Mori Merritt
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Mori Merritt (Scenesys ID: 1465) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Mori Merritt | ||
Superalias: | Memento | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | College Student (Art) | ||
Citizenship: | United States | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | Some College | ||
Theme: | Original (TPC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 20 | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | 03 Feb 2000 | Played By | Bia Arantes |
Height: | 5'4" | Weight: | 150 lb |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Grey-Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Mori is a college student who accidentally got an alien civilization stuck in her head. Despite this, she tries to continue life as normally as possible while she struggles to keep touch with reality. Sometimes she even finds people to help. Weird things are happening to her that she can't entirely explain--but that's New York, right?
2000: Born to a couple living in the countryside in Washington, close to Mt. Rainer
2007: Sneaks off to explore the woods nearby. It becomes a familiar haunt.
2014: Starts high school. A teacher sees some sketches she made of the forest and encourages her to pursue her artistic talents.
2015: Spends a lot of time in the forest, learning wilderness skills and honing her art.
2018: Graduates high school
2019: Takes a gap year with plans to attend college in 2020. In June, she is taking a walk in the woods when she finds an object, a metal sphere, and touches it. An alien civilization in a last ditch effort to survive, had stored its collective knowledge and consciousness inside. As Mori touches it, the civilization downloads itself into her head. She spends the next six months recovering and attempting to hold herself together.
2020: Moves to New York to attend art school and try to figure out what's happening to her.
IC Journal
A Little Weird:
There's something a little odd about Mori. While friendly and helpful, there are times where she doesn't seem all there. She's distracted, often looking into the distance, not seeming to understand what's going on. Sometimes her speech patterns change and she talks about things that make no sense. She doesn't seem bothered by it, and often smiles it off and chalks it up to daydreaming. It seems she's got her head in the clouds most of the time.
Mori does not consider herself heroic. However, she /is/ courageous. She possesses the dedication to persevere and move past any fear she possesses to move forward. If there's something she really wants, any discomfort that might plague her causes no real problems. Pushing through is something she manages to do well.
While sometimes a little shy, Mori is still friendly. She's bright and pleasant to be around, polite and kind, and willing to be open to new friends and opportunities. She's welcoming and tries to make sure everyone around her feels such.
Mori loves to help. She's always been someone who sees the suffering in others and wants to solve the problems that plague them. While not overly pushy, she's more than willing to offer a gentle hand to aid those around her. Seeing people succeed is something that delights her, and her being a part of that success? Priceless.
Warm and Sweet:
Mori is very caring and thoughtful. When she trusts someone and forms a deep bond, it's very rare for her to break it. She pays close attention to those she cares for, picking up on subtle details and things that are important to them. She goes above and beyond when it comes to making sure those around her are comfortable and she enjoys seeing loved ones happy.
Character Sheet
As with her senses, Mori's agility is more than average. While not at all a speedster, her reaction time is faster reflexively, allowing her to dodge things that come at her. She's not, however, superhumanly fast--she's unable to dodge a bullet coming at her, but she may be able to move enough for it to be a graze instead of a shot. She is also agile, along the level of an acrobat or perhaps someone skilled in parkour. While this doesn't increase her physical strength or hardiness, it allows her to dodge and get away from many situations.
Chameleon Mimic:
Thanks to the alien civilization within Mori, she slowly gains the powers of those around her with repeated time and exposure. This is an entirely passive ability that requires time to be spent around Mori over long periods of time. Nothing is required by the person copied--their presence alone allows for the mimicry to take place. The power is not granted to her until it has been fully understood by the alien civilization and, once done, is passed on to Mori. Mori does not know what the ability is or how she has obtained it, just that /something/ has happened. Chameleon-granted powers will be listed separately and labelled as such. (Please note that while nothing will affect the character copied, consent will be asked before acquiring the mimicked ability from a person.)
Heightened Senses:
The alien civilization has gifted Mori with some physical improvements. Notably, her senses are stronger than the average human. Her sense of smell, taste, sight, and sound allow her to take the world around her to a stronger degree than most. While not heightened to the extent of being considered superhuman, she's just a little /more/ than human.
Gifted with telekinesis, Mori is able to control objects with the force of her mind. This usually involves lifting and throwing objects of 500lbs or less. This means that while she could lift things such as heavy rocks and boulders and household objects, cars are too much for her to entirely lift. She may be able to lift up the end of it with some effort, but actually moving it is beyond her ability.
