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Time to get those feet wet again
Date of Scene: 22 May 2020
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: Oliver and Arthur meet on the Blackbird tavern. Oliver doesn't find a bird but instead finds a big fish. They catch-up about the past and what the future may bring.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Oliver Queen

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The ocean crashes against the pier and the boardwalk outside with a resonant wash of foam blasting into the sky... only to fall with each wave, soaking those brave enough to venture out on this night. Heavy skies threaten a foreboding storm though no rain has fallen. Not yet at least.
    But inside the Blackbird tavern the atmosphere is warm, friendly, though not overly raucous but there's the occasional bout of laughter heard from a table here or there. It's a place filled with locals, townies free of the influence of the nearby universities and thankful for it considering the median age of the people in there might well be in their late fifties, Janty included.
    Janty Owens, owner of the bar, grimaces as he licks a fingertip and tries to seperate some soggy green bills from its like.
    "Always wet, the hell is wrong with you?"
    Arthur Curry, Man of Atlantis, snorts as he puts a few more bills into the old man's hands, "What you want more of that pirate treasure I gave you last time? You made out like a freaking bandit. In fact you should owe me credit."
    "Heh. Yeah I did. You want more of that Dunks coffee?"
    "Sure, throw it in the net. I'll haul it out with the rest of the supplies."
    Some people still look, still glance over at the tall man in the jeans and work boots with his denim jacket and long hair pulled back. That fish guy. Yeah he comes in here sometimes. Now and then.

Oliver Queen has posed:
How do you go and meet with someone who refuses to have a cellphone like a normal person? You go to their last known places. Or in this case, the Blackbird tavern. Not that Oliver hopes to find any birds inside.. He is more looking for fish. And he still has his contacts around, so he is somewhat sure that he may find just what he is looking for. The big catch..

The door opens to reveal the man's form there, jeans, shirt, jacket atop. Sure, he doesn't look like a local with those blue eyes, the blond beard. But not a tourist either, he doesn't have that vibe of being about to sightsee, just looking for someone in particular.

And that someone seems to be by the bar. He walks in, letting the door close behind him and begins to approach. It had been a while. Years maybe since he had last been here. Was it such a surprise though now that Superman was back?

"Arthur." The greeting is simple, but it is one of meaning. Of old friends.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Still counting out cash and still giving Old Man Janty the stink-eye, Arthur hears his name and then just sort of /shoves/ the rest of the money into the bartender's hands, closing his fist around it and murmuring, "There you go you old bastard." Though the tone is more derisively amused as he says that then truly annoyed.
    "Pleasure doin' business with you, Curry."
    And then the tall man turns, his boots thumping on the wooden floor as he looks at Oliver, gives him an up and down once-over with one eyebrow cocked. Then he grunts. "Oliver." As if using his real name was a favor.
    He starts to step away from the bar and calls over his shoulder, "Let me know when you got everything in the net!"
    "Calm your tits!" Janty growls.
    Then back to Oliver he squints, "What do you want?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
The up-and-down is returned. Eyes inspecting Arthur. Yep, still big and sturdy. Not that Ollie expected anything less. Atlanteans! So many cheaters out here, with all their powers and extraordinary abilities.. Eating all they want..

Oliver folds his arms together across his broad chest, half-smirk on his lips at the dismissive look and the greeting. "Your good humor hasn't changed." he comments, not hiding some amusement on his tone.

"Have you been keeping up with the news out here?" Because he had to ask. In fact he wasn't even sure Arthur was aware of Superman being back. A glance given about the place. "Anywhere we can have a drink in private?"

The gleam on his eye though... Something is up, he has that look that he had when they were back with the JLA, not on the last days of it when it had dulled at the Superman's death. Even if it had not been all that had made the JLA scatter to the wind..

