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Latest revision as of 15:36, 8 June 2020

The Hero of Tomorrow, Today
Date of Scene: 08 June 2020
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Booster Gold holds open auditions for a sidekick, but there are no takers. There are, however, a few heroes incognito in the crowd, and Freddy Freeman offers some free advice on how to be a hero.
Cast of Characters: Booster Gold, Freddy Freeman

Booster Gold has posed:
While Midtown Manhattan is normally filled with the raucous noise of busy activity, this afternoon it's deafening.

Shouts, screams, cries, gasps--crowds of people run for their lives ...

... toward a makeshift booth in Times Square whose sign reads:


"Come one, come all!" Booster Gold himself shouts into a megaphone, striking bodybuilder poses between his pronouncements. "Do you have what it takes to be my champion chum? Show me what you got!"

The amassing crowd takes countless pictures and records the scene, although relatively few seem genuinely interested in this ad hoc audition.

"No need to wait!" Booster says, slightly less confidently. "Heroism waits for no one, but I'll, uh, be there for you!"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    The midday shouts and screams might be concerning for the average passerby, what with New York's myriad of costumed villains. It's so easy for a day in the office to turn into a super brawl once rush hour hits.
    Luckily, Freddy penciled this event into his calendar weeks ago and knows exactly what's going on. The cries are just part of the fun!
    "Freddy?" A young dark-skinned girl tugs on the sleeve of his graphic tee, the Superman logo faded on it. "Can we get costumes like him? It's so shiny!"
    "Now, Darla," Freddy says, camcorder pointed at Booster. "You know Sha...the Wizard didn't really give us much room to work with in the fashion department."

Booster Gold has posed:
"Hey!" Booster says, with a snap of fingers. "Who'd like to meet my bestest buddy, Skeets?"

On cue, a small flying object made of gold soars down from above, zipping about like a drone. <<GREETINGS POTENTIAL SIDEKICKS!>> a synthesized voice exclaims cheerily.

"So howzabout it?" the costumed hero asks, pointing at different passersby. "Wanna give it the ol' college try?"

"No thanks," says the first, waving her hand dismissively. "I just wanted to see if /this/ was real." She stifles a chuckle.

"Fine, fine!" Booster replies, spinning on his heel to point at someone else. "How about you, uh, old-timer?" he asks, his finger directed at an octogenerian.

"Ehhhh, I'd do it if I were younger! Heh heh!" the old man wheezes, and much of the crowd nearby laughs.

"Skeets, I'm dying here," Booster mumbles to his floating robot.

"Okay, okay," the hero calls out through his megaphone. "Third time's the charm. How about ..."

He points toward a dark-haired teenager with a camcorder.

"... you?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "You know you recorded yourself saying that, right?" The girl giggles. "I hope you're not planning on using that for your channel..."
    "Damnit! Hey, don't tell Victor and Rosa I said that."
    Her giggling only intensifies as Freddy fiddles with the camcorder, trying to restart the video sans magic old dude talk. Enter the spotlight! "Huh," Freddy responds dumbly to Booster's attention. He regains footing, lifting his crutch lightly and rolling his eyes. "Yeah, sure, make the disabled kid your sidekick. What is this, the Make-a-Wish Foundation? Boo!"
    "Come on, Freddy, you know more about superheroes than anyone!" Darla's all energy, mindfully pushing her brother towards Booster.
    "What's the deal, anyway?" Freddy asks. "Is like an open tryout kinda thing..."

Booster Gold has posed:
"Whoa!" Booster says, raising his hands in shocked defense. "Booster Gold, Inc. is proud to offer equal opportunity to all potential sidekicks! But if you weren't interested, kid, why be all up in my business?"

Some of the other attendees to this 'tryout' begin to boo and shout at Booster Gold.

"Aww, come on!" he calls out with a sigh. "We're trying our best here! Please clap ..."

Skeets emits a loud chime.

"Woops!" Booster says, clapping his own hands together once. "I guess that nobody's made it to Round 2 from Midtown. We'll just have to see who's got the stuff in Gotham when we run our next trial on Friday. Find out more by following me on Twitter!"

The boos grow louder, and various items begin getting tossed at the hero: empty water bottles, candy bars, and other assorted trash.

"Unnecessary!" Booster says, packing up the makeshift booth. "I thought this city loved heroes--what gives?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "You wear spandex and call yourself a hero, it's my job to be up in your business!" Freddy shouts back, pointing at the camera. It'd work better if he had a press badge, but he's still working on that. Gotta save up for college somehow.
    Darla claps excitedly, as if on command, and even lets out a big whoop in response to Skeets' chime but sorta deflates when the trials come to an end. "What! We came all this way!"
    "S'okay, Darla. You can always be my sidekick." Freddy says with a wink, approaching Booster and his robotic companion.
    "Protip: If you want a sidekick, you pick up a kid at an orphanage or something like Batman. People eat that stuff up, but this" A vague gesture to the ruined booth. "This feels like a shallow. Nobody wants to feel like they have to prove something to hero." His advice seems genuine despite his heckling.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Ha!" Booster says, putting his hands on his hips and looking around. "Why don't you leave the how-to of heroics to the adults, buddy?"

Then, he leans in and hands Freddy a business card. "But seriously," he whispers, "email me and maybe we can figure out some sort of consulting gig. If your ideas are good, that is."

He stands back up and shouts, "What's that, Skeets? A robbery in progress?"

Skeets buzzes. <<No, sir, nothing was-->>

"I'll get right on it!" Booster exclaims, tucking his broken-down booth under his arm and leaping up into the sky, floating. "Thanks again for your hospitality, New York! Live strong and stay golden!"

Then, Booster flies off down the block. Part of his booth falls into an alley entrance, clanging as it impacts the ground.

Skeets the robot zips before Freddy. <<I am authorized to award you a one-year promotional membership in the official Booster Gold Fan Club for your contributions to the efforts of 'America's Greatest Hero'. *Sigh.* Email the address on the card and all will be set up. Thank you.>>

Then it, too, soars off into the distance.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Freddy takes the card, flips it back and forth. "My ideas are great, thankyouverymuch."
    "What are the chances there's actually a robbery?" Darla muses, watching the heroic duo soar away.
    "Low,"The dark-haired Champion sighs, but his face lights up with a broad grin. "But just in case?" He holds out his hand for his foster sister, and when their palms meet in a high-five, they say in unison: "Shazam!"