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Latest revision as of 21:37, 7 June 2020

It's always rainy in Gotham
Date of Scene: 06 June 2020
Location: Star City Coffee
Synopsis: Urban Spelunking is where it's at
Cast of Characters: Alice Sinclaire, Albert Rothstein

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
The rain was coming down hard outside. The streets tended to clear out in this kind of weather, except for all the cars, all the homeless and of course all the people caught in it. Inside the cafe Alice has tended to the brews, arranged the pastries, aligned the chairs, filled the sugar bowls. There isn't usually many customers when the weather is like this. It's a nice time to relax and listen to the pitter patter of the hard rain drops on the canvas awning outside the shop that emblasen its name Star City Coffee. Different company name, same dumb job. Between her training as a ninja with Owari-san and her urban explorations, it's been harder and harder to switch off her mind in the dead hours of serving coffee.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein did a morning work out at the Gym. A older muscle car pulls into one of the parking spots than can be seen from the interior of the shop, and out of it steps a huge guy. Al ducks his head a bit as he comes to the shop and ducks his way through the front door. He will pull off a hat he was wearing, exposing the red mohawk that is pulled back into a pony tail currently. He will look around a moment, and then head over to the counter, offering the people here a nod and a general smile.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice looks uuuuup, all the way up to Albert as he approaches the counter. There's only one couple in the corner, whispering to each other and sharing their phone screens back and forth, chuckling about silly memes. It's a culture Alice hasn't quite figured out yet - may be one day. But that mohawk is a culture she understands at least. "Right on, nice hawk," she says offering a diminutive fist bump to the extra tall customer. "What can I get for you big guy?," she says feeling like she's facing off against one of the giant monsters of the void but she's already given away the best options for retreat. She squeezes her eyes shut a moment to throw away those thoughts and memories. "That's a gnarly ride you have," she says commenting on the old muscle car outside.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will offer the fist back and a smile "Thanks, was thinking maybe something with a little bit of caramel and a caffeine . " He offers her a smile, and says "I built the cougar mostly from the ground up." He says seeming proud of his car and the work he did on it. He looks over and says "What is good for the doughnuts? I think I want something special if you got something good."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice offers, "Caramel Brulee Coffee?" Her eyes move to the donuts on display and says, "Oh well you can't go past the cinnamon chocolate delight. Cinnamon on the outside, the inside is filled with chocolate chips that have melted on the inside. It's decadence." There's a smile from her and she glances past him at the car, "Wow, from the ground up. That's impressive. I've never worked on cars. Bikes yes, but not cars." It didn't seem possible but the rain comes down harder and faster. The traffic is slowing down due to the bad visibility. Cold air shoots in through the door and Alice moves out from behind the counter to shut the door with a small jingle of its bell. "I'm sure the heaters will kick in soon folks, fear not," she assures the couple in the corner who are giving her looks of 'brrr this is cold'.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will have turned towards the door to help but beaten to it by Alice." He smiles and says "Largest size of the coffee, and lets say three of the delights." He offers with a smile. "I have did some work on bikes, but most of the time it is either cars or helicopters." He will admit "So, your a fan of things that go fast?" He will ask her. He does look at places near the counter for seating.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
There's one table nestled up next to the counter for just such occasions. It is a cosy little coffee shop after all. Alice normally hates it when people sit there, but she wouldn't mind this gigantic guy there. "Three?! Okidokie daddio," she grins and turns to work on the coffee, "Take a seat if you want and I'll bring it to you."

