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Shadows - Robbery - Relaxation
Date of Scene: 18 May 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Back Yard
Synopsis: Some light catching up between Thor and Natasha. Another trip to Asgard may be in order.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Natasha Romanoff

Thor has posed:
    It is rare for the smell of Summer to reach this part of New York. Rarer still for it to be the good smells of Summer considering how close the Avengers Mansion is to the East River. But for once, today, that general feeling can be captured with how the smell of fresh brats and burgers grilling up can be sensed wafting from the back yard. Combine that with the unseasonably warm weather, the clear sky, and the festive red and yellow umbrella that offers shade around the picnic table... it's almost like a snapshot of the future.
    Combine it with the tableau of a tall blond man lounging back in one of the metal chairs around the table, a bare foot propped up on the seat next to him, and it's almost as if one were glimpsing the beach life.
    Just no beach. Nor ocean. Pool maybe.
    Today Thor wears just his grey sweat shorts and a white t-shirt that proclaims pleasantly, << PROPERTY of the SHIELD ATHLETIC TEAM >>. His hair is drawn back and tied in a loose pony tail, a frown marks his features, and in his hand is a book that shows the author's name 'JOHN GRISHAM' under a smaller title simply, 'The Firm.'

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    "You seem relaxed." Comes the pleasant and tightly controlled voice of Natasha Romanoff as her head leans into view, the russian redhead peering down at Thor from above with a slightly bemused expression on her face. She glances at the book briefly and then straightens up, following her nose enough to look over at the grill. She's wearing a simple white sleeveless blouse and a longish blue skirt, having to make concessions for the rising temperatures, though she is still wearing black tights under the skirt.

Thor has posed:
    Bright blue eyes lift as his gaze finds the visage of Natasha, one eyebrow quirks as he exhales a small chuff of breath into what would be a laugh if he gave it a touch more effort. "Perhaps, endeavoring to not let my thoughts whorl in upon themselves."
    A hand lifts as he strokes his thumb along the line of his jaw, perhaps still a little sore there from the battle in their storage facility lately as he winces a touch which just makes him crinkle his nose a little in displeasure at himself.
    "I told myself several days ago that I would start to trust the recommendations my friends have given me over the time I have known them. Thus," He uncurls a hand to the grill, the bottles of pale beer, and the book in his hand.
    "I am attempting to be true to my word, though I must admit." He nods his head slowly smiling toward Natasha, "This work of fiction, it escapes me."
    But then he sets it down and gestures, "Come, Natasha, join me if you would. There is plenty to be shared."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha knows one or two things about controlling and... containing thoughts. Granted she has training for it. Conditioning. She like many humans have had to make peace with certain beings being frightfully out of their league, regardless of their skill level. It must still be disconcerting for someone so used to being the one out of people's league.
    "... Sure." Natasha says softly, putting on a distant sort of smile. "For a moment."
    As she sits, taking a bit of care managing the skirt which is an infrequent item on the Widow, she remarks on the matter of the novel. "Tastes... vary a lot around here. You're gonna hear things you don't like talked up to the moon. I'd keep trying."

Thor has posed:
    She is guarded, a closed book that offers such strong semblance of that control that it is rarely challenged. And her teammate Thor, when she considers him with her training, she can read him as if he was open right to the index.
    But that is not to say he is without small touches of instinct, a hint of insight considering the years they've spent together on the same team. So she might be surprised or not to see him look at her, then to the grilling food, but then back to her with the slightest furrow to his brow drawing them together to beetle faintly.
    Nothing is said, however, as he withdraws one of the beers from the six-pack upon the table, Dos Equis apparently though no limes. He twists the top off and offers it to her should she so wish. If not then that one will be his.
    "How do you fare, Natasha? With all that has passed." A question, but then reinforced with an observation. "You performed well in directing our efforts against the Juggernaut and his companions."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Two years in and most people around here still don't know that much about Natasha. Somewhere along the line it got out that she's Russian, despite the lack of accent; and that she has a weakness for certain food trucks in the area. Not much progress on that front. Though, compared to the professional coldness she kept at the start, she's been a lot more... personable, if not exactly open. She'll drink with the crew, converse and show some wit. The Natasha of back then probably wouldn't have been caught dancing in Asgard, even if that was a bit of a momentous occasion with social stakes involved. Progress of a sort.
    She she accepts the beer with a soft grateful smile, a nod, and a gentle "Thank you." She seems a little surprised at Thor's observation, mulling it over during the course of a sip from the bottle before she says, "... Appreciated." Which would normally be the end of it, but, "... Guess I've accidentally developed a knack for team ops." She adds with a bit of a wry smile; having been a solo operative the vast majority of the time.
    She delays answering the question for a moment though. "... I'm doing well. Cleanup on that shadow business in Metropolis has slowed down the works, but... at least the warehouse isn't piling on top of it." She says, making her answer more about workload than personal matters.

