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Otherworldly Meetings
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Operations: Triskelion
Synopsis: Peggy and Thor meet in the SHIELD operations center and manage to shock each other with their equally unlikely presences in this place and time.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Peggy Carter

Thor has posed:
    In the depths of the Triskelion a guest has arrived and is being tended to. It isn't entirely out of the norm, for the Avengers did come together in part thanks to SHIELD, but it is rare for certain member of the Avengers to be brought in to offer their insight. Sometimes it's mainly because the intelligence they can offer is limited. Sometimes it's because they are not natives to the planet. But when Thor comes to the Triskelion it is for another reason entirely as well.
    When Peggy is up and about she might well notice the slight increase in traffic. The way some security sub stations have more than their normal security officers looking at the monitors. And down the hallway at one of the debriefing rooms that are people watching through the two way mirror. Some of those people are smiling, some of them are antsy. Yet all of them are a little more excited.
    For inside one of those debriefing rooms is Thor Odinson, relating the events of the last week.
    "Ah, well you see I knew he was formidable. Those doors on the storage facility were very strong, even by the standards of Asgard and he rent them asunder as if they were nothing."
    "What did you do then?" Asks the Agent.
    "Well, you see, I knew he had to be stopped. I confronted him, called him out. Told him this would not be tolerated."

Peggy Carter has posed:
    While they are still figuring out Peggy's exact clearance, it seems SHIELD has cleared her enough for trusted areas of the home base and to at least get the basic updates of current events and reports. The kick up of activity has been enough to draw her attention, no real mission or assignment yet, she has little to do with her days other than continue to catch up on reading and PT. And, often, that PT involves walking as far as her still somewhat atrophied form will allow.
    So, today, she slipped into some comfortable clothing someone brought her, this time it's a wide pair of dark burgundy slacks and a cream silk button down shirt in a style that would be as comfortable in the 1940s as it is the current day, and she went walking. Still, chatter tends to follow her about, as people try to confirm they face they are seeing is the face of Director Margaret Carter who has at least one memorial to herself around here. She doesn't interrupt the briefing, but slows her step a bit to half listen. She had no goals in being down here other than trying a walk around the room without her cane.

Thor has posed:
    "And so this Juggernaut turned to fight you," The agent charged with the debriefing says.
    "Aye," And there he is, a tall man, blond, with handsome features and an easy manner. He wears little of remark, it looks like those blue jeans the troublesome youth of her time wore and work boots that seemed similar. But the grey hoodie was unknown in her time. And his hair is /long/ pulled back into a rough pony tail that looks so entirely out of place amongst the buttoned down agents.
    Around her, some of the agents are murmuring positive things, happy. A few of the young women and some of the men look on him with dreamy eyes as they shake their heads at times with wonderment. But the man speaking with that curious accent similar to her own but... different. He just continues.
    "Lady Walters fought as well we took him from two angles. He crushed one of the doors into a projectile of sorts and I," He holds up an umbrella and lightly 'baps' it to the side as if hitting something, "Struck it with might sending it back to explode upon him. Then we were on him and the battle raged. But we could not gain the edge. Until..."
    He holds up a hand, "I threw Mjolnir past him, and good Jennifer grasped it with both hands as it flew off down the great hall. Then I fought the Juggernaut bare handed, each of us striking the other over and over until at the last he thought he had me."
    Then Thor's smile widens, "Only then did I rise, and called Mjolnir back to my hand and then," He /SMACKS/ his hands together, "Both it and Jen struck him from behind and rendered him senseless."
    A pause, silence. But then he adds with a smile. "And then the building collapsed."

Peggy Carter has posed:
    They aren't talking or stopping her, for once, so Peg takes the anonymity as a vaguely nice sign and lets herself settle a bit into the shadows around where the man is speaking. There is no reason for her to interrupt, she knows better than to cut in on a report, even if it's told with a certain dramatic flare. She just tilts her head and listens curiously, a faint smirk of amusement painted across her carefully reddened lips.
    She does slightly lean against a near by console, though, the fact that she tried to push this walk without that slim, wonderfully balancing cane the therapist had given her was maybe a bit too ambitious this early on, but the pedastel helps enough to keep her present and listening

