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Latest revision as of 06:57, 19 May 2020

After the Debriefing
Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: Security: Triskelion
Synopsis: Alex and Sam bond as high schoolers in the Triskelion
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Samuel Morgan

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As Daisy speaks the youth listens and he nods along with her words at points, though his eyebrows climb at the mention of recruitment. But then she is on her way out.
    "Ma'am," Alexander says as he nods toward the agent while she departs. But that allows him to turn his focus upon Samuel and he looks at the other student for a time. Then shrugs, a little as he takes a deep breath.
    "So." A beat, then he murmurs. "Fuck."
    Silence then for the space of three heartbeats before he says, "I always knew the school was filled with spooks and all. Knew Ms. Johnson was one." There's a slight smile then he says, "Did you know Ms. Macintyre can teleport? Crazy."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yeah man... Fuck's the word." Sam agrees with a kind of smile, leaning back in his chair for a moment. "In case you're wondering, I'm not an agent." To demonstrate, he taps his Visitor (Consult) badge, and then stands. "But if all goes well, I will be in a few years. It's not a bad gig."

    He motions to the exit, genuinely smiling now. "We can sit here for a while, or I can show you the food court. I think it's Lasagna surprise today."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah I don't know." Alexander sits there and looks at the door, then looks back to Samuel and nods, "Future agent seems like a good step." He takes a deep breath and murmurs. "I sorta think like... I wanna stay here for a moment."
    He looks at the mirror again and Sam can likely imagine the thought that flits through his mind. Wondering perhaps if this is just another stage of the interrogation, but then seeming to fall on the decision that it doesn't matter.
    Hazel eyes flit back to Sam and he says, "I'm getting a sort of Rubicon vibe from the door, and so I'm fine with procrastinating a little."
    But then he looks down and murmurs, "No idea what I'd tell anyone. If anything."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It's fine man, your call." And Sam sits back down, giving Bear a soft tap on the shoulder. The Shepherd gets comfortable on the floor, probably used to all kinds of strange things by now. The other teen catches that glimpse to the mirror, and shrugs. "I switched everything off in there. If someone's in there, I don't know about it. Far as I know, we've got no further questions for you." And then, he glances at the door, half smiling. "Did you ever wonder? I mean, what Caesar must have thought when he crossed that river, knowing he was breaking the law? Did he care? Did he honestly believe he was doing the right thing? Do you think he doubted he was making the right call right then and there? What do you think?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "He had to protect his dignitas." Alexander says absently as he again looks to the door, but then he shakes his head and seems to refocus on Sam. There's a small smile there as he takes a deep breath, steadying as he looks across the way at his school mate. Then says quietly, "Without that there is no worth to a man's life."
    Which might explain why the blond youth would not speak to certain questions that were set before him. But he says quietly, "I think he must have felt that if he didn't... his opponents would do worse. Strip him of his dignitas, continue policies he felt were destructive. He lived through Sulla and Marius, he must've felt if anyone was going to be dictator best for him. Since he would be gentle."
    A deep breath is taken as he smiles and looks away, "But... I might be biased since my dad would alwas /gush/ about him."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "One of my tutors would never shut up about him." Sam clarifies, no rigidity in his pose, sitting more like he sits in the cafeteria, or at the Big Belly Burger. It might be a deliberate pose, or he might just be relaxing after doing a difficult job. Also, tutors... Sam had always claimed to be home schooled before coming to Happy Harbor.

    "Brilliant tactical genius, he said. Great reformer, he said. Able to take the decisions he needed to make, when they needed to be made, he said. And that's how a lot of people remember him, but that's not what makes a person. That's just a legacy."

    Having flogged the dead horse long enough, he seems to be coming to some sort of point. "Legacies are dangerous. They become bigger than the person who left them, and in the end the legacy becomes the person."

    Which leads to a pointed glance across the table. "We're not the products of our fathers. Or our uncles. We are who we are, and we all have our own choices to make. But they're ours. Caesar crossed the Rubicon because he thought it was right, not because history compelled him."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a twist to the youth's smile as he lowers his eyes and nods a few times, accepting the words given and mulling them over, turning them this way and that. Then he looks up and smiles a little, "I get what you're saying, Sam. I do."
    He takes a deep breath and lifts a hand a little, as if brushing something aside as he murmurs, "Though." The Olympian's brow furrows, "I do sometimes stop and try to imagine... or separate out the parts of myself that are me. Like well and truly me, and the parts that are my heritage." He stops wandering down that mental path. Then he makes a face and looks aside.
    "Anyways. I always sort of liked Sulla more." His lips twist a little, perhaps trying to lighten the mood.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "There's bits of us that are hard to like, isn't there?" A wry smile, and Sam looks at the ceiling for a moment. "I mean, it's taking me a long time to accept myself. What future is there for someone who kills people on command? I've asked myself the same questions you're asking yourself now."

    A deep breath and a sigh. "It's been ... what, eight months? I'm still not sure. But every new day is a chance to find out more, to find that reason, that future." A cocked eyebrow as he looks back over to Alexander. "You've got skill, by the way. Never thought I'd see someone who might have a chance at beating me, but there you are."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ehn see," Alexander waves a hand, "That's all dad, training and all. But might be because our family is martially inclined." He takes a deep breath and smiles a bit, "I know I'm good though." At that, alright, a little flash of that old hubris returns.
    And just as quickly it flies away as his eyes distance, other thoughts intruding as he lets his eyes wander. "Though," He holds up a hand, "Lady Shiva challenged me to a fight." He holds that up as if evidence of something, and apparently his life out of school has been... insane. "And for a time I did pretty good."
    There's a beat, then he adds with a grin. "But then she killed me."
    And with that he pushes his chair back, "Ok, I think lasagna surprise sounds good. Cool?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There comes a time when asking more questions is just going to lead to more questions that need to be asked, so for the sake of sanity Sam lets the entire Lady Shiva comment go. That way madness almost certainly lies. Instead he stands again, and motions to the door, smiling.

    "Time to cross that Rubicon."