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After the Interview
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: New York
Synopsis: Dinah and Thor catch up after the interview 'incident'. Their conversation takes a surprising turn.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Dinah Lance

Thor has posed:
    After the Good Morning America show was shut down by the incident, and after the crowd was dispersed by the arrival of emergency crews, there was still a fair amount of people wandering by. Just enough of a gathering of people asking what happened to cause a slow down in traffic. And for those that had been there during the event, they definitely had a story to tell. There was certainly, for that matter, no shortage of amateur reporters trying to get the story and their own bit of footage.
    Assuredly Tony Stark had to field some questions, and indeed Ms. Potts most likely had to address no small number of questions given. But at this point, with the police still around and questioning some of the witnesses, one of the figures was still there and currently it was none other than the Mighty Thor.
    "Ah well, you see." He speaks to an officer, though around him are a few civilians, some leaning over to try and get selfies, waving, seeking to get a smile from the Asgardian which they do at times. "I was only aware near the end. It was through the brave efforts of the two young women who saved the day."
    He gestures with one hand, still standing there in his grey hooded sweatshirt and jeans, "Ms. Winters, and I believe, her."
    The her, of course, being known other than Ms. Lance.

Dinah Lance has posed:
For her part, after Dinah dropped one of the knife-wielding idiots she went back to her business with the street vendor. Or at least she tried to, between the police and the crowd and trying to keep her bike from being knocked over.
    Right now she's managed to create something of a calm area and leans her butt against the bike while munching on a much better version of the earlier attempt at schwarma. A couple of the reporters turn towards the blonde and she just holds up her free hand in a warding gesture between bites.
    A girl's gotta eat. Let Rome burn.
    Holding the last of her breakfast, Dinah speaks to the reporters and shoots Thor an accusing look. "Listen, fellas. I already gave a statement to the police, okay? I really didn't do anything that any other citizen wouldn't do." Like take down an armed guy twice her size.

Thor has posed:
    For the Asgardian there are various ways to change the way he regards an individual. For most they are the people he must protect, encompassed as innocents and the people of Midgard whom he can help at times with his efforts. But small hurdles can be vaulted, efforts taken to display the mettle of a soul and Dinah Lance, whether she knows it or not, had leapt past one when she had endangered herself and stepped into the fracas to aid as she could.
    From then on she would likely be regarded as a colleague at least, or a warrior for she had risked herself for others. An effort worthy of merit. But when she gives him that accusing look his good-natured smile is offered, and for some it might be disarming. Dinah though... perhaps not.
    "If you will excuse me?" He says to the circle of people around them, and weirdly enough they give him the space needed as he steps by and moves across the way toward that other half-circle around the Canary. And though that crowd was already partially dispersing, the arrival of Thor and his words given seems to urge them all the more.
    "Gentlemen, young lady," He addresses some of the reporters, "If you would grant us some time, I would be most appreciative." Then hearing those words, they actually seem to listen as the small curious crowd disperses.
    Leaving Thor and Dinah there near her motorcycle, not alone a'tall really, but at least with some space to speak somewhat peacefully and at their ease. "Fair lady, I would have words with thee."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    In the time it takes for Thor to make his way over, Dinah finishes the schwarma and wipes her fingers. Chewing a little and swallowing, she stands up straight once more and replies. "Thanks for that, big guy. Sorry, but I was famished. And I'm really not very pleasant when my blood sugar gets low."
    Wadding up the napkin with one hand, she offers the other. "I'm Dinah Lance, just like I told the police. Of course YOU don't need any introductions." Her stance is bold and sure, relaxed but capable. There is strength in those arms and callouses on her hands.

Thor has posed:
    "You are kind, Lady Lance." The tall man takes her hand and there's a small shake. She can tell the clasp is gentle, without too much pressure and mindful. But there is a curious ease at which he controls his grip. His blue eyes find hers and he smiles easily. "You seem a capable fighter, well-trained and at ease amongst danger."
    He turns and takes up a place slightly further out of the way as people may wish to get by, but that puts him closer to her, the bike, the vehicle which is given a glance of curiousity before he returns his regard to her.
    "I had thought to ask you of this." His hand reaches to the pocket inside his zippered hoodie and produces one of those half-moon curved blades, tilting it one way and then the other, then offering it to her should she wish to look closer. "You seemed so calm, were you familiar at all with those bladesmen?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah returns the smile, blue eyes meeting his own. "I've had some experience, yeah." she replies. It's a slippery slope for her, really, and the veil between her name and her masked identity seems to be getting thinner by the day. "Self-defense classes, and all that."
    Very advanced self-defense classes, perhaps.
    As for the bike? It's a custom Triumph, for those who know anything about motorcycles. Not a standard model, by any means.
    Dinah accepts the knife, looking it over closely. Gripping it by the hilt, she tests the balance and heft before passing it back over. "It's not a traditional martial-arts weapon." she declares. "From the design, I'd say it's Eastern in origin. Too much weight, and the balance is off to be Chinese or Japanese, though."

