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Latest revision as of 02:48, 4 June 2020

Eyes like the Ocean
Date of Scene: 03 June 2020
Location: Tony's party boat.
Synopsis: Peggy and Namor reconnect, and perhaps even grant each other an idea of what may yet be.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Namor

Peggy Carter has posed:
The party is raging on the huge top decks of a yacht definitely big enough to be near a cruise ship. Peggy's found a more quiet place, two or three decks down, a long row of sunbathing chairs for the afternoon along a promenade balcony gazing across the dark water. Half exhausted from the party, still very much in recovery from everything, it's been a good escape from having to be strong face and Director-Emeritus all night. She's settled on one of the lounge chairs she pulled over to the side of the rail so she could watch the water, her black cane resting to the side and the skirt of her 1940s emerald, form skimming dress hugged against her knees. The night air musses her soft, dark curls, but not enough to fully mess them up yet.

Namor has posed:
As Peggy rested there in her chair like she just threw the heart of the ocean back into the sea, King Namor of Atlantis had risen from the deepest corner of the ocean to the surface, having heard that Tony was having quite the party. He poked his head just a little bit out of the water to let his eyes do the rest of the work. He scoffs as he hears all the 'fun' thats being had.

What shocks him though?

The sight of Peggy Carter - alive and well as if it was still the 1980's. His eyes widen a long moment before he dives back into the water silently, only to move himself out of the water to lock eyes with Peggy.

"Peggy? How is it that you live?" He asks her with a degree of suddeness and emotion. It was like a loved one had returned from the grave.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The second sound of something -- no, someone -- cresting out of the water gets her attention. She'd thought initially maybe it was just a dolphin or some over eager fish. But now she blinks, looking down into the evening so her dark eyes can catch sight of the strangely familiar figure before her. Somewhere instinctively she knew Namor was as unaging as she had been since they gave her that formula the first time, but it hadn't really caught up in her mind that he might still be around. She'd braced herself for losing so many she cared about... Peggy's dark, slightly tired eyes blink at him in shock.

She slowly stands, not wearing high heels tonight because recovery is still hard, but her ballet flats carry her fully to the side of the rail so she can look down across the water and take him fully in. It was absolutely him, no doubt. "...Namor?? I... Bloody hell it's good to see you..." She breathes out quietly, her clipped British accent ever clear and a strange little smile following her words. "I... well... the actual answer is stolen soviet cryotechnology and some very lucky last minute genetic engineering, but... I'm... Here..."

Namor has posed:
Namor reaches up to the railing to pull himself up with extreme ease and set himself on the deck near Peggy, looking her in the eyes with a big smile, pulling her into an embrace, if she would allow it. "It is good to see you as well, my old friend. And still as beautiful as the sea." he smiles softly, but frowns lightly. "I never did like genetics and the engineering therein, but it has returned me someone very dear, and so I may be forced to reconsider."

He does notice things like her cane and her uncharacteristic lack of heels. "I imagine the awakening was recent?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The hug is different. While Peggy has put herself together well for tonight's festivities, enough make up to hide the lingering pallor and a dress which doesn't show quite how much weight and muscle she's lost, it's hard to hide that in a hug. Especially when, the last time they did this too many years ago, she was an hourglass powerhouse of muscle beneath a body that wants to be plump but is kept up too much to actually get that soft. She feels fragile to the touch, possibly for the first time since they've ever known each other. Still, she returns the hug tightly, not caring if water gets all over her frock.

"You... you haven't changed a day, have you?" She asks with a breathless little laugh, letting herself pull back enough that they can study each other. Most of the worst damage has been fixed but, if he looks particularly closely, there are a few patches of faintly pink skin, raw and healing, like there was damage there previous on her frame. She nods at the question, "Just a few weeks. This is the first time I've really been... Out."

Namor has posed:
Namor was always a creature of emotion and -feeling-, where Peggy may have been the definite 'thinker' so to speak. All the same, he embraces Peggy and her current figure, whether she is a bombshell in a military suit or no, He eventually pulls away to look at her and he just -smiles-.

"I am the same Namor you have always known. Though much has changed where my circumstance is concerned. I now rule my nation." He's the King of Atlantis?!

He does smile at her. "You are doing well for such a short time in your recovery."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"King?" Peggy laughs a bit more, warmly, the chuckle shocked and a bit breathless as much as anything. "Should I be... bowing or something now? I would not wish to cause an international incident because I knew you when you weren't properly addressed as your Majesty." Still from Britian, the respect of a monarchy is actually deeply engrained in Peggy's veins, no matter how long she worked in the US.

She doesn't let herself return to sitting, not wanting to look quite so broken in front of him, but to be on her feet this long after the previous night, she does reach over to grasp the sleek black cane she's been using during recovery. Just a bit more support while they stand and talk, though she tries to make it look casual. "And perhaps I am doing well but... it's too long a time for my tastes. This whole physical therapy process is... Frustrating."

Namor has posed:
Namor smirks at Peggy. "A bow? No, that will not be necessary. You are a friend, dear Peggy. However, if you wish to grant the King of Atlantis a kiss, that will not be refused either." He winks at her, though he thinks him kissing her is LONG overdue in the Namorian Pride (TM) that Namor possesses, He does not force anything.

He's still a gentleman.

