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Latest revision as of 21:40, 7 June 2020

Aftermath of Ulik and his Goblins
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Aftermath of Ulik turns into an all you can eat buffet.
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Paige Guthrie

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Bloody, but healed in a matter of seconds after that blade was yanked from her back, Heather made sure that the kid.... we'll call him Kevin, was loaded into the ambulance and on his way before she let her adrenaline fade out.
    Only after all of that, she lets out her breath and pulls on the windbreaker offered to her by emergency services since that sports bra she was wearing is mostly falling off by now. Once the windbreaker is on, she reaches under and removes the flimsily disintegrating top, wrinkling her nose as she plucks it out and sees the blood and slashes and holes, "Well, so much for my official Titans workout uniform." she mutters as the ambulance departs.
    She turns to regard Paige and lifts her brows, "So, where'd you come in from when you landed so hard nearby?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I went after the big guy," Paige says. "but he was pretty tough, and when War Machine put him down I kinda got flung off." She was given a parka, too, since functionally she's nude right now, despite being chromed steel through and through. Once the ambulance leaves, she makes her way over to where her backpack and spare change of clothes are. Once she retrieves them, she sticks out a hand to Heather. "I'm Paige. Paige Guthrie. Pleased to meet you. "

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Lifting a brow, Heather asks, "You just give out your real name to folks?" she asks. "I mean I'm out publicly, so there's no harm there for me. I'm Heather Danielson." Yeah, that Heather Danielson, the 18 year old who was on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit four months back. "Codename Knockout." she adds, "Of the Titans."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
It's hard to tell but Paige is blushing right now at being called out on not using her codename. "I... I just figured that since we're heroes and I just dug a knife out of your back that real names are okay." She starts looking around for a convenient bush or bathroom that she could use to change in. "They call me Husk."

Paige's eyes go wide, "The Titans? That's all the way out in Metropolis! What're you doing here?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Modling gig. Happened to be in the city for that, and was in the park for a run when all this went down." she says before she looks around to check to see if anyone can see over here, and then gestures to a tree where she moves to block any view. "As you change, give me the parka and I'll use it to make some more cover for you."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods, and ducks behind the tree, handing Heather the parka. "I've been going to college admissions to see what it takes to get into University," she says. After a *SHRIIIP* she husks out of her steel body backing into her standard flesh and blood one. There's some rustling as she digs out her spare change of clothes from her backpack and quickly pulls on the jeans and t-shirt.

"Okay," she says. "I'm decent now." She sighs, "I wish I could find a way to husk without destroying my clothes in the process. It's a pain having to always bring a spare set of clothes with you wherever you go."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Believe me, I feel your pain." mutters Heather as she shakes her head. "Trust me, getting shot, stabbed, cut... pretty much anything that hurts -me- tends to destroy what I'm wearing. I wish I had some self-healing clothing or some sorta of Nano-technobabble type stuff to make them out of. I'm not a science sort. I just get paid to show off in a bikini."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I'm good with technology," Paige says, showing off her 'Programming with C#' textbook. A book that's clearly college level despite Paige clearly being a teenager. "I'm going to get into information security." She chuckles and gives Heather a wry grin and slips back to her native Kentuckian accent, "Not bad for a country gal, right?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Not bad at all, better'n me for sure." offers Heather. But now that you are fully dressed, she hands the parka back and says, "For the record, I am -starving-. Can I buy you a snack somewhere? My healing factor demands protein replenishment ... lots of replenishment."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Well, there /was/ a hot dog cart in the area that I would have suggested, but it recently was turned into a rocket," Paige jokes, her accent back to being the careful neutral that she's cultivated over the years. "I'm still new to the city myself, so I don't know what's in the area. I'd love a snack myself. "

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Shrugging her shoulders, Heather offers a beaming smile. "Well, my fannypack survived, so I still have my credit card. So what say we head out of the park. There's a Chinese place near my hotel that I have been eating at religiously. They have the best rangoon." That said, she turns and starts strutting off.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ooh! Rangoon!" Paige certainly seems like she likes the sound of that. "I haven't had good Chinese in ages." She follows Heather out of the park. "So what's it like being in the Titans?" she asks, making light conversation on the way there. "I want to join the X-Men, myself."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Don't take this the wrong way, but.. why?" asks Heather. She turns to walk backwards so she can talk to you. "What I mean is... shouldn't the whole objective for mutants be to integrate with the rest of the population, not separate themselves into a team of just mutants." She shrugs, "I couldn't care less -what- a person is. My only concern is who they are. But it seems counterproductive to the whole mutant issue to set yourselves apart."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige looks thoughtful at the question, and takes a moment to compose an answer. "Ideally, yes. It shouldn't matter what a person is, but it does. It matters a lot for a lot of different reasons. It matters for people of color. It matters for Jews and queer folk. Not just for the prejudice against them, but for the pride they feel for being part of that culture."