Thor has posed:
    "Well," The Agent in command of the debriefing does a good job of keeping his focus. "That connects with the other reports, if we have any further questions we'll follow up with you, Mr. Odinson." There's a short nod from the man as he rises up from the chair and Thor does so as well.
    "I just wanted to thank you for coming in." The Agent gives a handshake and then perhaps commits a small break in decorum as he says, "Also thank you. For several years ago. My aunt lives in the city."
    To which Thor claps the man on the shoulder, "Bah, you would have done the same, Agent Greene. It was a day of great valor and many people joining together. I was honored to be of use."
    That said the light above the door flicks off and /just/ like that suddenly everyone is back to business. Walking and moving to complete their errands and rounds, and it leaves Thor out there in the hallway, tucking an umbrella under his arm and looking around curiously.
    That is when he sees her and offers a smile, "Good day." He gestures with one hand in entirely the wrong direction, "Is the exit... this way?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Hilariously, that's not an answer Peggy knows entirely herself. Not with the current lay out, though she did help build these headquarters ages ago. Things had been remodeled, but not everything was different. She gives him a bit of a curious smile, "Not...generally a SHIELD agent then, I take it? I'm not quite either at this moment, but I think I can manage to get you to an exit." Her voice is clipped and British, fully professional even in its warmth.

She then gives a small nod towards the door across the room, the one she's fairly certain leads to the main foyer and not the deep seats of operations where proper reports would be given. She pushes herself gently off the console, the adrenaline of putting on a good show for someone else keeping her step steady, if not exactly quick.

Thor has posed:
    Falling into step beside her, he accepts the guidance as he walks along. "Afraid not, I have fought beside the good people of SHIELD many a time, but I cannot grant myself the honor of being one of them." He gives a nod once as he walks with her settling in with that easy pace.
    As they walk along the hall one or the other of them or sometimes both might get second glances. Not that it's just them or their presence, but the presence of them together at the same time just casually strolling down the hallway.
    "No, I am one of the Avengers, myself and my friends. Good souls, strong warriors." Then his eyebrows lift, "Ah, I beg your pardon, my name is Thor, Son of Odin." He pauses long enough to turn and offer her his hand.
    And wow he's tall.

Peggy Carter has posed:
And she is not tall. Normally she'd put herself in a good few inches of high heels, but that seemed pushing it right out of recovery. So, she's in a neat, reasonable pair of black flats and that means when she pauses to turn to him and take his hand, she's having to quite look up... And up... in his direction. But then, she was used to working with a super soldier, so she doesn't look intimidated. She just smiles a bit more curiously at him.

"...Avengers. That's the group Captain Rogers currently serves with, yes? Well, it's... good to meet you... Thor. Like... in the mythos, Thor?" She's trying to gently keep the curious smile off her face at the thought that someone dared actually take that full name out of old Norse myth. Apparently, she hasn't gotten to the part about Asgard in the files yet. She offers her hand. "Margaret Carter... but... Peggy is just fine."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Steven. Aye. A good friend." The tall man says as he gives her hand a small shake and then turns to continue, nodding to her as he walks with a tilt of his head. "Indeed, my visit to your realm caused some of your people to speak on at length about what passed. It was a remarkable time."
    He uncurls a hand as he walks, gesturing to the side, "I returned several years ago due to a falling out with mine father, and then again when my brother threatened New York." His brow furrows a little with a hint of grimness at that memory, then he shakes his head.
    "But wait, Peggy Carter?" His eyebrows beetle as he looks thoughtful, turning to gaze upon her askance. "Why does that name seem familiar to me?" For indeed her own fame might well reach beyond and farther than she might well expect.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Norse gods are real. That's what Peggy is getting from his comment, especially as he goes on about his brother threatenng New York. That just follows too many of the old stories. Peggy stares at him harder for a moment or two, dark eyes trying to figure out if this is some grand trick, but she knew there were other... Realms. She just didn't really know of this one. The 30-something looking woman recovers from her shock fairly well, smile painting back on her features.

