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Latest revision as of 18:05, 17 May 2020

Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: Vegas, Hotel
Synopsis: Tony heads to Vegas, Pepper in tow, and they get a night out.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
"Pep," Tony calls, knocking hard on the door that separates the two suites before opening it. They had just been brought to the upper area. Well, technically, the items were brought up twenty minutes ago, and Tony had a quick chat and laugh with the hotel owner downstairs before he weas guided up to his giant suite.

Tony arrives with a question on his lips. "Did they bring my black carryon up to your room instead of mine?" Tony asks. He's mid-yawn as he enters, back of hand lifted to his mouth as he wanders in, expectant. Tony's wearing the same thing he wore on the plane, he hasn't changed out yet, though he's shed his tie and the collar of his shirt is open, and suit jacket left behind in his room on the back of a chair.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper flies dressed in business attire specifically because all eyes and cameras will be focussed on them upon landing. Reporters, television crews jockey to get the best spot for their 6pm or 8pm news cycle. Once in the hotel, however, all bets are off. She's just finishing getting changed, her oversized shirt falling down around her frame as the door opens between them.


Red hair falls around her shoulder as she digs her fingers in order to fluff it out a little. "Black bag.."

Pepper casts a glance around the room before she checks with her group of luggage. "I didn't see it?" Oh.. great. "How can a private flight..." lose a bag?

Pep's in a pair of loose sweats, a pair of socks on her feet. Comfortable and looking very ready for some sleep; certainly not dressed for the night life. Not tonight.

"If it was just your shaving kit, I can call down and have something sent up--?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"I carried it in personally, until they brought the bags up," Tony supplies, moving to look at her luggage pile as well, inviting himself in with his usual air of belonging anywhere. His room, Pepper's, the lobby, the bar, the casino: anywhere, he's ruler of his environment.

"/Aha!/" Victorious, he picks up her coat and lifts the smaller back bag from under it. "...Also I'm able to track this piece of luggage," Tony slyly smirks, showing off his mobile device in his other hand, which briefly flashes an interesting set of building schematics. He's a cheater. And shameless about it. He lifts it to the edge of her bed, making himself at home, apparently.

"Should I guess by your attire that you're going to call it a night?" Tony asks, though his eyes are now in the bag as he unzips it, looking for something inside, his back to her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper sits on the corner of the large, kingsize bed, trying to cover up a yawn, her attention on Tony as he searches around the room. He's got the air of 'owning where he is', but Pep has lived out of many suitcases and is more than comfortable in hotel rooms. Thus, the immediate need to be comfortable, out of the view of the public. Here, they're safe. -Er.

"What is.." Craning her neck, Pepper feels herself drawn in and ends up rising to her feet to get a better look, giving him the room to set the bag down and open it up. Pulling at some hair, she's tucking it behind her ear while asking, "Okay.. what is it?"

Her attention now is split from the bag to Tony, and back and forth before she twists around again to sit back down on the bed. "I'm going to sit down, either in bed or in the living room, have a glass of wine and watch something other than the news for a couple hours. Maybe order room service, I'm not sure." Beat. "What are you looking for?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"I was given... yep, here they are," Tony answers, drawing the envelope out, and hands it across to her wordlessly. "See if they're just for tonight?" he asks while pointing towards said envelope, and picks up his bag.

What's in the envelope? Tickets for Le Rêve. The insert contains pictures of two dancers in a mix of flowing long billowy dress, underwater. "I wasn't sure if I wanted to use them, but..." Tony checks the time on his device, "Not like I'm doing anything else, really, and the night is young."

With a flash of charismatic smile, Tony beams a pleasant look onto Pepper, but then scans her a little. "Pretty sure it's not a pajama party, though you're cutting an inviting sort of sleepover vibe here," Tony teases her, extending a hand to attempt to un-tuck that piece of hair that she just tucked behind her ear, before drawing his hand back, clearly intending to take the bag off into his room while she looks at the envelope's contents.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper cants her head, her brows rising as the envelope is pulled from the bag. Tentatively, her hand reaches out to take the offering, only to glance at it and back. "They're not for the fights, are they?" She's joking... mostly. "You know I don't like-" Even as she talks, she's opening up the envelope, using her finger to tear along the edge.

They're for tonight.. La Reve.. and her breath catches. It takes a moment before she realizes that she'd stopped breathing, and she smiles, "This.. I've heard about this." She's honestly touched. "How did you-"

It's the hand that reaches out to mess with her hair that really surprises her, and she's frozen in place, but not in a bad way. Pepper catches herself, and chuffs a soft laugh, ready to rise again from her spot, suddenly self-conscious. "Should get dressed for this. Not sure what I'm going to wear, but.." She'll find something.