Thor has posed:
    The weapon is accepted and his brow knits as he considers the weapon in turn, adding her thoughts to his own and coming away without too much more insight save for the comment about its weight and balance. He does light it upon his index finger in an attempt to find that central point and indeed, too blade heavy assuredly as it sways forward. With a quick twist he replaces it in its sheath and murmurs, "I will take it to an acquaintance of mine and see if he knows more of it."
    "It reminds me of..." Then there's a pause as his brow furrows, lower lip being worried at briefly in thought. Then his eyes lift again to meet hers and his smile returns to life. The man is so at ease with wherever he stands, and so larger than life as he murmurs, "Well I would suggest you continue with your classes, Lady Lance. You fight well, better than some of my colleagues I would daresay."
    He starts to step back, but then his attention falls upon the bike once again and she can read that curiosity there. His lip curling a little as he shoots a glance at it, then her, then the bike again. "You know I have seen these vehicles zipping around so often. My friend Steven has one very similar to this." His smile is warm, pleased at the small touch stone. But then he adds with a jovial half-smile, "Though he does not allow me to touch it." A hint of a frown, but it's a playful thing.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah suppresses all but a small smile at his praise, but she accepts it graciously all the same. Decisions, decisions. "I appreciate that, Thor. Listen... I run a flower shop in Gotham. This..." she gestures around to the crowd and the reporters. "... isn't really a good place to talk."
    To talk about what? Yes, there is more she would say, apparently.
    "So you like the bike? Thanks again. I built it myself from scratch. I have some uncles who are very much into motorcycles, and I sort of grew up learning."

Thor has posed:
    His eyebrows lift and he tilts a glance around their surroundings, but then nods. "In truth tis not," Then he shifts his stance to face her more directly, brow knitting together as he looks between those so blue irises of hers, flitting a glance between each as if seeking some hidden meaning she might be offering. She mentions a flower shop and there's a small look of incredulity albeit brief, but then it is coupled with a hint of wonderment. For truly such surprises these people of Midgard hold, for a purveyor of such delicate beauty to be a hero in her own right.
    "Ah, in Gotham you say?"
    But then he nods along when she suggests this is a bad place to talk. "Then by all means, let us adjourn. I have no draw upon my time at the moment, so it is yours." There is still that curiousity in his eyes as he rests a hand upon his hip. But then he tilts his head to the side...
    One hand is extended and across the way from where he left it leaning against the side of the building, a black umbrella /leaps/ up off the ground and quickly slices across the distance into his hand with a faint _whom_ of sound.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah looks from the big, blonde Asgardian to the umbrella and she gives a curious look. Along with a smile. "It's not a long ride, if you don't mind a woman driving." She swings a leg over, rocking the bike off of its stand. Her gaze shifts from the tall man to the seat behind her.
    "I don't have an extra helmet, and you might want to hold on. Just watch the hands." Apparently she's done this before.

Thor has posed:
    There's a tilt of his head as Thor considers the vehicle, considers the woman offering him the ride, then back to the vehicle. His smile is a little wry as he slips the umbrella under his arm and ponders what his considerable weight might do to her and the balance and the trip. Also considering that at times he is affected by forces most curious...
    And instead he tilts his head as he asks her, "I might have another idea. Perchance are you afraid of heights?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah gives him a curious look, eyes brightening at his suggestion. She dismounts the bike after easing it back on the stand again. "There's very little that I'm afraid of, actually." she replies. "I think I know where this is going..."