Alien Library:
The entirety of an alien civilization's knowledge is held in her brain. WIth a little effort, Mori's able to access this information. While not all of it is useful, as they are not from Earth, she is able to sometimes find something of use to a situation--usually abruptly. There is also a very good chance it's wrong. Aliens!
Mori started drawing as a kid. While she enjoys charcoal sketches quite a bit, she's dabbled in painting and a few other mediums. She usually never gets too far beyond sketches, but her finished pieces are beautiful and interesting enough to land her a place going to art school.
Fast Learner:
Mori's always been quick at learning. She pays close attention when someone is willing to teach her something and she is often good at learning from her own mistakes so she can successfully learn on her own. With an alien civilization in her head to back up what she's learning, it's even just a bit quicker.
Mori's sharp. She loves puzzles, is quick to pick up on details, and enjoys topics that require a little more thought. While she's not entirely math-inclined, she's often able to pick up on things that most would overlook and she's sometimes very analytical. Bottom line is, she's smart.
Photographic Memory:
Her boon and bane, Mori possesses a photographic memory. This means that she can remember where everything in her room is at, she's able to recall in great detail books she's read, and she never forgets a face. That can be great when she needs to recall something useful. However, when images of alien civilizations and things that aren't there flash through her head, she is forced to remember them. She can't forget the images she sees as they burn into her memory and leave her more confused than before.
Wilderness Survival:
Growing up on the edge of a forest and next to the mountains, Mori spent much of her childhood outdoors. She enjoyed camping and learned survival skills that allow her to live on the land for a good deal of time if she really wanted. While she doesn't have to use this much, it's there in case she needs to flee into the woods.
Alien Civilization:
Mori has access to an entire alien civilization's knowledgebase. While this is certainly more than she can ever access or understand, there's a wealth of knowledge at her mental fingertips should she need to try and recover something. Often, though, the knowledge is incorrect or only partially right because it may not be relevant to how things are on Earth.. because it's from somewhere else entirely.
Mori still has family back in Washington. Her parents are supportive and loving, even during the period of six months when she wouldn't leave her room. They can help her if she asks, providing shelter and some funds should the need arise.
A Little Hungry:
It's a little weird how Mori's hungry all the time. It's not that she goes out to restaurants and orders an entire plate of cheeseburgers--it's just that she's seemingly never /not/ hungry. Her body seems to be doing something that just requires continual calories. She's almost always eating something. It might not seem like much, but pulling out an energy bar and eating it while someone's talking about something serious can be a bit of a faux pas.
Chameleon Weaknesses:
Thanks to the alien civilization within Mori, she slowly gains the weaknesses of those around her with repeated time and exposure. This is an entirely passive ability that requires time to be spent around Mori over long periods of time. Nothing is required by the person copied--their presence alone allows for the mimicry to take place. The weakness is not granted to her until it has been fully understood by the alien civilization and, once done, is passed on to Mori. Mori does not know what this weakness is or how she has obtained it, just that /something/ has happened. Chameleon-granted weaknesses will be listed separately and labelled as such. (Please note that while nothing will affect the character copied, consent will be asked before acquiring the mimicked weakness from a person.)
Easily Frustrated:
While Mori is often capable of doing things--she'll also be interrupted at not always the best moments by something she sees or hears that no one else does. She's sometimes at a loss as to how to explain something, or sometimes she's not easily understood even when she does feel she's explaining herself clearly. Given the back and forth nature of being both capable and incapable at any moment, it is very easy for Mori to grow frustrated when she feels there's a lack of understanding? especially if she feels like she /should/ be capable of clearing it up.
Mental Instability:
Mori is trying to keep it together, but she's got a lot going on. Her brain isn't built to hold everything that it's keeping track of. It's often hard to focus on reality when her senses can often be confused by things she experiences that aren't really present. On top of that, she's unable to forget what she sees thanks to her photographic memory. She does her best to keep everything straight and sorted and look great on the outside, but she's aware at any moment what's real may seem entirely different. It also appears that the more Chameleon powers and weaknesses she gains, the harder it is for her to keep touch with reality. Her brain's just not built to handle everything given to it.
Photographic Memory:
Her boon and bane, Mori possesses a photographic memory. This means that she can remember where everything in her room is at, she's able to recall in great detail books she's read, and she never forgets a face. That can be great when she needs to recall something useful. However, when images of alien civilizations and things that aren't there flash through her head, she is forced to remember them. She can't forget the images she sees as they burn into her memory and leave her more confused than before.
