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Latest revision as of 03:43, 21 May 2020

We Come In Peace
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Jules Verne Museum - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Heather, Mori, and Singularity meet in a museum where they discuss being a hero.
Cast of Characters: Mori Merritt, Heather Danielson, Singularity

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's late afternoon when Mori finds herself at the Jules Verne Museum in Metropolis. To be honest, she's not sure how she ended up /in/ Metropolis, but at some point she looked around and realized she was nearby. The museum had a certain appeal... the mention of aliens made her a little curious. Inside, while there were plenty of exhibits... she'd found her way to the gift shop.

Peering at the fake alien artifacts, there are times where Mori seems to be looking a bit too closely before setting the toy back down and moving on to something else. At least, for the moment, she's not causing any type of scene.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Alien artifacts. Aliens. Heather still can't get over the fact that aliens exist. I mean big blue, sure. But ALIENS! And on her day off. . . okay, who's kidding? When she works, she stands around and gets her picture taken. That, or well Titans training but neither of those are especially difficult for her.
    Today happens to be a day without training, and so she decided to get out and visit the museum. Time to see if any -new- exhibits are out. That and it wouldn't kill her to make nice and do a little PR on two fronts. So she pays her entrance fee happily.
    And she wanders into the place, guide book in hand, with a big cheery smile on her face which is presented to the staff whenever she sees them. She does stand out in a crowd this one. Yep.

Singularity has posed:
    Speaking of alien beings....

    There's a faint flicker of blue near the roof, then with a soft *poink* of energy states collapsing, there abruptly is a girl in blue and stars who is floating over the crowds below as she drifts over the starship mockups on display, looking around with interest, her hands behind her back as she floats lower to get a better look at things. Not suprisingly she gets more than a few kids pointing her way, to whom she waves cheerfully as she peruses the museum, curiosity in her expression as she looks aorund.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Perhaps Mori wasn't causing a problem, but it doesn't mean that someone else isn't making a scene somewhere. She looks up from a toy spaceship and instead leans over to try and get a good look at something floating. She's not sure if it's part of the exhibit and as she leans she almost overextends herself and clutches at the shelving to prevent herself from falling over. Thankfully it's sturdy, but she looks around to make sure no one saw that.

Slowly, she makes her way closer to try and get a better look at the blue star girl who she's not entirely sure is real. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, so much for the vain attention hound that is Heather Danielson. She glances up like anyone else and lifts -both- blonde eyebrows, "Wow." she mutters. But she lifts a hand and rubs her eyes, "Are those... is she like a galaxy compressed down to.. no... seriously.." Yeah, she's muttering aloud as she strides forward.
    Then she calls out, "Please tell me you didn't come here to like... liberate the exhibits or whatnot." aloud towards Singularity. "I'd hate to have to call in the Titans.." Of course, she'd hate it, odds are she'd be blown off.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity rotaes in the air as Heather calls up to her, then looks curiously at her, floating down to lightly touch down so she's standing on the floor. "Liberate? No.' she says thoughfully. "Curious? About things. Not of Earth." She sees Mori peering her way and gives her a friendly waves, smiling at her. "Hello."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori looks in Heather's direction first. "Oh good," she puts a hand over her chest. "So you can see her too?" She seems entirely relieved, but then that presents an interesting change in her train of thought. /Especially/ when the girl greets her. Her mouth opens, full on jaw-dropping. This is /real/.

She slowly raises a hand up to wave back. "Uh, hi. You're... very..." She can't really find words. That's not an unfamiliar experience.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "The word you are looking for is.. unique." offers Heather aside to Mori. But she is studying Singularity as she is approached. "Curious huh?" she asks. And then it's explained that the woman is... not from around here. "Okay, then boy are -you- in the right place." she mutters with a gesture about at the exhibit.
    But then she offers a hand, "Name's Heather Danielson." Then she grimaces and shakes her head, "Codename Knockout, of the Titans." she adds. (But she -is- something of a supermodel celeb without the Titans of course)