"I'd say having... Thor. Proper...Thor, from all the old stories walking about... is a touch strange. But all things considered in SHIELD, I have seen stranger. Goodness. I've... Been. Am. Stranger." She admits with a tiny little chuckle as two other agents walk past, muttering heatedly as they stare at her, trying to confirm her face with the rumors and the one in the lobby memorial. "One of the founders of SHIELD. Long time director. I've heard rumor there is a memorial up here somewhere for me but I suppose we should have that removed considering my death was rather... Not accurately reported."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor's eyes widen as she provides some insight into why he might well have heard of her, he snaps his fingers and nods along, "That must have been it then. But you are not dead, excellent. I am sure your comrades are entirely pleased as to the matter."
    But then he returns his hands to his pockets and walks along, "But yes, your people are very creative." He nods a little as he covers a good amount of paganism in that simple statement. Yet a second glance is given and his brow furrows.
    "Please forgive me, Lady Carter, but are you quite alright?" He pauses, perhaps noticing a hitch in her step or the ginger way she advances, some small thing that might have escaped her notice. He draws up short and lifts his chin. Then his head tilts to the side, "Are you injured?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Most of the bruising is gone, or the faint ones left well hidden beneath blouse, along with those patches of red skin, left just the faintest outlines of where new skin has grown and doesn't quite match the old flesh tone yet. If one knew her picture well, there was no doubt that she was down a good bit of meat on her. Muscle and softness, her entire frame atrophied over the sickness, but on a first meeting perhaps the great Margaret Carter was just more frail a woman that one would have expected to be a founder of SHIELD.

"It's still lovely to meet you. I'm glad Steve has team mates who can live up to his own legacy. I know he's... quite the marvel in the field." Considering she was there when he became who he is now, that secret, nostaglic smile on her lips.

"Injured?" She blinks in confusion, "Oh! Oh, goodness, no. Not... really. Just still recovering from a few matters, including being unfrozen after thirty years in a not exactly state of your current art cryogenic tube. I'm... quite lucky to be alive, honestly. But it's taking some... time... to return to my old self." She downplays the whole matter with usual British understatement.

Thor has posed:
    As she speaks he listens, bright blue eyes following her words and nodding at points as she explains. It might be a moment or two before he gets a hang of what she means.
    She can see him working things through with that curious look in his eyes and a puzzled tilt to his head. But there is concern there as well. "And here I am rudely asking you to guide me through this elaborate facility. Forgive me," He stops and gives a nod. "Come, I will walk with you back to your domicile." A glance is given down the hall then back to her, "Perhaps I should carry you?"
    Like that would go over well for the SHIELD rumor mill. But he knows at least enough not to insist though the offer is there.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A deeper laugh escapes her throat, though that does hurt a little, laughing so much. It felt good at the same time, "Oh goodness, Mr. Odinson, I... I can manage quite fine myself. Half of physical therapy is just pushing how much I can walk any given day, and then we'll move onto running. Trust me, it's quite frustrating and I hate anyone seeing me in this condition but..." She gives a small sigh and a slight roll of her shoulders, "There is no ignoring it other than holding steady getting through." Typical British, or SHIELD, stubbornness. Probably both.

"So, escorting you to the door is more than fine, if you wish to continue. I don't think it is much farther and then I can head back and rest if I need, but I promise, I am no swooning fragile flower. Just... a woman annoyed that medicine isn't a miracle cure even after it managed to pull off a few miracles." She smirks wryly.

Thor has posed:
    She can sense the hesitance there as he looks to her, looks down at her shoes, then back up to her. The dubiousness is apparent but he gives a nod knowing full well how it is to be a stubborn individual in such circumstances, knowing he has acted in a similar manner in the past.
    "Very well then," The Asgardian turns, glancing down the hall. "Though I am sure I can make it the rest of the way. Perhaps we come to a compromise in this matter." His lip curls up a little, gentle as he tries to bridge the gap between stubbornness and practicality. "I am sure I can find my way from here, it is just through that door, is it not?"
    And, indeed, it isn't too terribly far.
    "So there, you have discharged your duty and can return to your normal daily tasks, free in the comfort of having done what needed doing." Then he offers her his hand, "And we can part ways as friends, very good Lady Carter?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
"A... compromise seems fine enough. And the next time you are here, I have hopes I will be able to escort you across the entire building as you please. Of course, that will involve me figuring out how the bloody hell they redesigned while I was asleep. But future goals." Peggy reaches out, giving his hand one last, warm squeeze with her cool, small fingeritps, before straightening and turning to go.

The last question behind her, however, gets an arched brow and her dark eyes turning back in his direction. She blinks, completely unaccustomed to such questions, even though there was a true air of chivalry beneath it. "...Yes, of course. Any friend of Steve's is a friend of mine. I... look forward to getting to know you better... Lord... Thor? Is there a proper title or rank I should be using?"

Thor has posed:
    As she moves off he tells her, "Thor is fine." With that said he smiles again, then turns and starts to walk away down the hall, his step an easy going thing and his umbrella now lightly clicking upon the floor.