She arranges the three donuts on a plate and finishes the coffee with the brulee and caramel mix in a swirl. "Yeah. I do like going fast. I got a taste for it with dirt bikes when I was a kid and then I spent the better part of two dozen years constantly on the run." She looks 23, she must be making a joke. "So it's in my blood now, I also like urban spelunking, that's another good adrenaline sink." She offers her hand to him, "I'm Alice. Nice to see a new face."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein does shake her hand and says "Albert, but you can call me Al." He tells her, "I aint never done any urban spelunking, but could be interesting, might be a bit harder for me, trying to fit through some places." He does not mention his cheat for that part. "I figure today I am allowed a bit of cheat day." HE says of the food as she plates it up for him.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
She puts it down on the table and asks, "Can I get you anything else Al. Though, that seems like a lot of food but you look like you come with an appetite." She smiles and leans against the counter top as she chats with him. "Urban spelunking is certainly not for everybody, but most places are still accessible. Old buildings, storm drains, abandoned office complexes and factories. There can be some tight fits from time to time." She certainly has the flexibility to handle those tight fits, but she too cheats. "What do you do for your speed kicks?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smiles and says "Well usually jets and helicopters the most, but I do take the car out to the track now and again." He admits. "I think this is pretty good, but if you want to sit and chat while it is not to busy your welcome to join me." He looks to her and says "Gotham seems like it would be interesting for that perhaps a bit dangerous but interesting. You do it with a group or out on your own?"

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice shrugs her shoulders and very much doubts anyone else will be coming in for a while. The couple in the corner are glancing out at the street waiting for their taxi to turn up. Alice takes a seat with the big guy and says, "I go on my own. I have a bullet proof vest and I'm thinking of getting one of those twitching cameras? for your tube?" Yeah, she really doesn't know the terminology. "Some of the places are a bit dangerous. You see bullet holes in the walls where people have been learning to shoot automatic rifles. There's probably gangs that hang around in these abandoned buildings from time to time. I've certainly seen a few blood stains on walls and floors and police tape, but I've yet to actually encounter anyone danger. But hey, I have my ways to handle those situations. Lots of people with amazing skills in the world these days."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head a bit to this and says "And a determined person who is willing to put in the time, can have some amazing abilities, my godfather, he used to run with a bunch of guys who had a lot more abilities than he did, but he held his own." He tells a bit of that. "I was out looking at some warehouses out in new york yesterday and heard a few gunshots, so guess it is dangerous most places these days. "Sounds like it might be interesting though maybe I could join ya sometime, see what we could find."

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice hmms, "Your godfather had ..super human abilities? cool." She smiles coyly and then nods her head, "Sure why not, could be fun watching you bump your head on things." There's a playful wink added there, but she sifts her phone out from underneath her apron. She opens up the back and takes a sim card taped there and puts it in the holder, then holds down the power button for a while until it finally turns on and boots up. Who keeps their phone off and un-simmed like that. "Just one moment, it has to you know start up." The starkphone logo appears and a chirpy little startup noise and finally it's active. "Right." She stares at the icons for a moment, then strokes her finger delicately to the left to go to a new set of icons and then touches one. "Add.. contact." She presses the + icon. It doesn't seem like she's all too used to modern technology. "Okay what's your phone number Al?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will pull his own phone out not the newest model but one of the sturdier ones. He will bring his number up to give her the number "Well he started off not having powers but with a tangle with... well my grandfather that changed a bit." He admits not naming names but maybe giving a bit away "Al, my godfather taught me though ya don't give up, and abilities or not, you work hard enough you will succeed." He gives her a bit of a smile and "So do most of your exploring without GPS?"