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity perks a bit at the mention of the Titans. "Heroine!" she says, taking the hand and shaking it. Her hand feels...well, pretty normal, really. Warm? Soft. About like you'd expect a hand to feel, even if it's made of starstuff. "Singularity." she says, pointing to herself, then offering her hand to Mori! Even though she's standing a bit away. "Not unique. Just. Only one here." she says after a moment of thought. "Unique. That am here?" she adds questioningly.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I think the word is pretty." Mori says after a moment. She moves closer, holding out her hand to Singularity. She's still a little perplexed. Not really that she exists, but that she exists /here/. "Uh, Mori Merritt. No codename, I'm just trying to be a person, that's hard enough." Her dabbling into heroics has been minimal. "... I know this sounds really strange, but you'd be amazing to draw."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "You're an artist?" asks Heather of Mori. She steps to one side and inclines her head. "But -everyone- is unique. There are no two beings wholly identical in all of creation. So, you -are- unique. But yes, pretty also."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "And yes. I -am- a member of the Titans. Well, a potential recruit. I am on their short list at best. But... yeah. I -do- try to help people."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles at Mori. "Thank you. Draw?" She gets a thoughful look, considering it, then nods. "Yes. Can draw." she confirms. She takes Mori's hand, shaking it enthusiastically as well! "Mori. Heather." she repeats, as if getting it straight in her mind. "Recruit. Is also hero. Willing to protect. Save. Give. Forgive." The strange choppy way she talks is accompanied by slight pauses, as if she's figuring out how to distill her thoughts down into a vocalization still. She beams at Heather as well as she calls her pretty. "Thank you." she says politely. "Am unique. In THIS creation. Yes." she confirms.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I try and help people too," Mori says, though she's not entirely sure it's the same general concept there. "Ah, yes, I'm going to school for art. I do charcoal sketches mostly right now, but I've been trying other things. Been doing it since I was a kid but I've got a photographic memory so I do a lot of drawing of what I've seen..." She looks towards Singularity. "So I guess I have something else to work on."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Turning her head, Heather remarks, "I've been photographed many times, but not drawn. At lest not by someone that I knew. There might be guys at home tracing pictures out of Sports Illustrated, sure..." Yeah, she's rambling, "But I'm not really a hero -yet-. I haven't done anything really heroic. My daddy's the hero. Firefighter without powers.. THAT is a real hero."
    Then she turns to face Singularity, "So where -are- you from?" She asks.

Singularity has posed:
    "Can draw from memory?" Singularity says curiously. "Can sit still. For drawing. Don't mind." She cocks her head slightly at that, then smiling. "Could draw. Both. Of us?" she says, motioning to Heather, then turns to Heather. "Firefighters. Yes. Very brave." she says more seriously, then mmms, getting a cute little furrow as she considers. "Outside? This place. Universe." she says after a moment. "Watched here. Good people. Heroes. Heroines. Wanted to be. Like them."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"You wouldn't have to stand still for very long, I remember what I see. Granted, it's easier when I can see it in person, but I won't ever forget a face," Mori reaches into her messenger bag to pull out a sketchbook. "If you want to sit somewhere, I can do something now." She does glance towards Singularity for a moment at her words. "It does sound nice, to be like them. I thought it would be, for a while. I think being average and ordinary becomes more appealing after a while..."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I..." Heather shakes her head, "No nevermind, I'd love that." she admits before she steps over and gestures to a bench off to one side, "There we would be out of the way, so not causing traffic flow problems for the staff." she suggests.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles at Heather's agreement, then walks over to sit down obediently, her hair swirling behind her as she does, resting her hands on the bench. "Everyone is unique. Not ordinary. Not average. Just different." she says to Mori softly. "Everyone is. Their own universe. Their own story. Is why. This place. Is special."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"That's a good spot," Mori agrees, moving that direction. She stands out of the way, setting the messenger bag at her feet as she flips to a blank page of the sketchbook. "Maybe everyone is unique but it doesn't stop us from wanting to change who we are. To fix things." There's a tiny frown for a moment, but she brushes it off in favor of smiling at the pair.