Thor has posed:
    Thor watches her and only breaks away long enough to claim a bottle for himself and twist the cap free though they are not twist tops. He takes a sip of the beer and for a brief instant sort of just /looks/ at it, but then gives a small shake of his head before his consideration returns to the Widow.
    "And I still must at times focus on the team, rushing toward the call of glory so often as I do." He smiles a little, perhaps offering that as a small touchstone and way to allow her to voice an opinion should she so wish. For he knows that it is often difficult to criticize someone like himself.
    But then she mentions Metropolis and he frowns, "That was a harsh business. The creatures, the efforts of the SHIELD operatives. I tried to aid, as did my brother." Which she may have heard from the others what passed for Loki, but the Thunderer tells her now in case she has not.
    "I still wonder if I made the right decision to grant my brother his powers back so he could help trap the monstrosity that menaced those cities. Still wonder if this was all some trick of his. And more fool I to fall once again for one of his gambits."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha allows a small huff of a laugh through closed lips at Thor's response and says, "Well. So far 'rushing into glorious battle' has been an effective order, so... maybe we've both been lucky so far."
    Regarding Loki... Natasha looks away briefly. She has enough control over herself that any negative feelings she has don't show on her face, exactly, though she regards her beer longer than strictly necessary. She has... opinions about Loki. It's hard not to. Giving him much of anything doesn't sit well with her. Still.
    "... What's done is done." She finally says. "Nobody else had a solution. Best case scenario, he doesn't come back. Worst case scenario..." she looks upward vaguely and brings the bottle to her lips, "... we knock his head off." She sips softly.
    Postive Natasha is still a bit grim.

Thor has posed:
    Nodding slowly, Thor remains silent there for a time after she tells him of the proper plan to dealing with Loki and there is no protest from him. The Thunderer has ever been aware of the price his brother forced the people of Midgard to pay for his ambition and it is a weight he carries with him.
    A deep breath is taken as he looks away and the moment of silence seems to carry on longer. Then only to be broken by his voice trying for the jovial though gently so as he murmurs, "Not a bad beer, this."
    He holds up the beer slightly and gestures with it in Natasha's direction. A breath is taken, held. Then given to his voice as he offers, "I am awaiting word from the Court, for I aim to speak with mine father. To tell him of Loki's departure from Midgard and his return to strength. I intend to hear what he wishes done. Depending on his mood it may take several days."
    Then he turns in his seat and his blue eyes seek her own gaze as he tries a smile that she likely can read the earnestness within it, "If you were inclined you could join me in this journey." His lip twists a little wry, "I know there are no small number of suitors in the golden city who would be filled with joy at the prospect of your return."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha regards the beer curiously for a moment afterward, surprised earth could muster anything to an Asgardian's taste. But maybe it's just attrition.
    Natasha affects a look of mild sympathy as Thor's father becomes the subject, having had a taste already of the existential dread of your wellbeing determined by the mood and perspective of a being you don'te remote understand. Still it's important to get this cleared up.
    Natasha's gaze meets Thor's and she actually seems a bit surprised at the offer, and the reminder of the enamored fan club she seemed to draw actually gets a soft chuckle out of her as she looks down and away slightly. "Aha. Hmm. I'm not sure how many immortal hearts I can break at once before it starts to backfire on me." She smirks a little, "... Good for the ego, though." More seriously, though, she sits up and crosses her arms over her knees. "... I suppose there should be a representative from Earth. And I *am* the sole the vassal of the Lord of Midgard." She says the latter with a bit of a sigh, and then turns a soft smile to Thor. "... I don't know that I can get away for... however many days this may take. But if you need a human on day one, I can... probably manage that."

Thor has posed:
    "If you cannot you cannot, but you would be welcome. And what time you can spare will be enough." That said Thor gives a nod as he settles back into the chair, the seat creaking slightly with the shift of the man's weight. He for a time seems content to just enjoy the brightness of the sun though muted with their oversized canopy. There's also the scent of charcoal and wood from the grill as well as the spiciness from the meats.
    There's a scrape as he produces a forked prong that he takes from the side of the tabletop grill and casually nudges some of the food around, making sure it's getting cooked properly.
    "Are you hungry? I have prepared... kielbasa. Bratwursts. And the... Hebrew National." He picks up one of the discarded pieces of packaging to read that last. "They should be ready soon."
    Once done he sits back in his seat and takes a deep breath, smiles a little thoughtfully.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    "Ha..." Natasha chuckles once softly, seems to mull something over and then leans back on the chair, taking a rare moment to just... not do much. "... Sure. Why not."