Tony Stark has posed:
"More importantly, you weren't there at the time to protect me from being handed things, and I'd had a few drinks--" Tony complains automatically, cheeky, when she starts to ask how he ended up with them. Even now he's mildly grumpy about that instance of being handed the various items: which is how they ended up in the bottom of that bag!

"It's fine if you don't feel up to it," Tony's letting her off the hook, there's zero pressure overall. "There's what, four tickets?" Tony asks, voice raised as he moves back to his room, while unbuttoning his wrists of the shirt. He's just thinking aloud, about who else he could take to the event.

"You always pick the perfect thing to wear," Tony says as he disappears back through the door, cheerful. "Give yourself a break." Teasing, but honest. He's gone back into his side; if she wants privacy she'll need to be the one to shut the connecting door.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"So you just opened up your bag to have them drop it in," Pepper fills in the blanks with no little humor. She's got that sly smile that holds amused affection as she pictures the scene in her minds' eye. "My fault," she repeats dryly. "Okay."

It's easier to fall back on the gentle humor, and she shakes her head, making to rise from her spot, immediately going to a bag that probably holds a few of her nicer clothes. "No, I'm up for it." Even if it's a double da- even if it's four of them, it'll be a really nice time out.

A bright smile lights her features as she turns to watch him exit through the doorway. "Tony?" She calls out; it's quickly followed with, "It's very thoughtful, thank you." Even if the tickets are free, and it's a PR stunt on the theatre's part, it's still nice to be thought of! Now the question is, what to wear...

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony sticks his head back in the door. "Huh, what?" Tony replies when Pepper calls out to him. She thanks him, and he quirks a quizzical little look. Thoughtful? "Sure thing, Pepper," Tony says, pleasant, and curiously, as if surprised she'd give him that particular compliment to his choice.

"Do me a favor, call Giselle and Claire? They'll probably think it's thoughtful also. I'd imagine they'd like acrobatics?" Tony suggests, with an upbeat smile, proud of his idea. He starts to yawn a little, shaking it off. He's /exhausted/ and running on some separate new power source that seems to have yet to actually run out. He'd opened his shirt up, and his arc reactor is glaringly bright in the low-light of the hotel room.

"Thanks Pepper!" Tony adds, leaving her to it, as he does close the door this time between the rooms, presumably to give her privacy.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's on the other side of her room by her bags, and she's leaning over to grab one likely suitcase in order to pull something nice out of it. His voice is a touch muffled as the sound moves through, and-- did he //just// say what she thought--?

Giselle and Claire? Straightening up after that one, she lets go of the suitcase to take the long moment to //stare// at the now closed door between them, her expression shifting from complete surprise to annoyance, to determination, her lips pressed tightly.

There's that long moment of silence before she digs into her suitcase again, getting out 'something nice', that is, a deep green evening dress that isn't 'too much', but shows just enough to accentuate what few curves she does have. As she pulls the dress on, there is that zipper in the back, and she walks towards the door that divides the room and gives it a knock.


The door is opened, and Pepper casts her expression as both apologetic and a touch awkward, "They're not available." She's the master scheduler, of course she'd know that! "Can you help me with the zipper, please?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony isn't in immediate view, but is easy to find on the other side of the massive suite. HIS side is ridiculous: and covered in an array of gift baskets and other nonsense arranged artistically on the table.

"In here," Tony says unnecessarily, from the bathroom. He's changed his shirt and pants, and is currently fixing his hair in the mirror with relaxed skillful swipes of comb. A fresh tie, subtle in black and bronze pattern, is loose and hanging around his neck.

"Yep," he answers willingly, finishing his hair, rinsing his hands. He wanders out rubbing the hand towel over his hands, and tosses it behind him back onto the sink while crossing to her. "Give us a spin," Tony says, with a rotation of index finger, and steps up to attend to the zipper once he's got her back towards him.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The room looks very much like it usually does when Tony stays at a hotel. There are lots of comps, lots of alcohol available, and because this is Vegas? Lots of tables probably have private invitations.

Pepper steps through, and smiles at the sight before her. He does cut a handsome figure, cleaned up, hair combed, beard close clipped. Pepper can't help but stare for a second; she's seen him in tuxes and such, and he still makes her heart beat just a little faster. Gotta be nerves!