Untrained Powers:
Whenever Mori learns a new Chameleon power, it is simply granted to her as is. The power exists, but she often doesn't realize she has it (just that things feel weird) or even what it is. More importantly: she doesn't know how to use it. These powers are entirely untaught, simply present, which means everything related to them has to be learned from scratch.
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Mori Merritt has
29 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
G.I.R.L. Sleep Over | March 2nd, 2021 | GIRL Slumber Party is a resounding success. Teenage scientists manage to socialize and figure out the contours of a spaceship design. |
Memento: A Moment of Calm | February 10th, 2021 | Mori celebrates her belated birthday with some pretty cool friends, like a normal person! |
GIRLs Gather! | January 17th, 2021 | The Mori case is discussed. |
Mindscapes | November 25th, 2020 | Quentin decides to go on a magical journey inside Mori's brain. |
A Routine Checkup | November 7th, 2020 | Mori visits the Titans Lab for a checkup and gets a shiny new monitoring bracelet. |
Just One Small Problem | October 12th, 2020 | Mori becomes a small problem for SHIELD, but Bobbi and Nadia have plans to solve the bigger picture. |
Marshal Law: The Tower | September 12th, 2020 | Federal Marshals come to the Tower looking for Nadia, but they are ultimately forced to leave empty handed. |
Staying Grounded | September 10th, 2020 | A meetup at Washington Square Park's fountain leads to chatter about art and helping others. |
Saving Lives | September 8th, 2020 | Mori and Drake meet and share fries over talk of superheroes, powers, and saving lives. |
Tracking down the Mori | September 7th, 2020 | Ben travels to NYU to thank Mori for her donations. |
Monitoring Mori | August 31st, 2020 | Mori visits the Titan's Labs and Nadia and Caitlin investigate her powers. Caitlin thinks it's biological. Nadia thinks it's Aliens. |
Gotham Art--Misnomer | August 22nd, 2020 | Brian and Mori meet at a Gotham City University Art Show |
Awake at the Bottom of a Bottle | August 16th, 2020 | Mori is offered comfort and conversation by Cecily post fire rescue. Chatter is had and promises are made. |
Ashes to Ashes | August 16th, 2020 | Rising from the ashes is hard, but Mori finds some help from new friends. |
Memento: We Didn't Start The Fire | August 9th, 2020 | Heroes rush to save people from a fire in a NYU dorm. But who started it? |
Seeking The Barista Cat Of Doom | August 2nd, 2020 | Good drinks, good company, new friends, and cats. Today was a good day at DOOM Coffee. |
Watercolor | July 20th, 2020 | Two cheerful souls meet in a fountain. |
Duck! in any other language... | July 16th, 2020 | Mori Merritt fights a Joker knockoff. Tis scary. Tis dark. She has help. |
Memento: Lost in the Woods | July 15th, 2020 | People converge to investigate leaves. Yes leaves. No clowns were harmed in the making of this scene. |
Memento: Chasing Butterflies | July 15th, 2020 | Some shoppers converge over noodles, capoeira, and strange drawings. |
Piering | July 14th, 2020 | Three people converge over a game of bowling and discuss, travel, skills, and life. |
Drawn Together | May 24th, 2020 | Mori has a job! |
Pancakes | May 23rd, 2020 | Mori awakens in unfamiliar surroundings and has breakfast with Cecily. |
Leftover Pizza | May 22nd, 2020 | Mori gets a pizza delievery from Ben and discovers he's a real person. |
The Wrong Way Home | May 22nd, 2020 | Would-be abductors find Mori and Cecily to be a harder smash-and-grab than expected. Gunfire, chunks of concrete, and a couple of injuries later leave the pair safe, if a mess. Physically and mentally so. |
Mori doesn't have Hobbit Feet | May 21st, 2020 | Deadpool and Mori have difficulty with reality. And axes. |
Park! | May 20th, 2020 | An accidental slip into some water finds Peter and Cecily helping out a waterlogged Mori in Central Park. |
We Come In Peace | May 20th, 2020 | Heather, Mori, and Singularity meet in a museum where they discuss being a hero. |
Space Cadet | May 19th, 2020 | Mori's got her head in the clouds, but Cecily, Maxwell, and Elliot bring her back to earth with tacos. |
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Mori Merritt has
29 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Mori Merritt has been credited in
0 shows.
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Mori Merritt has been credited in
0 albums.
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Mori Merritt has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Mori Merritt has been listed in 0 groups.