Thor has posed:
    In the moments that followed there was an abrupt /CRACK!/ of energy and a flash of power that lanced to life around the Asgardian. So easy it is to forget him, who he is, what he can do. For he can be at ease with the people of Midgard. But then something like this happens to bring it to the fore. The way the silver energy flashes over his body and transforms the so mundane garb into the brilliance of that black and silver armor, the scale and plate hugging the powerful contours of his warrior's body. A burgundy cloak hangs from one shoulder and his hair is no longer tied back in a pony-tail, now free and wild as the umbrella is no more and the hammer manifests its true shape.
    But that smile. That damn smile remains the same. "Come, Lady Lance. Mount your steed. We will ride together." His laugh slips from him.
    And should she do so she'll find herself there, secure, and then /hoisted/ up almost effortlessly upon his broad shoulder. There is a whirring /whom-whom-whom/ as the hammer picks up speed and then with not as much of a jolt as normal he throws it forward, pulling them both into the air, upwards into the sky...
    And all of a sudden it's as if she's riding her motorcycle through the clouds.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah can't help herself, and she takes a step back when the lightning falls. "Wow... that's a nice costume-change trick." she offers with a chuckle. Then she nods and swings a leg over the bike once more. Her weight steadies, gripping handlebars with boots on the pegs.
    She keeps her balance as he so casually hoists the bike, managing not to squeal. "Just don't dro-..." she begins, then the whirring of the hammer drowns out the rest.
    Dinah isn't screaming, but her laughter can be heard as they just launch into the sky together. She surveys the city below, leaning over the handlebars to point with long hair billowing in the wind.

Thor has posed:
    Once in flight they rise up above that so famous skyline, high into the spotty clouds that dot the blue above. Below the streets shrink, the skyscrapers drift past, their speed a good clip but not much faster than the motorcycle usually travels... just in a different direction.
    It is a heady thing, that sensation of flight, the rush of wind, the whirl of hair. He looks up and smiles a little as she laughs, shaking his head not in admonishment, but perhaps living a little vicariously through the woman's experience.
    Then it's over the river, the water crashing below, the sound of a distant buoy as the ferries wander past at their leisurely pace. She'll hear his voice lift as he murmurs, "Gotham, you said!" As if to clarify.
    Toward that great gothic landscape they hurtle and he calls to her, "I am not as familiar with that land as I am with Manhattan. You shall have to guide me!" Yelled loud enough to be heard above that rush.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah nods vigorously as he calls to her. "It's near the University! Off to the right a bit." she yells back. As promised, if it's a short ride it's even a shorter flight. With her guidance, they descend right in front of a little flower shop called 'The Sherwood Florist'.
    Dismounting the bike once she's set down, Dinah offers. "Thanks for the lift. Let me put this away and we can talk inside."

Thor has posed:
    The bike is set down gently with only a slight jounce. There in Gotham people are stopping, blinking, one person pulls out their cellphone and perhaps trying to capture Thor's likeness and to be fair he doesn't exactly hide what with the armor and all. He smiles and gives a friendly wave even as there's another /CRACKLE!/ and rumble that slashes silver energy around him, roiling and then returning him to that casual clothes of jeans, brown work boots, and that grey hoodie. Not even to mention the umbrella tucked under one arm.
    He ties his hair back and steps after her, nodding as she needs her tie. "At your leisure, Lady Lance."
    And so he will await her.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah wheels the bike around back to a small area that looks like it doubles as a garage and mechanic shop. Stepping through, it's up the back stairs and then into a modest, studio apartment. "Can I get you something to drink? I might have a couple beers in the fridge, unless you're okay with tea."
    And regardless of how he answers, the continues without much pause. "I'm sorry for lying to you back in New York, as well, but I'm trying to keep something of a low profile. In Gotham, as well as a few other places now, I'm known as the Black Canary. I was a member of the Justice League, at least when we HAD a Justice League."

