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CaspeCast: With special guest SUPERMAN!
Date of Scene: 21 May 2020
Location: Sundollar Coffee - Avenue of Tomorrow
Synopsis: Billy, Freddy, and Kal have an interview for The CapeCast. Good times ensue, and two boys' dreams are fulfilled.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Clark Kent

Billy Batson has posed:
     It was only a couple days ago that Billy and Freddy opened their show mail with a strange email. Originally, they thought it was just a hoax, but after some light convincing, they bought themselves tickets out to Metropolis.

  The time was set, and the two boys picked out a small booth to set up their (modest) laptop and desk mics for the two sides. Freddy looked to Billy, waiting, with two hot cocoas between them. "What do you think he'd want? I thought drip, cause, you know, all American and all that, but then I thought, dang, he could be a flat white guy, but th-" "Freddy, Freddy, slow down, I think he can order what he wants." Says the other, dressed in a red shirt and jeans, Freddy himself was wearing a blue hat and a Superman shirt, from the looks of it, vintage, and well-loved.

  "Okay, but, like HE's gonna be our guest! Like, that's big time. National NEWS big." Billy could only interject. "We'll see when he gets here." Still doubting their little show had enough clout to actually garner attention from The Man of Steel himself. But who knows...

Clark Kent has posed:
The thing about Superman is that he's always watching and specifically since coming back from the dead. To say he pays attention to those broadcasts that specifically cater to super hero news is an understatement in this turbulent time for the Man of Steel. Many speculators have suggested that he's not even the same man, but some other super powered individual taking Superman's place.

So, while doing a little fact check research on an article he's writing, he stumbled upon Billy Batson's podcast and shot them an email by a fairly secure address. Not that he's distrustful, so much that it's habit.

Then he's there.

Descending from the sky until his red boots touch the sidewalk outside the shop. Pausing in intrance to shake the hand of a few individuals come up to greet him, smiling the whole time. Until finally he's able to break away and slip into the modest coffee shop, be-lining for the pair with their equipment already set up. "Billy and Fred?" It's rhetorical, of course. Reaching out across the table with one massive hand. "Pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Kal-El."

Billy Batson has posed:
     The noise that Freddy Freeman had made was a mixture of a gasp and a squeal. Had it been anyone else that they were there to meet, he would have been embarrassed, but right now, seeing Big Blue in the flesh...he did not care.

  Neother did Billy, for that matter. The two boys had just been staring with mouths agape as Superman walked in and made straight for their table. A light foot kick to Billy's side, and the two boys had been knocked out of it. "Uhh, yeah, I'm Billy, that's Freddy...it's an honor to meet you...Mister El, err, sir." Freddy had taken the hand first, since it was easier for him to be closer to the outside with his cane. "Freddy Freeman, I'm your biggest fan, who is also a foster kid." Yeah, he had met one guy who was a bigger fan, it was a little cringey.

  "C-Can we get you anything?" They both ask, in slightly uneven unison.

Clark Kent has posed:
it would be the definition of naricissism if Kal said he was use to it, but he genuinely is. There's no basking in that attention though, only a calm acceptance that it is, waiting for them to get their wits back about them before taking a seat across the table infront of one of the Mics. "Is that so? Well, thank you Mr. Freeman. I'm always humbled when I learn someone's a fan, I certainly don't do all this for recognition."

To Billy, with a quiet laugh, "Just Kal, please." Turning to look to the menu, "I'll just have a chai tea, but let me pay for it?" Motioning around at the table, including their drinks. "It's the least I can do for you letting me be on your podcast." His posture is impossibly straight, sitting like a rod in the seat with his elbows braced against the edge of the table and his hands linked together with laced fingers.

"I've listened to one of your podcasts before offering to come on.. You boys are very well informed and put on an amusing show."

Billy Batson has posed:
     Billy and Freddy simply look at each other as they are offered first name basis with Superman. "Kal!" Again, in unison.

  "Oh, sure!" Billy offers, before Freddy starts to type things out on the laptop. "Thank you! We...are fans, like to keep up with talks about the heroes out there. You...are our first guest, as you probably know."

