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Latest revision as of 19:24, 3 March 2020

Lions and tigers and...
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Floyd meets a rather strange man named...also Floyd?
Cast of Characters: Floyd Lawton, Straw Man

Floyd Lawton has posed:
It's a warmish day at the zoo and....Floyd is here on his own. No kids this time for once. He looks over the animals after entering and smiles quietly to himself. Time to check on the snow leopard. That won't ever do what people want. Go figure. Go absolute figure...

So stepping up to the enclosure, Floyd nods to the cat as if it's an old friend. Really, just a pretty feline.

Straw Man has posed:
    "Pretty, isn't he?" the voice from behind is of a gray-bearded man with a sharp looking suit. Armani, most likely. An odd choice perhaps for the zoo. The suit as well is gray, with a hint of red thread running through it, and a navy tie. His hair is balding on top, but it looks as if he hasn't cared for its styling as well as his dress.

    "Stubborn creature, though, never content. Always living in places other cats would avoid, or any sensible animal, really." He doesn't look at Floyd, but starts the conversation as if it was one that had been ongoing for years as he props one foot up, black tipped toe tapping the glass.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
Floyd nods, "He is. I knew a guy I served with who loved wild animals. He was an engineer and always wanted to go to Africa and see the lions. That was his life's dream. Year I got out, he went on vacation to do that. I gave him a hundred to help out" Floyd says lazily. "Every time I see a big cat, I think of JT" he nods and grins. "Bastard loved to put cat posters up in his house. See, he's beautiful" Floyd murmurs watching the feline. "So graceful, so beautifull" he says just lost in amazement at the cat. "I saw him a few days ago when this guy was sketching. Cat would constantly not move" he chuckles. "Poor man was determined to get the cat's other side. That one was not having any of it"

Straw Man has posed:
    There's a knowing smile as the man places his hands casually into his pockets. "I don't know if the poor animal should be faulted for such a thing," he croons. "After all, what might be beautiful from one side might not be from the other. I imagine we all have a side we don't want to be drawn for us in any accuracy."

    The metaphor is thick, and then suddenly dismissed, as if it wasn't necessary to draw out. "And how was JT? Did he see all the carnivorous felines he hoped for?"

Floyd Lawton has posed:
"Oh don't we all know that" Floyd says. "We all got that side. Even graceful majestic animals do" he says and keeps on watching, then turns to the walking suit. "Okay so you're a fan of big cats too, huh?"he asks, stepping out the way as not to obstruct the view. Considerate of the killer, really. Very considerate. Maybe Zoey and Suchi are softening him? Nah. Doubtful! Still, though, Floyd looks pleased. "They have lions here. DiD I hear right they got tigers?"

Straw Man has posed:
    "And bears, oh my," the man finishes the trio with a mock dead pan. He's quiet for a second, and then continues, "I do like cats, though. Yes. They understand something I think. Something that the rest of us higher thinking creatures would rather suppress. A cat has no remorse for their darker side. Did you know, of all the animals in the world, cats are unique in the fact that they hunt for amusement? Not all that different from people, if you ask me. So perhaps not fully unique. Perhaps a brother in arms. We've developed the idea far more significantly, of course, what with sports, hunting, war..." His eyes move back, a grayish blue piercing gaze. "Some choose to make their livelihood off it. Can you imagine?" He smiles, and looks back to the cat. "I do think most people like a little cat in their life. It can be far less dull than a life without. There's nothing wrong with that, I think. As long as you don't let it get out of hand, of course."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
Floyd pauses at 'war' and his eyes flicker. "Yeah we got all that" he says. "But animals. Look at packs of wild dogs or wolves, or herds of goats or something" he says. "TThe so called smart animals. They group up too in the wild. So" Floyd shrugs. "Are we just higher and more evolved animals?"

Floyd shrugs. "I swear you're familiar to me" he says voicing the nagging concern in his voice. he can't place it, but it's that little nag at the back of his mind

Straw Man has posed:
    "Maybe we are," the man answers with an accepting tilt of his head, turning back from the leopard again. Then, like a shot from a rifle, his right arm suddenly darts out, an offer to shake hands. "Floyd is my name," he says with a burst of unexpected cheer, changing the tone. "I get that a lot. Just one of those faces I suppose."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
"Floyd is your name? But that's.../" Floyd says taken aback a moment. Shaking hands though is polite. So he does it. "Hi Floyd. I'm Floyd" he says, unable to not laugh at the absurdity of it all. He just keeps the laughter to a minimum and smiles politely.

Straw Man has posed:
    "Well, imagine that!" The older Floyd answers with a twinkle in his eye. "I suppose that should make it easy for us to remember one another, shouldn't it?" His shake lies in that realm of acceptable, 'just firm enough' status. Not so hard to be commanding, but not so weak as to be secondary. The handshake of an equal. "It certainly is a pleasure, Floyd," he says, repeating the other man's name. "A pleasure most certainly." He releases the hand after a few shakes. "Perhaps we should meet up again, I can sense you are a rather interesting person. I'm sure you have fascinating stories you could tell."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
"Floyd 1 and Floyd 2. Like....ah what was it. Thing 1 an 2" Floyd offers with a raised eybrow and a nod. "My kids like Dr. Seuess" he offers and turns to survey the animals all around them. Indeed, there's everything you'd expect in a zoo....though Floyd's drawn to the bears.

Straw Man has posed:
    "Yes, part and parcel," the older Floyd agrees. "Children are wonderful, such an eye into the world, not yet tainted by the ho hums that us so-called 'grown-ups' will let drag down our every thought." He gives a nod of his head as if it were a bow. "I'm sure we'll see more of each other, Floyd 1," he says, giving the first priority to the assassin. "And perhaps you'll get to know more of who I am as well." He turns as simply as anyone else, and walks past Floyd, and is gone.