole identity seems to flow from it.. but now I'm adrift again. You found your family, Daisy. I need to find mine."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Star labs. Mmmm." Daisy 'comments', not particularly to sure about those. She is too biased on the SHIELD labs and it's people! "It can still be your family. You know leaving SHIELD at this point doesn't mean the door is close forever. But I also know you have been through a lot. So take your time. You will find it." because hey, she had her own time away from shield when her powers first appeared! She knows how it can be.

Draining the rest of her coffee she sets it back on the table, reaching to put some money on the table to pay. "I need to take off.." she lets out a sigh. "Need to go back to look for those guys. They -will- be attacking soon, I just know it. So call me through your ear pod or whatever you use these days." a smirk, then she beginning to get up to her feet.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Call you? You're the one with the connections. You call me." Daniel lifts his cup to her. "I'll of course pretend it was completely coincidental that I appeared in the right neighborhood at the right time. I'm nosy." He smiles broadly. "Stay safe, mmm? You guys are going to have to come up with another evac plan on the next mission."