  Freddy looks up from the screen to look at Superman. "So, M-Kal." So weird saying that to an adult. "Are there any topics that you don't want to talk about? I mean, we don't want to accidentally ask something that you'd rather not...Nothing gross, but...I mean..." Billy steps in. "We mean about Doomsday. That...was kind of a big deal."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal is the definition of patience, letting the two young men work through their excitement at their own speed. He'd cleared his afternoon for the broadcast and baring something catastrophic, had his cousins covering whatever the world might need of a Super Person.

"No, I believe people are curious and I want to offer them as clear an understanding as I can about what happened.. I wont go into every detail, of course, but I don't mind discussing it." Said with a little nod, not speaking directly into the mic, but certainly close enough to be heard clearly.

As if he perfectly well understands how the equipment works.

"If there's anything I don't want to answer, I'll make it known, but I came to be interviewed, so I knew the possibility exist that there would be questions that might be... uncomfortable? I'm not sure that's the right word, I hardly expect you gentlemen to do that.. but I think you understand my meaning."

Turning to a young lady come up, initially to take his order, but then to ask for an autograph. He gives it without a second thought. "Put these fellas drinks on my tab, would you, Beth?" Nametags aside, he'd heard her coworker call her by a nickname in the back.

Billy Batson has posed:
     Billy and Freddy smile, their excitement slowly passing. "Alright, so, I think we are ready to go. We'll edit around things. But from here on out, this is the record."

  Freddy gets closer to the mic, speaking. "Alright, it's your boys Freddy and Billy we are back on CapeCast, and with our special guest..." The two flash him a look, like the magic was about to happen. "Superman!" Not yelled, but definitely loud.

  "Thank you for being on the show, Kal. Our whole audience flipped out when they saw you back in the sky again." Billy says, then lets the Man Of Steel speak up.

  "The first question we want to ask you is: How are you? You're back and made headlines during the shadows incident here in Metropolis. How does this all feel?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal nods his understanding to Freddy, waiting out the introduction and lead in before speaking up. "Thank you for having me on the show." Said genuinely, as if he's not Superman, as if all of this is still very new to him all these years later. "I've had no real opportunity to actually speak to any news outlets since returning a few weeks ago, I'm genuinely humbled to be here."

There's a clear understanding, as always, of how the equipment works. Finding a comfortable middle ground on his mic where his voice is crisp, without breaking or cracking or causing disturbances in the audio quality. "Thank you." Said to Beth as his chai tea is delivered. "I don't tend to drink many stimulants, very little sugar, but I figure I'm allowed to spoil myself every once in a while, right?"

But the question is posed and Kal sips his drink quietly with a slow nod, "I'm good, Billy. It feels surreal, the attention, the headlines.. I'd forgotten what all of that was like. I can't say I particularly missed that part of the 'job', but it's exciting all the same. Glad to be back, of course, glad to see so many have risen up to protect Earth while I couldn't do so."

Billy Batson has posed:
     "Is that a medical thing? The no sugar?" Freddy speaks up, though it's a bit of a throwaway question.

  Then Billy comes back to the question at hand. "Well, thank you for the scoop. We finally beat the Daily Planet on an interview!" Of course, there was just a little chuckle to that, this was a podcast, made by two boys from New York. "In fact, apart from you making your big return, we also had two shocking bits of news. We'd love to get your perspective, or reaction. There was a new Robin sighted in Gotham this week, and from the week before, The Titans have reunited. That makes two of the big three in service now, The Avengers, and The Titans. We don't suppose you may be able to give us another scoop on The Planet and announce the Halls of Justice opening again?" To that notion, the two had just been grinning from ear to ear. Obviously, the two were fans of the Justice League. Even over the other teams.

Clark Kent has posed:
"I don't want to come on a podcast and preach, Freddy.." Superman says on the topic of sugar, laughing quietly, "I've been known to put a lot of sugar in my coffee on those rare occations when I do indulge. It's just terribly bad for you.. so I tend to stay clear of it, as much as I can, of course." Running with the throw away question just as well as the more indepth ones. "I've a pretty big sweet tooth, though." Patting his flat, iron, stomach with the palm of his right hand.

