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A Blood-Red Victory Dance
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: A cafe somewhere, don't worry about it
Synopsis: Looking to celebrate a victorious revenge and a full belly, Vampirella finds a lonely Amazon who could use friendly company.
Cast of Characters: Ella Normandy, Atlin

Ella Normandy has posed:
    The euphoria of feeding is fading from Vampirella, but the high has lasted longer than usual due to the glory of victory that led to her feeding in the first place. Her enemies have been punished, warnings have been sent to those who would repeat her tormentor's mistakes, and she's still trembling with the vitality of life. She needs to come down. She needs to celebrate.

    Celebrating with Shen would have made the most sense, and part of her knows that. She tells herself she wasn't in the mood, she tells herself he knows too much, she tells herself she just didn't like his bad pick-up lines; and all those are true, but the plain fact is, he was there and would understand why she was celebrating. She doesn't want that tonight. She wants something new, something fresh, a beginning rather than a continuation.

    And she also wants a woman. She's had quite enough of male company for a while, thank you.

    It's a little hard for Vampirella to send out the right vibes, looking the way she does, but she puts in the effort. Black leather pants, black leather boots, black leather jacket that stops at her ribs and her elbows, fingerless fishnet gloves that go up to her elbows, a blood-red buttondown with the top two buttons undone and an untied bowtie dangling from her collar. Anyone who doesn't get the message isn't paying attention. And now that she looks good, where to go? She doesn't really know New York (though its distance from her and her school job definitely makes this a better place to meet people, where no one can levy tiresome complaints about her damaging the school's image). She walks the street alone, ignoring most of the attention she receives. It's not worthy. It's not right. The right person is out here tonight, and she can smell it, almost literally. A human scent, but healthier, cleaner, less polluted by the world, hinted with flowers and sunlight and lavender...

    ...coming from that cafe? A bohemian coffee shop? Oh yes.

    Vampirella squares her shoulders, straps on a crimson smile that feels natural for once, and pushes her way through the door to look for tonight's new friend.

Atlin has posed:
Atlin herself had been...contemplating. There was no other word for it. It had been a month since she'd come to Man's World, and while their culture, ways and company still bewildered the tanned woman more than she'd care to admit aloud, at least she was no longer sticking out quite so much. Certainly, there was an air about her, that confidence and strength that some probably found off-putting, but certainly less so than when she'd been wearing her armor and weapons outwardly.

Dressed in simple black jeans and deep red off-the-shoulder T-shirt she'd had provided for her by one of the friends she'd managed to make, the Bana-Mighdal Amazon was currently sitting her her table with an untouched drink at her side, the cooca already cooling while her eyes remained fixed on 'nowhere'. The encounter with Artemis had been welcome, but it had brought considerations and memories she hadn't really hoped to entertain anymore. After all, it was more than just curiousity that brought the Amazon from her home to venture into this strange world.

Ella Normandy has posed:
    "Oh hey, we're twins!"

    Vampirella smiles down at Atlin. It's not true, of course, they look nothing alike and aren't even dressed very similarly, but the color schemes are the same, and that's as good an opening as any. "I like your shirt! I haven't seen one in that style for a while. Are they coming back? You think I should buy one?" she asks, hands tucked politely behind her back, a good girl asking teacher's opinion with a sweet smile on her face. All an act, but she feels like she's in a good enough mood to carry it off. The world loves a friendly smile.

Atlin has posed:
A blink, a start, Atlin had clearly been far too distracted by her thoughts to notice the raven-haired Ella drawing near. Something the warrior would berate herself for later. Instead she's left with a moment of confusion, lips parting to voice the disagreement and point out they looked nothing alike only for the infectiously bright tone and followup question to have her blinking and shrugging a little. "It...belongs to someone else. Belonged rather. I needed new clothing..."

Hesitation, the woman reaches down to take a sip of her drink only to frown at its obvious loss of temperature. When did that happen?!

Back to Ella, Atlin tilts her head for a moment, letting her eyes sweep assessingly over the newcomer before coming to fix at the vampire's own and gesturing with her hand to the table. "Did you wish to join me?" she questions in her lightly accented tones. Perhaps it was a little easy, but it was simply culture to be a polite host!

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella smiles widely (oh, no, not that wildly, Vampirella, reel it in a little) and takes the offered seat. "Thanks, I'd like that." Her leather pants creak as they stretch with her movements. "I'm Ella, by the way. What's your name?" She hesitates a moment before offering her hand; she can't remember for the moment if human women shake hands or if that's a male thing, and a faint blush colors her pale cheeks as the awkwardness of it steals over her. Awkwardness and, if she's honest, a little anticipation.

Atlin has posed:
Thankfully, Atlin didn't know any better then Vampirella! The Amazon takes the hand, a firm squeeze offered in greeting and a little flush to her own cheeks that's admittedly easier for her to hide than the pale woman.

