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Latest revision as of 06:57, 19 May 2020

First Day of Work
Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: KordCo
Synopsis: Felicity's first day of work doesn't go well.
Cast of Characters: Felicity Felix, Ted Kord

Felicity Felix has posed:
Cardigan, check. Pants, check. Briefcase with stuff actually in it, check. Felicity pauses and checks inside the briefcase, making sure she actually has the stuff she needs for her first day at KordCo.

"Check," she says to herself. She's re-dyed her hair, just to get rid of the roots, and her make-up is done up extra fancy. She nods to herself in the broken mirror hanging near her door. "Okay. You can do this. It's not your fault. Everyone has bad days." A bracing breath and she steps outside, into the hallway, down the elevator and out into New York City.

It's a bright, sunny day, and she lets out the breath she was holding. "Okay. Everything is gonna be fine."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks up from his desk as his phone beeps. "Did she get the... ? No? Why the hell not? He what? That poor courier. Three places? Okay well he is covered and send his family a fruit basket. Dear Lord." He steeples his fingers and thinks a moment. Then he makes another call. "Dan? Ted. Clear everyone out of the East Wing. I have a special project going on. I want it locked down, double the guards on monitor duty and have all EMTs report in. Also... check the lightning rods. Just a hunch. Kord out." His expression in half wistful, half anxious. On second thought... he orders the Bug moved to the West Wing.


As Felicity is walking to her new job, a van that was slowly following her draws closer, closer, until it puts on a burst of speed. The side door opens and a burly man with a shaved head makes a grab for the girl.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix grumbles softly as she walks, looking uncomfortable and awkward. Finally she huffs, just when the burst of speed of put on, and she dips down to slip one of her sky-blue flats off. An arm whooshes above her and she blinks, looking up as the burly bald guy looks back at her in equal confusion. The van's driver veers aside at the last second, but not fast enough to keep the burly bro from smacking into a bus stop shelter.

"What the..." Looking a little dismayed, Felicity dumps the rock out of her shoe that was bothering her, keeping watch on the weird situation as she kicks a foot up behind her and awkwardly stuffs her foot back in.

Ted Kord has posed:
The burly snatcher lies on the sidewalk a moment. Then he's up again rubbing his head where the dinged bus stand hit it. The bus stand looks the worse of the two. He harrumphs towards the girl and attempts to swing her over his wide shoulder. "Hold still when you're being abducted! You could git hoit!" he snarls.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"What--no!!" She hops backwards, but isn't fast enough and gets snatched as she tries to turn around. Over the shoulder she goes and Felicity's legs scissor and kick, "NO! This is my FIRST DAY!" She squirms and wiggles and grrs. "I *can't* lose this job!!" She hammers on the guy's back, with the power of a thousand gently falling leaves.

Ted Kord has posed:
The abductor walks back to the van, ignoring the bitty fists flailing at him. He stands in front of the door. Another wiry and grey haired man looks out. Burly and bald points to Felicity's rear and aks, "This the right one?" The other man snerks and says, "About face, Bullethead. Lemme see her good side... not that this one is so bad. Thanks. yeah that's her. Pile in." He grabs for Felicity's wrists as his colleague complies.

Bullethead complains, "Got any Alleve? I got a mother of a headache." With perfect timing the bus stand collapses.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Rude," Felicity angrily comments regarding the ongoing discussion of her backside. When she is turned about, she blinks at the gray-haired guy, and then she is turned about again, "HEY!" Kicking and hitting once more, Felicity squeaks when she's ducked into the van, "Why would anyone want to abduct ME?!" Meanwhile, outside, a nail is tucked neatly up against the tread of the front driver-side tire.

Ted Kord has posed:
The boss shrieks at the new arrivals, "What the hell did you do to the van? Three flats, how did you break the rear window?! We're going to lose our deposit!"

The two kidnappers, a bound, gagged and blindfolded Felicity between them look ashamed and annoyed. "We barely got back here alive! I can't explain it!" the older man says.

"Ya got any Asprin, boss? I got a headache."

The boss ignores that instead checks on Felicity, removing her blindfold.