He does watch her grab her cane and he smiles as he tries her damndest to hold herself strong. "I understand. If you wish, I can see what Atlantean healers may do for you."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A gentle wave is given at the offer of the Atlantean healers and she slightly shakes her head, "No, no, it's... just a process. And the SHIELD team who managed to reverse most of the genetic damage really performed some miracles they're still studying, so... I'd rather not interfere with their process. But you are very kind and... thank you. Truly." With that, Peggy does lean over and placs the most chaste of kisses to his cheek, but it's still a kiss. She certainly smells like her old self, a touch of amber oil and vanilla soap. Some things never change, even over too many decades.

Namor has posed:
Namor chuckles a bit when she humbly denies seeking care from poper healers, but he does not seem offended at all. He nods softly. "I see. They essentially granted you a longevity that would otherwise be unnatural." He ponders a long moment, before he feels the warmth of lush lips against his cheek, and he smiles at her, a hand wrapped around her waist to perhaps hold her close.

"Thank you for that, Peggy Carter. Though now I wonder if I may kiss you properly?" he smiles, always a charmer, but perhaps one of Peggy's more sincere suitors. All the same, he looks her long into the eyes, remembering her scent and the softness of skin.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I mean... we did that in the 60s when they experimented with the Infinity Formula on me." Peggy admits, a touch of an almost embarrassed smirk crossing her red velvet painted lips. "The current scientists just fix... mostly... The genetic degradation that had occured from cheating the clock. We're not sure how long it'll stick. All of this is... wild, quite out there science. I admit I've already cheated enough. But..." Peggy gives a faint shrug of her mostly bare shoulders. "We're here. I'm... alive. I don't suppose I should stop fighting for that life now even if the initial decision was... morally questionable?" She gives him a bittersweet smile, dark eyes almost searching for approval for the ethically questionable things she's done.

Then he asks that other question, one quite distracting from the heavier discussion. She blinks, giving him a quieter laugh with just a bit of heat rising in her cheeks. "A kiss on the cheek *is* a proper kiss for friends, you know?" She bandies back with a quiet smirk.

Namor has posed:
Namor nods lightly to Peggy before he's just laughing. "You're alive, Peggy. To me, that is all that truly matters in this moment right now." When she questions if she should stop fighting for that life, he shakes his head. "You should not stop what you believe to be genuinely right, Peggy. After all, before you went on ice, you were -- and still are -- one of the strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

When Peggy suggests that the kiss on the cheek is a kiss that is shared between friends, Namor looks at her. "and what if I wish to kiss you in a manner that is that of more than friends?" His free hand comes up to lightly caress her cheek if she allows such a thing, his long hair flowing wonderfully with the blowing of the wind.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Mm.... There are many, many other strong women now, and that's all I ever wanted. We didn't think about decades later when it all happened back then... Now we're here. But I won't turn my back on the science. Just need to make certain not to waste the second... Third chance I have." He might remember, when they experimented the first time. An assassination attempt which was dangerously close to succeeding. It had been a question of drastic measures, an untested formula to save her life. And it had seemingly worked. But that was the first time they played god, and here she is with strange miracles at her back.

She doesn't turn away from the caress, one brow arching with a hint of skepticism. She'

Peggy Carter has posed:
She's still blushing a bit but, as ever, she doesn't exactly melt into that touch. "I would say I have been back among the living for barely a few weeks and am still adjusting to a... Lot. And generally a dinner and a few dances comes before such indulgences." Peggy smirks a bit more, still rather old fashioned in her courtship sensibility, but that's always been her answer even in the past. Even if, back then, SHIELD took far more of her time.

Namor has posed:
Namor notices how she doesn't move away from his soft touches, his gentle caress, while his other arm intends to wrap itself around her waist to tug her closer to him so that they are chest to chest, if she allows. "What if I were to give you my word to take you to dinner? As for dancing...seeing as we are on a boat meant to be in celebration, shall we have this dance?"

His eyes do not leave hers, looking at her as if fully entranced by her tremendous beauty.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Ever so gently, Peggy begins to shift back from his arms, giving him a fond but firm shake of her head along with her usual, old smile. "Namor... You are charming as ever, and I might not be director any more but... there's a lot of life going on right now. I don't think this is quite the time to start a courtship, even to a handsome king... But it is good to see you." It was the same old dance they've always done. Which, while disappointing, might be somewhat reassuring that it's the same Peggy in that slightly more modern cut dress, with her newly fragile frame and relearning reality.

Namor has posed:
Alas, it was not to be -- at least not yet.

Namor is gently pushed away, which if Namor wanted to remain, he wouldn't even budge, but he does release her from his arms. "It really is you -- you had me worried for a moment, Margaret." Namor might've been one of the only people to refer to her by her actual name rather than a nickname. "I am happy you are on the mend as well. Let me know though if you need any help. We allies should stick together after all."

Peggy Carter has posed:
He's one of the only people *allowed* to call her that. It just seemed natural on his slightly archaic speech patterns and she's gotten used to it over the years. Peggy gives him a softer smile as she finally gives up on trying to be strong and shifts back to sink back into sitting on the lounge chair. She's hiding it well, but the exhaustion in her bones is clear to someone who knows her. "It is absolutely me. And... I'm glad to be here as well. But, I'll probably be taking my leave of this party soon. It seems an 'All night Stark rager' is not quite on the list of things I have the energy for."

Namor has posed:
Namor nods slightly to Peggy before he looks alarmed, watching as Peggy slinks down. He manages to catch her, and assists her in sitting back down on the bench. "Call one of your SHIELD comrades, Margaret. I believe you have been out and about for too long...you have not yet regained your strength." After that, he nods softly. "Tkae your leave of that fool Stark. He knows not what his actions will unleash until after the fact. Until we meet again, Margaret." he kisses her knuckles, or attempts to, before he dives back into the ocean, swimming back to Atlantis.