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Latest revision as of 15:36, 8 June 2020

Meeting the boss.
Date of Scene: 08 June 2020
Location: Shop Classroom - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: And The Boss meets the big new hire.
Cast of Characters: Albert Rothstein, Morrigan MacIntyre

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein showed up at the school earlier, checked in with the secretary after Daisy showed him where the office was. He then got a map of the school and headed to check out the shop classes. He pulled his cougar to the bay doors and went inside. and there he has spent most of the day checking over things, familiarizing himself with where things are and making sure it is all in good working order. In fact as it starts to get a bit dark there are still lights on in the shop area.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Dark was a good thing. It meant Morrigan didn't have to deal with sunglasses and all that. Duncan, Morrigan's secretary had told her that her new hire was in when she came in to check on things. So the Irish woman heads down to the autoshop bays. The door is opened and the violet eyed woman steps in, looking around to see if Albert is easily spotted. "Mister Rothstein?" she calls.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein stands up from behind a piece of machinery he was working on and easily spotted, well yea. The first thing to be saw is a tall red mohawk, and then you see the man, as he stands and seems to just keep standing. Albert stands a full seven and a half foot tall. He recognizes the voice he things and will ask "Miss Macintyre?" to see if he is right. He will reach for a rag and wipes his hands off "Hey, Albert Rothstein at your service."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up...and up..., "Wow." she chuckles. "Sorry. Sorry, that was rude." she shakes her head. "You're so tall though, it was just a surprise." she adds. "And I'm Doctor MacIntyre, aye. Miss is fine as well." she offers as she crosses the distance and offers a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Albert. And welcome to Happy Harbor. I apologize I was not around earlier to greet you properly." she states. "Are you settling in alright? Finding everything okay?" she asks him.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shakes the hand without squeezing to hard but giving a decent hand shake. "Yea, seems everything so far is in good shape, who ever I am subbing for kept things in good condition it seems. Did notice one spot where there is a bit of an odd looking weld but it seems well done and sturdy." He admits. "I met the IT teacher when I showed up, she showed me around a bit." He tells the lady. "And a pleasure to meet you Dr. MacIntyre." He does use the proper address and will try to make a habit of it, at least while on campus.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan smiles at the handshake, she's a much cooler person so doesn't mind it. "Mister Storm is very particular about the upkeep, so I'm sure everything will be in good condition. He's off for the summer doing...whatever he wants really." she muses. "Ah, Miss Johnson. Daisy is a good person and someone I was going to suggest getting to know." she nods to that. "And if I get all information overload just let me know. I'm sure most of the paperwork and things will get taken care of fairly quickly." she mentions.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "I believe I have it all in, got my certifications, when I heard about the job. I am taking only a night class or two this summer, so being here to teach anyone with summer school should be rather simple for me. I did want to look over a bit more detail on what is expected with the Phys Ed classes, it seemed a little vague at spots.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Excellent, I'm glad that it's all in then." Morrigan tells him. "The kids can be a handful sometimes, but otherwise they are good guys." she muses to that. "As for Phys Ed. I've got an updated plan in my office I can send over unless you'd like to just do your own freestyle thing? I'm good with people being creative in things really." she states.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein says, "Well I would like to see it, I could use a bit of an idea where to start, I don't think they would respond well to how I was trained, but I believe I can use part of it in teaching them. My Godfather was trained by a champion boxer, and he trained me. Speaking of which whats the policy on contact sports?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan nods to that, "I'll get it sent over to you tomorrow if that works." she offers. "And sadly we have to go easy on the kids when it comes to things like training. No military style stuff or golden gloves boxing." she chuckles. "And we are fine with contact sports. We have a fencing team and things like that." she tells him. "Just would have to get them up and moving." she admits.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "I am mostly boxing and basketball myself, but I did not know if you would want soccer, and football as possible things to help get them in shape. Anything special you feel I should know?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan thinks on things for a moment and there's a bit of a smile, "I think you should meet Xiomara, she's one of our students and she loves punching bullies. If she was trained in boxing...I think it would be a great benefit really." she states. "Otherwise there's not much else to know. We're still a bit new in the school running, but, we'll get evened out next year I'm hoping." she explains. "Is there anything you need? Any special requests? If you find you don't have something just let me know and we can get it." she adds.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hmms and says "Not that I can think of off the top of my head." He thinks about it for a moment. "As for teaching boxing I can, can set it up as an elective with having to get permission if that helps keep the school from trouble.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to Albert, "That sounds like a good idea really. I might come down and watch or participate to see how I might hold up." she muses. "Anyways, I should probably get out of your hair and let you get settled in and all of that. Duncan and I are only a call away should you need us." she tells him with a smile.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "They gave me the keys for the bay doors here, I should be done and out of here within the next hour or so. I just wanted to make sure what was here and the condition as I said earlier. It looks in good condition and should not have a problem with it.