Thor has posed:
    "Beer, excellent." He says as he enters the apartment, taking his time and looking the place over. The tall Asgardian smiles openly and gives a nod as if in agreement with that prospect of drink, though he still shows that open curiousity as he wanders along, looking at whatever tchotchkes might be in evidence, picking up photos and looking at them, then setting them back down.
    He does, however, set his umbrella against the wall near the door and leaves it there before moving further out into the apartment proper. Only for his features to brighten as she confides in him. "Ah!" As if she verified some thoughts he had and knew all along.
    He did not.
    "That is excellent, I should have known someone of your grace and talent, with a desire to do what you could for people around you... obvious you would take it on yourself to do more. I am pleased to meet you, Canary."
    And then as if she had vaulted past another hurdle, he steps forwards to make her acquaintance all over again, reaching to grasp her forearm if she will and to give a firm shake shared between warriors.
    "Well met, indeed."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah considers the size of the man in her apartment, and decides to grab two beers for starters, along with a spring water for herself. She sets the beers down with a small smile. "It's just Dinah when I'm not in the fishnets, Thor." she replies. And when he reaches to grasp her forearm she returns the grip quite comfortably, even if her arm isn't anywhere near the bulk of his own.
    "Indeed. Like I said, I'm trying to at least be discreet. If criminals found out my real name, they'd burn this place down."
    A little bit of research later on his part would discover just HOW good she is, in the martial arts world. Along with vague references to a 'Canary Cry' and metagene. Even SHIELD isn't sure whether she simply carries some sort of sonic weapon.
    So, yeah. She can take care of myself alright.
    "You were thinking of something back there, when we were talking about the knife. Like you've maybe seen it's like before?"

Thor has posed:
    That handshake is a companionable thing, she's seen it before assuredly, but there's another thing to experience it. The bright smile, the slight /thump thump/ upon her shoulder approvingly as he nods. Something about Asgardians that might make one feel when looked upon in a moment like this... that the Asgardian sees them as the very best person they can be, so held in high esteem.
    "Forgive me then for my approach of you, I had not thought you might be in disguise." The handshake is released and he nods as he listens to her and moves to take a seat if she is inclined.
    "Indeed!" He answers and takes a sip of the first beer, smiling at the taste then straightening up in the chair and meeting her gaze with that warm casual way he has. "I did not wish to mention it there, but it was more perhaps I recognized the purpose."
    A breath is taken, held, then he murmurs. "Weapons of that sort, with the curve, and the weight more toward the tip. It reminded me of some elvish weapons I have come across in the past by those who... exult in the spilling of blood. Of sacrifice. I fear what it may signify as to these villains."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Warrior or not, Dinah IS still a little thing. But she manages to keep her footing with the hearty shoulder thump all the same. "It's quite alright, actually. You didn't know. And I don't make a habit of fighting without being in costume, either, but that guy didn't leave me with any other option." Which is why she took him down so quickly.
    She leans against the arm of a chair while they talk, sipping her mineral water. "Wait a sec, did you just say *elvish* weapon? Are we talking Tolkien elves, Dungeons and Dragons, or something else?" Then it occurs to her and she chuckles. "You mean *Norse* elves, of course. Can I see that blade again?"

Thor has posed:
    As she asks for it he instantly reaches for his back pocket and produces the small blade and extends it to her hilt first, flipping it over in the drawing. His smile open as she lists her known elves and then at the last he nods, "The Dark Elves, or High. Though it is the Svartalfar that are more commonly inclined to the ritual of taking life."
    He'll lean as well toward her, at times taking a sip of the beer and holding her gaze. She has all of his attention, for their's is a culture of storyteller and it is likely in some ways he will recall the meeting, the events surrounding it, all in a tale to relate and to preserve these memories against the predation of the many years he must live.
    "Yet I saw no markings that it was of their make, usually there is an imperfection cultivated to be noticed for the sentiment between the elves despite their dislike for the other is that naught should be perfect. And so they mar the pristine with a touch."
    There is a moment where his lips part and it seems as if he were about to add a little more to that thought, but then instead he just closes his mouth, exhales slightly, and smiles.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Another sip of the mineral water, then Dinah sets the bottle down to handle the weapon with both hands. And for a few moments her attention is on the weapon itself. She holds it by the hilt, passing the blade through a few practice movements from a variety of styles. "It really is only suited for killing, not for fighting." she replies.
    Dinah flips the weapon lightly, offering it back hilt-first. "If this was man-made, not elvish made, that's probably even more disturbing. It means that someone was offering guidance to these men..."
    Her detective's instincts pick up on the shift in his manner, then. "Tell me more about these Dark Elves. Could one of the Svart-al-far be behind this somehow?"