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Yeah well, some of us are fighting a war for their people and all that." Arthur offers in rejoinder then applies the follow-up, "Not runnin' around playing playboy." But his twisted smile broadens a touch and he steps over to /slap/ the archer on the shoulder.
    "Still. Not entirely horrible to see you." He walks a bit, booting a chair out at one of the tables near the door and motions at it. "Have a seat, we got some time to kill. This is as private as it gets." Though, to be fair, they are a fair ways from the locals who seem entirely taken with their own booze and the drone of the small television on the wall.
    Dropping into a seat for himself, Arthur calls across the way, "Hey! Dos cervezas por favor!"
    "What?" Janty glowers.
    "Two beers!"
    But then he looks back at Oliver, "Alright, spill it."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Playboy! Those days are long gone! Or well.., depends on the point of view. But Oliver takes it in stride, and hopefully that clap on the back isn't enough to dislocate a shoulder. Just human here! Even if he isn't exactly a wimp. The kind of man that never misses leg day.., or chest day.., or, well, you get the idea. "We all have wars of our own." his tone more solemn than the usual. But he follows on to that table near the door, settling down.. He finds himself relaxing. If anything Arthur has always been the straightforward guy, no need to do too much posturing or otherwise play around the bush.

"Kal is back." there. Direct to the point. "And with that there is also the talk of having the team back together." his eyes stay on Arthur, watching his expression, his reactions to what these news mean.

Though at the request for the beers he murmurs. "Your spanish still sucks.."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    When Oliver takes his seat, Arthur looks at him steadily, one eyebrow cocked. There's something about him, something about his body language that almost always seems to be inclined toward the negative, as if not entirely believing what someone is saying, even if they're telling him the sky is blue.
    But when he hits that point of saying Kal is back it goes from a sort of sarcastic, 'uh huh.' straight to a, 'you're shitting me' look that's combined with narrowed eyes.
    That's all he says at first, just looking at the other man steadily. A beat. Two.
    Then the beers are brought over and set on the tabletop with a glassy clink. Arthur snares one with one hand and flicks the top with a thumb, but doesn't imbibe yet. "I know you wouldn't come to me with suspicions. And I figure there's a story. But here's not the place to tell it to me."
    But then the tone shifts slightly, a little more easy going as he says, "Oh and screw you. My Spanish is perfect."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Yes, the 'Hnh' was an appropriate response. Arthur took from the school of grunting afterall. There was a lot of meaning in those if one knew how to look. It also brings a laughter out of Oliver. Yes, he is known to brood, but there's just some things that crack him up. He waits until the drinks are brought and Janty leaves, reaching to his own beer. "There's always a story. I did ask you for a private place afterall." and then he takes the beer to his lips, savoring it.. He has had worse. This one was just fine.

"These aren't suspicions. We met again a few weeks ago. Then again a couple of nights ago." He tells Arthur, tone quiet.

"Do you think you have it in you to come back if it the call comes?" Direct questions. Again, he didn't like beating around the issue too much. He had at least that much respect for Arthur. And he also knew Arthur wasn't -that- patient either.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A snort, then he tilts the beer back and takes a good long drink, nearly draining half the bottle before he sets it down with a clink precisely in the same spot he lifted it from. Yellow eyes meet his gaze and the rightful King of Atlantis makes a face, "In case you hadn't noticed. I'm kind of busy."
    Another drink of beer.
    But then he tilts his head and says in that usual tone of his voice that has that subtle growl to it. "But fine. Let's say he's back. Wants to get the band back together." He sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek thoughtfully, then he says. "The fact that we went all to pieces after he bit it, sorta says something doesn't it?"
    He leans forwards, forearms resting on the table as he draws closer to Oliver, glowering and grim as he murmurs. "If we were going to do this crazy shit again, then I'd need reassurances. Reassurances that people won't go all to pieces if the boy scout decides to run off again for whatever reason."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver is a lot more measured. The kind of man that actually -savors- his drink. Another brief drink out of the bottle and he settles it back down on the table. His eyes do stay on Arthur though, never leaving the man. Watching. "It's not only him wanting the gang back together." Apparently implied that he wants the same. He leans back on his chair, arms folding together. "Some of the others seem keen to it as well."