"Ah, well." Again chuckling, a melodic sound from deep in his chest, "I'm sure Ms Lane will give me a pass this once, given the nature of your broadcast. I assure you she's got her own interview lined up." She's made a career out of being the mouth-piece of the Last Son, anyways.

"I'd heard that, about the Titans I mean. That's a solid group of heroes there, had the pleasure of working with a few of them during the Shadow incident in Metropolis, as well as against Doomsday. It's good to see they've returned. Likewise the Avengers." Sipping a bit more of his tea, a natural pause point where he could literally talk for hours without taking a breath at all.

"I had the good fortune to speak with Captain America not a few days ago, actually. Their stepping up in the absence of the Justice League is exactly the kind of spirit I've grown accustomed to seeing from people of Earth... and precisely why I'm proud to call this planet and country my home." As to the notion of the Hall of Justice reopening, he smiles easily and shrugs with his hands turning upwards, but not actually rising from the table. "We'll have to see about that. I have been in talks with some of the core members to get their opinion on what that would look like. With the Avengers and Titans taking care of things?

"I feel like we've got time to make our return right. No need to rush, I mean." Adding only, "But we're definitely around if we're needed. As always."

Billy Batson has posed:
     The two boys do laugh at the sugar comments. "We...brush our teeth pretty well...at least." To which Freddy elbows Billy lightly. "Okay, I TRY to keep up with it."

  "Yeah, The Titans were the big story, since...Doomsday. They had disbanded, along with the Justice League. Part of the reason we are glad they came back...was because of what happened on Genosha. I mean, the rumor mill going around there is that there was something alien involved there."

  Billy kept talking into the mic for now. "So, you heard it here, fanboys and girls, the Justice League return could happen sooner than later!" Freddy changes to the microphone, allowing Billy a moment to drink some of his hot cocoa. "Alright, not to get too into things, but what was it like? Do you remember anything from that dark day in our history? I mean, slightly morbid curiosity, but was there a light? Or anything?

Clark Kent has posed:
"You should brush your teeth after every meal and before bed." Superman cannot, nor would he ever, miss an oppertunity to give good advise to two young men, one of whom admits he might be falling behind in his routine. There's a smile on his face though, so he may be doing so in jest.

Serious jest because teeth are serious business.

Nodding then to the mention of the Titans, Doomsday, and the crisis on Genosha. The smile fades slightly, "It would be a deaf man who hadn't heard what was going on in Genosha. My heart goes out to them, survivors and those lost. I have every intention of investigating the goings on there, as well. If there's some kind of alien involvement, I hope to find it, and put a stop to it. The lose of life on that scale is ... horrible." There's really no word to properly express his opinion, but that suits in the absence.

Sipping tea at the transitional comment, Kal chuckles humorlessly, and yet still a warm sound. "No, nothing like that. I remember very little from then, though.. For a while, I think. I don't remember exactly how long it was, to be honest, or how I was able to return from wherever I was. I wish I could offer more insight than that, boys, but.." After a little shrug, and an even smaller grin, "The workings of divinity and afterlife remain an unfortunate mystery to us all."

Billy Batson has posed:
     Billy blushes a bit at the words of dental hygiene. To which he can only say: "Yes, I'll be better about it, now that Superman said." He offered with a wink. At least Big Blue changed one boy's dental regimen today.

  Billy continues the conversation, regarding Genosha. "I think the world is a little more at ease that you're back regarding what exactly happened there"

  Freddy steps in, looking to Superman, and the laptop audio levels. "Well, I can't say I am surprised, but you heard it here, no evidence of the afterlife. Not that there isn't one, just, no solid proof. Kind of a bummer, but!"

  "So, what exactly is it like working with Batman? I mean, he's the most reclusive member of the JLA, after all. It kinda goes with his whole theme though, he and the rest of his group do a lot of good considering Gotham is...not at all like Metropolis."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal laughs at Billy's sudden change of heart regarding dental hygiene, but refrains from kicking a dead tooth when it's down. Hands up, almost sheepish, if he weren't Superman anyways.