Thor has posed:
    The blade is returned to its sheath and then his pocket after he had watched her movements and then nods. She asks of the Svartalfar and he murmurs, "Possibly?" A breath is taken, "After the invasion, and after the war between mine father's kingdom, there are few of them that believe in the old ways. Queen Alflyse still holds court and rules the Svartalfar who have embraced a more open society and live in harmony with their brethren." As far as he knows.
    "But if this is a connection to those of the old ways, I cannot imagine there being many left." He sits back in his seat, crossing a leg over his knee and seeming thoughtful. For a moment he works at his inner cheek, then quirks an eyebrow. "It could just be that purpose dictates form and it has naught to do with the elvish."
    Straightening up a little he then takes another sip of beer and indeed, she was wise to bring out two for his first is already done. "This is a fine beverage, thank you."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah picks up her water again, sipping slowly and regarding him while they talk. "But if this Queen is leading her people to be a more open society, then this blade shouldn't exist." she replies. "And you all but said yourself that this -wasn't- made by the elves. It lacks a flaw." Dinah swirls her bottle, looking thoughtful. "So maybe someone just wants it to LOOK like the Dark Elves are back to being dark again. Or purpose dictates form, like you said."
    Blonde brows knit, then. "Except I don't really buy the last bit. No one just makes a blade like this on accident. There was another hand in it."

Thor has posed:
    "Tis possible," Thor says and he nods slightly, "If you wish I will leave the weapon with you. We have the others." Those deep blue eyes lift as his gaze distances thoughtfully, pondering the matter and managing to take up the second bottle in the meantime. A breath is drawn, held, then released with a sloooow exhalation.
    "In any case I shall take it to others more knowledgeable than myself. Perhaps there is an aspect of the arcane to this. Or my brother..."
    At that he stops and a faint shadow flickers over his features as his eyes lower. A moment of silence. Then he returns to form with that easy-going smile. "In any case, your help is much appreciated, Dinah." He says her name and for some reason it makes his smile a little more positive as if enjoying the saying of it.
    "Both when you defeated that man, and for sharing your insight with me. You are a remarkable woman."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah smiles at the last, and her cheeks even color a bit with the praise. "Thanks, big guy. And I mean that." She doesn't follow up on the brother reference, perhaps because she notices the shift in his mood. "And yes, please leave the blade if you wouldn't mind. I'd like to think about it as well." Or maybe there's someone that SHE would like to show it to.
    There is a moment of pause, then she declares. "When you figure out who sent those goons and decide to go after them, I want in." Reaching into a pocket, she pulls out a card with the shop's number on it. "If I'm not in the shop, just leave a message."

Thor has posed:
    The dark blue eyes follow along with her words, still holding that attention and focused upon her with that casual openness. He nods when she asks for him to leave the blade as he produces it once again. To the side he sets it on a nearby table with a faint clink. Then his eyebrows lift at the offering of the card.
    "Of course," He leans forwards, shifting the beer to the side to draw closer and accept the card. There's a moment where his fingers brush her hand slightly, and perhaps it's a small touch. But they linger for an instant, just the ghost of a caress as if surprised at something. A breath is drawn, then his smile returns again as he shakes his head and accepts the card.
    "I shall contact you with more information should you so wish."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Fingers touch and Dinah's gaze is already seeking his. She's not in a hurry to pull away, but lets him take the card all the same. There's probably a good explanation for the quickening of her breathing, but don't ask her to explain it right at the moment. It's as if his smile breaks the spell, and she smiles in return.
    "Yeah, I so wi-... I mean, do that. Yes." she replies. "We should spar sometime, too. I mean, if you want to. You're all demi-god and everything, so I doubt I'd be much of a match for you..."

Thor has posed:
    His eyes find hers and they're held. It's just a steady gaze as that smile remains for a time, until he seems to lose himself a little in looking into her own. Just looking upon the way her irises embrace those faint shades of color and the ways they shift. But also seeing his reflection there, the subtle tension at the corners. Even as she speaks and seems to perhaps let the words just flow from her.
    But she can see that subtle change come over him as she manages to leap that last hurdle to draw closer in the esteem held by the Prince. For she'll see affection then, clear in the way his smile curves a little wry. Clear in the way his eyes narrow subtly and his lids lower.
    And clear in the quiet tone as he murmurs to her as if sharing a whispered hint of conspiracy when he tells her, "If you wish to spend more time with me, Dinah."
    His eyes do not waver as he adds quietly, "You have only to say as much, and I will be there."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    She's going around the bush and he cuts right to the chase! Blink. Dinah chuckles softly, then, her head tilting almost coyly. "That's not -quite- what I meant, Thor." she replies. Okay, so maybe it was, but she's too close of a competitor to admit to anything. "I did say sparring. That doesn't have some sort of secret and suggestive meaning in Asgardian, does it?"
    Yes, Dinah, cover up an uncomfortable situation with flirting. Because how could -that- go wrong?
    "But yes, I'd like that. Spending more time with you, I mean."