Those next words appear to nip the problem right in the bud though. "It does. We all had our egos, our reasons or explanation for why we failed the way we did. Can we change though? It's a good question." and clearly something that's been on his mind as of late.

"What kind of reassurances?" He then asks.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "I don't know, man." Arthur stays there leaning against the table and letting his gaze drift sidelong and thoughtful. Shaking his head he looks back, "If I had an inkling I would have proposed it before the shit hit the fan."
    He then straightens up and thumps back into his seat, slouching a little but with his hand still around the base of his beer. His amber gaze focused on Oliver as he scowls. "We need something binding, a foundation. Something that'll endure beyond any one of us. You know me I'm not big on rules." Which might well be an understatement. "But something to make all of that..." He gestures with the bottle, the tip waving, "To bond all of that together."
    Then he takes his last sip and sets the empty down with a glassy click before he adds. "I don't know."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Something that will endure beyond any of them .... Oliver furrows his brows. "Are you saying you want a statue..?" but then Oliver lifts his hands in a placating gesture towards his old friend. "But I know what you mean. We got together at the time because the world needed us. Is there a big threat that needs us back right now? Perhaps not, or at least not one visible to the naked eye. But there's meaning, hope, in having a team such as ours back together." he muses.

"And considering all that is going on, it carries a lot of meaning, doesn't it? The hope that our presence can bring. And no, not saying it will be easy, or that we can even get over what brought us apart in the past. I am willing to try though."

He brings his bottle back up to his lips, taking a good, long swig of it. "Also your chance to see Bruce and Diana again."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Another snort then he murmurs, "I'd make a good statue," But he shakes his head at first, then changes it to a nod when Oliver elaborates. But then his golden eyes shift back when Ollie continues, giving his insight into what threat might be present real or not, and his willingness to try.
    "You know what is taking up my time right now." He pushes the bottle to the side, the glass scraping on the tabletop as he then sits back in the chair. Arms fold over his chest as he peers at the archer. "We all have our own things going on. Bruce and Diana included. And you."
    "You talk to them it's going to be the same. From Bruce at least. Everywhere will come second fiddle to Gotham. And me..." He flares a hand as if to say that he didn't need to further elaborate.
    "But put me down for a maybe. If something goes down and you need me, then maybe."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"No good thing ever comes easy. But maybe it will be a good chance for us to settle some of our past." Oliver replies, gesturing with his free hand. "As for what you have been dealing with, you know you could always count on me for whatever was needed." even if he wasn't exactly the aquatic type! Maybe he should invest on an underwater vehicle...

When Arthur goes back to talking about them being too focused on their own problems he simply smiles. "We are going back to the talk about egos. But a 'maybe' is good enough for me right now. Kal believes communication will be key, something we lacked in the past. Between us and the other teams, like the Avengers and Titans. So it's something to consider."

Yet then he suggests. "Talk with the others sometime. They still hang in mostly the same spots, they might have further insight for you."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Hey, Arthur!"
    Arthur doesn't look up, he's still sort of staring at Oliver, perhaps digesting what he says. But he does answer Janty with a loud, "What!"
    "Yer stuff's loaded, order another round or get out!"
    A snort comes from him and he murmurs, "Old bastard."
    But still looking at Oliver he gives a nod. "Alright. I'll think about it. We'll talk more. You need to find me, I'm here this time each week."
    That said he pushes himself to his feet with a shuffle and scrape of the wooden chair on the floor then a clunk as he slides it back under the table. He points at Ollie, "This guy's payin' for the beer."
    That said he turns and starts to the door.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Sure, Ollie has the money for it. So he brings out his wallet to pay. He allows himself a sigh when Arthur pushes himself up to leave. All in all the talk had went better than he imagined. And no violence, which was always a plus. He remains sitting, drinking his beer while watching the Atlantean leave.

And now it was time to start preparing his trip back to Starling. That God for the Hyperloops honestly.