Sipping a bit more tea, he nods his appreciation to Billy, "I hope so, but it doesn't do much to right the wrongs that have been aggressed against the individuals of Genosha. If any of your listeners happen to be from there, I hope they will reach out to me, I'd like to meet them. Speak to them, shake their hands and offer them my personal sympathies for what they've gone through. It does nothing to give them back what they've lost, but anything I can do for them. They need only reach out and I'll make it so." With that said,

and a gentle glossing over of the afterlife with a half smile,

Kal chuckles quietly at the mention of Batman. "Sometimes quite a handful. I know he's a reputation for being reclusive and aloof, bristly, and sometimes downright aggressive, but there's a method to it all. It took me years to understand that and, in a way, for him to understand me. I consider him one of my closest allies, if not one of my closest friends and there's few people on this, or any, world I'd rather have in my corner when the chips are on the line. Gotham isn't like any place that I've ever seen, it breeds a different kind of criminal and requires a different kind of hero to protect it.. His approach and mine obviously different in great extremes, but.. he's a necessary part of the balance."

Which says very little about Gotham.

"And some of his proteges there? Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl.. These are names I /trust/."

Billy Batson has posed:
     Billy's nod to Kal with the explanation of the Bat Family. "There's a reason you two are called the World's Finest." Freddy chimes in quickly. "Oh, I have that paper cut out, where Lois Lane called you two that in the headline. It's history, both for the name, and Batman actually standing for a picture. I love that one."

  "Batman is a pretty interesting guy, he's always on our top three, if not the top on our buzz list. Like you said, Gotham is a whole other animal from Metropolis. Cleanest subway we have -ever- been on, really." Freddy completes the thought, with Billy giving a nod as well. "So, one last question: Has your recent return from the dead, changed your outlook on the world? Or on anything at all?" Freddy cannot hide his excitement there, to which he can only guess would be a no. Superman's always been a beacon of hope, now that he was back, there was something else people and kids could believe in.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal laughs at the mention of the cut out article and accompanying picture of Batman and himself, "It was like pulling teeth to get him to pose for it, too." The joke obvious in his voice, whether true or not. "It's one of my favorite, as well. I've got it hanging in a frame in my home, along with a couple other momentos." Equal admission that he keeps keepsakes, likewise having a home somewhere on Earth. Which seems likely anyways right?

"Mmm.. That's an easy one." Said with another swallow of tea to wet his throat. Savoring the flavor with a little appreciative sound in his throat. "It's made me more aware of the precious nature of life." The answer sounds so simple, "For a long time, people thought that the Superman couldn't fall, I stood for something unshakable and with unquestioned resolve.. When I fell.. so could have the belief that there was something standing over the shoulder protecting everyone. People could have lost faith, it could have been the death of Hope."

After a short pause, "But they didn't. They rose up from every corner of the globe.. Captain Rogers literally from the sea.. Tony Stark from his Tower in New York.. Janet Van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff, Captain Marvel.. heroes appeared to protect the people, protect the world." The smile is one of pride, genuine and true, "I wish I could have been there to stand beside them, but I didn't have to be. They stood on their own and didn't need a Superman to guardian them. So... I think the only thing that changed is that there are /more/ people willing to make a difference for the good of the world around them.

"What I learned, I think.. What touches me the most.. is that nobody /lost/ Hope. They gained it. And there are fewer things in this world, in this universe.. in this life.. that are worth dying for more than that."

Billy Batson has posed:
     Billy and Freddy had been taking a drink of their cocoas and when the name Captain Marvel rings out, Billy does a slight spit take, luckily, not on their guest of honor. It was just in his cup. But he clears his throat as far as the name goes. Once the Man Of Steel finishes his statement, Billy chimes back in. "Hope, listeners, that is why we show our gratitude towards people like Kal, and Batman, and Captain America, Wonder Woman, and all the rest of these brave souls who put themselves out there to protect those that can't protect themselves. From us, to you, Kal, Superman: Thank you."

  Of course, there were more questions, but the heavy questions had been asked, the ones going forward were more fluff, asking what kind of things Kal liked as a kid and more questions of the like.