The boss is apparently an attractive young woman. "Yeah I know, three cheers for affirmative action," she says. "I'mma take this gagf off which some did wrong! So you can breathe easy, okay honey. If you scream, you get b-slapped and a big shot of sedatives. Are we clear on this? Just play along and I give you my word siser to sister we don't want to hurt you." The boss reaches for the gag and Bullethead says, "She bites."

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Mrfle. Mrfmrfmrf-mrflemrf!!" Squirming and wriggling like a worm, Felicity gasps when the gag is removed. "What the hell! I don't have any money!! I said that like six times!" She frowns at the woman, still being carried horizontally by the goons. "Is this about the skull-headed guy? With the white cape? Because I really don't know who he was. He said he was a talent agent." She's referring to Taskmaster's costume.

Ted Kord has posed:
The boss shakes her head. "Nah nothing like that. Let me just give you the once over, make sure you're not carrying or wired. These goons treated you all right I hope? because I don't go for slapping women around by guys. If you need to be slapped around, I'll do it. Hey... this is a really nice sweater. I love it! And those shoes. Okay, she's clean. Tie her to a chair. Ohh. Got a phone here in the purse. We'll just shut that off for now."

Felicity is shoved into a chair and Morrie holds out two ropes, "Hemp or nylon? Some people prefer nylon, hemp is more abrasive, nylon cuts into the circulation more. Which one? No need to be more uncomfortable than you have to."

Meanwhile Ted Kord looks at his watch and frowns. Someone is late. First day too. eh, he probably scared her away. Still... he texts a message to Felicity's phone.

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Oof!" Flopped into a chair, Felicity frowns. "Well what else could it be?! Are you an enemy of Spiderman, or something? I met him once! For like...five minutes. Got something against KordCo?" She frowns, "Just randomly abducting people? 'Cause there's honestly no money coming from anyone for me." Meanwhile, her phone unlocked when the lady villain with no name looked at it. And her thumb was on the camera button. And it slid over from video chat to 'send'. Last person she texted was Ted Kord, when she was being offered a job.

After he twisted his leg, nearly wrecked his ship and was struck by lightning. But still, her resume was good!

Meanwhile, Felicity opens her mouth to say something else when the a leg snaps off of the chair, sending her thunking to the ground. "OW!"

Ted Kord has posed:
The boss frowns. "Get her another chair noodleheads," she snaps. She is pulling on a pair of tight leather gloves. "See honey, you should learn to keep your mouth shut. Yes Kord Co. See our employers got wind of a non-disclosure agreement signed by you. There's a good chance you being an engineer, you worked on some of Teddy boys prize tech. Now be a good girl and give me some answers or... there is stuff no amount of make up could cover... oh nice eye shadow by the way. Boys, do you see how nice she's dressed? You could learn a lot from this young woman. Anyway... the Bug's engine intakes..."

In Ted Kord's office his phone system is dutifully relaying the last exchange, "... engine intakes." A computer display on a wall to wall monitor is dutifully pinpointing the call's location. After a moment Ted returns in the Blue Beetle costume and grabs his BB gun. He is not smiling. "Why you lowdown... dirty shiftless pieces of..."

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity is only too happy to talk. She talks while she's being set upright, she talks while she's being untied. She talks while running away, and she talks while Bullet is carrying her back into the warehouse, kicking.

"And there's snacks in a minifridge--it's less of a combat vehicle and more like a flying Winnebago. The light switches don't work..." She tries to flail and kick at Bullet, but fails to do anything other than wiggle around. "The fuses are crap... Like, four of them blew out. And I never did get a working pair of EarPals."

Ted Kord has posed:
Morry finally gets handed Felicity while Bullethead is trying really hard to open one of those childproof bottle. He thinks about it a moment and then holds it near Felicity. The top pops off the bottle and he swallows a couple pills gratefully. then he sees he grabbed the wrong bottle. Laxative. Well how did he... Bullethead jumps up and runs for the warehouse bathroom. the boss is busily writing everything Felicity is saying down on principle.

The Bug is splitting the sky soaring over Long Island. It already had a near miss with one of those flying types, didn't catch who. Ted is watching the tracker on the control screen, a receiver still on. He picks his head up and growls, "The fuses are /not/ crap! You have some kind of black magic or wonky magnetic field or you are the avatar of all the gods I offended in my previous lives. You're lucky you're cute!"