"I'm proud to be a mutant," she says, standing a bit straighter as she says it. "And as long as there are people out there trying to kill us for what we are, we need to protect our own, and while we're at it, we'll protect others as well, because everybody could use a hand from time to time. That's what it means to be an X-Man."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Her smile becomes a wide grin. "Now -that- is a good answer. A well reasoned and thought out answer." Heather says, "I know that as a straight white girl, I have zero legs to stand on when it comes to racism in the world. But your answer makes a -lot- of sense to me. I never considered it from that point of view. If you are proud of it, and that's what the X-Men mean to you, then I say you go for it. Don't let me, or anyone else talk you out of it... ever."
    That said, she steps out onto the sidewalk and turns left. "Two blocks down." she says, "You'll love the place."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige breaks out into a grin when Heather clearly understands her points. "Glad to oblige. I'm also wanting to go to college for Information Security. We didn't have a computer back at the farmhouse where I grew up, but once I got my hands on one at the School, it turns out I have something of a knack for them."

She nods and continues to follow Heather until they get to the place. "What about you? Got any plans for the future beyond modelling and Teen Titaning?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, my original plans were to make enough money to take care of my parents. And.. I've done that now." offers Heather as she steps over and opens the door. She opens it and holds it for you. "Now... I have no idea really. I mean, I got these powers from apparently, the super hero lottery. Otherwise known as some crazy Hydra experimental drugs that intermingled in my body in an unknown quantity... and gave me super strength and super healing powers. Daddy told me that I should use'em to help others. So, I joined the Titans."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods solemnly. "Yeah. Sam... my brother... went to work in the coal mines once our pa got sick. He's doing other things now, but I understand wanting to have enough to take care of your folks." She gracefully accepts the offer and walks past the door into the lobby of the Chinese restaurant.

"It's a good thing that you've got that modeling career, because being a super hero really doesn't pay that much," she jokes.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "That all depends on marketing and merchandise, doesn't it?" Heather asks with a snicker. "But you're right. The Titans thing is not for money. The Titans thing is because I want to do something good and useful with my abilities. And that's a lot easier with support and friends rather than trying to do it on my own."
    That said, Heather lets the door shut, and in her bike shorts and windbreaker.. what a terrible look. Not to mention the blood staining her throat. But she smiles to the staff and says, "Can I get my usual table? For two today. I think we might want to use your buffet. But.. I understand, I'll pay triple for myself."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I wouldn't know," Paige says. "I've never been a model myself. Wouldn't know how to do it. I know how to run a farm, though. How to cook and sew and all that. Kind of had to after pa died, and Sam went to the mines. I'm the eldest after him, and we got eight other kids to take care of."

Paige just kind of boggles when Heather says she'll pay triple for herself. Just how much does this girl plan to eat? She doesn't say anything, though. That would be rude. "You'll want to use the bathroom, too," she says, keeping her voice low. "You've got blood all down the front of you."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I hav... oh shit." mutters Heather, "I guess we should have gone to my hotel first." she mutters as she smiles to the hostess, "I'll meet my friend here at the table. I'm gonna go powder my nose."
    That said, she smiles to Paige and nods, "Be right back." she says before turning and sauntering off towards the ladies room to wash up.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige smiles apologetically at the hostess, as she's shown to their table. When asked if she wants the buffet too, she nods and mentions that she'll only need to pay single for herself, please and thank you. It's hard for her to just sit and wait, so she pulls out her textbook and starts reading it until Heather cleans herself up.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    It's only a few minutes before Heather turns back up. She looks a lot better. There was time to get cleaned up, -and- run some water through her hair, and get some of the splatter off of her face and well... she just has that totally unfair look that is difficult to spoil.
    "Okay. Ready to eat?" she asks with a grin as she turns and starts towards the Buffet.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods and sets aside her textbook to wander over to the buffet with Heather. "One of the good things about my powers," she says in a low voice, "is that all the dirt and grime just kind of comes off with the skin. It's handy for when you don't have time to take a shower."