"I am Atlin," she speaks, tilting her head to the side. "Are you a local of New York Ella?" Small talk! But Atlin's accent alone made it rather clear she wasn't.

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella's accent does the same, so that's an interesting question. "No, I was just visiting on business that went really well, and I'm in too good a mood to leave just yet." This close to her last feeding, the temperature of her hand is only a little hotter than normal, almost human. She lets it rest flat on the table when the shake is over, still smiling at Atlin. "Where are you from?"

Atlin has posed:
A little question with a complicated answer, one that causes Atlin to pause for a moment to consider her answer. She could lie, pick somewhere most didn't know. Then again people seemed to be rather positive of the Themysciran princess of late.

"I am an Amazon."

Subtle as ever!

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella scans her memory. She's something of a recluse, but even she's heard of Amazons. Magic ladies from a magic island of magic ladies, or something. "Wow, okay," she says, her slight startle not just an affectation this time. "I guess that's a weird thing to try to talk about?"

Atlin has posed:
"For some," Atlin admits, a little laugh coming from her lips and a shrug of her shoulders. "In truth, this city is equally as strange for me. The people, the culture...but some of the food is positively wonderous." A little blush for her features yet again, the woman shrugs. "It can intimidate some though. I get the sense I am far from the 'norm' of this world."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella nods sympathetically at Atlin. "Is that it? I assumed people get so invested talking about where you're from than who you are. You start to feel less like a person than a tourist spot." Which isn't a thing that happens to her much--when people objectify her, it's usually for much more predictable reasons--but it has happened enough for her to have some idea.

Atlin has posed:
Topic switch, rather than simply letting herself contemplate why a beautiful woman being so bright when she was down was enough to have her sharing her origins the tanned girl clears her throat, gesturing to the table. "Can I obtain you a drink? Some food?" she questions, gesturing to her own neglected beverage. "I apologise for my...lack of experience in greeting and conversing with human women. Our sisters are close, well known to each other. It is still somewhat strange to meet a 'stranger'.

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella flips one lace-wrist at the offer of food. "Thanks, but I've eaten already. I was actually on my way out of here when I saw you and wanted to say hi. I'm glad I did." The first and third sentences are true; the middle is a lie, expertly and shamelessly told, sandwiched by two true statements. It would be hard to notice the falsehood when her eyes never shift and her voice never wavers, but not impossible. "And hey, don't worry about being awkward. These things are always awkward until we learn how to talk to each other, you know?" she asks. The hand resting on the table slides compassionately forward, ready to be taken and held for comfort if necessary. "I think you're doing just fine, Atlin."

Atlin has posed:
If it was noticed, it wasn't commented upon...but as Amazon empathy went Atlin's own was clearly not sharp enough to be reading thoughts. If anything, there's a little more willingness to embrace the more pleasent feelings cast her way anyway. It was something she'd lacked for a while, and it had grown no less pleasent in its absence. "Thank you Ella, I..." a pause, there's actually a slight embarassed smile. Yet the hand is taken none the less. "'These things', I'm a little out of practice. But...this is the part where I should ask you what brought you to the city, no?"

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella smiles at Atlin, squeezes her hand, and then withdraws just a little bit, out of hand-holding range but still reaching further across the table than is usual. "Sure, that's a good place to start," she agrees, smiling. "It's a little silly. Someone broke into my apartment a few days ago. They caught him here, so I had to come in and do some... I don't know, some legal things, it was all pretty boring. But I got to see him, to look him in the eye, and that was good. That made me feel... like I took back what he took from me." Again, mostly true, except for the parts she leaves out as she cocks her head and forges an embarrassed little laugh. "I'm sorry, that must sound pretty weird to you, but... he hurt me and I won. You know?" she asks, making eye contact again.

Atlin has posed:
"Not at all," Atlin smiles, shrugging a little once more and letting that smile turn into more of a smirk, more of the confindence an Amazon 'should' project to others. "In fact, it's the most normal thing in the world. To look those who have wronged you in the eye and make sure they have seen punishment." A beat, there is a gesture to herself with her other hand. "Of course, if a Man stole from me in my home, our laws would have me in the right to kill him twice over but..."

Another shrug, her eyes move towards the woman's own again. "Celebrate your victory Ella, however you claimed it."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella looks at Atlin, relieved. "I can see you do understand. Thanks, Atlin." This time she doesn't offer her hand and make Atlin take the initiative, she reaches out and squeezes Atlin's hand briefly before leaning back, smiling. "So that's me, a simple tourist on an overnight trip. What about you, Atlin? What brings you to New York?"

Atlin has posed:
"In some ways, it is much the same," Atlin confesses, offering a returned squeeze with a note of amusement to her lips. "I left to see this world, to learn what I could about many things..."