Felicity Felix has posed:
All four of the people in the warehouse look down at Felicity's phone at the same time. FF and Bullethead blink, then Morry and NamelessGirl blink. Three of them look at Felicity and she looks up very slowly, eyebrows high. "...I didn't know that was on. Honest." Then she shouts very rapidly at the phone, "MR. KORD HELP I'M IN A BUILDING!"

Ted Kord has posed:
A lot of terrible luck is timing. Like the Blue Beetle descending on his line a few seconds before that plaintive cry is voiced. The Blue Beetle crashes through a skylight. That usually surprises people and people do not usually have their guns pointed upward. Entering in a room opposite the gun barrels is Super Heroes 101. The Beetle twists and shouts, no really as he attempts to avoid the hail of bullets and a shard of glass from the shattered skylight cuts his descent line and he drops the last twenty feet onto Bullethead!

Felicity Felix has posed:
"Oh wow, that was fast." While still impressed, Felicity sounds more like she's commenting on Jimmy Johns delivery service. "Thank you!" she says to the phone, leaning that way from where she is tied to the chair. But then she winces sharply when BB is falling from the sky and lands on Bullethead, and the fight is on!

Until the glass shards hit the ground.

It's like a symphony, or maybe a ballet, as the glittering glass bounces and twirls, slicing through clothing and lodging in weapons and skittering underfoot. Hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny glass shards, all flying in improbably terrible directions, with vicious, completely random results.

And in the middle of the storm, Felicity has her head down, eyes closed tightly, not struck by a single one.

Ted Kord has posed:
Well Beetle does a fair amount of crashing through glass. His uniform is cut and slash resistant, though not bulletproof. The other three resort to flailing and screaming as they flee for the exits. He rolls to his feet and notes the pattern of shattered glass around Felicity, the lack of shattered glass on Felicity, then snaps a picture for later study. He ignores his minor cuts for now and goes over to untie her. Outside sirens are wailing and he's pretty sure the cops can deal with three cut up nitwits.

"Hey, you okay?" he asks rubbing her shoulder a little. "I phoned the cops as I came down. The Bug is hoverin... his eyes boggle as he watches his line pulled up through the window. No it is not hovering. "Ohnononono!" The Blue Beetle starts working a control built into his glove.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix rub her wrists, frowning a bit. "They wanted to know about your Winnebago for some reason. Shouldn't they have just tried to lure you here with a trap and stolen it for themselves?" She starts with wide eyes, "Oh--I told them about the fuse problem! They know about the KordCo faulty fuses!" She shakes her head rapidly, hands up, "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do! They had guns and...Um. Guns."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord finally gets the Bug back to hovering. A shock of brown hair sticks out of his ripped hood and he pulls a particularly long and sharp piece out of his forearm. "Fuses?" he says deadpan. "I'll give you faulty fuses!" Which is when the cops swarm in. The Beetle quickly assumes a more professional demeanor.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity Felix's jaw drops open and she folds her arms. "Rude!" But then she side-eyes that piece of glass and winces deeply. "Ow ow ow...ew. Does... Does that hurt?" She looks up uncertainly, crossing one knee in front of the other protectively. "It looks like it hurt." She frowns a bit. "Sorry."


The building rocks a bit as The Bug! smashes into the edge of the roof. Nothing the armor can't soak, but the building itself takes some damage, and there's some screaming outside. Felicity just kind of cowers down a bit as bricks and stone fall. Then it stops, and she slowly starts to lift back up, only to wince and duck her head again when there's another thud outside, and another shout from the crowd. She doesn't say anything, just standing there, looking guilty.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord acts quickly, noting the line is within reach since the Bug lost altitude. He grabs for the line then looks at Felicity and makes a decision he is likely to regret. Wrapping the line around one arm (the cut one in fact) he grabs Ms. Felix with the other arm and they rise into the air as the line is retracted. Blue Beetle winces slightly. She's heavier than she looks. He sighs.

Felicity Felix has posed:
Felicity eeps when she's suddenly grabbed, and then they are rising into the air. "Um..." She waves down to the confused cops, "I think I'm going out through the roof! Thank you for coming!" One of the cops waves and steps on a piece of glass. His foot races out from under him, he thuds onto his back, and his gun goes off, firing into the other police officers. No one is harmed, but guns are being drawn in confusion, with the cops looking all around for the source of what happened.