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Latest revision as of 02:48, 4 June 2020

Don't Blink Or You'll Miss It
Date of Scene: 02 June 2020
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Clarice comes to speak to Charles about the world at large.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Charles Xavier

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
With the destruction of Genosha Clarice has found herself without a home all of a sudden. The place she had known all her life, the best and the worst of it, was gone. But her duty remained to the members of the Royal line, at least those had survived. So she found herself here at Xavier's school more often than not, serving as a bodyguard to Lorna but also staying with some old friends and finding new ones.

Today though, she had asked to speak with Charles Xavier. It had never been someone she had long talks with, mostly seeing him when she had visited the school, or otherwise seeing the man from afar. But her curiosity got the best of her, so she was here to talk, perhaps to glean on what he thought about all this that was happening in the world.

At the appointed hour she reaches the door to Charles's office, a light knock on it. "It's Clarice." she announces.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles, sat behind his desk, was pouring over some papers. Yes, actual old school papers that he was thumbing through with a furrow to his brow that displayed a concern far more than his normal disposition would. At the announcement of Clarice however, he sets the papers down and puts a smile on, not a forced one but a natural one despite the circumstances around.

"Clarice, yes, please come in. Sorry I was a bit distracted and lost track of time. Obviously there's been a bit going on of late." The man motions to a chair across from the desk, "Would you care for some tea?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The door opens up to reveal the 'elven' mutant's face, unnatural green eyes, the pointed ears, the purple hair. A faint, tentative smile when she steps in. She closes the door behind her and only then does she speaks. "Yes, it never stops around here, does it?"

The offer for a seat seems welcome, the young mutant making her way over to sit down. "If you are having tea, sure. I could drink a cup, thank you." she settles down on her chair, regarding the Professor for a few moments in silence before finally speaking up again.

"And thank you for receiving me, I was hoping to find your opinion, and your insight, on all this that has been going on. I have always heard great things about you, sir." by whom?! Magneto?!

Charles Xavier has posed:
Xavier does have a tea kettle that he keeps on a heating implement behind his desk, so he turns to pour a pair of warm cups and hands one over to Clarice, managing a small chuckle, "Behind every claim like that is usually some truth and some exageration." He settles his own cup of tea down in front of him after a sip of it. "Which situation were you most specifically thinking of Clarice? There's a good many at present."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Unfortunately.., there are, yes." Clarice says with a nod, reaching to take her own cup with both hands, not yet drinking it. "I have been made aware of what is going on with those that were kidnapped." a frown growing up on her expression. "I am hoping we can rescue them soon." she very easily putting herself in a position to help.

A small drink of her tea and then she continues, "But in this case I wished to hear your thoughts about the Genosha situation, and what is happening around it, the unrest, and now this Stryker claiming for us to be hunted down..." she trails off, blinking once, eyes settling on the Professor's face.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Hmm, yes..." Charles says, pausing and sighing softly, "I have put thought into this for some time. I believe the foundation of any discussion has to begin with establishing common points. Are there evil mutants? Yes. Are all mutants therefore evil? No. The same is true for any group. It is the narrative of the ignorant to label all members of a group collectively, and that goes both ways. Erik, despite being a good man in many regards, fell into this trap as well. He believed that because some humans were evil, all were. Those lines of thought lead to only one conclusion."

That's when Charles sips his tea again, "It is also foolish to believe that those that wish you harm should be ignored. They shouldn't be, but nor should excessive force be the retaliation. As mutants, our powers give us the ability to exceed the force of response that others may present us. As much as I care for Lorna, I do worry that her fear drove her to an excessive response. A response was certainly necessary, please understand that, but her past experiences guided her to excess."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice considers in silence for a time, listening, lips pressed to a thin line in thought at what is being shared. Yes, very different from what Erik advocates. "Fear drives them to act against us." she eventually speaks up. "In the same way that fear can make us act in the same manner. In the end we are all the same, is that what you are saying?"