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice lifts an eyebrow, trying to look mysterious as she puts his phone number in to her phone and writes 'Al' as the name. "Gee.. PS. Mm. Yes. Definitely no GPS." The look on her face gives it away, she has absolutely no idea what GPS is. "I just find interesting places by wandering around and then go in if they look weird enough. I think if I took footage of it, people might really enjoy it. Since no one seems to be interested in hiring me for my degree this might be my next .. thing? you know? reinvent yourself and all that. Your godfather sounds like a cool guy. I bet he rubbed off on you."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods and says "He is a great guy, he taught me a lot." He admits. He files the not knowing away what GPS is away for later, in case it is important. He looks her over and says "Whats your degree in?" He will ask her. "If your going to do the whole youtuber, explorer thing might want to make sure you have plenty of video storage with you not sure how well you would be able to broadcast out from some of the deeper parts of the city.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice is exploring her phones settings now, "I'm trying to find my number, one moment." She hmms and looks up to him as he asks about her degree, "Bachelor in Physics. I was very much the black sheep of the family and no one thought I could do it. I got a really great job from it too. Well, while it lasted anyway." She glances around the store and then shrugs her shoulders, "What can you do hm? Storage you say. Aha found it." She holds up her phone so you can see the phone number. "Yeah okay lots of storage is a good idea thank you. May be I can get a tripod too, like those survival guys do and film myself making my way through obstacles."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head a bit to this and will put in her number under Coffee Alice. "You could things you will need to think about though, anything ya bring you will have to carry unless you bring me or someone along for a pack mule." He munches a bit of his food, and after a swallow of coffee he will add. "Just remember if your using a tripod to record something like that means you have t go through it three times per shot.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice chuckles a moment as if he just told her a lovely joke. "..right." She doesn't elaborate on her opinion about going through it three times. "I do tend to try and go light on these things. I'm used to traveling light. I prefer not to ware myself out, these trips are a marathon - not a sprint. But it'll be fun, I think you'll enjoy it Al. I often go at night time, which helps when hiding from security. When are you usually free?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein says, "I am good most evenings, don't have classes usually until around 10 in the morning, and unless it is a special case, I am normally off work by six or seven in the evening. If I get my own set up that might change some depending on how things go there might be later some nights." He hmmms and nods to her phone "You normally have it on at specific times?""

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice nods her head, "Yes. I am required to turn it off for my martial arts training." - "Turn it off properly," she amends lifting a finger. Clearly she has a very paranoid martial arts teacher. "Do you do any martial arts? It's one of my hobbies and luckily I've found myself a sensei who doesn't charge and doesn't have to pay rent on a dojo." The couple in the corner see their taxi turn up and rush out in to the heavy rain to get inside, momentarily blowing a mass of cold air in to the room. Alice shivers a moment as it hits her. "Yeesh. Nasty Gotham weather. Could make for some great footage too now that I think about it." She ponders, "My phone is usually on during the day and often off during the night, if that helps. Sometimes I forget to put it back together though." She waggles it in her hand and then secrets away behind her apron.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit to this and says "Boxing never got much into martial arts, but not above learning a bit." He explains of his way of fighting." He will lean a bit to try to block the wind from her at the shiver. "Mine is on most of the time, just silent mode in class." He admits. "I might need a bit of time to get here if we plan a run though, I am living in Nee York, near Empire State U.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice lifts her eyebrows a moment and nods her head, "Boxing? I've done some kick boxing. It was fun.. hm. What is it you do at school? seems like you're burning the candle at both ends. I know that feeling, that was me all through university too." - "I'm not that familiar with New York though I do go there to see my lawyer more than I'd like. If you do know of some good urban spelunking in New York City, let me know and we'll do it. Gotham... Gotham is full of it, you can't hardly walk three blocks without stumbling on something interesting."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit and says "Yea my Godfather's training again, he was trained by a heavy weight champ, and I asked him to train me the same way." He admits. "I am studying engineering, so might be able to help design and work on engines. I mean right now I could take one apart and put it back together but if I am wanting to work on the fancy toys it is better to have the degree to back things up you know?

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
Alice nods her head, "Yes absolutely. That's really cool I hope that works out well for you." She smiles and says, "So, I'll give you a call and we'll go urban spelunking Al. I'm looking forward to it. Though, there's probably something you should know before you completely say yes. I cheat sometimes. I'm not actually a super human, but I can teleport because of.. reasons. So, yeah, I tend to get around pretty quickly that way. I hope that isn't a deal breaker for you."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smirks a bit about something and says "Well, I may have a way past a thing or two if need be myself." He admits. He looks her over and says I think it might be fun to go out and see what we can find and get into." He admits "Heck may even throw together a backpack for it today, got some free time today.

Alice Sinclaire has posed:
She grins broadly, "Great. Then you won't be freaked out by it when I do it." Another customer enters and she gets back up and goes behind the counter, "Hello sir what can I get for you.."