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Latest revision as of 05:46, 20 May 2020

Later, back at the ranch... er.. church.
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: Derelict Church somewhere in New York.
Synopsis: Chat had, and decisions made. HERE WE COME SPIDER-MAN!
Cast of Characters: Tyrone Johnson, Tandy Bowen

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    The return to the church is -almost- anti-climactic. In that Cloak's power to teleport is silent. One moment there is nothing, and the next... he's there. His cloak billowing out before him to release his passenger. He is sullen, as usual... and as usual, when combat is not happening, his eyes linger on the departing Dagger. Sure, there is a male hunger there, but also a -very- inhuman one. He HUNGERS for the light. And he envies Dagger the fact that she is still human. She eats, sleeps, sweats, showers, all of those persnickety human things.
    Cloak does none of that really. His body does not require sustenance. He has no need to wash since he is not really even fully materealized anymore. So he lives vicariously through the girl with the dancer's grace and the light of life.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
There is nothing commonplace about their arrival. Dagger steps out of his dark embrace into what has become their home. The room behind the broken down confessionals, roofed, and dry. The rest of the partially roofed building stares up into New York's starless night.

Careful to not glow at this time of the night since her glimmering progress could be seen through the partially glassed-in windows, the young girl moves into their room. An old altar screen divides it in half, behind which she has made a passable pallet of a discarded futon covered to her satisfaction. A clothes rack hung with her collection of Goodwill clothing and an old desk left from some previous role in the church's existence completes the decor. Home.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Home. Depressing, but home. Cloak looms silently, silently thinking through the day and evening. Of course, you can likely hear all of the comments he is -not- making. But... he thinks and thinks and it occurs to him that you are a far more social animal than he is. So... to help -you-, he speaks finally, in his deep voice. So weird how it changed from the thin, reedy stutter he had before the powers kicked in. "You did well. Thank you for restrainingme. . . . again."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Tandy, Tandy in her guise as Dagger, has no problem letting Cloak find his words. She exhibits more patience with him than with anyone else or anything in her life. Most things she throws herself at with the passion of a young woman. She has no patience for liars, for drug dealers, for cheats or for the people that try to degrade the lives of others while enriching themselves. His silences have weight and meaning.

Shrugging, she crosses the room to settle in one of their recuperated chairs at the wobbly table where she eats and Cloak watches her. "I guess we have to figure out where the law stops and where we begin." Elbows on the table, she supports her head between her hands, silver blonde hair falling over her fingers, "More and more, I think, some people deserve a chance. You know? Like that guy doesn't produce the drugs, he just is trying to make a buck. A bad buck. Okay. Do you see what I mean?

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "He made the -choice- to sell them to children." remarks Cloak. He pauses once more before drifting forwards. He settles down as if he was sitting before you. If only to give you the comfort of speaking to him at eye level.
    "But you wish me to be merciful. I will." he states with a shake of his head. "I disagree with it, but I can see that it is important to you." Another long pause as he gathers his thoughts. "Do I have your permission to.... deal with repeat offenders as I wish?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
"My permission?" The rise in her voice echoes her surprise at the question and her discomfort. Modulating her voice, she asks kindly, "I mean, since when am I your ruler?"

She runs her fingers through her hair, curling a length of it around the index finger as she tries to articulate her thoughts. "Merciful makes me sound like I'm some kind of dispenser of divine justice. Um. Yeah. No. It just makes us into the law, doesn't it?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    More silence. Studious silence. Contemplative. Cloak slowly nods his head. The unspoken... 'you -are- my angel'. But then he lifts his cloaked shoulders and says, "That is the question. Do we want the law enforcement personnel on our side or not, yes?"
    And then he sighs. Not that he really needs it. But he shakes his head now and adds, "I understand. I do not agree, but it is okay to disagree from time to time, is it not?"

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Mouth drawn into an exaggerated frown, Tandy knocks her head with her knuckles, trying to figure this out. "It's not like I want us to be legit. Legit doesn't always work but I can't know who is really bad or good. I mean, can I? Yeah. I don't want everyone gunning for us but who could we trust?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    One hand snaking out from under his cloak, Tyrone reaches his other hand up and lowers his hood. His short dark and curly hair looks like shadows against his skull. But his hand reaches out for your arm. "It is us against them. The police cannot do what we do. They cannot use the methods that we can use. They will not go after the targets that we will go after. We..." A pause, not a stutter, but a pause to formulate the right words. "We need to do what we can and they cannot. We need to make those who prey on the innocent to fearful of us to continue operating."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
"We're not working with people." Tandy leans across the table, comforted by his reach for her. "Who was that guy that dropped out of nowhere and tried to tell us what to do?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Shaking his head, Tyrone says, "I truly do not know. But it took courage for him to choose to confront us." He didn't mean us. He meant him. But hey, Dagger -can- be scary to the right people. But Cloak? Cloak scares himself.
    But his hand squeezes her arm before sliding down to grasp the hand there. "In all seriousness, I think we should take some time to learn about who -else- is operating in this area. Metahumans at least. We need to know whom is on which side of things."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
"And how are we going to go about that?" A wide grin lights her face up, "Are we going to loiter on roof tops or look them up in some directory. Maybe the Father would know?" She covers his hand with her own, the grin attenuating into a more thoughtful expression.

"We're not the law even if we can run circles around them."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "We are not the law of the government. But.. we -could- enforce the law of the streets. We could be a force for good, a force that can go beyond what the law allows." Conviction resonates in Tyrone's voice, and he smirks just a little bit, "But... perhaps we could go find someone we -know- is on the side of the angels?"
    "Perhaps Spider-Man? We -know- that he fights for the people. He should have some knowledge of whom we could trust, and whom we might -not- be able to. But.."
    He chuckles and smiles now, a -real- smile. Such a rare thing for him. "But. You know I -do- enjoy lurking on rooftops."

Tandy Bowen has posed:
Snorting at the smile, secretly very pleased to see a remnant of the young man she had met before their kidnapping, Tandy returns it with a wide, luminous grin.

"You're a lurker. I knew it. You like looking at the girls walking by. I knew it!"

"How do we go about finding Spider Man? And, you know, a couple of months ago that would have seemed really weird."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "Well, the best way that I can think of to find him is... well.. lurking." admits Tyrone. "Or... I suppose I could... acquire a police radio and listen for the next time he is spotted and just.. -be- there." he offers.
    What? He is not an investigator. "Or just lurking, which is far more fun. Especially if -you- are the girl down below." The implied message -is- clear. He's trying to make Tandy blush.

Tandy Bowen has posed:
"I bet you the Father knows. But you know having a police radio is not such a bad idea. Really. Keeping it safe here might take some doing though."

Tandy lowers her eyes trying hard not to succumb to a blush, she narrows her eyes and adopts a hard edged attitude. "Right. You can just...you can just can it, Tyrone."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    That brings a dark and deep chuckle from Tyrone. But his thumb rubs against the back of her hand before he lets go of it, "Perhaps you should let me go acquire you something eat, maybe the radio. While you wash up as best you can. I'll give you the privacy that you need and deserve..." he says.. and before you can reply, he's gone. Damnit, he always does that.