A pause and then she adds, "Her actions also sent a message that Genosha will not abide to being conquered again by the magistrates." her expression shifting to one bordering on upset. Clearly her story with the magistrates wasn't the best. "Would they stop trying otherwise?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
"It did. It sent several messages. And those messages were heard by people who want to utilize hatred. You see Clarice, we cannot both say it is unacceptable for the Humans to make Sentinels and try to kill us, then turn around and use our powers to kill them. It does not matter whom starts the conflict, because the conflict won't end, it will only escelate." Charles sighs softly, "I do not fault Lorna for defending Genosha, please understand that, I only wish she had done so with a bit more restraint."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice's own expression seems troubled for a few moments, thoughtful, considering what is being spoken. "Yet they struck and killed us in Genosha. Millions have already been taken away by the sentinels, and we were just trying to make our own living." the purple-haired mutant shaking her head briefly to herself. "And yes, I suppose the 'they struck first' argument isn't the best, but when will they stop hunting us?"

A moment to drink some tea, because tea makes everything better, eyes down on her cup for a bit and watching the liquid inside, "Isn't there that saying .., The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...?" a small frown coming to her expression. "I suppose my question would be.., what can we do to solve this that isn't acting with force?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
"There is a difference between response of force and excessive force. If someone brings a knife at us, and we response with the force of 10,000 suns exploding we only strengthen their minds that we are the threat," Charles says softly, "But to believe that there is some situation where they will stop hunting us is naive, Clarice. There will always be people who hate us, because there will always be people who hate." Xavier leans forward some, "That is the great, sad truth. There are bad humans but not all humans are bad. So the question I would ask you to consider is this; Yes there are horrible, truly evil Magistrates. But does that mean all magistrates are evil? And you believe that, then can you fault them for beliving that because there are some evil mutants all mutants are evil?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
That brings her to stop a bit, watching Charles, her brows furrowed at that response.. "No, I don't suppose they will ever stop, will they?" the young woman letting out a sigh of resignation. Yet those last questions make her shake her head. "It's hard to not think of them as being all evil, but no. I don't think they all are. Many are just people." she placing the cup of tea on the table. ".. the same on our side. Many are just mutants wanting to make a living." she had seen her own share of those during her times as slave, no matter how much she wouldn't like to accept it.

"I want to make a difference though. I won't let the human hatred rule over us."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"And nor should you. So the question becomes how do we make a difference. The truth, Clarice is that there are some people on both sides who have hardened their hearts and decided to hate. Then there are the rest who are uncertain what to believe, that are looking for a sign, for guidance. Something that presents hope that hatred is not the only path." He smiles at her then, "So the question becomes how do we make a difference that shows those who have not decided that there is hope. We aren't alone in that. There's good people who want a reason to believe. We have to give it to them."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice leans back on her chair, arms folding about her waist while she ponders what Charles just said. For someone who has always been so used to following orders it's bringing her a lot to think about. "How to make a difference..." she mulls on that for a few moments, expression twisting in thought.

"Do you mean by being a hero? A beacon of hope?" she then asks, lifting a brow. "It is what you try to do here, with the X-men, isn't it?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles nods his head, smiling, "Yes. It is exactly what we try to do here. Try being the key word. Sometimes we're successful, sometimes we fail, but we're going to get up and try to do it again. To bring hope by showing the potential best of what we can be. A hero is ... it's honestly a term Clarice I don't like. A hero means there has to be a villain. I'd love for us to simply be able to help people without there needing to be someone to stop. But like I said, that won't happen either."

He sips his tea a little bit then speaks softly, "If we can bring hope besides having to stand up to evil, then we have truly reached our dream. The ability to inspire people to the point where all are willing to stand against hatred."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Yes, it is as you said. There will always be hatred, and a villain." But Clarice's smile does grow a touch wider at the professor's words, she taking in a deep breath, "It is a good goal, one that I hope we can honestly achieve. One that I hope I can be a part of too."

The talk seems to have lifted her spirits somewhat, so when she slides back on her chair there is a deep nod of thanks given to Charles. "Thank you for this talk, Professor. You have given me much to consider." but then a small pause, she regarding Charles again.

"If there is anything I can do to help here, please. Don't hesitate to ask." her tone earnest.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"I believe that time will be coming very soon Clarice, the time for more of us to step up in ways we weren't expecting to. Knowing that you are ready to do so is very promising. And know that I am very glad that you are here with us. My door is always open, you know that," Charles affirms with a warm smile.