"Alright then, just keep talking, I don't need you to hold perfectly still or anything, I just do better being able to glance over and see what I'm working on. Seeing something clearly in front of me is always preferred..."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding, Heather strides over and settles onto a seat at the bench. She offers a smile to Mori and then turns to regard Singularity. "So you are from.. the universe. You do not have a singular home?" she asks, "Are you.. an individual? Or some gestalt consciousness?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods to Mori, wiggling in her seat a bit until she's comfortable. "Everything changes. Change. Is always." the girl says with a faint smile at Mori, holding still for her, then peers over at Heather, considering a bit, then points t herself. "Am. One thing. Individual. Universe." She pauses, then adds. "Small universe. Pocket? Singularity." she repeats. She kicks her feet a bit, then remembers she's supposed to be sitting still and stops again.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Can I change differently then?" Mori makes a face, but she looks towards the two and starts her sketch. She works a bit, then glances up, then looks back. It's a repeated motion, clearly taking in the images even if they're already burned into her head. It's easier when she doesn't have to think so hard.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Change... differently?" asks Heather as she turns to regard Mori. She smiles and lifts her brows, "How do you mean?"
    And then she glances back to Singularity. "Oh, so.. you are a pocket universe of your very own? That's... I'm sorry, I am not a physicist. I get paid to stand around and look pretty, that's it." she mutters.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity looks unsure. "Can always. Change different. Just take different paths?' she says, leaning forwards a bit towards the other. "If paths are hard. Alone. Find friends. To share path?" She glances over at Heather and smiles. "Don't need. To be sorry? Different people. Different things. To know. To do. To find."

Mori Merritt has posed:
The mention of friends seems to spark something in Mori. She nods, slowly. "Maybe that would help, yes. Friends are important." She lets her gaze drift back to Heather. "Well, let's say you really want some kind of power. Suddenly, you develop flight but you have really bad headaches. Crippling ones that make your whole life hard. Maybe you'd want a different change in your life?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Her smile turning to a smirk, Heather shakes her head, "I truly don't know. Nobody can say what they would do in a given situation until they -are- in it." she adds, "But I apparently won the powers lottery myself. Perpetual health.. super healing and all."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods slight to Mori, frowning in concern. "Headaches? Maybe. Find someone. Who can help?" She frowns. "Don't know headaches." she admits. It's not like she actually HAS them...not in the sense that Mori does, anyway, she thinks. "Healing. And health. Good." Singularity agrees. "Power. Is responsibility too." She waves around. "Have power. To help people. To change their path. For better paths. To help. Heal."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori glances to Heather for a moment. "Super healing sounds very useful." Her attention goes to the sketchpad, though she directs her conversation to Singularity. "Think like... if you focused too hard and everything hurt. It would be like that. I can't fly, though, and headaches are just headaches." She looks up. "Helping people to a better path is something I can agree with. I always want to help peop..." She stops, midsentence, and just stands there, sketchpad still in hand. She just... doesn't do anything.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Lifting a brow, Heather Danielson inclines her head. "Um. Are you okay?" she asks. A pause and she asks, "Singularity. Can you see if she's okay? Can you tell? I have no idea what you can do..."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity frowns, then pushes herself up, walking over to Mori as she peers up at her with concern. "Mori?" She gently rests a hand on the other woman's arm for a moment, though it doesn't look like she really has any idea what's going on either. Though she's immediately worried for Mori when she stops responding. She stands on her tiptoes, then waves a hand in front of Mori's eyes to see if she responds!

Mori Merritt has posed:
There's a good cluster of seconds where Mori doesn't respond, but then she seems to slowly come back from wherever she seemed to disappear to. She notices both Heather and Singularity looking at her and offers a sheepish smile. "Sorry, guess I was thinking a bit too hard about things. Didn't mean to worry you, if that's what you were, uh, doing."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "We were wondering if you went into stasis. Or if you just like.. lost time there. A minute or so. You stopped in mid-sentence and just... stared." offers Heather as she remains seated, concerned but not jumping up.

Mori Merritt has posed:
There's a bit of worry, a little bit too much directed towards Mori and she scoops up her bag. "I forgot, there's a thing, in a place, I have a thing to do." She can't really easily explain what was going on... so she doesn't. Instead, she's up and out the door before anything else is said.