A pause, she tilts her head and considers the door once more. "Perhaps, if you were of the mood, you would like to 'take a walk', see the city with me. If it is truely only a night that you have."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella smiles at Atlin. "I'd like that." She notes that's twice now, possibly three times depending on how you count it, that she's let Atlin make a move. Admittedly that's a deeply ingrained instinct--vampires like to be invited--but the next move has to be hers. She nods toward the bar. "Do you have anything here you need to settle up...?" Probably not, no cafe runs a tab, but you never know.

Atlin has posed:
A shake of her head, Atlin places her mostly forgotten drink aside and makes to stand. "If I am not keeping you from something, somewhere or...someone you were returning to, I would ask you to wander with me. I make for a poor guide for the city, but there is only one way to change that."

The hand is offered, more an invitation to follow than an assumption of continued grasping.

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella chuckles to herself (in her accent, one would almost expect her to laugh "Ah ah ah!"). That's four times now Atlin has made the move. She owes Atlin quite a bit, it seems. She takes Atlin's hand and agrees, "We'll find somewhere nice to end up, I know." She seems unconcerned with getting lost, either confident in her own abilities or trusting of Atlin; or maybe she just has Google maps in her pocket.

    "So what sights do you know?"

Atlin has posed:
Certainly, Atlin's journeys will likely become easier once she masters the intricate abilities of a smartphone, but for now she simply shrugs as she draws Vampirella towards the door, but releases her hand as they step through.

"There are several bridges, a very large park. A statue on an island and several prominent buildings." A pause, she frowns. "There are also quite a few places claiming to sell the 'best pizza' of the city, but I have yet to compare."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella can't repress a theatrical shudder. "I wouldn't dare find out. Garlic allergy." Her coat is too short to have pockets, so her hands fall easily to her sides. "I don't mind watching you eat it, though, if that's a thing you'd want to do. You can tell me all about the texture and, uh, flavor profile, and... and the other things food critics say when they talk about food." She pauses a moment, trying to think of something she's heard people say. "Gluten structures?"

Atlin has posed:
"I have already eaten," the amazon speaks as they walk, herself lacking a coat as well. Still, her hands come up and arms cross under her bust as she walks as a sort of 'self-embrace' more of social reservations rather than any real feeling of cold. "And it would be rude to dine without a companion I'd just invited."

Her path to 'landmarks' was more of a wandering in a general direction, but then she was decidedly bad at this. Attaction might be the same, but Amazon courting could be very different to the culture she was trying to learn.

Ella Normandy has posed:
    "Is it still rude if your companion is alright with it?" Vampirella asks, turning her head to look at Atlin, curious. "I could see it being uncomfortable, but surely it's not rude, unless your culture thinks rudeness is something different than mine does."

Atlin has posed:
"I...don't know..." she admits a chuckle coming from her lips as she looks back to the other woman. "I am trying to make a good impression, but as I said this is a very different world for me. In some ways, it is far easier among our own people. Or maybe it is merely what I've grown up with..." A shake of her head, the Amazon turns back to Ella. "You wished to celebrate your 'victory', I hope that my company will suffice."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Vampirella smiles at Atlin. "I'm still here, right? Tell me about how it would be easier if you were home."

Atlin has posed:
That question brought her to another blush, a nervous look away and uncrossing her arms met with a bite of her lip before she exhales. "It is easier to...converse over shared culture, enjoy more shared physical contest, be far more forward, when it is the 'norm'."

Ella Normandy has posed:
    Speeches go through Vampirella's head. Maybe a teasing one that starts with, 'Well how do you know your ways will work if you don't try?' Or a gentle one that begins with, 'We both know I'm leaving for home tomorrow, so maybe it's okay to go fast.' Even an amusedly impatient one where she asks, 'How much longer are you going to play coy?'

    Any of them would have been basically true. Any of them might work.

    What stops her from giving any of them is the math: four times, Atlin made a move.

    So, Vampirella doesn't say anything. She just grabs Atlin's wrist, hard enough to stop her walking down the street, then loosening up immediately to become a soft, sliding grip as she walks around Atlin to face her. To step into her. To slide that hand up Atlin's arm, toward her shoulder. To look her in the eyes, scarlet lips shining and parted. To touch Atlin's cheek as she closes her eyes and dips in, nose brushing Atlin's, her quickened breath mingling with Atlin's before their lips touch there on a New York street, not caring who sees or objects.

Atlin has posed:
Atlin herself had been the other way. Whatever confidence she might feign earlier, whatever forwardness she might have discussed or fondness she might have displayed with her hand-holding earlier, she'd been decidedly stuck and uncertain.

The looping arm brought a little noise of suprise, a sudden change in path by finding Ella blocking her making the Amazon start a little...then her eyes go wide as she's drawn in. Startled, perhaps even embarassed...but it doesn't matter.

Her lips meet Ella's, brief but intimate for that kiss that only breaks a few seconds later with a soft laugh from the Amazon.

"Yes. Very much like that..."