Spinning around, half to show the dress and half to present her back, she moves her hair out of the way, letting it swing over a shoulder so there's a little more access. She'll be doing that up after.

"I'm sure we can find a little place to get a bite to eat."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Since Giselle and Sarah can't make it --" (Isn't it Giselle and Claire? Tony doesn't even keep it all straight, or there's more than two, which is also possble) "-- give them to the new PR couple," Tony suggests, with a snap of fingers. He zips her up easily. If he's staring at her from behind at all, he's stopped doing it by the time she's turned back around: she'll fight his dark eyes looking right at hers when she turns.

Tony quirks a partial smile, continuing to talk. This isn't an abnormal situation: for him to stand in front of her expecting her to fix his tie while he chatters. He doesn't normally zip /her/ up, though.

"I haven't decided when I'll call for a press release. Maybe after Vegas entirely. No sense bogging the trip down with business right off the bat, but best to do before Boston expects me for the campaign trail..."

"How much time before the show?" Tony somehow assumes Pepper knows that. She's his walking schedule, though: he relies on her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper can feel the warmth of his hands briefly on her back as the zipper is pulled up. She takes a deep breath, letting her almost completely bared shoulders rise and fall. Once done, she turns about and meets those dark eyes with her own green. She holds that for a moment, looking into them before she lowers her gaze, her attention shifting to something .. easier.

Reaching out to take his tie, Pepper tugs on the knot to even it out before tucking it so it's sits centered between the collars of his shirt. With the flat of her hand, she dusts non-existant particles off his shirt and takes a step back to examine her handiwork.

"I'll do that. That way they won't go to waste."


"Well, we still have to check in with the Mayor's council on affordable housing. That's day after tomorrow. Until then?" Pepper doesn't have to think of SI every waking moment. Instead? She can spend some quality time.

"It's in an hour and a half. I just need to do my hair and face, and then we can call for a car."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony watches her for a little while, dark eyes appraising, while she holds his tie. Not looking at her fingers, but studying her face, picking up her mood from her expression. He's usually excellent at reading people, judging what to say to set them at ease, get them to go along with him or his ideas in a comfortable way. It's the Stark charisma.

That Tony has shut up at all suggests his attention is on her, at least for that short time while she fixes his tie and smooths it down. It isn't often Pepper pulls his entire attenton, with his tendency to multitask or be going in eight directions at once.

"Sure. If you have more zippers, I'm here," Tony answers, smooth as ever, pulling out of his thoughtful look with only the briefest pause of awkwardness. A smile hooks onto one side of his face, enhanced by his sharply styled facial hair. "I also do buttons and snaps."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper gives him a hint of a smile when she catches his eyes, and once she's away, it's a little easier to breathe. Her heart is still pounding, though; that'll take a few moments to get it to slow down from its race. (And oh god, are her palms sweating?)

"Thank you," she says dryly, with humor tinging. "I'll remember that." The addition of buttons and snaps gets a laugh, and there's that somewhat more relaxed Pepper back as she takes that next step backwards. Raising her hand, she gestures behind her, towards the door.

"Hair.. it's a mess. Let me just go finish and we'll go."

One more step backwards is taken before she turns around to head back to her room (the one without all the free stuff piled high!). It all has to look //just// right.

"I'll call for the car when I'm done!" comes from the direction of her bathroom. "I'll tell them to just drop the keys off at the desk." Which means, she's planning on a high end car for the work/vacation.

Pepper is a little experienced in doing up her hair, and she emergences with a messy bun settled on the back of her head, with Romanesque tendrils hanging down artfully around the 'crown' of her hair. Necklace is in place; a blue sapphire in yellow gold with matching earrings.

Stepping through the portal between the rooms, Pepper looks at her handsome.. employer.


Tony Stark has posed:
"Always," Tony Stark answers immediately, opening the door of his suite and standing back, to let her pass through and lead the way. It won't be just the two of them, though, there's the bodyguard posse in the hallway near the elevator. While the presidency still orbits Tony, the cluster of people is particularly strong.

Tony doesn't even ask if she has tickets, he just assumes she does. Pepper's always looking out for them.

"I like those," Tony adds, with an upnod towards her earrings. He should: they're from him.

And he might know that; his sly grin is elusive, as he joins her outside of the room, to go to see the show. It won't be private, but it won't be sunk into politics or business. "I can always count on you to make me look even better," Tony teases her, before the brief private time ends and they're out into the evening.