Now as far as the buffet goes, Paige doesn't load up her plate like most people want to do first time around. She gets a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, and some of that rangoon that Heather mentioned. Also, those little donut buns that these places have? Definitely a couple of those.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, Heather obviously plans to eat this place out of house and home. She loads up a plate, heaping with rice and chicken and pork and dumplings, and then a smaller plate has eight rangoon placed on it. "I am officially jealous." Heather says, "But does it hurt when you ... you know, change? slough off a layer?" she asks. "I mean I feel all the pain of the wounds I take and heal. It actually kinda sucks but..." she shrugs, "I'm starting to get used to it." and that said, she carries her two plates away, heading back to the table.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Not really it's like..." she pauses as she boggles at the sheer amount of food that's on Heather's plate. "It's like when you have a really bad sunburn, and then the skin is healing and you can peel it off? It feels like that." She follows Heather back to the table with her meagre pickings in comparison and sits down. "It only starts to hurt when I have to do it again and again and again. That fight I had to husk three times, well, four if you count the last time when I went back to normal. Started stinging then, but nothing too bad."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding, Heather shrugs, "Well, I'm glad it didn't get to the point where it hurt like hell." And she starts to eat. It's not like watching The Flash eat. But she makes up for her lack of eating speed with her enthusiasm.
    After three or four bites, she looks up and shrugs with a smile, "My powers need fuel. And I did a -lot- of healing today. Got stabbed twice, got shot by three arrows..." She shakes her head, "Protein like I said." she says. "So, rather than paying for one plate and then eating three peoples' worth, I pay for three people so the restaurant doesn't lose money on me."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Makes sense," Paige says. She doesn't eat with the same kind of gusto that Heather does. She just doesn't need that kind of chloric intake. "Wow," she says amazed at the human pincushion that Heather became. "That's... that's a lot to heal from. I only know a couple of people who could do that."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "These days, that's my whole schtick. But, if I got up to try to avoid those things, that kid could've died. I knew I'd live so..." Heather shrugs and stuffs her face a bit more. "So, future X-Man and computer expert eh?" she asks. "You should totally come visit the Titans Tower one of these days. We got a pool on the roof and everything. I'd love to have you for a visit."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige's eyes light up at the thought of going to visit the Tower. "I'd /love/ to! I've always wanted to visit Metropolis." She finally gets to the rangoon and she mmms! "This really /is/ good!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "They use real cream cheese." says Heather as she scoops more orange chicken into her mouth. Most girls are jealous that she eats as much as a high school football team and stays skinny. I mean she needs to work out to keep her shape, hence the running in the park. But anyone else would be a blimp.
    But she grins, "You helped out today. You helped save that kid. But also you helped -me- out. It was getting hard to talk with that blade in my lung." Heather offers. "So, if you wanted to come by, I'd even buy you a new bikini at the boutique I use."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"It was in your /lung/?" Paige asks, amazed. "Wow. I didn't know that. That was..." The girl is at a loss for words. "Wow." She eats another rangoon. "Thank you, I think I will stop on by. I'll have to convince my overprotective brother to let me go, though. and you don't have to buy me a bikini," she says blushing. "I don't think I'm a bikini kind of girl."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "So a one piece. Whatever. I want to do something nice, and it's kinda my whole thing. Aside from the healing thing, I -am- a bathing suit model." Heather grins then and finishes off her plate before setting it aside and reaching for her rangoon plate.
    "You -could- bring your brother along with you if you wanted. That might help him feel safe about it. Make sure he knows it's not some trick."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige looks thoughtful for a moment. "I think that'll work, yeah. Besides," She chuckles, "He's the one with the car." Before she knows it her plate is finished. She'll stay and chat with Heather until the Titan is done with her meal, then she'll insist on paying for her own tab before they part ways to head back to their respective homes.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Okay then. Here's my personal number.." She rattles off a number and then adds, "If it'll help you convince him to visit, tell him my name. I'm sure he'll have seen pics of me online somewhere. I am also sure he won't mind if I offer to take a selfie with him in a bikini. I mean me in one, not him." offers Heather, not above using her modeling career to convince new friends' brothers to visit. "But be safe and thanks for all the help." she offers upon parting.