Thor has posed:
    Nodding slowly he just seems to be entirely pleased, as if discovering her entirely anew. But then he nods again with a little more energy and lowers his eyes, so that when they look up she can see the laughter in them, the joviality. "It does not, but now I find myself wary." His lips curl crookedly, as if espying her all again suspiciously.
    "Methinks this may be a trap, and perhaps you are sent to lead me off the path to befall an uncertain fate." One eye narrows a bit as if to tell her he's onto her, but the smile might well rob those words of any hint of malice.
    But then, more serious, he says. "I would love to spend time with you, and will call on you at your leisure." With that said sets the bottle down and then moves to rise, gaining his feet before her offer her his hand to rise as well should she so wish.
    "It has been lovely to meet you, and to learn of who you truly are, Lady Lance." A pause then he adds as he recalls, "Dinah."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah accepts the offered hand in her own, the little blonde presenting very little weight for him to hold. She laughs softly at the mention of being a trap, shaking her head slowly. "No one's fate is certain." she replies, offering a bit of Eastern philosophy. "And you can call me anytime."
    The last is out of her mouth before she can stop it. Dammit. "But just so you know, I'm not one of those goggle-eyed fangirls you can charm with that charming smile and those rippling pecs." Just in case, yeah.
    "Seriously, though, I do appreciate being able to trust you with my Canary identity as well, Thor. And I'm really glad we got the chance to meet."

Thor has posed:
    "Mmm," He says at first, perhaps not entirely believing her words as his eyes crinkle with amusement, still playful but pleased holding her hand gently then releasing as he takes a step back. "I had no illusion you were such, Lady Lance." And as he speaks she can hear him affecting more the tone of his homeland, the broad vowels, 'Lady Launce' as he turns and begins to walk toward the door.
    "Far be it for you to fall prey to such simple aspects, you would require wooing." He says that as he walks, but then he pauses and lifts his chin. "And in a proper manner." He says that list turning to face her in the small hall to the door, looking down at her over the bridge of his nose.
    "So shall I have my steward call upon your people? Tell them I intend to court you so they can secure the needed escorts and chaperones."
    But then he smiles and meets her gaze lowering his eyes again he murmurs, "Though whatever your answer as to that. I would have another afore I depart. For I would ask you to share dinner with me, enjoy bread and salt as is proper."

Dinah Lance has posed:
    From sparring to wooing to dinner, all at once! Dinah blinks at the offer, then she laughs softly once more. "I'm... not sure whether your serious or not." she replies, although truthfully she knows the answer already. "But I don't have any 'people' for your steward to call, I'm afraid. I tend to schedule that sort of thing myself."
    Pause. "And I'm not very fond of escorts and chaperones. Do you people really still do that stuff?"
    "But we can definitely have dinner. I'm guessing a big, strapping guy like yourself doesn't do a lot of Chinese take-out, but we can work out the specifics with the bread and salt."

Thor has posed:
    "Excellent," Thor says as he does /nothing/ to answer her questions. Perhaps she will be approached by Einherjar with his intentions. Perhaps she will be informed of the requirements of said courtship. Or perhaps he is teasing her and making light, for the smile he offers grants no insight save in the clarity in that...
    Well she has charmed him.
    Turning away he rests a hand on the door and draws it open, extending the other hand to the umbrella that lightly /leaps/ into his hand with a small whum of sound. He turns back to her and smiles, then says gently. "I'll call you soon. Thank you for the drinks."
    Those blue eyes lower in what might be a bow in some form then he nods to her. "Until then, Dinah." He moves to depart.

Dinah Lance has posed:
    Dinah's gaze is distracted from the big man to the umbrella that just -leaps- to his hand. Of course she knows what it REALLY is by now. She slips hands into her pockets, nodding as she watches him open the door. "Yeah, I'll see you 'round, Thor. Glad you could come by."
    When he steps outside she mutters softly to herself. <Well -that- turned interesting real fast. And now I've got a date with the God of Thunder. Or something...>