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Revision as of 05:13, 22 May 2020

Vegas is no vacation!
Date of Scene: 22 May 2020
Location: Hotel Suite, Las Vegas
Synopsis: Rhodey checks in in Vegas, and boy is Pepper glad to see him!
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, James Rhodes

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is nothing if not ready for anything tossed at her, thanks to her experience in helping with Stark Industries, and more to the point, it's President and CEO, Tony Stark. Since the 'thing' at the casino, New York has called many, many times asking about interviews, comments from Stark Industries proper, and requests for information regarding extra biographical information on Mr Anthony Stark, as well as specific questions about the Suit.

All questions are answered personally by Ms Pepper Potts with a resounding, "No comment at this time."

It's plastered on the news, with the frustration of the reporters barely disguised as they react to being rebuffed at every turn by the major corporation. When things like this happen, it's easier to not feed the beast, as it were.

Pepper is on the phone once more, and it's glued to her ear as she paces, dressed 'down' in a pair of rolled up jeans, a button down shirt and her hair is down. Green eyes look to the middle distance as if looking at the person she's speaking to, even when she's not, her voice sounding.. professional.

"No, I understand that, but we're working with a deadline. I'm pretty sure that was mentioned when all this started. I know I'm being realistic with my timeline, and I fully expect it on my desk in the next week. That's it."

James Rhodes has posed:
James Rhodes makes his way in without interrupting, having put his things in his own room proper. One of the security guys lets him in and gives him a quick rundown of the set-up. He reviews their logs of the evening's activity and, once satisfied, pats the guard on the shoulder, "Consider yourself relieved. Go hit the buffet. Not the casino and that goes for everybody. You end up in debt, you give leverage to somebody. Not on my watch, okay?" he says.

He'll let Pepper finish her call, glad that she's the one who deals with the media and not him. He gets a soda water and some ice, crunching some between his teeth for a moment as he waits.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Right.." Pepper sounds a little exhasperated, but finishes up with, "Good bye," before she pokes that little red 'hangup' button on her Starkphone.

The moment she does, the PA transforms into that other 'Pepper', the more casual one. The entering Rhodey is given a warm, easy smile as prelude to her greeting, and her tones sound a little more relieved for his presence. "I am so glad you're here," is said with a soft laugh. "Really."

Holding up her phone in gesture, she crosses the room in order to sit on one of the shared suite couches. Pulling a leg under her as she folds herself onto the seat, she turns green eyes back up to Rhodey again, "His birthday is in 8 days, and apparently I am asking for the impossible," she gives as explanation for the phone call.


"How was your trip out?"

James Rhodes has posed:
James Rhodes takes a sip of his drink, "Doing the impossible is pretty much the job description around here," he says, taking a seat across from her, draping his arms across his knees as he leans forward.

He shrugs, "Relatively uneventful, by comparison. Just a few lightweights trying to sneak a few chips out the backdoor to sell on the black market. The indictments will probably cross your desk. I'll send you a report," he sighs.

"He does realize running for President is a serious thing, right? He can't be jerking people around too much like this. I never thought he should've started in the first place but we're here now and it's just..." he shakes his head.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Perfect," Pepper says of the indictments. "I'll pass them on to Legal."

The redhead watches as her friend, their friend takes a seat nearby, and smiles a tight smile once more, nodding. "I.." She chuckles without a lot of humor before, "I hate it. I'm not going to lie." Green eyes narrow and she continues, "But the casino thing I think was good for him. I mean, it sounds strange, I know."

Pepper shifts her position, and her expression lightens a touch. "It's like he's reminding himself who he is. He's never been one for politics. Ever. And being in the suit?" She chuffs a breath, the sound affectionate, "It's good for him." After she says that, however, she lowers her voice, and her tones are totally amused, "If you ever quote me on that, I'll deny everything."

James Rhodes has posed:
James Rhodes shakes his head, "Secrets safe with me. All of 'em. Always," he says.

"President was never going to be right because Tony doesn't work that way. The President has to delegate and coordinate people and compromise. Well, a good one does, anyway," he says. "The apparatus of the President wasn't built for someone like Tony Stark and him trying to fit his peg into that particular hole would probably have left both sides bent out of shape."

"But I don't trust Luthor either, although I'll take him over Robert Kelly," he says.

"But that's not our problem right now. Frankly, I'm more than happy to focus on Tony's birthday and maybe get a chance to breathe."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh, he delegates," Pepper laughs. "Remember? We're both here." She's found her happiness once again, in the middle of the chaos created by Tony Stark. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, though.." and green eyes narrow, "My answer may be different tomorrow."

She is in a good mood; the time in Vegas is doing wonders, even if she's still sort of working, albeit remotely, and Tony is back in the casinos with super models on his arm.

"Mr. Luthor looked good," Pepper shrugs. "I mean, I know of him professionally, and there isn't a lot that could be said that was bad? He's just another businessman." As far as she's concerned, anyway. "If I didn't vote for Tony, that is."

But, exactly! Not our problem!

"Birthday. Small gathering. I'm finishing up the negotiations for a Formula 1 car design that should be able to incorporate Tony's green energy power source. I'm expecting blueprints before his birthday, at the very least, so we can get it into production for him." Pepper grins as she adds, "Thor promised that he'd ask ... 'the dwarfs' if they could help build it."

James Rhodes has posed:
James Rhodes laughs, "He delegates to us because he trusts us. He got to choose us. Presidents don't always get that say. There's a lot of innate infrastructure. It's like being in the military - and I don't think Tony would be a very good general either," he says.

"Luthor's extremely competent, a technocrat like Tony but without the fun. I'm sure he'll be fine," he says. "I've heard he can be extremely tough, through some of my friends in defense. He likes to get his way. Don't they all?" he sighs.

He blinks at the mention of the dwarfs, "I...okay. Not my department and I'm glad it's that way," he says. "Small is good."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"He'd be fine," Pepper assures the man's best friend. "He'd surround himself with good people that he could. I mean, there's still the Cabinet. Advisors." She chuckles soon after and shakes her head, "He'd have to find another assistant, though. I'd make a horrible Chief of Staff. Someone has to mind the store, as it were." So... and there's that teasing smile, making light of what really is a headache to her, "That'd be you."

Still, it's not something she wants to dwell upon; she'd rather discuss the plans. "Hoping to get it built by the time the European formula races open. It'd be a big boost and I know Tony would love the time off to travel and race. He .. needs it, I think."

It's a comfortable moment shared; who knew that there can be a calm in the midst of a storm? Tony's got the people who have his back with, and they have, well, a trust. Whatever comes, they can handle it.